The swastika as S-letters for "Socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party

The eye-popping graphic art below and at  shows the use of the hakenkreuz (swastika) as alphabetic symbolism in posters dating pre-1933 used by the horrid National Socialist German Workers' Party.  Each poster can be clicked for a larger view.

The swastika myth was debunked in the work of the symbologist / cryptologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets").
see the swastika myth debunked with 1933-1945 posters at
see the swastika myth debunked with German medals at
see the swastika myth debunked with flags etc

Many are photographs made by Dr. Robert D. Brooks at the German Federal Archives in Koblenz.

German Liberation Poster
This poster helped inspire the phrase "Socialist Sun" as a reference to the Hakenkreuz. This poster seems to be dated 1924, a period during which the National Socialist German Workers' Party was illegal after the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch. The caption is: "Germany's Liberation." It likely came from one of the substitute parties that were founded to continue the movement while the National Socialist German Workers' Party was banned. (photo from Dr. Robert D. Brooks).
Trozt Verbot Poster
Another use of the "S" shape for the "socialism" of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  This poster was by "Mjölnir," Goebbels' artist from Berlin, whose real name was Hans Schweitzer (1901-1980). The caption translates as "Despite the ban, not dead." Its date must be 1928, a period when most party activities in Berlin were banned. This striking poster apparently was not used. 
Dawes Poster
This is a poster for the 1928 Reichstag election. The Dawes Plan was an international agreement dealing with the matter of German reparations payments from World War I. The caption reads: "Break the Dawes Chains." (photo from Dr. Robert D. Brooks).
Red War Poster

This poster uses the Hakenkreuz to try to distinguish the socialism of the National Socialist German Workers' Party from the sociailsm of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  The text reads: "The Red War. Mother or Comrade? Man or Machine? God or the Devil? Blood or God? Race or Bastard? Popular music or jazz? National Socialism or Bolshevism?"
It is frightening that in 1939 the Nazi-Sozis joined with the USSR as allies in WWII in a pact to divide up Europe and they both started by invading Poland.  The USSR slaughtered 62 million people, and the NSDAP slaughtered 21 million. This poster might be dated 1930. (photo from Robert D. Brooks).  

1932 Hitler Poster

A 1932 poster shows the Hakenkreuz flags. It is for the March presidential election and "promises" success in the election, which aroused false hopes in supporters, hopes dashed when Hitler failed to win.

1932 Poster

Text: "Open the door to freedom! Put a strong man at the helm! Out of the swamp! Forward with the powers of renewal! Vote National Socialist List 2."  Also shows the straight-arm salute that came from the military salute in the USA and the original pledge of allegiance to the US flag, and not from ancient Rome.  From the July 1932 Reichstag election.    By the way, the USA's phrase "homeland security" in German is "Heimatsicherheit" or "Heimwehr."

132 Nazi Election Poster
Another poster helped to inspire the phrase "Socialist Sun" as a reference to the Hakenkreuz.  Text: "Work and food through National Socialism." November 1932. Courtesy of Dr. Robert D. Brooks.

National Socialist, Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler, Fascist Party, Third Reich, Nazism, Swastikas, Stalin Mao Hitler