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government schools. Give a generous contribution. |
As an attorney, I believe that government schools should
be unconstitutional under the First Amendment, “Congress shall make no law.....abridging
the freedom of....the press.” Government schools are abridging (and
are incompatible with) a free press.
During my legal career, journalists have asked me if
it is wise (or constitutional) for government to control everyone’s education.
Most members of the media were educated in government schools.
In ways that are obvious and not-so-obvious, the government schools teach
the media what to think and write.
Government schools are as unconstitutional as would
be government instructors selecting and editing press stories. Or
if compulsory education were extended to include mandatory government schooling
into adulthood with special classes for the media.
Government schools create media milquetoasts in the
same way that Cuban schools create socialists. Government schools
in the U.S. are different only in degree from schools in the former U.S.S.R.
The media’s antidisestablishmentarianism is ongoing
proof of the need to end government schools. As they saying goes,
“The purpose of government is to provide service, the purpose of the media
is to provide Vaseline.”
The U.S. did not have government schools when the First
Amendment was written. If the authors of the Constitution had foreseen
the government’s education monstrosity then the First Amendment would have
banned Congress from the establishment of religion and education.
The Constitution should be amended to include “education”
next to “religion.” The separation of school and state is as
important as the separation of church and state. And for the same ideological
reasons. The proposed constitutional amendment is discussed
in detail at http://rexcurry.net .
Even if an excuse could be made for the initial creation
of some government schools, their ongoing existence is proof of their ongoing
failure to educate people to handle their own (or their childrens’) educations
without government schools.