Edward Bellamy, Prohibition Party, Francis Bellamy & Abraham Lincoln inspired old and modern prohibition              Edward Bellamy, Prohibition Party, Francis Bellamy, & Abraham Lincoln still kills and imprisons Americans

Modern prohibition still destroys individual freedom in the U.S.A. via the "War on Drugs" (more correctly known as the war on you and your rights) and via the Prohibition Party that still exists as a political party in the United States. As its name implies, the Prohibition Party advocates the prohibition of the use of beverages containing alcohol, as did the party during the old temperance movement. Prohibition (old and new) is the tragedy of civilization.   

The Prohibition Party was founded in 1867. The Prohibition Party's infamous deed was the passage of the 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1919, which outlawed the production, sale, transportation, import, and export of alcohol.

Francis Bellamy was a Prohibition Party speaker before he authored the "Pledge of Allegiance" to the United States flag. According to the writer Bill Kaufmann “Bellamy called it a ‘Pledge of Allegiance,’ probably choosing the word 'pledge' because it was redolent of the temperance movement."  The early Pledge originated the stiff-arm salute that was adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Francis (1855 - 1931) and his also-famous cousin, Edward Bellamy (1850 - 1898), were self-proclaimed socialists in the Nationalism movement in the U.S.A.  Prohibition was supported in Edward Bellamy's magazine "The Nationalist." Francis was a charter member of the first Nationalist Club of Boston, and promoted Edward Bellamy's Nationalist creed in written articles. Francis Bellamy defended his cousin's form of socialism in the article "The Tyranny of All the People" in the Arena Magazine July, 1891 (p.180-191).

The Bellamys admired Abraham Lincoln for his part in the War of Northern Aggression against Southern independence (wherein more Americans lost their lives than in any other wars, including the more recent Vietnam War and World War II).  Although the war took just over four years - starting in 1861 and ending in 1865 - over 600,000 people lost their lives and another million people were seriously injured.  Even after his death, Lincoln's military police-state persecuted, imprisoned and killed people (including civilians) for saying things like "I'd like to shit on his grave" or "If they had killed him four years ago it would have been better."  Lincoln's police-state tactics still inspire domestic tyrants/terrorists in the USA's government today.

Lincoln inspired old prohibition and new prohibition.   His likeness and his words were used on campaign buttons for new laws and bigger government.  One button states: "The legalized liquor traffic is the tragedy of civiliation." The truth is that prohibition (past and modern) is the tragedy of civilization.

The legacy of the Bellamys, the pledge, the U.S. flag, and the War of Northern Aggression was massive centralized socialism that resulted in widespread government policies of racism and segregation, along with a government takeover of schools.  Government schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy.

It was the same dogma that inspired the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part) the worst slaughters of human history: 62 million under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 35 million under the People’s Republic of China; 21 million under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. (Death tolls from the book "Death by Government" by Professor R. J. Rummel).

At first, temperance organizations pushed personal voluntary moderation, but after several decades, the movement's focus changed to the stereotypical socialist slant with a complete prohibition by government force.  

The Temperance movement blamed alcohol for many of society's ills, including crime and murder. Prohibition, members of the Temperance movement urged, would stop people from spending all the family income on alcohol.  

It makes an interesting comparison to the socialism movement which is blamed for many of society's ills under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (62 million dead); under the People’s Republic of China (35 million dead); and under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (21 million dead).  The USSR was notorious for creating a socialist society in which people would spend all the family income on vodka in order to stay inebriated and forget the socialist hellhole in which they lived.

In the beginning of the 20th century, there were Temperance organizations in nearly every state. By 1916, over half of the U.S. states already had statutes that prohibited alcohol. In 1919, the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibited the sale and manufacture of alcohol, was ratified. It went into effect on January 16, 1920.

