Your social security number came from the socialist trio of the worst atrocities (the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the People’s Republic of China, and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party ). A website of the U.S. government ( is very revealing, even though the website hides the fact that the Social Security Act was signed in 1935, and that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had been in existence since 1922, and the Chinese Communist Party had been in existence since 1921 and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party had been in existence since 1920 (with electoral breakthroughs in 1930 and dictatorship in 1933, expanding Otto von Bismarck’s socialism).   In 1935, U.S. politicians were knowingly adopting the slave systems of the trio of the worst socialist hell-holes.
    In the U.S., Most democrat-socialists, republican-socialists and other modern socialists (whether in the media, elected officials, or in the general population)  hold the same views as the monstrous socialist trio did in favor of numbering every person from birth, and tracking every person’s finances and movements for life, stealing from everyone constantly before they even see their own wages.   
    As in the U.S.’s social security system, the socialist trio numbered people from birth and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party numbered people even to the point of tattooing. This link shows how tattoos of socialist slave numbers will look in the U.S.   
    The danger of social security is illustrated in graphic art at these urls
    As an attorney, I am asked if social security is constitutional.  Social security (socialist slavery) would have been struck down as unconstitutional but for the court-packing scheme of the socialist F.D.R., the U.S.’s worst president. F.D.R.’s “Socialist Deal” is a bad memory, and the socialist atrocities of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the People’s Republic of China and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party are well known, however the U.S. has never reversed it’s humiliating disgrace.  It is never too late to stand up for liberty and end socialist slavery.  To help visit