PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & Heil Hitler Hooey exposed in photographs of American Nazism & National Socialism salutes....

     From the book "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning" by Jonah Goldberg - "Religion was the glue that held this American national socialism together. Bellamy believed that his brand of socialist nationalism was the true application of Jesus'  teachings. His cousin Francis Bellamy, the author of the Pledge of Allegiance, was similarly devoted. A founding member of the first Nationalist Club of Boston and co-founder of the Society of Christian Socialists, Francis wrote a Sermon, "Jesus, the Socialist," that electrified parishes acorss the country. In an expression of his "military socialism," the Pledge of Allegiance was accompanied by a [stiff-arm] salute to the flag in American public schools. Indeed, some contend that the Nazis got the idea for their salute from America." (page 216).
     "The story of the Pledge of Allegiance and its National Socialist roots is a fascinating one. Dr. Rex Curry, a passionate libertarian, has made the issue his white whale. See " (page 440, n. 25)

"Go get'em, Ahab!" - from Owen Whitman

Heil Hitler photographs Hail Hitler & the Hitler Greeting must be rejected & Nazism & Pledge salutes              Pledge of Allegiance Republic of China ROC Taipei Times Nazi salute
Pledge of Allegiance photograph

Pledge of Allegiance to the flag The USA's Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).

The swastika was used by the military and by socialists in the USA and in the USSR, before it was used by the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP).
The swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent "S" letters joined for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen").
Francis Bellamy & Edward Bellamy touted National Socialism and the police state in the USA decades before their dogma was exported to Germany. They influenced the NSDAP, its dogma, symbols and rituals. and

The Pledge of Allegiance is a lot longer and more involved than the two-word "Heil Hitler!" And "Heil Hitler" lasted a much shorter period of time: The Pledge began in 1892 and it hasn't stopped yet. Hell if I know what to make of it all.

H.L. Mencken observed, "The kind of man who demands that government enforce his ideas is always the kind whose ideas are idiotic.” (A Mencken Chrestomathy, p. 622).

In contrast, idiotic ideas have nothing going for them.  The only way to implement an idiotic idea widely and surely is through force – which is the root of the Pledge of Allegiance and laws for leading the chants in government schools (socialist schools) daily.

Nazi salute mongolia neo-nazis use America's salute from early Pledge of Allegiance

This is a comparison of two weird photographs: (1) Mongolian Neo-Nazis who are anti chinese and doing the early American pledge salute and (2) Government officials in China also doing the early American pledge salute and no one who writes about it realizes that the Mongolian anti Chinese Neo-Nazis are performing a salute that continues to be used by government officials in China, and that both groups are performing a gesture that originated in the USA's Pledge of Allegiance written by a man (Francis Bellamy) so paranoid of foreigners (including Chinese and Mongolians) that he wanted to make everyone the same by having the government take over all schools and have all children chanting his pledge of allegiance. See the work of the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").

Another one of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's socialist programs or pogroms after the government's depression of 1929 -
   Japanese pledge of allegiance to the flag sports day olympic salute nazis fascists socialists
Americans of Japanese descent perform early American stiff-arm salute at internment camp
(Another one of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's socialist programs or pogroms after the government's depression of 1929).

A different photograph is often seen that is a poignant image of Japanese-American children saying the pledge of allegiance (with the hand-over-the heart) soon after President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered the relocation of 120,000 Japanese-Americans into internment camps in the West (said hand-over-the-heart photo is by Dorothea Lange). The people who display Lange's hand-over-the-heart pic never show the stiff-armed salute photograph of Japanese-Americans (or any Americans) and never mention Dr. Rex Curry's work showing that it was the origin of the Hitler salute/Nazi salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party. Part of the reason is a media cover-up of the early pledge history, and part of the reason is sheer ignorance of the Pledge of Allegiance caused by government schools (socialist schools) that in turn cover-up the pledge's putrid past.

Lange also photographed Thomas Cave with his social security number tattooed to his arm during the government's depression in 1939 (the year that the National Socialist German Workers Party joined as allies with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in a pact to divide up Europe and both invaded Poland et cetera).

Lange, a photographer working for the ominously titled Resettlement Administration (RA), had previously worked for FERA (forerunner of today's FEMA) and later the FSA, took the picture of the socialist slave number under the auspices of the USDA. Before the New Deal, government was much smaller, and, saving the USDA, these "alphabetics" (as they were also called) did not exist.

Government in the USA subjected many people of many cultures to military socialism and taught them to perform the early American stiff-arm salute (adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party).  Some societies are still performing the early American straight-arm salute, as shown in more photographs.

The stiff-arm salute in the United States was also adopted as the official Olympic salute and spread internationally. See

Americans of Japanese descent were exposed to the early American stiff-armed salute in government schools (socialist schools) and at internment camps. The following photograph shows an internment camp in the U.S. with Americans of Japanese descent.

Japan still uses the American salute as shown in a video on with the ignorant title ", Roman Salute @ Sports Day"  Ah Japan, posted by gaijingunma on April 01, 2009
Also see

Japanese military use the American Salute? Pledge of Allegiance origin.
American salute Japanese military salute Nazi salute
Japanese military use the American Salute? Pledge of Allegiance origin. Is that the flag of the Japanese army and navy?

Pledge of Allegiance exposed at
Pledge of Allegiance in Shocking PHOTOS PAGE 1
Pledge of Allegiance in Shocking PHOTOGRAPHS PAGE 2
Pledge of Allegiance in Shocking PHOTOGRAPHS PAGE 3
Pledge of Allegiance in Shocking PHOTOGRAPHS PAGE 4
Pledge of Allegiance in Shocking PHOTOGRAPHS PAGE 5
Pledge of Allegiance in Shocking PHOTOGRAPHS PAGE 6
Pledge of Allegiance in Shocking PHOTOGRAPHS PAGE 7
Pledge of Allegiance in Shocking PHOTOGRAPHS PAGE 8
Pledge of Allegiance in Shocking PHOTOGRAPHS PAGE 9

Red Swastik Movie Review
Red Swastika Movie Review

Mao copied Hitler's Mein Kampf, with Mao's Little Red Book and its hatred of capitalists and economic freedom. Chinese socialists behaved in ways similar to socialists in Germany under the National Socialist German Workers Party, including arm bands, and the cult of personality. Mao announced that he wanted to re-unite the "Homeland." That included Tibet where over 1 million people were slaughtered in Mao's record-setting socialist killing spree that spanned decades. Over 6000 monasteries were destroyed.

Chinese Socialists also copied the stiff armed salute created by American socialists (the early Pledge of Allegiance salute) that was adopted later by German socialists. They still use the old American socialist salute. This is from January 6, 2006: "There was a part called the 'Vow of the Sports Day' which I found incredibly hilarious. The kids had their arms up in a salute. I’ve noticed that a lot of Taiwanese people have no idea about what exactly Nazis are and what the Holocaust is. Anyway, the kids and the students were doing a Nazi salute, which I found most amusing. Even more amusing was Robert, another foreign teacher. He is in his mid-thirties and Polish. He made a mock Hitler salute as well, and I found this hilarious because he was showing us what the assembled kids were trying to look like. Nazis. Little itty bitty Nazis. Ah well, I’ve often compared the Sinjhuang branch of the school to a prison camp." from

China's straight-arm salute is also shown at the following link (or shown below) from the Taipei Times in the Republic of China, with government officials being sworn in.

