A lot of fascinating research concerns eBay. Much of the work examines tips and tricks for selling items in online auctions. Most of the work is puff, with very little critical analysis of the web site.  More information is needed to aid sellers in navigating eBay's esoteric and oddball rules.

For example, one rule states that eBay "will deem inappropriate and remove listings of items whose primary value is that they are from or promote organizations that glorify hatred, violence, racial or religious intolerance...." and the rule refers to the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP) among others. That rule creates glaring hypocrisy when compared to the special exception that eBay makes for the sale of collectibles from the NSGWP, including stamps and coins.

Any review of eBay's stamps and coins from the NSGWP shows that they are offensive items that were made by real, live German National Socialists to glorify German National Socialism and its leaders.

In comparison, many items are banned that were not made by real, live German National Socialists to glorify German National Socialism.

For example, a historic photograph of the early Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the USA was removed by a worker at eBay.  In the ban of America's flag heritage, an eBay worker cited the "anti NSWGP" rule, as if to state that the early pledge was an artifact of German National Socialism or intended to glorify hatred, violence, racial or religious intolerance. The early Pledge of Allegiance is verboten on eBay. The eye-popping eBay letter is can be found in searches of the web and at

The photograph that was removed from eBay can also be found in web searches and at

That ban of the flag salute photo was stark hypocrisy compared to eBay's aid for stamps and coins made by real, live German National Socialists to glorify German National Socialism.  The auction site allows stamps from the NSGWP that show the swastika flag being saluted.

The actual implementation of eBay rules has had an effect that seems pro-NSWGP, while suppressing items that are critical of German National Socialism.

The bizarre behavior at eBay might be explained by the ignorance of eBay workers.  They probably attended government schools (socialist schools) where they were taught propaganda and lies about the Pledge of Allegiance and its history of National Socialism in the USA.  The workers are probably not aware that the early Pledge of Allegiance used a straight-arm salute that was the origin of the salute of German National Socialism, as discovered by the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").  On the other hand, if eBay is aware of Professor Curry's work, then the question arises whether eBay has made a decision to ban some Pledge of Allegiance items on the grounds that they were sources of German National Socialism.

The eBay policy might result in other odd outcomes. There are photographs of U.S. athletes at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin giving the straight-arm salute of the U.S.A. There is the danger that eBay workers will strike sales of U.S. athletes giving the U.S. salute, and that eBay workers will label them as artifacts of German National Socialism.

A little known secret about the Olympics is that the games have an official salute. It is a straight-arm salute like that of the former National Socialist German Workers' Party. Dr. Curry  showed that both salutes originated in the United States from an Amercian National Socialist, Francis Bellamy.

The straight-arm salute was the early gesture of the Pledge of Allegiance (1892), written by Bellamy, a self-proclaimed National Socialist who espoused "military socialism."  The pledge spread the straight-arm salute and Bellamy's socialist dogma in the USA. Participation in the Olympics by the USA influenced the games to adopt the same straight-armed socialist salute used for the pledge. The Olympics spread the straight-arm salute and the socialist dogma worldwide.

The leader of the German Workers' Party was so impressed with the dogma of National Socialism that he renamed his party the National Socialist German Workers' Party. He also turned the swastika 45 degrees to the horizontal and pointed it clockwise to highlight the "S" shape to symbolize the party's "socialism," as discovered by Professor Curry, author of "Swastika Secrets."

The anti NSGWP rule at eBay has banned sales of items showing or analyzing the swastika and explaining its modern use as overlapping "S" letters for "Socialism" as exposed by Dr. Curry. 

The ban  was stark hypocrisy compared to eBay's aid for stamps and coins made by real, live German National Socialists to glorify German National Socialism.  The eBay auction site allows stamps from the NSGWP that show the swastika symbol on a flag and being saluted with the straight-arm salute. The actual implementation of eBay rules has had an effect that seems pro-NSWGP, while suppressing items that are critical of German National Socialism.

America's Nazi salute Nazi salute: Made in the USA and banned on eBay
ebay bans nazi salute from America USA
America's Nazi salute Nazi salute: Made in the USA and banned on eBay

A nationwide boycott of eBay is protesting eBay's hypocrisy regarding Nazi items that glorify Nazism. Ebay abets sales of Nazi stamps and coins, for example. eBay's Nazi stamps and coins show offensive items that were made by Nazis to glorify Nazism, Hitler, hatred & racism. Hypocritically, eBay banned the sale of a historic photograph of the USA's original Pledge of Allegiance (which was the origin of the Nazi salute) while allowing Nazi stamps that show the Nazi flag saluted.