While it was the 18th Amendment that established Prohibition, it was the Volstead Act (passed on October 28, 1919) that clarified the law. The Volstead Act stated that "beer, wine, or other intoxicating malt or vinous liquors" meant any beverage that was more than 0.5% alcohol by volume. The Act also stated that owning any item designed to manufacture alcohol was illegal and it set specific fines and jail sentences for violating Prohibition.

Loopholes existed for people to legally drink during Prohibition. For example, the 18th Amendment did not mention the actual drinking of liquor. Since Prohibition went into effect a full year after the 18th Amendment's ratification, many people bought cases of then-legal alcohol and stored them for personal use. The Volstead Act allowed alcohol consumption if it was prescribed by a doctor and large numbers of new prescriptions were written for alcohol.

Men would smuggle in rum from the Caribbean (rumrunners) or hijack whiskey from Canada and bring it into the U.S.  It would arrive by boat via the southern USA through Key West, Florida, traveling northward.

Others would buy large quantities of liquor made in homemade stills.

Should the old alcohol suppliers be considered gangsters or entrepreneurs? Should today's suppliers under modern prohibition be considered gangsters or entrpreneurs?  

Because of government and socialism, the average citizen broke the law.  Even the Curry family of Key West broke the law in order to maintain freedom in the USA. Because of the government's actions, the government caused a great growth in organized crime. During that time, newly hired Prohibition agents embraced a high rate of bribery.  Government corruption was enormous, though it is difficult to gauge whether it was larger than the corruption of today's government.

The enactment of national prohibition had taken away the party's main issue, and the party declined in importance.  Even so, antidisestablishmentarianism arose in efforts to maintain the statist quo.

The perfect world promised by the Temperance movement and socialists failed to materialize, just as it failed to materialize under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the People's Republic of China, and under the National Socialist German Workers Party.   More people joined the fight to restore freedom. The anti-Prohibition movement gained strength as the 1920s progressed, often stating that the question of alcohol consumption was a local issue and not something that should be in the Constitution.

By the time the government caused Roosevelt's Great Depression, the old prohibition had been discredited. On December 5, 1933, the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment. In a "Lazarus effect," it was the first and only time in U.S. history that an Amendment has been repealed, reviving the earlier condition.

But new prohibition remained and grew and still destroys individual liberty in the U.S.A. today.  An enormous amount of criminal justice work and court time is occupied with modern prohibition.  If the antidisestablishmentarianism does not end, more crime and harm will occur to everyone. 


Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy inspired socialism in Germany under the National Socialist German Workers' Party, the infamous stiff-arm salute, and  prohibition under German National Socialism.

In 1941, the magazine Auf der Wacht (On Guard) under the National Socialist German Workers' Party published an illustration reminding Germans of a new public-health ordinance. The poster showed a cigarette, a cigar, and a pipe, all smoldering beneath a menacing black boot and an eagle-and-swastika insignia.

The illustration, and dozens others like it, is reproduced in a new book by the Penn State science historian Robert N. Proctor. The book is "The Nazi War on Cancer" under German National Socialism. What's more, the National Socialist German Workers Party imposed a series of public-health measures that are still promoted by socialists in the United States and elsewhere today: banning smoking in various places, running aggressive anti smoking propaganda campaigns, and placing restrictions on how tobacco could be advertised.

Half a century before the Environmental Protection Agency enrolled junk science against "environmental tobacco smoke," antitobacco activist Dr. Fritz Lickint coined the term "passive smoking."   Taxation was used to divert money from other needs and toward advertising campaigns that urged women to have regular screening exams for cervical cancer. Taxation was then used to divert money from other needs to providing the exams which, in the classic socialist lie, were called "free" exams, though they were in fact much more expensive, with the expenses hidden via taxation and government.

Cancer was declared "the number one enemy of the state." National Socialist purported to favor "natural" food and opposed fat, sugar, alcohol, and sedentary
lifestyles. The existing temperance movement against alcohol and tobacco became more active under German socialists, who were involved in what Proctor calls
"creating a secure and sanitary utopia."