Learn about the Red Swastika Society

More people globally are learning about the work of symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets") showing the use of the swastika as crossed S-letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party.

And see Red Swastik movie poster

And the book by Michael Slade "Swastika"

Swastika Michael Slade book


While attending the Lansing Tea party, and while listening to reports of other tea parties it became apparent that Americans are hopelessly in love with saying the pledge of allegiance. The irony of hundreds of thousands of Americans gathering to protest government oppression all the while reciting a pledge that was created and legislatively exalted with the express purpose of uniting people to the unitary state was surreal. It was like viewing people who gathered to protest their enslavement opening their ceremony with a ritual that sang the praise of chains.  - by Bret McAtee, April 20, 2009

See Dr. Ron Paul, a Congressman, mention the Pledge of Allegiance and the socialist Francis Bellamy in this YouTube video

Demilitarize government schools in the USA !

Demilitarization of education has begun, but still has a long way to go.

“I am a Turk, I am honest, I am a hard worker and my principle is to love the elderly, protect those younger than me and love my country more than myself.” These are the first words of the Turkish pledge of allegiance.

Every morning since 1933, Turkish primary school students have had to repeat the national pledge of allegiance (Andımız), in which they say, “I offer my existence to the Turkish nation as a gift.” But this week the Human Rights Association (İHD), on the occasion of April 23, when Turkey celebrates National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, is planning to appeal to the Ministry of Education with a petition for this pledge of allegiance to be abolished.

Such a militaristic and discriminatory approach in education can be seen only in totalitarian regimes. We will appeal to the Ministry of Education for its abolishment. If the ministry refuses to do that, we will open a court case in the administrative court. If we cannot get any results there, we will appeal to the European Court of Human Rights,” İHD Chairman Öztürk Türkdoğan said.

He recalled that last week the Ministry of Education amended a regulation under which children were organized into military-style ranks with military titles. Öztürk said such a move is welcomed, but definitely not sufficient.

The Human Rights Association is planning to appeal to the Ministry of Education with a petition to abolish the national pledge of allegiance on the occasion of April 23, when Turkey celebrates National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. Turkish primary school students have had to repeat the allegiance every morning since 1933.

[it is frightening to note that 1933 is about 4 decades after the American salute practice started, and that it is the year that the National Socialist German Workers Party achieved dictatorship. Turkey was following bad paths.]

The regulation, which was issued in the year 1965, ordered students to participate in official ceremonies in military style. Students had to march and form groups under the name of “squads.” Their teachers were called “commanders.”

[Would it have been worse if they called their teachers and each other "comrades" as under the National Socialist German Workers Party (~20 million slaughtered) and under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? (~60 million slaughtered). It is bizarre to note that Stalin found his early seminary life to be oppressive: It wasn't as oppressive as socialist life and the millions of deaths Stalin caused].

Zübeyde Kılıç, head of the Education Personnel Union (Eğitim-Sen), said teachers welcomed the amendment, but that school curriculum remains full of militaristic, discriminatory and nationalist material.

“Education aims at development and improvement. In order to reach this aim, students have to feel themselves free. But these militaristic regulations and the pledge of allegiance, which has to be said every day, are against the sprit of education,” she said.

She added that if primary school students are learning such terms as “squad” and “commander” and being organized into military-style units they will absorb this militarism and, when they grow up, they will think that it is normal.

“The same thing is also true for the pledge of allegiance. In our schools there are different students coming from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. But such a pledge of allegiance from the very beginning brings discrimination. All the militaristic, discriminatory, nationalist and religious approaches should be cleansed from education,” she underlined.

A recent report entitled “Human Rights in School Books,” the result of a collaborative effort between the History Foundation and the Turkish Human Rights Foundation (TİHV) involving a survey of 139 textbooks, found that the books contained many militaristic, nationalist, racist and gender-biased sections. Only 11 books were found to be unproblematic.

The project found that the books did not develop critical perspectives and were problematic in terms of creating an “us versus them” mentality and not promoting peaceful values. The project suggested that Turkish school curriculum should be reviewed according to the international agreements that Turkey has signed and that the “National Security Class,” in which children are instructed by military personnel, should be abolished.

21.04.2009   News      AYŞE KARABAT Ankara

For example, to have children make the pledge of allegiance every morning at school is definitely an obstacle to them developing a free way of thinking and a violation of their rights. Believe me, it takes a lot of time, energy and extra effort later on to make children think about the importance of the right to life, after they have repeated the sentence, "I offer my existence to the Turkish nation as a gift," as stated in the pledge of allegiance, for eight years every morning. On the other hand, thanks to the complexity of the pledge, the children are not able to understand what they are saying.

The pledge when I was a student was slightly different. It said "my law," in Turkish "yasam," but we used to say it "yasağım," which means "I am prohibited." We used to say "I am prohibited" not because we were making fun of it, but just because we used to think that it was extremely normal to be prohibited. The pledge which has been repeated since 1933 was recently changed, and instead of "my law" the children now say "my principle."   

I also want to underline the date of 1933. During these years, totalitarian regimes were on the rise and some officials of the one-party regime in Turkey at that time admired these regimes. Those totalitarian regimes have long since been condemned; the one-party regime of Turkey has changed since then, but some habits remain, like the mentality of schoolbooks.

A recent report titled "Human Rights in Schoolbooks," the result of a collaborative effort between the History Foundation and the Turkish Human Rights Foundation (TİHV) involving a survey of 139 textbooks, found that the books contained many militaristic, nationalist, racist and gender-biased sections. The project found that the books did not encourage the development of critical perspectives and were problematic in terms of creating an "us versus them" mentality and did not promote peaceful values.

Starting from hitting children with rifle butts, making them shout the pledge of allegiance and along with the messages in the schoolbooks, it is impossible not to think that under these circumstances the best thing we can do for children is to leave them alone, and to feel that such a kind of helplessness when it comes to children's rights is like being struck with a rifle butt, too.


  Heil Hitler & socialists image thumbnail must be rejected in the Pledge of Allegiance along with other socialists socialism stalin mao hitler The socialist trio of atrocities


The Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology, exposed by Dr. Rex Curry.
Martin Winkler debunked
Socialists image at
Nazi salutes

Turkish Pledge of allegiance posters removed under false pretenses

An Association of Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed Peoples (Mazlum-Der) Diyarbakır branch campaign against the practice of the morning reading of the Turkish pledge of allegiance at primary schools has reportedly been sabotaged by individuals who introduced themselves as police officers.

Twenty Mazlum-Der posters were adhered to Diyarbakır billboards on Sunday night, protesting the practice of reading the pledge of allegians in schools. But just one day after they were put up, the posters were covered up by the company that rented out the billboards, after receiving a phone call from individuals who identified themselves as police officers.

“They called the firm and ordered them to cover over the billboards with the posters immediately, saying they had a court order [to that end] which they would fax soon,” Selahattin Çoban, chairman of the Mazlum-Der Diyarbakır branch, told Today's Zaman.

Çoban added that when Mazlum-Der learned about the event in the morning, they contacted the public prosecutor's office. “The prosecutors told us that there was no court warrant for the posters' removal. We don't know who did this,” Çoban said.

Since April, several human rights organizations have joined Mazlum-Der in the campaign to change the policy of mass recital of the pledge of allegiance at schools across Turkey. The pledge begins: “I am a Turk, I am honest and I am a hard worker. My duty is to protect those younger than me and respect my elders.”

