Everyone is asked to help research and expose how some
newspapers use the horrid “Nazi” abbreviation to cover-up for the monstrous
National Socialist German Workers’ Party, in a vain effort to rehabilitate
CONTEST: There is also a contest for the
most shocking research results, and for the most shocking responses from
the media about the results, and for the best letters to the editor exposing
guilty newspapers.
Many newspapers have websites with archive search
engines that reveal how often the full phrase has been used (if ever) for
comparison with a newspaper’s hackneyed use of the horrid words “Nazi,” “Nazis”
and “Nazism.” Some media outlets have never written the full phrase,
but use the abbreviations so often that their search engines cannot display
all the results. For example, recent searches of the websites
at the Seattle Times, the New York Times and the St. Petersburg Times, showed
either no incidents or hardly any incidences of their writers having written
in their papers: National Socialist German Workers' Party.
On D-Day, the media routinely commemorate the June 6, 1944 Allied invasion
of Europe in WWII. Media everywhere drone on about "Nazis" and not
a single one will use the full phrase even once, as shown in a recent Google
"News" search. Google provides free "News Alerts" which enable anyone
to receive instantaneous email alerts for anything, including the hackneyed
abbreviation and it's full phrase. WARNING: Do not request alerts for
the abbreviation, as your inbox will be busy with repetitious media cliches.
Feel free to request alerts for the full phrase, as your inbox will
be lucky to ever see one (and if an alert comes, it will probably be about
something I wrote, such as this article).
Some media are anti libertarian, and their authoritarian
bias is so great that they use the horrid word “Nazi” exclusively and never
inform the public of the full phrase of the monstrous group.
Or to put it into the words that the media prefer, they are word nazis about
the word "Nazi." They use it to cover-up for the nasty National Socialist
German Workers' Party.
The media’s widespread dishonest practice is so
extensive that most people no longer know that “Nazi” is an abbreviation
for “National Socialist German Workers’ Party.” Government schools and the media have covered-up
for so long that even most journalists do not know what the hackneyed abbreviation
abbreviates. It is more proof that government schools must end, and
that government schools (socialized schools) teach lies for socialism.
The media exploit and perpetuate the rampant ignorance.
Please report the results (in plain text) with the website url addresses to rexy@ij.net at http://rexcurry.net
without attachments. Please also send the results as a letter
to the editor to the newspapers along with a letter such as the one below,
calling each newspaper’s attention to its dishonest practice and exposing
"Nazi" is an abbreviation for the horrid "National Socialist German Workers'
Party" as every dictionary states. I hope that you will inform the
public about the meaning of the horrid abbreviation. Some media outlets cover-up
for the monstrous "National Socialist German Workers' Party" via exclusive
use of the hackneyed abbreviation.
A news-making court case about the Pledge of Allegiance went before the
U.S. Supreme Court. The history of the pledge is suppressed because
it is so unlibertarian. Some media outlets are already covering up the fact
that the original salute to the U.S. flag resembled the salute of the National
Socialist German Workers' Party, that the pledge's author (Francis Bellamy)
was a famous National Socialist in the U.S. in 1892, and that the U.S. Pledge
of Allegiance is the origin of the salute of the National Socialist
German Workers' Party, which some media outlets refuse to identify fully.
http://rexcurry.net/pledgesalute.html There are many other ominous parallels
about the Pledge of Allegiance. (astounding historic photos and information
about the pledge are at http://rexcurry.net/pledge2.html ).
Francis Bellamy was the cousin and cohort of Edward Bellamy, the author of
the book "Looking Backward." The book promoted totalitarian socialism
and was an international bestseller that helped to inspire the Holocaust
and the socialist "Wholecaust" of the socialist trio of atrocities: the National
Socialist German Workers' Party (21 million killed), the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics (62 million killed); and the People's Republic of China
(35 million killed). (numbers from Professor R. J. Rummel's article in the
Encyclopedia of Genocide (1999)). http://rexcurry.net/socialists.jpg
If a writer uses an abbreviation (such as "Nazi"), then the abbreviation
should be fully identified at it's first use in an article (even parenthetically)
if not more often (for example: National Socialist German Workers' Party).
This letter is sent to ask you to fully inform the public about the history
of the Pledge of Allegiance and to fully expose the horrid National Socialist
German Workers' Party.
Of the times when your paper printed the word "Nazi" I can not recall a single
time when your paper identified the abbreviation as the "National Socialist
German Workers' Party." In fact, I cannot recall your paper ever writing
"National Socialist German Workers' Party." Is it an official policy of your
paper to never write "National Socialist German Workers' Party"?
Your website search tool for your archives indicates that you have never
used, or almost never used, the full phrase. In comparison, the words "Nazi"
and "Nazis" and "Nazism" have so many hits that your search program cannot
display them all. Or to put it into the words you prefer, you are word nazis
about the word "Nazi." You use it to cover-up for the nasty National Socialist
German Workers' Party.
How many of your writers have written the full phrase ever in their
lives? If you print my letter, I might be the first person in your
paper to inform the public of the full phrase.
Please confirm that I am correct about all of the above.
And the pledge court case is ongoing, and each year provides V-E Day, Memorial Day, D-Day, Flag Day and many other opportunities
in the future to write about the horrid National Socialist German Workers'
Party issues and to show the public whether you will or won't ever be truthful
about the full phrase. We'll all be watching.