Many of those schemes were imposed by the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party. A nonsmoking, nondrinking vegetarian, he promoted the idea that through asceticism imposed by socialism one could improve the health of the race. He characterized tobacco as "the wrath of the Red Man against the White Man for having been given hard liquor." He even suggested that German socialism might never have triumphed in Germany had he not given up smoking.  The medical fraternity of the notorious German socialists championed  whole grain breads, soya beans, and extensive medico-botanical gardens at Dachau and Auschwitz.

German national socialists, Proctor states, had the most aggressive anti-smoking campaign in the world.

German national socialists translated their views into police state conditions. The clean-living lifestyle of the National Socialist leader was touted in propaganda campaigns as benchmark for all Germans, who were called on to live healthily for the good of the race. They began a temperance campaign, although they avoided
demonizing beer for fear of alienating the German workingman.

Smoking was a different story.  Many antismoking controls were enacted, including restrictions advertising and bans on smoking in many workplaces, government
offices, hospitals and, later, in all city trains and buses. Women could not legally purchase cigarettes in certain places. "The German woman does not smoke," proclaimed a German socialist slogan.  The National Socialists passed criminal sanctions against driving "under the influence" of cigarettes. Reich health führer
Leonardo Conti worried that tobacco's addictive qualities would compete with political loyalty. One medical paper discussed a final, if nonlethal, "solution to this difficult problem of smokers."

Cancer prevention also fit with the National Socialist emphasis on nature and natural modes of living. Hitler was a vegetarian and did not smoke or drink; nor would he allow anyone else to do so in his presence-excepting the occasional woman. (German socialist health propaganda drew attention to the fact that Roosevelt smoked cigarettes, while Churchill smoked cigars).

By law, bread had to contain a minimum percentage of whole-grain flour. Several influential health officials decried the raising of meat as a waste of agricultural

Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler were largely vegetarian (and also non-smoking teetotalers).

Himmler once wrote about contemporary food: "The artificial is everywhere; everywhere food is adulterated, filled with ingredients that supposedly make it last longer, or look better, or pass as 'enriched,' or whatever else the industry's admen want us to believe." The Reich Health Office spent 48,000 marks in 1940 and 1941 researching possible carcinogenic effects of food dyes. Lead-lined toothpaste tubes were banned in Germany long before they were in the United States.

Martin Gumpert, an émigré physician, laid into Nazi food policy in his deliciously titled polemic, Heil Hunger!: Health Under Hitler (1940).  

More information based on Proctor's book: HUEPER'S SECRET

Of course! There is a great deal being done for cancer research in Germany. In every part of the Reich there are magnificent institutes, for which the
Führer has provided large sums of money. --Adolf Butenandt, Germany's postwar president of the Max Planck Gesellschaft, in a 1941 radio interview

On September 28, 1933, Dr. Wilhelm Hueper, chief pathologist at the University of Pennsylvania's Cancer Research Laboratory, wrote to the minister of culture under German socialism, Bernhard Rust, inquiring into the possibility of an academic or hospital appointment in the new Germany. Hueper had emigrated to
the United States in 1923, and we know from his unpublished autobiography that he had worn the swastika on his Freikorps helmet as early as 1919. Now,
only months after the Machtergreifung (the seizure of power by German socialists), the young pathologist was petitioning the authorities to allow him to return to
Germany to restore his bonds to German culture.
Hueper's apparent support for National Socialism (he ends his letter with an enthusiastic "Heil Hitler!") still comes as a shock to anyone unfamiliar with the political landscape of European cancer activism in the 1930s (see fig. 1.1).  Hueper was behind the ominous cancer chapter in Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (titled "One in Every Four").  The man behind Silent Spring was attracted to German socialism.  What were German socialists saying and doing about cancer that led a man such as Hueper to bet his future on the Thousand Year Reich?