Every morning since 1933, Turkish primary school students have had to repeat the pledge of allegiance (Andımız), in which they say, “I offer my existence to the Turkish nation as a gift.”

Mazlum-Der has been collecting signatures in support of removal of the practice, which it plans to submit to the Education Ministry.

“I am Kurd, I am Laz, I am Caucasian. I am Armenian, I am Alevi. Although I am hardworking, I will be unemployed when I grow up. My duty is to [bribe] the elderly and beat those younger than me,” a version of the pledge featured on the Mazlum-Der posters says. Mazlum-Der says the posters are intended as social satire.

14 July 2009, Tuesday


A fan of wrote to the Turkish writer above and sent a copy to this web site -

Dear Ayse Karabat at <>

I read and enjoy your articles about the Turkish pledge. We have the same problem here in the USA. In fact, government in the USA started the problem of robotic chanting by children, and the USA was the origin of the Nazi salute in the USA's early Pledge of Allegiance.

See the work of Dr. Rex Curry at his web site. He has written about your problem in Turkey.

The USA probably was the origin of your ritual chanting of a Pledge of Allegiance in that it started in the USA in 1892 and yours started in 1933. It is frightening to note that year was also the time when Hitler was growing in power with his pledging and chanting.

Is there a gesture that Turkish children make when they do the pledge? Was there ever a gesture in Turkey and did the Turkish gesture change? USA children make a gesture. It used to be the Nazi salute, 3 decades before the Nazis adopted the same gesture. I am curious if Turkey also used the American Nazi salute.

Thank you,      - A fan.

Here is a reply to the above from: AYŞE KARABAT 

Thank you very much for your nice comments and interest.

Actually there is no gesture in Turkish schools, but during this ceremony, the children have to stand like they just swallowed a stick. When they are reading pledge thay have to shout very loudly.

But since the uniforms are compulsary in Turkish education system we don't need a gesture, anyway the outfit is totalitarian.

In the years when the Turkey's pledge was created, Turkey was under the influence of Germany in every field. The republic was very young, trying to develop by imitating Germany.

For example, Ankara was decleared as the capital city and the architects from Germany invited to make a new capital, this is why the old buildings in Ankara looks like Nazi style, huge, dark brown and very cold.

Here I am sending another article of mine, talking about my experience with it as a child.

all the best...

Malaysian Army salute?
Malaysian Army salute?

Malaysians continue to use the early American stiff-arm salute.

And Malaysia has a flag that resembles the American flag.

Malaysia was influenced in many of the same ways that Singapore was influenced. In Singpore, the People's Action Party (PAP) dominates the political process and has won control of Parliament in every election since self-government in 1959. The PAP began as a socialist party and adopted as its logo the same S-shaped symbolism of the British Union of Fascists and National Socialists (BUFNS).

The PAP's logo originated as swastika-style "S" lettering for "socialism" (see the book "Swastika Secrets" by the historian Dr. Rex Curry).

The PAP smeared its way onto the political scene in 1954 when it was formed by English-educated middle-class men who had returned to Singapore from Britain. The PAP became a member of the Socialist International. The PAP logo has a double connotation for "Singapore Socialists."  The S-letter is red and thereby consistent with the socialist symbolism of the color under German socialism, Soviet socialism, and Chinese socialism.

Malaysia as a unified state did not exist until 1963. Previously, a set of colonies were established by the United Kingdom from the late-18th century.. This group of colonies was known as British Malaya until its dissolution in 1946, when it was reorganized as the Malayan Union. Due to widespread opposition, it was reorganized again as the Federation of Malaya in 1948 and later gained independence on 31 August 1957. Singapore, Sarawak, British North Borneo and the Federation of Malaya joined to form Malaysia on 16 September 1963. The early years of the new union were marred by an armed conflict with Indonesia and the expulsion of Singapore on 9 August 1965.

Polis Diraja Malaysia police Malaysian flag
Polis Diraja Malaysia

Greece Ioannis Metaxas socialism

Greece and Ioannis Metaxas (Greek: Ιωάννης Μεταξάς) - his impact is shown above and the impact of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts worldwide in spreading National Socialism and Military Socialism from Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy, along with America's early Nazi salute.

Metaxas was a Greek General, appointed Prime Minister of Greece between April-August 1936 and became a dictator during the 4th of August Regime, from 1936 until his death in 1941. That is how his name was added to the annals of psycho-history. A photo is at

The classic definition of socialism is: You know it when you see it.

40 years old, going on 13!

Ante Pavelic Croatian State Labor Service. Nazi salute Ante Pavelic Croatian State Labor Service 1943 stamps The Bellamy dogma of military socialism and the Bellamy salute in worship of leviathan government spread all over the world. Croatia (Nesavizna Drzava Hrvatska): The 1943 semipostal set aiding the Croatian State Labor Service. Founded in 1941, the "Drzavna Radna Sluzba" (DRS) was modelled on the German RAD. All physically fit males between 19 and 25 were obliged to serve in the DRS for 12 months, prior to a call-up for service in the armed forces. The stamps depict: Labor Corps men marching; digging; receiving instruction; being reviewed by Ante Pavelic.

In a blog called "Thoughts from Galicia, Spain" from a Brit living in the North West - "I realised I was slacking in my duty of upsetting the Galician Nationalists who like to punish themselves by reading my blog.....Here’s a letter from one of the national newspapers...

The Galician Anthem: In the 50s, (under Generalisimo Francisco Franco) in some schools – mine for instance – pupils were made to undergo a sort of military training and sing ‘Cara al Sol’ while making the salute used by the National Socialist German Workers Party. Now, those who were critical of Francoism are forcing us to speak in Gallego (instead of in Spanish) and wanting infants in nursery schools to learn the Galician anthem. I love my land/country and have lived in various parts of the Iberian peninsula and overseas.

The letter was from one Manuel Careiro, who lives in La Coruña. The interesting thing is it was printed in El Pais, the left-of-centre paper which has otherwise said nothing on the this sensitive subject.

I doubt El Pais is really seen as socialist by many members of the Galician Nationalist Party. After all, the BNG did reject the EU Constitution as not being socialist enough."

It is interesting to note the parallel with Christian Socialism under America's Bellamys in that, during his rule, Francisco Franco was known officially as por la gracia de Dios, Caudillo de España y de la Cruzada, or "by the grace of God, the Leader of Spain and of the Crusade."

Star Spangled Banner, The Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology exposed by Dr. Rex Curry. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag German Nazis

Compare the Pledge of Allegiance (1892) to another form of hailing the flag: The U.S. National Anthem (the Star Spangled Banner, (a reference to the flag)). The lyrics state: "Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hailed...(the flag)." "The Star-Spangled Banner" was recognized for official use by the Navy in 1889 and the President in 1916. On March 3, 1931 (after Hitler gained electoral success) the song was made the national anthem by a congressional resolution on March 3, 1931 (46 Stat. 1508, codified at 36 U.S.C. § 301), which was signed by President Herbert Hoover infamous for various socialist programs (e.g. Hoover Dam).  The Star Spangled Banner was based on the poem "Defence of Fort McHenry" written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key.

Before 1931, a competitor to the "Star Spangled Banner" was "Hail, Columbia," from President Washington's time and through the 18th and 19th centuries.