See items banned by eBay at
eBay's letter banning a historic photograph of the original Pledge of Allegiance to the USA's flag is at the end of this webpage.
also see
also see

A nationwide boycott of eBay is protesting eBay's hypocrisy regarding items that glorify Nazism. Nazi items that glorify Nazism are allowed on eBay for auction. For example, Ebay abets sales of Nazi stamps and coins, and openly admits it in written policies. Any review of eBay's Nazi stamps and coins shows that they are offensive items that were made by Nazis to glorify Nazism, Hitler, hatred, violence, racism and religious intolerance.

Ebay banned the sale of a historic photograph of the original Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the USA.  The ban was stark hypocrisy compared to eBay's aid for Nazi stamps and coins.  Many Nazi stamps bear the Nazi flag being saluted, and eBay abets the sale of those Nazi stamps.  In the ban of America's flag heritage, Ebay cited it's policy against other "Nazi" items, believe it or not! The eye-popping eBay letter and the photo are at and at the url cited above and can be found in web searches for the historian Rex Curry.

EBay claims that it "will deem inappropriate and remove listings of items whose primary value is that they are from or promote organizations that glorify hatred, violence, racial or religious intolerance, such as the Aryan Nation, Hitler Youth, Nazis, neo-Nazis, etc."  That is a glaring contradiction of the special exception that Ebay makes for Nazi items that glorify Nazism.  

A review of Nazi items on eBay suggests that eBay's removal of items to which eBay objects is inconsistent or selective.  In addition to Nazi items that eBay policy openly abets, there appear to be many items that violate ebay's remaining polices, and many of those items are not removed.  

At the same time that eBay aids Nazi items that glorify Nazis, Ebay also removes items that denounce Nazism.  Thus, whether eBay intends the outcome or not, eBay's behavior gives the appearance that eBay is included in "organizations that glorify hatred, violence, racial or religious intolerance, such as the Aryan Nation, Hitler Youth, Nazis, neo-Nazis, etc."   Ebay's Nazi-like conduct leaves the appearance that eBay is an organization that removes and censors opposition to Nazism.

Even more bizarre is that Ebay has removed items that denounce Nazism and then eBay claimed in canned emails that the items that denounced Nazism "violated eBay's Hateful or Discriminatory policy..." (sic).

Ebay's self-confessed "hateful or discriminatory policy" is one of many reasons why Ebay and its "hateful or discriminatory policy" of hypocrisy and its outrageous fees are being replaced by competitors (e.g. Yahoo Auctions - which post auctions free of charge). 

Questions raised by Ebay's ban of a historic US flag photo include the following (and any answers are not clear from Ebay's letter):

Is Ebay acknowledging that the USA's original pledge of allegiance (which used a straight-arm salute) was the origin of the Nazi salute? That historic discovery was exposed by the historian Rex Curry. 

Does Ebay believe that historic photographs of America's original pledge violate laws in countries that ban Nazi depictions? (Selling or displaying Nazi artifacts is illegal in France. Germany is similar. In other words, is the U.S. pledge a Nazi artifact? Is it illegal to display / sell historic photographs of the original USA pledge in France and/or Germany?)

Ebay's "hateful or discriminatory policy" evinces hatefulness for liberty and it shows eBay's discrimination against Americans in order to adopt un-American and authoritarian behavior in other countries.

Ebay recently suspended a seller who had a five year history on ebay and a 100% positive rating by customers.  Ebay suspended the seller in order to ban the sale of a book criticizing Adolf Hitler's bizarre signature.  The book can be found at and in web searches for the historian Rex Curry. Ebay acted unilaterally and without any complaint from any of its customers. Why did eBay do that?

Most people have never seen Adolf Hitler's bizarre signature and it seems that Ebay intends to keep it that way, and keep its customers in the dark and ignorant.   

Another recent disturbing act of suppression of historical truths on ebay involved an eBay employee who goes by the name "Shea" and who tries to remain semi-anonymous on eBay while also refusing to converse or answer questions about his, or eBay's, policies.  There have been other incidences in which eBay has tried to suppress America's heritage concerning the pledge of allegiance, including actions of the "Community Watch Team with eBay Trust & Safety."  A search of the internet shows Shea otherwise identified as acting on behalf of Bill Cobb of ebay.  It is not clear what relationship there is between Shea and Oscar or Kimbal or Jake or Murphie who are also identified on the internet as acting on behalf of Bill Cobb and Community Watch Team at eBay Trust & Safety.

