The book, EDWARD BELLAMY ABROAD, by Sylvia E. Bowman is an amazing 543 pages
of evidence that Edward Bellamy's scheme for an "industrial army" (openly
modeled after the military) inspired WWII, the Holocaust, the Wholecaust,
and every socialist cesspool on earth, including the socialist trio of the
worst atrocities: the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 62 million people
slaughtered; the People's Republic of China, 35 million; and the National
Socialist German Workers' Party, 21 million.
(numbers from Professor R. J. Rummel's article in the Encyclopedia of Genocide
(1999)). After reading this book it should be no wonder why Bellamy
is "the American Marx" or more monstrous than Marx.
The book is a warning that socialists are nuclear bombs, and socialism is
nuclear war.
The author, Sylvia Bowman, is somewhat biased, and similar to all socialists,
she wants to attribute only good results to the influence of Bellamy's socialism,
no bad
results. In the chapter on Germany there are 54 pages of which 3 paragraphs
mention the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party, in passing,
briefly mentioning the similarities in Bellamy's philosophy. Bowman pretends
that the other 53 pages about Bellamy's influence in Germany provided no
inspiration for the monstrous Nazis. Edward Bellamy was, of course, a self-proclaimed
National Socialist in the U.S. Bellamy was a bitter West Point failure
but he loved Prussian militarism and the educational system. That
would interest all who loathe the monstrous National Socialist German Workers’
Party, because Prussia led to the formation of the German empire, and after
World War I, Prussia continued to exist as the largest Land (state) within
the Weimar Republic and under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
After World War II it was dissolved by decree of the Allied Control Council
in 1947.
Bowman makes no mention of the fact that Edward Bellamy's cousin and cohort,
Francis Bellamy, wrote the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance (1892) and popularized
it's robotic chanting daily on upon the ring of a government bell, like Pavlov's
lapdogs of the state. Francis Bellamy created the Pledge's original
straight-arm salute, which was the origin of the salute of the National Socialist
German Workers' Party, as uncovered by the journalist Rex Curry. The common
claim that it was a Roman salute is a myth debunked at
It makes more sense to say that the salute was "Roman" in that Francis
Bellamy was from Rome, N.Y. and he (and others about Rome, N.Y.) sometimes
used the term "Roman" to refer to hometown activity and people. Bowman's
book has a chapter on Bellamy's influence in Germany that provides a lot of
evidence for how the national socialist inspired the National Socialist German
Workers' Party. It is also interesting to note that many book titles
and book publishers that relate to Bellamy's book in Germany contain the
German word "roman" which means simply a novel or work of fiction.
Both Bellamy boys wanted government to take over all schools as a socialist
monopoly, end all of the better alternatives, and use government schools
to produce an "industrial army."
Arthur Morgan, the first head of the Tennessee Valley Authority, wrote
a gushing 400-page biography of Bellamy.
Bowman's book points out that even the top leaders of the former Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics (who slaughtered even more people than did the
Socialist German Workers' Party) were influenced by Bellamy's vision, regarding
Bellamy's book LOOKING BACKWARD as the "finest" literature to come
out of the United States. Of course, Bowman's book was written (1962) before
the fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
The book "Apparitions of Things to Come: Edward Bellamy's Tales of Mystery
& Imagination" is a collection of short stories by the national socialist
Edward Bellamy. They provide eye-popping background information for greater
study of the growth of government and socialism in the USA and everywhere.
According to the introduction, Frederick Bellamy (Edward's brother), "introduced
Edward to Albert Brisbane, the old warhorse of American Fourierism, whose
views Edward is said to have found highly interesting (citing the book "Edward
Bellamy abroad," by Sylvia Bowman).