For more on this topic please and pseudo-patriotic warmongers read "Why I Hate To Hear the Star Spangled Banner and Refuse To Say the Pledge" by Christopher Gaddy, who served as a Captain in the U.S. Army Cavalry in Korea and Iraq as an Intelligence Officer

swastika hakenkreuz hooked cross infinity pattern

German National Socialists did not call their symbol a "swastika." They called it a Hakenkreuz (hooked cross). Although an ancient symbol, they some times used it to represent crossed S-letters for their "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party, as shown by the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets").

It was called a "hooked cross" because it looks like a regular cross but with "hooks" added at each of the crosses four ends.

Another swastika secret revealed by Symbologist Curry is shown in the pattern at the link below. The image shows another meaning for "hooked cross" in how the Hakenkreuz/swastika, when linked, forms a pattern of crosses that are all hooked together in infinity.

Indeed the image raises the question: what is the actual pattern shown? Is it a pattern of crosses, hooked crosses (swastikas), or both?

Support the "PLEDGE EDUCATION PROJECT" & fund education about the pledge's author & his ilk. 

Frightening information about the history of the Pledge of Allegiance is at (with shocking historical photographs) and for fascinating information about symbolism see      
Hear audio of on worldwide radio at

"Dr. Rex Curry showed that the early Pledge Of Allegiance did not use an ancient Roman salute, and that the 'ancient Roman salute'  myth came from the Pledge Of Allegiance."  & Wikipedia agrees at

Heil Hitler hooey exposed FRANCIS BELLAMY
Jonah Goldberg Liberal Fascism, Pledge of Allegiance, Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, Industrial Army, Military Socialism
Heil Hitler hooey exposed here EDWARD BELLAMY

How many parents and teachers have experienced telling a defiant child to do something and then watched as the child performed the early American salute and said "Allegiance!" (or "Heil Hitler")?

A photograph on flickr of a child is titled: "little girl giving the Heil Hitler salute 1934." It was so funny to read from 415 (and growing) comments from U.S. citizens (and others) remarking that the photo is disturbing because it shows how pliable children are. None of the U.S. citizens is aware that it was the salute used in the U.S. and originated in the U.S. (from the Pledge of Allegiance). None of the U.S. citizens is aware that the photograph could be of a U.S. girl (and not be of a german girl) and the commentators would not know. The thought has never entered their minds. They cannot even make a comparison to the modern Pledge of Allegiance ritual and gesture.

That mental denseness is the result of government schools (socialist schools).

DEBATE CHALLENGES hereby challenges to a debate any public officials with Estes Park, Colorado; Elk Grove Schools; Brick, New Jersey schools; Sacramento Schools; Rio Linda Schools; the Lincoln Unified School District; the Elverta Joint Elementary School District; and any of their local and state politicians.

As the nation's leading authority on the pledge of allegiance, made the historic discovery that the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis) originated from the military salute in the USA, and from the original flag pledge (as written by a socialist), and not from ancient Rome.

The debate was prompted by many factors, including news stories that indicate that the schools are not teaching the truth about the pledge of allegiance, and are teaching propaganda.  Government schools used the myth to cover up Dr. Curry's discovery that the Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

MORE DEBATE CHALLENGES hereby challenges Professor Martin Winkler of George Mason University to debate the origin of the "Roman Salute" myth, and the spread of the socialist gesture / symbol.

The debate was prompted by factors detailed here

The USA still suffers from WWII propaganda. Societal amnesia exists because, even though the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was allied with the National Socialist German Workers' Party in 1939 upon both parties' invasion of Poland in WWII (in a written pact to divide up east Europe), the two socialist groups broke and the USA became allied with the most murderous government of all time, the USSR.  The lies changed and the USSR was suddenly "a good socialist ally" and the National Socialist German Workers' Party was exclusively "bad Nazis" and never referred to by its socialist name and its once-obvious socialist swastika symbolism.

Remove the pledge from the flag, remove the flag from schools, remove schools from government.

Here is something unique that someone sent.  If it is true then it is remarkable. opposes all bans on all symbolism and does not endorse such laws in the EU or anywhere.

EU to ban USA’s pledge of allegiance?

BRUSSELS, Belgium – The recent EU proposal to ban Nazi symbols might include the USA’s pledge of allegiance.

EU Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner Franco Frattini has proposed a Europe-wide ban on display of Nazi symbols.  A group of European Union lawmakers called then for a ban on other symbols of oppression, including the red star and the hammer and sickle. Another new proposal bans the USA’s pledge of allegiance to its flag. 

“If we decide to ban one, we should decide to ban all of them,” said Jan Zahradil, a Czech member of the EU assembly.

“Most Americans are ignoramuses about their pledge as a Nazi symbol and that it was the origin of the straight-arm salute of the Nazis,” a spokesman said.

He added that the ban would not apply in the USA but only in the EU.

“The ban may not be necessary in that the USA’s pledge is an idiot synchrasy for many Americans and a bizarre ritual that is already shunned by every other country.  We don’t want it to happen here,” He said “Or we don’t want it to happen here AGAIN.  It already happened once.”

Even in the USA some action was taken against the pledge in 1942, but only the original straight-arm salute was changed. 

“Many Europeans know more about the USA’s pledge than does the typical U.S. citizen.  That is because U.S. schools teach propaganda and never show historic photographs,” said Tomas Corbisier pointing to a web image search for the “original socialist salute.”

“The only reason the pledge continues in the USA is because the U.S. government hides the truth,” Corbisier added.

The USA’s pledge was created by Francis Bellamy, a self-proclaimed national socialist in the USA and an advocate of “military socialism.”  At that time government schools in the U.S. imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy. It happened for three decades in the USA before the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis) adopted the salute and similar behavior.

In the past, U.S. schools expelled and jailed people who refused to pledge until the U.S. Supreme Court enjoined the punishments. “But there are many people who disagree with the court decision and there are many laws that require teachers to try to lead a daily robotic chant of the pledge in military formation like Pavlov’s lapdogs of the state,” he added.

Allegiance refers to a "liege" and that is a noun referencing "a feudal lord entitled to allegiance and service."  As an adjective it means "owing primary allegiance and service to a feudal lord."  It originally referred to barbarians allowed to settle on Roman land. The liege can also be the the feudal vassal or subject.

Americans still use the greeting "hello" as they did in the early 1900's, and it is related to the greeting adopted under German National Socialism ("Heil") and thus to "Heil Hitler."  The term "hello" is used for hailing people and is related to the phrase "Hail to the chief," and to these words: hail, heal, health. It is also related to the term "salud," meaning "health," and thus to the term "salute" and the act of saluting, which included the manner of saying "hello." The so-called "swastika" on the flag under German National Socialism represented two "S" letters for "socialism" and is related to "Sieg Heil!" in the sense of the NSGWP's cry of "Hail to the Victory of Socialism!"

Compare the Pledge of Allegiance (1892) to another form of hailing the flag: The U.S. National Anthem (the Star Spangled Banner, (a reference to the flag)). The lyrics state: "Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hailed...(the flag)." "The Star-Spangled Banner" was recognized for official use by the Navy in 1889 and the President in 1916. On March 3, 1931 (after Hitler gained electoral success) the song was made the national anthem by a congressional resolution on March 3, 1931 (46 Stat. 1508, codified at 36 U.S.C. § 301), which was signed by President Herbert Hoover infamous for various socialist programs (e.g. Hoover Dam).  The Star Spangled Banner was based on the poem "Defence of Fort McHenry" written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key.