“Robert Proctor presents a great deal of evidence that the [National Socialist German Workers Party] exerted massive control over most facets of ordinary citizen’s lives. Yet somehow, he never reaches the obvious conclusion that such compulsive regulations, even if arguably well intentioned, ultimately lead to a large scale sacrifice of basic freedoms.

He explains how the [German National Socialists] greatly restricted tobacco advertising, banned smoking in most public buildings, increasingly restricted and regulated tobacco farmers growing abilities, and engaged in a sophisticated anti-smoking public relations campaign. (Suing tobacco companies for announced consequences was a stunt that mysteriously eluded Hitler’s thugs.) Despite the frightening parallels to the current war on tobacco, Mr. Proctor never even hints at the analogy. Curiously, he seems to take an approach that such alleged concern for public health shows nazism to be a more complex dogma than commonly presumed. While nothing present in the book betokens even a trace of sympathy for the Third Reich, this viewpoint seems incredibly naive. It’s easy to wonder if Hitler and company were truly concerned with promoting public health. The unquenchable lust for absolute control is a far more believable motive.

Incongruously some of the book’s desultory details lend further certitude to its unpromulgated thesis. Hitler not only abstained from tobacco; he also never drank and was, for the most part–a vegetarian. Frighteningly he also was an animal rights activist. The book reruns a nazi-era cartoon depicting many liberated lab animals giving the nazi salute to Hermann Goring after he outlawed animal experimentation and promised to send violators to a concentration camp. Also included is a fitting quote -now too widely suppressed from Joseph Goebbles, ..the fuhrer is deeply religious, though completely anti-Christian; he views Christianity as a symptom of decay.” Controversial as it may be in some circles, such a quote proves that nazism viewed Christianity as hatefully as it did Judaism. Passing coverage is given to the Third Reich’s forays into euthanasia and eugenics. Another striking morsel is the reporting of a widespread nazi-era whispered joke ..What is the ideal German? Blond like Hitler. Slim like Goring. Masculine like Goebbles…’ implying that Gautlier Goebble’s homosexuality was common knowledge. Nazi linguistic restrictions seem to be the counterpart of modern day ..hate speech.’ Words such as ..catastrophe,’ sabotage,’ and ..assassination’ were to be avoided, and in a portentous move, ..cripple’ was replaced by ..handicapped. Proctor also suggests ..the word ..enlightenment’ (was) probably used more in the nazi period than at any other time.’

Perhaps the ultimate overlooked point of this work is the suggestion that Adolph Hitler with his anti-tobacco, anti-religion, pro-animal rights, pro-government intrusion would find success as a modern day liberal.” –Steve Fantin

The Youth’s Companion (Where Francis Bellamy's Pledge of Allegiance was created and published and pushed) suffered an advertising decline and closed its doors in 1929, largely because it refused to advertise alcohol and tobacco. 

Six months after writing the Pledge of Allegiance, Francis Bellamy attended a flag-raising ceremony in New Jersey on April 25, 1883, at which citizens became the first adults to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in unison. Francis Bellamy and James Upham led the recitation, saying: “The times demand a patriotic citizenship, patriotic schools, a patriotic pulpit, a patriotic press.”

Mark IV Magnates were made by The House Of Windsor in Yoe, Pa. It was a machine made, short filler cigar with a homogenized binder. Each cigar was wrapped in gold paper 3/4 ths of the way up to the band. The last version came in a black plastic box. We actually sold these until about 2001 or 2,,,, maybe even 2003 or 4.

The Windsor factory was sold to the people who own Renegade Cigarettes and the machines were moved to North Carolina. The company now sells Caribbean Rounds and Wolf Crooks, both of which are being made for them on a contract basis by the Finck Cigar company in Texas.

Pledge of Allegiance, Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, Swastika, Looking Backward

Swastika, Edward Bellamy, Francis Bellamy, Pledge of Allegiance, Looking Backward

