Dr. Rex Curry's historical discoveries have been confirmed by the journalist Steve Chapman, a columnist and editorial writer for the Chicago Tribune. Chapman's twice-a-week column on national and international affairs, distributed by Creators Syndicate, appears in some 60 papers across the country. Chapman's comments came during a scholarly debate challenge about Dr. Curry's news-making work.

Chapman became familiar with Dr. Curry's famous revelation that the USA's early pledge of allegiance to the flag (1892) used a straight-arm salute and it was the source of the salute of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party. Dr. Curry helped to establish that it was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute" is a modern myth that grew during and after the lives of Edward Bellamy (1850-1898) and Francis Bellamy (1855-1931).
Chapman also conceded Dr. Curry's discovery that the German flag and its swastika was used sometimes to represent overlapping "S" letters in alphabetic symbolism for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Before the formal public debate was scheduled, Chapman took a closer look at Dr. Curry's work and Chapman decided to concede early regarding the accuracy of Dr. Curry's work. Chapman realized that for most of his life, Chapman had simply believed common myths about the topics and that Chapman had no actual evidence to support those myths, and no evidence that disputed Dr. Curry's new revelations debunking those myths.

In conceding defeat, Chapman said of Dr. Curry's work "I have read all this about the Pledge, and I suspect many Tribune readers have as well."

Before the debate issue arose, Chapman had become aware of the fact that Ernst Hanfstaengel, a Harvard graduate, had suggested that some American rituals be adopted by the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Chapman made an off-hand remark about not wanting to "blame it all on Harvard" and was cautioned against doing so, and informed that the topic was about much more than merely Hansfstaengel.

Chapman's comment was especially cryptic in that Chapman attended Harvard University, where he was on the staff of the Harvard Crimson. He graduated in 1976.

Chapman dodged a question about whether the Chicago Tribune had ever told its readers the origin of the Pledge of Allegiance, its original gesture, or printed a photograph of it, or pointed out that it is the origin of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party? He did not dispute that his audience (and the Chicago audience) would be surprised to learn about the Pledge's history and the new discoveries, and that the revelations would be the opposite of what readers expected.  Neither Steve Chapman, nor the Chicago Tribune, has plans to end the widespread ignorance of their readers.

Chapman joined the Chicago Tribune in 1981 from the New Republic magazine, where he was an associate editor. He has contributed articles to several national magazines, including Slate, The American Spectator, National Review and The Weekly Standard.  It would not be a surprise to learn that neither Chapman, nor any publication for which he has worked, has ever been forthcoming to readers about the pledge's putrid past and their rights under the law.

Chapman was informed that Illinois law states that the Pledge will be robotically chanted each day by government school pupils. Chapman refused to give a response when asked whether he or the Chicago Tribune ever inform students and parents (at the start of each school year) about their right not to pledge, regardless of Illinois law. Chapman had no comment when asked "Are you and the Chicago Tribune too afraid to address the topic?"

When he isn't dodging questions and debates, Chapman writes silly columns that aren't terribly important and have little relevance to anything going on today. Chapman made it painfully obvious that he was ignorant of the information discovered about the pledge, that he has learned a lot as a result of Dr. Curry's work.

The website that archives the work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry also maintains a standing debate challenge for journalists like Steve Chapman. The standing debate challenge exists so that dishonest journalists cannot claim that they have no memory of their debate losses concerning Dr. Curry's work. Any journalist who has been defeated in the past can accept the standing debate challenge in the future, should he ever find the intellectual honesty to do so. The defeat suffered by Chapman does not leave him without the opportunity for a re-match.

Pledge of Allegiance Image Pledging Allegiance Photograph
Pledge of Allegiance, Edward Bellamy, Socialism's Sick Swastika !
Pledge of Allegiance Image Pledging Allegiance Photograph
Swastikas Image Swastika Photograph
Sig Rune, Sieg, Sowilo, SS, SA, Socialism's Sick Swastika !
Swastikas Image Swastika Photograph