Before 1931, a competitor to the "Star Spangled Banner" was "Hail, Columbia," from President Washington's time and through the 18th and 19th centuries.


Another website writes below (wait till they find out that the straight-arm salute of the Nazis came from the USA's pledge of allegiance).  Quote: "Most countries that call themselves "free" do not force people to recite pledges. A German reporter. recently interviewed me for a story on American patriotism. I asked her if children in Germany had to recite a Pledge of Allegiance. She gasped. Absolutely not. "We don't do anything like that in Germany." Children in Germany are not required to sing patriotic songs or to salute their government. German schools have not had such rituals since the days of Hitler. This journalist was born after World War II, so she never witnessed anything of this nature until she came to America and visited a grade school to research her story. She told me of her experience. With her voice barely above a whisper, the reporter confided, "It seemed weird to me." Watching the American grade school children, she said, reminded her of the old images of Hitler Youth.

As an American, I felt a little embarrassed talking to this woman. How could it be that a German was shocked by this slap-in-the-face to liberty while Americans, with our proud 200-year history of cherishing freedom, simply accept it? Shouldn't we be the ones who are shocked?

Close Quote.  As I said above, wait till they both discover that the straight-arm salute of the Nazis came from the USA's pledge of allegiance.


The "ancient Roman salute" is a myth. The myth is used in the same way that the word "Nazi" is used: To cover up for socialism.  The myth covers-up the fact that government inside the U.S. promoted socialized schools, military socialism within government schools, the creation of industrial armies, and daily robotic pledges of allegiance in military formation with the infamous straight-arm salute (the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party or "Nazis").

Francis Bellamy and his cousins and cohorts, the authors Edward Bellamy and Charles Bellamy, were self-proclaimed national socialists in the U.S. who promoted "military socialism" and the straight-armed salute, and they did it 3 decades before the Nazis.

The Roman myth's use is expanding in efforts to cover up Dr. Curry's discovery that the Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the salute of the horrid National Socialist German Workers' Party.

It is a myth that the straight-arm salute is an old Roman salute adopted by Mussolini.  According to Martin Winkler in "The Roman Salute on Film" of the American Philological Association, the salute is not in any Roman art or text.  The salute occurs in these films: the American "Ben-Hur" (1907), the Italian "Nerone" (1908), "Spartaco" (1914), and "Cabiria" (1914).

In imitation of such films, self-styled Italian "Consul" Gabriele D 'Annunzio borrowed the salute as a propaganda tool for his political ambitions upon his occupation of Fiume in 1919.  Earlier, D'Annunzio had worked with Giovanni Pastrone in his colossal epic Cabiria (1914). Mussolini worked with D'Annunzio. 

Even so, evidence shows that the National Socialist German Workers' Party officially adopted the salute before Mussolini did, not vice versa.

Winkler didn't know about the original U.S. flag salute (1892) that inspired the films. Dr. Curry advised him of that fact.

The myth's use is expanding in efforts to cover up Dr. Curry's discovery that the straight-arm salute originated with the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag.

Francis Bellamy was a national socialist in the U.S. and created the pledge of allegiance to the flag using a straight-armed salute, the so-called "Roman" salute, in 1892.

The straight-armed salute in the USA's racist and segregated government schools, served as an example to Germany through WWI and for over three decades before Nazism and WWII.  The National Socialist German Workers' Party was inspired by the films, by the pledge of allegiance, and by the older national socialism movement in the USA.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party was also inspired by German-Americans who were already national socialists in the U.S. and who joined the German-American Bund movement to support national socialists in Germany before WWII.

The salute began to change during WWII.

Francis Bellamy was inspired by his cousin and cohort Edward Bellamy, the author of the book “Looking Backward” (a bestseller written in 1887 by Edward Bellamy). 

Both Bellamys wanted the government to take over all schools and create an “industrial army” of totalitarian socialism as described in the book.

Government-schools spread and they mandated segregation by law and taught racism as official policy and did so through WWII and beyond

The bizarre practices served as an example for three decades before they were adopted by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. When Jesse Owens competed in the 1936 Olympics in Germany,  his neighbors attended segregated government schools where they saluted the flag with the Nazi salute.  As under Nazism, Jehovah's Witnesses (and blacks and the Jewish and others) in the USA were required by law to perform the Nazi salute in the USA and robotically chant the pledge.  If they refused, then they were expelled from government schools and had to use the many better alternatives.  There were also acts of physical violence.

Edward Bellamy’s best-selling book was translated
into 20 different languages, including Russian, German, Italian, and Chinese.  It was popular among the elite in pre-revolutionary Russia, and Lenin’s wife was known to have read the book, because she wrote a review of it.  John Dewey and the historian Charles Beard intended to praise the book when they stated that it was equaled in influence only by Das Kapital (1867) (The Communist Manifesto was written in 1848).

25 years later, Bellamy’s totalitarian ideas continued. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics began in 1917.  The National Socialist German Workers’ Party came into existence in 1920 (with electoral breakthroughs in 1930 and dictatorship in 1933).   In 1922, Mussolini gained power.  The People's Republic of China began in 1949.

The worldwide impact of Bellamy’s totalitarian ideas influenced the socialist trio of atrocities. While the Holocaust was monstrous, it was part of the bigger socialist "Wholecaust": Under the industrial army of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,  62 million people were slaughtered; the People's Republic of China, 35 million; and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, 21 million (numbers from Professor R. J. Rummel's article in the Encyclopedia of Genocide (1999)).

Benito Mussolini was the leader of the Socialist Party of Italy.  Like many modern media Mussolinis, he was a socialist and a journalist. Between 1912 and 1914 he was the editor of the Socialist Party newspaper, "L'Avanti" (Avanti means "in front", "advance" or "forward" or even "come in"). In 1914 he started his own socialist newspaper "Il Popolo d'Italia" ("The people of Italy"). 

He was considered by socialists to be a great writer about socialism. He was a staunch proponent of revolutionary rather than reformist socialism, and actually received Lenin's endorsement and support for expelling reformists from the Socialist Party.  He was in fact first dubbed "Il Duce" (the Leader) when he was a member of Italy's (Marxist) Socialist Party. 

When Mussolini differed with some Socialists it was over participation in World War I, not over abstract theory, or economic doctrine.   Many socialists were neutralists in the First World War, whereas Mussolini correctly foresaw that the Austro/German forces would not win the war and therefore wanted Italy to join the Allied side and thus get a slice of Austrian territory at the end of the war. 

During World War I, Mussolini publicized what he admitted was his new brand of socialism.

On October 28, 1922, Mussolini led his "March on Rome", which brought him to power for 23 years.

In late 1937, Mussolini visited Germany and pledged himself to support the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. 

In 1938, he introduced his ‘reform of customs.’”  Hand-shaking was suddenly banned as unhygienic: a salute was to be used instead - the right forearm raised vertically.  He imposed a new march on the Italian Army which was simply the goose-step of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.  According to the book “A Concise History of Italy” by Christopher Duggan, these reforms were introduced mainly to underline ideological kinship with the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and to impress it’s leader. 

The so-called “Roman salute” (saluto romano) is as much of a fiction as is the so-called “Roman step” (passo romano) as is the idea that the National Socialist German Workers’ Party emulated Mussolini and not vice versa.  

The most notorious instance of Italy imitating the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was in the racist laws imposed in November 1938. 

