I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag? Adolf Hitler, Nazism, Fascism, Third Reich
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag?
<= American children learned the stiff-arm salute

Correction of errors in Palm Beach Post re Pledge of Allegiance

(This important part is excerpted from below in a debate dare to the Palm Beach Post (PBP):  It is a good bet that the PBP has NEVER shown its readers an actual photograph of the original salute of the Pledge of Allegiance and that it never will. I dare the PBP to do so.  The PBP search engine on the PBP website shows 38 uses of the term "Nazi." In comparison, a search for the actual name of the Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party) on the PBP website does not clearly show that the PBP has ever informed its readers of the actual name of the Party ever. It is an intellectually dishonest practice that is common in journalism. George McEvoy's column continues that intellectually dishonest practice at the PBP. That means that if the PBP prints some or all of my comments (please do), then I might become the first person to cause the PBP to accurately reveal the actual name of the Party in the PBP, and break that intellectually dishonest overuse of the shorthand.)

This is sent to correct errors about the pledge of allegiance in the Palm Beach Post (including “Pledge upholders should read history” by columnist George McEvoy 01/21/06).

The PBP column incorrectly states that Francis Bellamy preached “Marxist sermons.”  The socialism of Francis (and his cousin Edward Bellamy) was considered an alternative to Marxism.  Every socialist is not necessarily a Marxist.  Socialism pre-dated Marxism.

Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") were socialists. Edward and Charles were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA and worldwide, the "Nationalist" magazine, the "Nationalist Educational Association," and the Bellamy dogma of "military socialism" (a Bellamy phrase) and Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists worldwide (including Germany) via “Nationalist Clubs.”   Their dogma was also called “Christian Socialism.”

The PBP column incorrectly states that “It was for one of Edward's publications, a boys' magazine, that Francis Bellamy wrote the pledge for a Flag Day edition.”  The Pledge was written by Francis, in cooperation with James Upham, for the “Youth’s Companion” (it was not one of Edward’s publications).  It would be correct to state that Upham and the head of the YC were familiar with the Bellamy dogma when they hired Francis to write for the YC.

The PBP column incorrectly implies that Virginia was unique in using a straight-arm salute.  In fact, the pledge as originally written by Francis began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag (palm up). In actual practice, the gesture was performed with a straight arm and palm down by children casually performing the forced ritual chanting. Due to the way that both gestures were used in the pledge, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute. My work has shown that the Pledge was the origin of the salute of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis).  Historic photographs are at and at

I helped to establish that the gesture was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth.

The PBP column, after the “Marx” error, then perpetuates the hackneyed use of the term “Nazi,” and fails to state the actual name of the horrid party: the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. The PBP column omits the most troubling aspect of the Bellamy dogma.  “Nazis” did not call themselves “Nazis.”  They called themselves "National Socialists.”  A mnemonic device is the swastika. Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, my work shows that the symbol was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism." Hitler altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.
For more on the Bellamys’ German connection see

The PBP search engine on the PBP website shows 38 uses of the term “Nazi.”  In comparison, a search for the actual name of the Party (National Socialist German Workers’ Party) on the PBP website does not clearly show that the PBP has ever informed its readers of the actual name of the Party ever.  It is an intellectually dishonest practice that is common in journalism. George McEvoy’s column continues that intellectually dishonest practice at the PBP.  That means that if the PBP prints some or all of my comments (please do), then I might become the first person to cause the PBP to accurately reveal the actual name of the Party in the PBP, and break that intellectually dishonest overuse of the shorthand.   

McEvoy’s column also did not carry an actual historic photograph of the original Pledge salute. It is a good bet that the PBP has NEVER shown its readers an actual photograph of the original salute and that it never will.  I dare the PBP to do so. 

The PBP columnist also gave the impression that the U.S. Supreme Court jumped to rescue the USA from mandatory pledge chants.  At first, the U.S. Supreme Court avoided the issue for years and then, in Minersville School Board v. Gobitas (1940), the Court ruled that children could be expelled from government’s schools for refusing to Pledge.  That decision caused a lot of persecution and violence of Pledge dissenters.  Three years later, the Court reversed itself in West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette (1943).

The PBP columnist used the term “right-wingers” and his other errors above show that he is stuck in childish left-right political analysis, as taught in government schools.

The Bellamys wanted the government to take over all schools. They hoped that government schools and the pledge would promote their Nationalist vision of "military socialism." When their wish was granted, government schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policy and did so for decades before German National Socialists and for decades after the  defeat of German National Socialists.

The Bellamys and their ilk disliked individuals and individualism and anything that made people "different." They were xenophobes who disliked the new immigrants and wanted to make them change. The Pledge and government schools were part of their plan.

The Bellamys embodied the dogma expressed in the climate of the socialist Age with its exploitation and slaughter of workers. Edward Bellamy's book was translated into every major language including the languages of those countries that perpetrated the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part) under the National Socialist German Workers' Party (21 million dead), the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (62 million dead), and the Peoples' Republic of China (35 million dead). 

In the USA, the Pledge has a long history of persecution and violence.  Francis Bellamy (the Pledge's author) supported a government takeover of education.  The government's schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policy.  The USA's behavior was an example for three decades before the Nazis. As under Nazism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and blacks and the Jewish and others in the USA attended government schools that dictated segregation, taught racism, and persecuted children who refused to perform the straight-arm salute and robotically chant the Pledge. There were acts of student violence, teacher violence, police violence and mob violence. There were arrests and prosecutions. Children were taken away from their parents on the government's claim of unfit parenting if the children were not forced to pledge. Some kids were expelled from government schools and had to use the many better alternatives. The government schools then persecuted those non-government schools.

