This web site originated the libertarian phrase "the separation of school
and state is as important as the separation of church and state." On
October 4, 2003, a google search was performed for the quoted phrase "the
separation of school and state is as important as the separation of church
and state." There were about a dozen hits on both the web and
on newsgroups, and they were all attributed to The oldest reference
was from 1997, showing how the sentence had not been picked up or repeated
over the span of 6 years. However, a google web search for two independent
phrases in one search, "separation of school and state" and "separation of
church and state," gave hundreds of hits discussing the same concept, yet
never having put the concept into a single sentence, as done here first in
1997. That is fascinating, and a source of great admiration for this
web site for being the originator and sole user for so long. for more ideas
on the ending government schools see
and for more information on the USA's growing police state see