Before and during it all (from 1892), children in the U.S. attended government-schools where racism and segregation were mandated by law, and where they performed a straight-armed salute to the U.S. flag, and were forced to robotically chant a pledge written by a national socialist who wanted to produce an “industrial army” for totalitarian socialism as popularized worldwide in a best-selling novel.  

There is only one place on the web that has Francis Bellamy’s original speech that accompanied the first pledge of allegiance.


The pledge of allegiance was the origin of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party) because Francis Bellamy was a self-proclaimed national socialist who  promoted “military socialism” (a Bellamy term).  To promote militarism, Bellamy's pledge of allegiance began with a military salute. 

The military salute was held for the phrase “I pledge allegiance” and then the right arm extended straight outward toward the flag for the rest of the chant.  Historic photographs are linked at

The first description of the pledge had the palm of the hand turned upward for the straight-armed gesture.   The gesture changed in use, growing into the "Heil Hitler" (the Hitler Greeting or Hail Hitler) appearance because of the military salute (palm down) extended casually straight toward the flag.

James Bailey Upham made a suggestion to Bellamy of the gesture. Upham’s suggested gesture included the palm upward as if saying “Here is the flag.”  It was because of the inclusion of the military salute that the pledge evolved into the Nazi-style.  Bellamy liked the military salute because Bellamy's cousin Edward Bellamy was the originator of "military socialism" as a political philosophy, and Francis was Edward's biggest fan and cohort.

Bellamy even used military groups to promote the pledge, including the Grand Army of the Republic, a group of Northern Civil War veterans.

Upham was also familiar with Bellamy's "military socialism" dogma because Edward Bellamy, cousin and cohort to Francis, had written of it in the international bestseller "Looking Backward" in 1888, and both Bellamys had been openly involved in the national socialism movement and the "Nationalist" magazine.

Edward Bellamy was a bitter West Point failure but he loved Prussian militarism and the educational system. According to Tom Peyser "On his deathbed, he wiled away the hours by arranging tin soldiers along the folds of his coverlet." That would interest all who loathe the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, because Prussia led to the formation of the German empire, and after World War I, Prussia continued to exist as the largest Land (state) within the Weimar Republic and under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.  After World War II it was dissolved by decree of the Allied Control Council in 1947.

Even with the palm turned upward, people would later see the relationship to the National Socialist German Workers' Party and that is why the straight-arm salute was disfavored in 1942, and the hand-over-the-heart was adopted. (On June 22, 1942, the pledge was included in the U.S. Flag Code, but Congress gave it the modern hand-over-the-heart gesture. There is probably one overriding reason why Congress interfered: to make everyone drop the straight-arm salute, which was becoming very embarassing and very revealing. The US had entered WWII on December 7, 1941 against Japan after Pearl Harbor. On December 11, 1941 Germany and Italy declared war on the United States and the U.S. declared war on Germany and Italy.)

It is interesting to note that Upham's father had operated a school in New Hampshire that included Roman and Greek classics and Upham had attended that school.   It is not clear how this might have influenced the “Roman salute” myth that eventually arose about the straight-armed salute.

Upham was the head of the premium department of the Youth’s Companion Magazine and was also a junior partner in its firm, the Perry Mason Company of Boston, which was owned by Daniel S. Ford, uncle-by-marriage to Upham.

Ford had supported churches where Francis Bellamy preached socialism. Ford was attracted to socialism and was interested in the Social Gospel which, to his friend Francis Bellamy, meant Christian Socialism.  At his death Ford bequeathed almost one million dollars to the Baptist Social Union of Boston, and that money was used to build Ford Hall, the meeting place of the Ford Hall Forum, which still exists.  In leaving money to the Forum, Ford said that the Social Union and the nation should foster closer personal relations between Christian businessman and the workingman because of the latter's "religious indifference, his feverish unrest and his belief that businessmen and capital are his enemies.”

Before Bellamy worked for the Youth’s Companion, Upham had promoted the use of the Flag in government schools.  In 1891 and 1892, Upham coordinated a national celebration of Columbus focused on government schools and a flag ceremony with the as yet unwritten pledge (Columbus "sailed the ocean blue" in 1492). Upham  wrote many drafts of a pledge and asked for comments from the magazine’s staff.  He was never happy with his drafts and he asked Bellamy to take over.

The only well known flag salute at that time was Colonel Balch's salute, written in 1889.  That salute went as follows: "We give our heads and our hearts to God and our country; one country, one language, one Flag."  During the speel, the youngsters would point at their heads, their heart and then at the flag.  Thus, Balch’s chant ended with a straight arm pointing at the flag.  Balch had first used his pledge on Flag Day, June 14th, in his free kindergarten for New York City's poor and immigrants where he served as a principal. It seems to have become a daily salute in the classroom for all of his students.

Bellamy and Upham wanted a better pledge.

When Bellamy finished writing the pledge in August, 1892, he showed it to Upham.  The pledge still did not have a salute.  Upham came to attention, snapped his heels together and chanted, "I pledge allegiance to my flag," and he stretched out his right arm and hand with palm up while he recited the rest of the pledge.

Later, the first program for the pledge stated: “At a signal from the Principal the pupils, in ordered ranks, hands to the side, face the Flag. Another signal is given; every pupil give the Flag the military salute - right hand lifted, palm downward, to a line with the forehead and close to it. Standing thus, all repeat together, slowly: "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands; one Nation, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all." At the words, "to my Flag," the right hand is extended gracefully, palm upward, towards the Flag, and remains in this gesture till the end of the affirmation.; whereupon all hands immediately drop to the side.

Because of Bellamy’s military socialism and his addition of the military salute, the pledge’s salute evolved into the Nazi-style salute.

Government schools teach that the pledge was created to sell flags to schools and Francis Bellamy is described as an advertising pioneer.  That is a whitewashed piece of the whole story.  A better description is that Bellamy was a propaganda pioneer, comparable to Leni Riefenstahl.

Germans learned bad American behavior via old films, via WWI, and via the widespread use of the straight-arm salute by German-American groups (including the German American Bund) in the USA, and from Germans who were educated in the USA or resided in the USA, and vice versa. It  led to its adoption later by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party).

Even if Hitler (or anyone else) misunderstood the salute to be an old Roman salute (and it is not clear that Hitler believed it to be an old Roman salute), that would not alter Hitler's (or anyone else's) knowledge that the salute was in widespread use in the USA (from 1892).   Anyone who thought it was an old Roman salute, also thought that it was an old Roman salute used throughout the USA. The part that was correct was that it was a salute used throughout the USA.

Bellamy believed that government schools with pledges and flags were needed to brainwash children to embrace nationalism, militarism, and socialism.

Bellamy wanted the government to takeover everything and impose the military’s “efficiency,” as he said.   It is the origin of the modern military-socialist complex.

Bellamy wanted a flag over every school because he wanted to nationalize and militarize everything, including all schools, and eliminate all of the better alternatives. During Bellamy’s time the government was taking over education.

Bellamy wanted government schools to ape the military.  Government schools were intended to create an “industrial army” (another Bellamy phrase, and the word “army” was not metaphorical) and to help nationalize everything else. 

That is one of many reasons why Francis Bellamy and his also-famous cousin Edward Bellamy are known as the "American Hitlers" and as the first "American Nazis."

