In 1895 Francis Bellamy left the Youth's Companion Magazine for Edward Bok's Ladies Home Journal.  Bellamy was a chief manuscript reader. He became bored with this job and after four months and went to The Illustrated American.

Following his cousin, Edward Bellamy, Francis exposed biases against southern Europeans. Francis revealed his prejudices in articles he penned as Editor and Manager of The Illustrated American (circa 1895).  Francis attacked open immigration. In an August 28, 1897, editorial he said the following:

"The hard inescapable fact is that men are not born equal. Neither are they born free, but all in bonds to their ancestors and their environments...

"The success of government by the people will depend upon the stuff that people are made of. The people must realize their responsibility to themselves. They must guard, more jealously even than their liberties, the quality of their blood.

"A democracy like ours cannot afford to throw itself open to the world. Where every man is a lawmaker, every dull-witted or fanatical immigrant admitted to our citizenship is a bane to the commonwealth. Where all classes of society merge insensibly into one another every alien immigrant of inferior race may bring corruption to the stock.

"There are races, more or less akin to our own, whom we may admit freely, and get nothing but advantage from the infusion of their wholesome blood. But there are other races which we cannot assimilate without a lowering of our racial standard, which should be as sacred to us as the sanctity of our homes."

In praise of the sport of football and his Northern European ancestry in a November 13, 1897, editorial he states:

"The stuff in our Anglo-Saxon blood which supplies the sure foundation of football's popularity also supplies the stamina and wholesome aggressiveness of our race. The sane impulse of conflict that is in us needs some recognition. Football meets that unforgotten need of the race which in the days of chivalry had to be satisfied by the tourney and the joust.

"There is no quality that a nation can less afford to lose than its aggressive manliness. It is a quality amalgamate of courage, endurance, restraint, and the power to act surely and unfalteringly in an emergency. It is a quality which football tends to foster and to keep alive.."

His views on the blacks apparently were ambivalent. In a January 15, 1898, editorial, he said:

"We are witnessing the beginning of a new campaign in the long war of races in the South It is the beginning of a battle for independence for one race, and the loss of political rights for another. The white man is in the saddle for the overthrow of negro dominion...

"The leaders of the negroes have been unendurable, more than the negro voters themselves. .. So white Republicans make common cause with Democrats for the disfranchisement of the negro...

"When the Southern finds a method for accomplishing his purpose he does not stop. Will he be able to intimidate the whole race of black men while he takes quick action to deprive them of their political rights? Will they make no protest, raise no mob revolt, enter into no fellowship- of terrible revenge against the race which would thus sweep their rights aside?"

In a May 22, 1897, editorial, he mentions in passing his view of the Mexican labor force:

"Cheap peon labor in Mexico is of a shiftless and unreliable kind. The native Mexican works only that he may live. If he can live for a month on the rewards of a week's work, he will work for twelve weeks out of the year and not a week more."