The banned book about Hitler's signature should not have been banned because Ebay's policy specifically allows books about historical information from WWII and information criticizing Nazis.  Ebay policy also specifically allows the book as a War documentary or about victims of war or violence.

Ebay's "hateful or discriminatory policy" evinces hatefulness for the US Constitution and discrimination against the First Amendment right of Free Speech.

When asked for a comment, customer service at eBay clammed up.  Ebay customer service is notoriously bad, and the eBay website seems designed to prevent emailing, or phone calls to eBay.  Ebay's website is designed to force customers to use webpage forms that can then be easily ignored and prevent customers from complaining to higher-ups about Ebay employees who are rude, hateful, disciminatory and who need to be fired before they destroy eBay.  Customers who are victimized by eBay are shut-out and have no alternative but to take complaints public.

Whether eBay customer service intended it or not, the effect of the hateful and discriminatory policies at eBay is to cover-up for Nazism, racism, aryanism and totalitarianism.  Ebay risks leaving the appearance of trying to rehabilitate Nazism, racism and Aryanism by suppressing critics of those horrid dogmas. 

That is why eBay is becoming a bad place to do business and why eBay's competition is growing fast.  


Ebay also has a shocking practice that involves suspending accounts in such a way that eBay interferes with transactions that have been paid for but not completed.  Their system can sabotage agreements that have already been made, and interfere with communications between the buyer and seller in their efforts to wrap up the matters.  Ebay does this without giving explanation to all parties involved, so it leaves a misimpression of what is happening, and eBay does not honestly state to the parties that eBay is the cause of the interference and of the inability to finish the transaction or the inability to even communicate. That is why eBay is becoming such a bad place to do business and why their competition is growing by leaps and bounds. 


Dear ______,

We regret to inform you that your eBay auction..........has been ended. All fees associated with this auction have been credited to your account.

The item you have listed does not appear to be consistent with eBay guidelines.

In accordance with our Offensive Materials policy, eBay does not permit Nazi items to be sold on our site. This means that items that bear any markings of the Nazi party are prohibited on eBay. This applies even if the offending symbols have been cropped, edited or otherwise covered or altered in the image or description of the item. Prohibited items also include those that are advertised with Nazi terms, including but not limited to: Aryan nation, Hitler, Hitler Youth, HJ, NSDAP, NSKK, Nazi, Neo-Nazi, RZM, SS, or Third Reich. Sellers may not use techniques to circumvent our policy, such as substituting XX or other double letters to signify SS items.

Exceptions to this rule are as follows:

- Stamps and coins are allowed even if they contain offensive symbols.
- Non-propaganda books and movies about WWII or Nazi Germany, even if the Nazi symbol appears on or in the item
- Mein Kampf may be sold provided that it is not a German language edition of the book. Also sellers must state in their listing that they will not ship this item outside the United States.

Items from or related to Nazi Germany are sought after by collectors and historians the world over. However, eBay is now a worldwide community, with many of its users residing in countries where the possession or sale of items associated with hate organizations in general, and the Nazi Party in particular, is a criminal offense.

eBay has always exercised prudence in determining what it must disallow in order to foster a worldwide trading community. However, eBay will deem inappropriate and remove listings of items whose primary value is that they are from or promote organizations that glorify hatred, violence, racial or religious intolerance, such as the Aryan Nation, Hitler Youth, KKK, Nazis, neo-Nazis, etc.

eBay will review listings that are brought to its attention by its global community, and will look at the entire listing to determine whether it is in violation of our policies.

For more information on this policy, please visit:

For information on infringing, prohibited or questionable items, please view:

For more information on why eBay has ended an auction, please visit:  
Future auctions listed that fail to meet our listing guidelines will be ended early and repeated violations may jeopardize your account status. We value you as a member of our community and wish to continue our relationship, so we respectfully ask you to refrain from any violations of the Listing Policies or User Agreement in the future.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Customer Support (Trust and Safety Department)
eBay Inc

Ebay has Nazi policies toward Pledge of Allegiance? Ebay
Ebay has Nazi policies toward Pledge of Allegiance?
Ebay has Nazi policies toward Pledge of Allegiance? Ebay