Germany and the entire world is owed an apology for the horrid influence that government had inside the U.S. in promoting socialized schools, military socialism within government schools, the creation of industrial armies, and daily robotic pledges of allegiance in military formation with the infamous straight-arm salute.

Abolish The Pledge Of Allegiance, Ban the Pledge Of Allegiance, Stop the Pledge Of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance Rex Curry socialist olympic salute 1924  

The "Olympic salute" myth is busted.  It is the myth that the Olympic salute (a straight-arm salute) is an ancient Greco-Roman salute. The Olympic salute has the same origin as the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis): They both originated in the USA's pledge of allegiance and the military salute.  The salute was created by a national socialist in the USA and was not from ancient Rome, as discovered by the journalist Rex Curry.  The "Roman salute" myth was reinforced by the "Olympic salute"

The first evidence of the "Olympic salute" myth is in an Olympic poster from 1924 when the games were in Paris.

The 1924 poster shows semi-clothed athletes, a reminder of antiquity, making the Olympic salute. In the background, the flag of the French Republic. In the foreground, palm leaves, symbols of victory.

The next evidence is an Olympic poster for 1936 in Berlin.

The 1936 poster features the Quadriga from the Brandenburg Gate, a landmark of the city of Berlin. In the background is the figure of a wreathed victor, his arm raised in the salute.  

In the 1936 poster, the salute is not clear because only part of the arm is shown. There are disputes about whether the Olympic salute differed from the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party and the 1936 poster seems designed to obscure the issue, and it added to the debate.

No official poster was made for the first games, the 1896 Olympic Games, in Athens.  However, the cover page of the official report is often used to refer to the Games of the I Olympiad and has the inscription "776-1896."

The second modern Olympics were in Paris.

One claim holds that the Olympic salute was used at the 1912 Stockholm games, but no further evidence has been found yet.  If that is true then it would be more clear that the Olympic salute predated the Nazi salute and probably helped (with the pledge of allegiance and early films with innacurrate Roman scenes) to influence that adoption of the salute by the Nazi-Sozi.

The first Olympic Games were in ancient Greece.  They were revived by a French nobleman, Pierre Frèdy, Baron de Coubertin in 1896 and held every fourth year, with the exception of the years during the World Wars.

The Games gradually lost in importance as the Romans gained power in Greece. When Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, the Olympic Games were seen as a "pagan" festival threatening Christian hegemony, and in 393 the emperor Theodosius outlawed the Olympics, ending a thousand year period of Olympic Games.

The interest in reviving the Olympics grew when the ruins of ancient Olympia were uncovered by German archaeologists in the mid-19th century. An ominous parallel is that interest in the swastika / hakenkreuz grew also when the ruins of ancient Troy were uncovered by German archaeologists in the mid-19th century.

The modern Olympics used a straight-arm salute similar to the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, and both were derived from the USA's pledge of allegiance and military salute as written by a national socialist in the USA, a discovery made at

At the same time, Pierre, Baron de Coubertin searched for a reason for the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871). He thought the reason was that the French had not received proper physical education, and sought to improve this. Coubertin also thought of a way to bring nations closer together, to have the youth of the world compete in sports, rather than fight in war. In his eyes, the revival of the Olympic Games would achieve both of these goals.

The irony in all of the above only grew in the years to come, and during the Olympic games in Berlin in 1936, and in WWII.

In a congress at the Sorbonne university in Paris held from June 16 to June 23, 1894 he presented his ideas to an international audience.

At the 1936 Olympic games in Germany the so called "Greco-Roman" salute caused controversy and reinforced the "Roman salute" myth. The controversy involved athletes who refused to perform the Olympic salute upon entering the stadium because it would be misunderstood as a salute to Hitler, who was present.  Probably every article ever written about the Olympic salute was reviewed in research for this article.  In every article there was no author who knew that the straight-arm salute was the prevailing salute for the pledge of allegiance in the USA and had been since 1892, and there was no author who knew of the historic discovery (by the journalist Rex Curry) that the pledge of allegiance was the origin of the Olympic salute and of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  News accounts indicate that the USA's athletes did not use the Olympic salute in 1936. Nevertheless, when Jesse Owens competed in the 1936 Olympics in Germany, his neighbors attended segregated government schools where they saluted the flag with the Nazi salute.  The U.S. practice of official racism and segregation in government schools even outlasted the horrid Nazi Party, into the 1960's and beyond. 

Among others, the French athletes gave the salute. A few years later the National Socialist German Workers' Party invaded France and occupied Paris.

The 1936 Olympics are well-known also because of Leni Riefenstahl's "Olmypiad" as well as other film and still photographs of Jesse Owens, one of the USA's athletes.

Olympiad and other photography of Jesse Owens shows Mr. Owens using a military salute during the raising of the USA's flag and the playing of the national anthem, while nearby Germans give the straight-arm salute.  While comment has been made elsewhere of the photographic illustration of the salute, none of those comments point out that Mr. Owens is performing only the introductory salute of the pledge of allegiance as it was in 1936, and that Mr. Owens apparently did not perform the rest of the pledge's salute, the straight-arm salute, presumably because he did not wish it misinterpreted as a salute to the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

In 1936, the military salute alone was not the customary civilian salute to the USA's flag.  The 1936 Olympics and the war that followed all added to the 1942 interference by Congress regarding the civilian flag practice, and Congress not only dropped the military salute, but also the primary straight-arm salute, and legislated in favor of the hand-over-the-heart.

Why did Congress drop the military salute part of the pledge? is researching and here are some theories: 1. Military salutes and dress outside of the military (e.g. by civilians or by children in schools doing a flag pledge) is sometimes considered disrespectful or trivializing of the military.  It might even be dangerous in times of war in that it can cause civilians to be mistaken for soldiers.  2.  It is creepy to have children in schools aping the military.  The creepiness is heightened when the salute is combined with a straight-arm salute that has been adopted the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

In many respects, the 1936 winter games were very much of a test scenario for the summer games in Berlin just a short five months away.  

There appears to have been a recent example of the Olympic salute. The Olympic salute took place on March 13, 2004 in Washington, D.C., during a Hellenic Heritage Achievement and National Public Service Awards Presentation gala sponsored by the Washington-based American Hellenic Institute (AHI).  The VOA Greek Service produced a 2 hour 30 minute live radio program from the Washington, D.C. event location. Veteran journalist Mr. George Bistis anchored the broadcast, entitled "Honoring the 2004 Athens Games," and Ms. Spyridonakou interviewed several of the attendees.


 WWII began in 1939 when Poland was invaded by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as allies in their scheme to divide up Eastern Europe.

The raised-arm salute is one of the best-known symbols of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, and supposedly used by Mussolini from a classical Roman custom. According to Martin Winkler in “The Roman Salute on Film” of the American Philological Association,  no Roman work of art displays this salute, nor does any Roman text describe it.  And it is not part of any vexillary ritual for any vexillum.

Winkler notes that well before Mussolini and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, the salute frequently occurs in films set in antiquity.  What Winkler fails to realize is that every film he cites was produced after 1892 and thus after the widespread use of the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag, and it’s original straight-arm salute.  

Winkler cites the American Ben-Hur (1907) or the Italian Nerone (1908), although such films did not yet standardize the salute or make it exclusively Roman. In Spartaco (1914), even Spartacus used it.  Winkler states “In imitation of such historical films, self-styled “Consul” Gabriele D’Annunzio appropriated the salute in its now familiar form as a propaganda tool for his political aspirations upon his occupation of Fiume in 1919. Earlier, D’Annunzio had been closely involved in Giovanni Pastrone’s colossal epic Cabiria (1914), in which variations of the salute occur several times.” 

