DRUG LAWS ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL Photograph http://rexcurry.net/dog4.jpg & image http://rexcurry.net/tagflower2.JPG
Drug Laws thumbnail image unconstitutional recreational controlled substances

Drug Laws thumbnail photograph unconstitutional Rx means "Rex." recreational controlled substances
Rex Curry, Attorney At Law
Counseling the governmentally addicted since 1983

Nowhere in the constitution is the federal government authorized
to assume a law enforcement role.

Rx means Rex. The prescription is to repeal drug laws.
Get high on Freedom.
Image http://rexcurry.net/tagflower2.JPG

an introduction to the following more detailed reasons.

drug laws take and forfeit persons and their property unlawfully.

8th Am. CRUEL & UNUSUAL  -
the "War on Drugs" and penalties are cruel and unusual in a free society.

9th Am. RIGHTS RETAINED BY THE PEOPLE - individuals have rights that are not enumerated in the Constitution.
10th Am. RIGHTS RESERVED TO STATES OR PEOPLE - in conjunction with Art. 1, sec. 8, commerce clause.
COMMERCE CLAUSE - art. 1, § 8, ci.3, most vices have no substantial relation to interstate commerce.
COMMERCE CLAUSE EXTRA - 9th throws out conviction for home made machine guns.
THE ENTIRE PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERT - all of the preceding arguments in one large legal document.

Other legal arguments made in a Motion to Dismiss drug charges in federal court in a different case -

LAWRENCE v. TEXAS - all vice laws should be overturned as sodomy laws were overturned.
5th & 14th DENIAL OF DUE PROCESS - vice laws cause outrageous government conduct (lying, crime etc).
5th & 14th DENIAL OF EQUAL PROTECTION- cocaine sentencing disparities unlawfully discriminate.
GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS - deny defendant's rights under unconstitutional vice laws for the following reasons.
1st Am. DENIAL OF FREE SPEECH - government schools teach everyone what to believe and say.
1st Am. DENIAL OF FREE PRESS - government schools taught the media what to think and write.
1st Am. ESTABLISHMENT OF A RELIGION - government schools establish the cult of the omnipotent state.
6th Am. DENIAL OF AN IMPARTIAL JURY - government schools taught jurors what verdict to render.
6th Am. DENIAL OF A PUBLIC TRIAL - government schools taught the media to repeat propaganda.
WAIVER OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS - government schools teach everyone to waive his rights.
THE ENTIRE MOTION TO DISMISS - with other constitutional arguments against vice laws.

4th Am. UNREASONABLE SEARCHES - drugs violate the rights of students in government schools.
4th Am. SEARCHES WITH DOGS - drug laws encourage the corrupt use of drug dogs in a police state..
DRUG DOGS - these motions stop dogs used as ruses to violate the constitutional rights of humans.  

LEGALIZE DRUGS thumbnail image recreational controlled substances
Legalize drugs & recreational substances image http://rexcurry.net/tagflower2.JPG >
New FL specialty car tag touts legalizing FL's state wildflower.

"Dr. Rex Curry often refers to his clients and other drug dealers as 'unlicensed Pharmacists.' He began using that phrase after he saw the following sophistry: Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant' is like calling a illegal drug dealer an 'unlicensed Pharmacist.' "

Modern prohibition can be tracked back to the disastrous old prohibition against alcohol and to the National Socialists Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy and to their deadly dogma behind their poisonous Pledge of Allegiance. http://rexcurry.net/drugs-prohibition-party-today.html

Pledge of Allegiance http://rexcurry.net/pledge-allegiance-pledge-allegiance.jpg Pledge Allegiance, Francis Bellamy
Edward Bellamy, Francis Bellamy, Pledge of Allegiance, Swastikas
Pledge of Allegiance http://rexcurry.net/pledge-allegiance-pledge-allegiance.jpg Pledge Allegiance, Francis Bellamy
Edward Bellamy, Swastika http://rexcurry.net/swastika3swastika.jpg Swastikas
Edward Bellamy, Francis Bellamy, Swastikas, Pledge of Allegiance
Edward Bellamy, Swastika http://rexcurry.net/swastika3swastika.jpg Swastikas

Pledge of Allegiance, Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, Swastika, Looking Backward

Swastika, Edward Bellamy, Francis Bellamy, Pledge of Allegiance, Looking Backward