More people are joining and taking the "pledge not to pledge" (allegiance to the flag).  As a libertarian lawyer, I provide pro bono services at schools and events nationwide to educate the public about the news.

News reports from December 23, 2005 state that Cameron Frazier refused to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance at a government schools and it sparked a Constitutional battle against his teacher and the Palm Beach County School Board.
News reports from March 1, 2005 stated that another incident occurred at a government school in Brick Township, New Jersey. A video of the shocking behavior is at 

It is unfortunate that modern flag Nazis still persecute people about the pledge in the USA's growing police state.

The Pledge is part of the USA's growing police-state. The insane government in the U.S. could cause comatose persons to Pledge dis-allegiance, desecrate the flag, and recite a declaration of independence.

Fight the flag hags and their flag fetish. Government's schools should not teach kids to verbally fellate flags each morning. It is like a brainwashed cult of the omnipotent state. For adults it is childish.

Remove the Pledge from the flag, remove flags from schools, remove schools from government. Take the pledge not to pledge.

News reports from December 23, 2005 state that Cameron Frazier refused to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance at a government schools and it sparked a Constitutional battle against his teacher and the Palm Beach County School Board. The 17-year-old junior claims in a federal lawsuit that he was ridiculed and punished Dec. 8 when he twice refused to stand for the pledge during his fourth-period algebra class at Boynton Beach High School.


More people are joining and taking the "pledge not to pledge" (allegiance to the flag).  It is unfortunate that modern flag Nazis still persecute people about the pledge in the USA's growing police state.


The Pledge has a long history of persecution and violence.  Francis Bellamy (the Pledge's author) supported a government takeover of education.  The government's schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policy.  The USA's behavior was an example for three decades before the Nazis. As under Nazism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and blacks and the Jewish and others in the USA attended government schools that dictated segregation, taught racism, and persecuted children who refused to perform the straight-arm salute and robotically chant the Pledge. There were acts of student violence, teacher violence, police violence and mob violence. There were arrests and prosecutions. Children were taken away from their parents on the government's claim of unfit parenting if the children were not forced to pledge. Some kids were expelled from government schools and had to use the many better alternatives. The government schools then persecuted those non-government schools.

Pledge routines are part of the USA’s growing police-state.  The insane government in the U.S. could cause comatose persons to Pledge dis-allegiance, desecrate the flag, and recite a declaration of independence.

Fight the flag hags and their flag fetish. Government's schools should not teach kids to verbally fellate flags each morning. It is like a brainwashed cult of the omnipotent state. For adults it is childish. Remove the Pledge from the flag, remove flags from schools, remove schools from government.

Shocking facts were exposed by the historian Rex Curry about the Pledge's putrid past. As a libertarian lawyer, Curry provides pro bono services at schools and events nationwide to educate the public about the news.

1. Dr. Rex Curry showed that the USA's first Pledge of Allegiance used a straight-arm salute and it was the origin of the salute of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis). Professor Curry helped to establish that it was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth.

2. The Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. Historic photographs are at and at   Due to the way that both gestures were used, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute.

3. Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") were socialists.  Edward and Charles were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, the "Nationalist Educational Association," and their dogma of "military socialism," and Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists in Germany, and the Pledge was the origin of the Nazi salute. "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party." A mnemonic device is the swastika. Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, Professor Curry discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism." Curry changed the way that people view the symbol of the horrid National Socialist German Workers' Party.  Hitler altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.

Dr. Curry showed that many modern myths about swastikas are based on the false belief that Nazis called their symbol a "swastika."  German National Socialists did not use the word "swastika," but called their symbol a "Hakenkreuz."  Professor Curry showed that many modern myths rely on a false belief that Nazis called themselves "Nazis" or used some other term (Party members referred to themselves as "National Socialists" and did not use the term "Nazis").


Dear Abby: Would you please tell your readers that not reciting or participating in the Pledge of Allegiance does not mean that someone is a bad American?

For religious reasons, I cannot say the Pledge. I sit quietly while it's recited, but unfortunately, others can't keep quiet about my silence. They make a scene and begin interrogating me - especially at sporting events. Others have better manners, but still insist that I stand in respect - but standing is participating.

I have been punched, kicked, cursed at and spat upon, often in front of my children. People scream about their war records or their soldier relatives. Well, I have kin "over there," too. Please do not assume that non-participants are bad people. They might even be Canadian.
                                   - Silent Supporter, Benson, N.C.

Dear Silent Supporter: Thank you for a letter that may educate those who do not understand that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance does not automatically make them more patriotic - or better Americans - than those who do not. Physically or verbally attacking someone because the person doesn't conform is not a sign of patriotism. It's a symptom of intolerance, and should get the guilty parties tossed out of the events.

For anyone who may not already know, Quakers do not take oaths - even in courts of law - nor do they salute religious symbols. The person remaining silent (and seated) when the Pledge is recited could also be a member of a religion outside the Judeo-Christian matrix, or even a member of a certain sect of Buddhism.

Dear Abby advice for the day: When in doubt, keep your mouth shut.

Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance, school racism segregation teachers education high schools elementary schools The Pledge of Allegiance & socialism, segregation and racism
Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance
Swastika Swastikas
Swastika, Edward Bellamy, Credit Cards, Credit Card Myths Francis Bellamy, Pledge of Allegiance, Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward, Holocaust, Inquisition
Francis Bellamy Edward Bellamy & the Credit Card Myth