Mussolini raised money for D’Annunzio via an appeal in Mussolini's paper. Mussolini joined with D'Annunzio to lead the movement for Italy's participation in WWI. Mussolini learned a great deal from D’Annunzio about public speaking.

Notable other examples of the salute, by then a standard part of ancient iconography in the cinema, appear in Ben-Hur (1925) and in Cecil B. DeMille’s Sign of the Cross (1932) and Cleopatra (1934), although the execution of the gesture was still variable.   

Winkler adds “Of particular importance for the visual record are two films by Leni Riefenstahl, Triumph of the Will (1935) and Olympia (1938). As is to be expected, the former regularly features the salute; the latter shows Hitler, German spectators and officials in Berlin’s Olympic stadium, and several victorious German and Italian athletes giving it. So do a number of athletic teams entering the stadium. In Italy, Carmine Gallone’s Scipione l’Africano (1937) uses the raised-arm salute as one of its chief visual means to turn Mussolini into a new Scipio.”   He notes that the salute is used in more recent films, sometimes to lesser degrees, and notes that when a new Commodus triumphantly enters Rome in Ridley Scott’s Gladiator (2000), the salute no longer occurs.

Another source of the "Roman salute" myth is the book "The March of Fascism" by Giuseppe A. Borgese (1937).  It is an eye-popping book. One flaw is that this book incorrectly explains the straight arm salute made infamous by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

The book's lack of evidence supports the historian and journalist Rex Curry that the straight-arm salute originated with the U.S. pledge of allegiance, which was created by a self-proclaimed National Socialist in the U.S., Francis Bellamy, who originally used the straight-armed salute. The salute was then used in famous films in the early 1900's, often in fictitious "Roman" scenes, and including a film that involved D'Annunzio entitled "Cabiria" and written of elsewhere.

Here are the two paragraphs from the book from which the "Roman Salute" myth grew (and note that there is no reference to any actual ancient source, only general assertions without support): "The gesture of the raised right arm, which was to be sooner or later the Roman and, unbelievable but true, the German salute, had been picked at random from classical museums, from gestures of Græco-Roman orators and rulers, and perhaps also from the medieval romance of Carducci. In antiquity it had been occasionally an attitude of oratorical vehemence, or of command, or even of pardon. It may also have been seen, occasionally, as a salute from the distance, which happens nowadays as it always has, whenever people at the railway station or on the pier bid farewell to departing friends. It never had been the ordinary salute in the streets of Greece and Rome, where the free citizens shook hands or affectionately clasped each other's wrist, while no doubt the slave, meeting his master, saluted with the raised right arm, almost to show that his hand was disarmed and his obedience defenceless. A salute of slaves; such indeed was the gesture of Fiume to become, sooner or later, in Italy and Germany. D'Annunzio and the Fiumani liked it because....." (You'll have to buy the book to read the rest).

The lack of reference to the U.S. pledge of allegiance and flag salute suggests that Borgese was unaware that the National Socialist Francis Bellamy caused the straight-arm salute to be used extensively in the U.S. from 1892, and the salute was still being used in the U.S. when Borgese wrote his book in 1937. 

The book provides a lot of good information about how Benito Mussolini was a socialist who joined with the National Socialist German Workers' Party. He was the leader of the Socialist Party of Italy. Like many modern media Mussolinis, he was a socialist and a journalist. Between 1912 and 1914 he was the editor of the Socialist Party newspaper, "L'Avanti."

In late 1937, Mussolini visited Germany and pledged himself to support the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

It would have been wonderful if the author Giuseppe A. Borgese had examined the many other ways in which the world's socialist monsters were influenced by national socialists in the U.S. (including Francis Bellamy) who in 1892 created the pledge of allegiance with it's original straight-arm salute, to promote a government takeover of education (with racist/segregated schools that lasted into the '60s), to produce an "industrial army" for the totalitarian vision portrayed in Edward Bellamy's book "Looking Backward."

In conclusion, it is a fascinating and scary tome about how National Socialists in Italy and Germany killed over 21 million people (while socialists in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics killed 62 million; and while socialists in the Peoples' Republic of China killed 35 million).

(ref: The myth of the Roman Salute. Roman military salute. also see hand to the chest.)


Another modern influence for the "Roman salute" myth is "The Oath of the Horatii" a famous painting by Jacques-Louis David in 1784, that inaccurately depicts an event, and it is an event that might not have even happened.

There is no evidence that the painting "The Oath of the Horatii" (Jacques-Louis David) inspired the original straight-armed salute in the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag.  Jacques-Louis David never used the term Roman salute to describe his painting nor to describe anything.

No one else described Jacques-Louis David's work as a "Roman salute." That is because the term "Roman salute" developed in the late 1930's. The Oxford English Dictionary supports Dr. Rex Curry in this regard.

The term "Roman salute" developed decades after Jacques-Louis David's life. When the term "Roman salute" developed, the straight-arm salute was a decades-old ritual in government schools in the USA where the gesture was compelled with robotic chanting of the Pledge Of Allegiance. The gesture originated in the USA from the military salute extended outward in the early Pledge.

Even so, none of those sources of the modern term "Roman salute" said a thing about artwork by Jacques-Louis David.  

The first time that Jacques-Louis David was concocted as an excuse for the "Roman salute" myth was circa 2006 on Wikipedia. It was done by a writer who was trying to cover-up work by the historian Dr. Rex Curry showing that  the gesture originated in the USA's early Pledge Of Allegiance.  It is more revisionist history air brushed at wakipedia.

In the past, people would repeat the myth that the gesture was an "ancient Roman salute."  Most modern writers now concede the discoveries of the noted historian Dr. Rex Curry, establishing that the gesture was not an ancient Roman salute. Roman Salutes from ancient Rome are a myth.  

Wikipedia has helped to spread the news about Dr. Curry's news-making work. Recent articles at report on the many references to Dr. Curry's research and discoveries on Wikipedia. Dr. Curry's work might be the most referenced historical research on Wikipedia. Even Wikipedia founder Jimmy "Jimbo" Wales  has publicly noted Dr. Curry's influence on Wikipedia. Wikipedia writers have reviewed and verified the work. Some Wikipedia writers use Dr. Curry's work without attribution in apparent attempts to bolster their own credibility.

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The court case of Frank Herbert Wonschik v. U.S., argued that the jury selection process was impermissibly tainted by the trial judge's request that all potential jurors stand and recite the pledge of allegiance prior to jury selection. Furthermore, that bias also transgressed the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Pledge of Allegiance Rex Curry All in favor of a pledge raise your right hand...

You can own the historic collectible out-of-print book "Twenty-Three Words" by Margarette S. Miller for only $100. It is an eye-popping biography of Francis Bellamy, author of the pledge of allegiance. The book is in mint condition, never used. This may be the only opportunity to obtain this mind-boggling book   Just use the donation button below at left to purchase the book and communicate with this website at lawyer AT

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Dr. Rex Curry, America's leading authority on the Pledge Of Allegiance
Dr. Rex Curry. The USA's leading authority on the Pledge Of Allegiance is Dr. Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry. The nation's leading authority on the Pledge Of Allegiance is Dr. Rex Curry.

The Pledge of Allegiance is obedience training.

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