The Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag in an astounding authentic historic image.   

This sale is of an approximately 8x10 image (larger and clearer than the image shown) that will be on Kodak Bright White Paper 8 ½ x 11 labeled 24 lb and can be framed.  The image WILL NOT have the web address of the ebay store on the image ( ).  It WILL HAVE the detailed historical description because the image is graphic art and intended for educational and historical purposes and it will have on it as shown at the end of the description.  

As a bonus, and free of charge, the image is supplemented with a separate historic description of the news-making discoveries about the image (more below) and how it transpired, memorializing the events for the sake of posterity, and authored by Attorney Rex Curry.   It also serves to authenticate the history of the image and that it is a collectible item acquired from the website that archives the work of the lawyer and historian who made the discoveries.

How the discoveries were made is a fascinating story in itself.  The disoveries were made by accident during legal research involving litigation about the pledge by attorney Rex Curry.  And the image(s) were acquired in the process.

Attorney Curry is the person who discovered that the straight-arm salute of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis) came from the USA's original pledge of allegiance in government schools.  

The “Pledge of Allegiance” was authored by Francis Bellamy, cousin and cohort of Edward Bellamy, author of the book "Looking Backward." They were both self-proclaimed national socialists in the USA and active with the "Nationalism" movement, "Nationalist Clubs" worldwide, the "Nationalist" magazine, the "New Nation" magazine, and the "Nationalist Educational Association.
The Nationalist Magazine

Francis Bellamy (and Edward Bellamy) influenced socialists in Germany, and his pledge was the origin of their salute.

The Pledge began with a military salute that extended outward toward the flag.  The military salute became the Nazi salute.

Many people forget that “Nazi” meant “National Socialist German Workers’ Party.”  Rex Curry also made the news-breaking discovery that although the swastika was an ancient symbol, it was sometimes used by the Nazis to represent overlapping "S" letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party.  That also makes it a mnemonic device for the etymology of the shorthand term.  It is explained in the book "Swastika Secrets."

The book "The Pledge of Allegiance and the Bellamys," (by Rex Curry) exposes the influence of Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy upon the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): 62 million dead under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 35 million dead under the People's Republic of China; 21 million dead under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Attorney Curry helped to prove that the straight arm salute did not come from ancient Rome.

Attorney Curry is a collector and dealer in amazing images like this and is happy to be able to provide it to others. As a libertarian and a lawyer, he acquires amazing images while providing legal services nationwide and worldwide as a business attorney and in criminal defense and that expands this dealer work constantly. Please make contact about any need.  Rex also works with jewelry, wrist watches, coins, stamps, collectibles, watch crystals, watch repair parts & tools etc.

This sale is only of a copy of an original image and is the particular image copy that is emailed, and the seller retains all copyright/copyrights including the right to sell the same image, other copies of the image, or the original image source, to other buyers as many times as the seller desires.

The merchandise will be placed unfolded into a large envelope that will hold 8 1/2 x 11 size paper.   There is $5 for packaging, shipping and handling. Payment by check will delay delivery.  If mailing payment then post to:  Rex Curry, P.O. Box 8816, Tampa, FL 33674-8816.   Email to

EBAY POLICY DISCLAIMER: To our knowledge and belief this item is NOT currently banned by any legal entity or government to exclude them from any specific geographical area worldwide.  This is a genuine truthful image of America's heritage and such items are "relics of an era where racially inappropriate and insensitive products were widely available. . . and serve as important tools for education about the past". (Ebay policy on Offensive Materials, paragraph 9.) Further, these are images about government policy in the USA, education and its utlimate reform.  It is meant to promote the character of an educational and fascinating place to do business on EBAY where the average consumer is better educated and more discerning than elsewhere. These are not intended, nor do they, promote or glorify hatred, violence, or racial intolerance. They do the exact opposite.  They expose and warn against hatred, violence and racial intolerance.  People who suppress the images cover-up for and glorify hatred, violence and racial intolerance, in addition to ignorance.  Therefore, it is our considered position that this listing in NO WAY violates EBAY policies. We have respectfully and diligently striven to maintain compliance with EBAY policies. salute 4.jpg Nazi salute, Hitler salute, Fascist salute, Roman salute, Third Reich salute