Below is the "rexwrite" response to the non-libertarian
article on the right.

      Capitalism is good, and socialism/communism is bad. The virtue of capitalism is that it puts special value on people. Socialism/communism places no value on people. Capitalism is based entirely on the supply and demand of people.  A capitalist company that made potato chips for example would need --X number of potatoes, Y amount of salt, and Z number of human beings for labor. The human beings have much more value than the potatoes or the salt. And capitalists consider it good to pay the humans the maximum they possibly can to attract workers from other endeavors and to increase profits, which result in increased profits to the workers in the form of higher pay.  Under socialism/communism people have no value, and are simply subjects under the government's control.

     According to capitalist theory people (including workers)  compete to see who can work for the most money per hour. They say everyone competes even with the people in Mexico and China to see who can make the most money. A company can't make billions in profit while paying its employees starvation wages (an idiotic comment from stupid socialists) because the employees can't work when they are dead from starvation.  A company has to pay the maximum wages in order to keep his workers from taking jobs elsewhere as workers seek greater profits.  At least the laws of supply and demand are not violated.  

Under socialism/communism,  if people die of starvation that is fine (e.g. the socialist trio that caused actual massive starvation: the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, People's Republic of China, National Socialist German Workers' Party). Socialists/communists can always use violence to get more people. If there is not enough work for everyone to do then they think people need to die off.  The non-fiction socialist trio of the worst atrocities (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, People's Republic of China, National Socialist German Workers' Party) did everything right according to the socialists/communists and followed the beliefs and values of socialism/communism.

       The apologists for the non-fictional Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, People's Republic of China, and National Socialist German Workers' Party correctly point out that people only embrace socialism/communism for violence and theft. Of course that is true. Anyone can see that communism is a big mistake.

But wouldn't socialists/communists destroy jobs, higher wages and better businesses by using government violence and theft to prevent people from starting business for billions in profits rather than only millions?  Socialists/communists want to limit the opportunities of workers.

      What if there had been laws that made sure working people could make profits under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, People's Republic of China, and National Socialist German Workers' Party? Would that have been so terrible? Instead the socialist trio of the anti-profit people caused the world's most terrible atrocities and poverty for workers.  
       Under capitalism there are laws that make sure working people can share in profits by buying stocks, making investments even starting their own businesses.  Why do socialists/communists think it is terrible for workers to have those rights under the law?

      Socialists/communists oppose true welfare and want the government to use violence to steal, and pretend to help but only suffle other people's money, and create poverty and misery. Capitalists oppose government theft (government welfare) and say that orphans and other needy people should be helped by charity and the wealth that free people in a free economy create through better jobs and higher wages.

How much charity would there be when socialists/communists  openly say that charity is degrading, that selfishness is degrading and that the government should take care of everything? The answer is none as shown by the socialist trio of the worst atrocities: the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, People's Republic of China, National Socialist German Workers' Party.   The greatest charity occurs where capitalists openly say that selfishness is a great virtue.

If there was no government welfare then people would not be dissuaded by "the government is doing it" and people would have more money to be charitable, and people would pay for everything and make sure the charity was actually helpful. Meanwhile, most socialists/communists would not pay one thin dime.

When socialists/communists say "fair share" they mean that they want government welfare in order to steal from the youngest and neediest and to give to those who are better off, and hope people don't realize it.

Rejecting violence and theft, including government violence and theft, is part of having civilization.  Otherwise, you follow the socialist trio of the most uncivilized atrocities and poverty: the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, People's Republic of China, National Socialist German Workers' Party.

            We have socialistic laws that  make things worse for people.  Socialists claim there are laws that purport to give people extra pay if they work over forty hours.  But only stupid socialists are unaware that there is a lot more to the law than that lie, many alternatives, and that otherwise the law does not say that workers will work more than 40 hours, even if they want to and need the money.  The hackneyed socialist phrase is more proof of how socialist laws ensure people will have poverty and no retirement.

Socialism is for doing away with freedom so workers can be enslaved and taxed and be as poor as possible.  There are laws that keep people from getting ripped off when they buy a house. Socialism is against that, and is against the private ownership of homes. Socialism is bad for people.

Below are comments from one critic about my article on
the loophole to Godwin's law.

      Capitalism and Communism are both bad. The problem with capitalism is that it puts no special value on people. Capitalism is based on supply and demand. A capitalist company that made potato chips for example would need--X number of potatoes, Y amount of salt, and Z number of human beings for labor. The human beings have no more value than the potatoes or the salt. And they consider it good to pay they humans as little as they possibly can to increase their profits.

     According to capitalist theory people must compete to see who will work for the least pennies per hour. They say everyone must compete with the people in Mexico and China to see who will work for the fewest pennies. If a company makes billions in profit while paying its employees starvation wages that is perfectly fine. At least the sacred laws of supply and demand are not violated.

If the people die of starvation that is fine too. You can always get more people. If there is not enough work for everyone to do then they think people need to die off. Ebenezer Scrooge did everything right according to the capitalists and followed the beliefs and values of capitalism.

       The apologists for  the Scrooges correctly point out that
people only start business for a profit. Of course that is true.
Anyone can see that communism is a big mistake.

But wouldn't people start the business for only millions in profits rather than billions?

What if there were laws that made sure working people got a reasonable share of the profit? Would that be so terrible?

      Capitalists oppose welfare and say that orphans and other needy people should be helped by charity.

How much charity would there be when capitalists openly say that selfishness is a great virtue?

If there was no welfare then the charitable people would have to pay for everything while most people would not pay one thin dime.

We have welfare so people all pay their fair share.

It is part of having civilization.

            We have many laws that  make things better for people.  There are laws that give people extra pay if they work over forty hours. There are laws that ensure people will have retirement.

Capitalism is for doing away with the laws so businesses can be free to be as  greedy as possible.There are laws that keep people from getting ripped off when they buy a house. Capitalism is against that. Capitalism is bad for people.