FASCIST PARTY, THIRD REICH, NAZIS, NAZISM: Left Wing or Right Wing? Liberal or Conservative?

Nazi Party & Adolf Hitler swastika USA The USA's Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).

The swastika was used by the military and by socialists in the USA and in the USSR, before it was used by the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP).
The swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent "S" letters joined for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen").
Francis Bellamy & Edward Bellamy touted National Socialism and the police state in the USA decades before their dogma was exported to Germany. They influenced the NSDAP, its dogma, symbols and rituals.
  Nazi Party Adolf Hitler, Fascist Party, Third Reich, Nazism, left wing, right wing, Nazis, Swastikas, Stalin Mao Hitler

Was the National Socialist German Workers' Party inpired by the U.S.A. ?

Was the National Socialist German Workers' Party influenced by the U.S.A.?

In 1892 a self-proclaimed socialist created the pledge of allegiance and the original salute to the U.S. flag.  The salute included an outstretched arm (the only place that collects secret photos of the original socialist salute to the U.S. flag is

The National Socialist German Workers' Party was aware of the salute to the U.S. flag when it adopted its  salute. The USA's Pledge was the origin of the salute adopted later by German National Socialists, as shown in the discoveries of the Symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").

Government schools in the U.S. followed a policy that was later adopted by the National Socialist German Workers' Party: punishing and expelling children from government schools if they refused to perform the straight-arm socialist salute and robotic chanting.

In 1940, in Minersville School Board v. Gobitas, the Supreme Court ruled that a government school could expel children for refusing to perform the straight-arm socialist salute to the U.S. flag.  The National Socialist German Workers’ Party had been in existence since 1920 (with electoral breakthroughs in 1930 and dictatorship in 1933, and WWII in 1939). About three years later (1943), in West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette the Supreme Court reversed itself and decided that school children may not be forced to stand and salute the flag.

    The U.S. salute was so similar that the U.S. changed its salute after the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party tried to impose socialism in Europe.

    Francis Bellamy, the author of the pledge, was the first cousin of another socialist, Edward Bellamy. Edward Bellamy's futuristic novel, "Looking Backward," published in 1888, described a totalitarian Boston in the year 2000, that Edward Bellamy portrayed as a utopia.  The book spawned a socialist movement in Boston known as "Nationalism," whose members wanted the federal government to nationalize most of the American economy.  Francis Bellamy was a member of the "Nationalism" movement and a vice president of its socialist auxiliary group.

    The Bellamy boys promoted a government take over of all education, in an effort to eliminate all of the better alternatives, and the government schools imposed racism and segregation through WWII and even the 1960's.  It was the same segregation described in Edward Bellamy's book "Equality" where blacks are allowed to participate in Bellamy's  "industrial army" but kept separate from whites.

    The book was translated into 20 foreign languages.  It was popular among the elite in pre-revolutionary Russia, and was even read by Lenin's wife. John Dewey and the historian Charles Beard intended to praise the book by stating that it was matched in influence only by Das Kapital.

    The Bellamys saw government schools as a means to their socialist "Nationalism."  In the book "Looking Backward" government schools are the way that the government forces everyone into its "Industrial Army." Those were views later shared by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.   For more info on the horrid National Socialist German Workers' Party see  

     The self-proclaimed socialist Francis Bellamy proposed the original socialist salute and the pledge after he joined the staff of the magazine "Youth's Companion."   The salute and pledge were created by Bellamy to promote socialism among the youth in the most socialistic institution  -government schools. When the U.S. Constitution was written, most children received private educations.  Bellamy lived during the time when schools were becoming socialized heavily in the United States.  Bellamy believed that the best way to promote socialism was by removing children from their parents and placing them in socialized schools (government schools) and other youth groups.  It was a view later shared by the National Socialist German Workers' Party and its youth programs.

    Socialists use a sense of belonging to seduce people.  Socialist schools (government schools) are used to destroy individuality and create dependence on government.  Bellamy had often lectured on the so-called "virtues of socialism and the evils of capitalism."  Adherents of the National Socialist German Workers' Party did the same.

Pledge of Allegiance in frightening images and articles at
For fascinating information about symbolism see 
Hear audio on worldwide radio at

NAZI Left or Right? Conservative or Liberal?
Nazi Left or Right? Liberal or Conservative? Adolf Hitler & Nazi Party Nazi salute was the original socialist salute to the U.S. flag. SWASTIKAS  

As to whether the Nazis were left-wing or right wing (liberal or conservative) it is worth noting that the swastika, although an ancient symbol, was used to represent crossed S-letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party, as shown in the discoveries of the noted symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets").

The socialist dogma is the same dogma that was touted in the late 19th century by National Socialists in the USA. Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and his cousin and cohort Edward Bellamy (author of the pathetic book "Looking Backward") wanted the government to take over all food, clothing, shelter, goods and services and create an "industrial army" to impose their "military socialism." See the video documentary at

That was the motiviation behind Francis Bellamy's "Pledge of Allegiance" to the flag, the origin of the stiff-armed salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party (see the work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry, author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").

It led to the use of the swastika as S-letters for "socialism" on the flag under German National Socialism.

Also see

It is the same dogma that led to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million killed under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Today, the flag symbolizes authoritarianism in the USA. The historical facts above explain the enormous size and scope of government today, and the USA's police state, and why it is growing so rapidly.  They are reasons for massive reductions in government, taxation, spending and socialism.

NAZI  - CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE - NAZISM Pre-1933 National Socialist posters at  
Adolf Hitler's Nazi salute came from the original socialist salute to U.S. flag. swastikas.