The introduction to "Apparitions" was written by Franklin Rosemount, and
his provocative comments explore the continuity between these early tales
and Bellamy's later socialist influence worldwide. Rosemount even
confesses that Bellamy probably borrowed the "industrial army" concept from
Karl Marx (the "Communist Manifesto") or from Charles Fourier (Francois
Fourier) forerunner of Fourierism. François Marie Charles Fourier
(April 7, 1772 - October 10, 1837) was a French utopian socialist. Fourier
inspired the founding of the socialist community called La Reunion near present-day
Dallas, Texas as well as several other communities within the United States
of America, such as North American Phalanx. Fourier also had spoken
of organized workers as an industrial army. Rosemount says that "Looking
Backward" was a favorite of workers in the Petrograd Soviet during the 1905
Frederick Bellamy (born April 14, 1847), Charles Bellamy (born May 7,
1852) and Edward Bellamy (born March 26, 1850) were socialists and brothers.
Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy
(author of "A Moment of Madness") and Frederick Bellamy (who introduced Edward
to socialist Fourierism) were cousins to Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge
of Allegiance") and Francis was also a socialist.
Frederick was a partner of the Rowe Company, a publishing firm.
According to Sylvia Bowman's biography, "It is also probable that, following
Frederick's advice, [Edward] was writing articles for the Boston Daily Globe,
which had just begun publication." During this period of time in New
York, Edward also contributed articles whenever he could to the Post, which
was promoting sanitation legislation. Edward also wrote the article "National
Education" for The Golden Age.
Years later when Edward Bellamy made some notes for a sequel to "Looking
Backward," he was doubtless thinking of this period of his life, and thinking
about his cousin (Francis Bellamy) when he wrote that a young cousin was
to go to the city, find it "hard to live," see a lot of suffering, and become
a Nationalist.
Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they
supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine,
the "Nationalist Educational Association," and their dogma of "military
socialism," and Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and
their dogma influenced socialists worldwide (including Germany) via “Nationalist
Clubs” inspired by Edward Bellamy international bestseller "Looking Backward."
The Pledge was the origin of the Nazi salute. "Nazi" means "National Socialist
German Workers' Party." A mnemonic device is the swastika. Although the
swastika was an ancient symbol, Professor Rex Curry discovered that it was
also used sometimes by German National Socialists as alphabetic symbolism,
including meshed "S" letters for their "socialism." Hitler altered
his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and
similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.
Dr. Curry showed that the USA's early Pledge of Allegiance (to the flag)
used a straight-arm salute and it was the origin of the salute of the monstrous
National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis). Dr. Curry helped to establish
that it was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute"
is a myth.
The myth is still repeated in modern efforts to cover-up Dr. Curry's discoveries
about the Pledge's poisonous pedigree.
The original Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out
toward the flag. Historic photographs are at
and at
In actual use, the second part of the gesture was performed with a straight
arm and palm down by children casually performing the forced ritual chanting.
Professor Curry showed that, due to the way that both gestures were
used sequentially in the pledge, the military salute led to the Nazi salute.
The Nazi salute is an extended military salute.
From 1868 to 1869, Edward Bellamy spent a year in Germany, learning to
speak and write German and attending lectures and studying German socialism.
Edward Bellamy even wrote A Süd Deutsch Volklied (South German
Peoples' Song) in German on the inside cover of his notebook (dated Jan.
4, 1878, see Arthur Morgan's Edward Bellamy from Columbia University
Press 1944).
Edward's brother Frederick stated that Edward had talked and read about
socialism before Edward went to Germany. Frederick wrote that Edward's letters
to him from Germany were full of German socialism which "he had read and
studied much at home." (see Sylvia E. Bowman's 1958 book The Year 2000).
While Bellamy was in Germany, the first German unions were founded and
the German Workers' Party (Die Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) issued its program
of socialist cliches that Bellamy repeated in his bestseller (Looking
Backward) and his other writings for the rest of his life. The
German Workers' Party was the Party that later added the very phrase "National
Socialism" to the front of its name and became the Nazis (the National Socialist
German Workers' Party or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
or NSDAP ). The ominous parallel of Bellamy ideas and U.S. socialists can
be seen in the 25 point program of the NSDAP.
Edward later wrote in support of socialism, "It was in the great cities
of Europe and among the hovels of the peasantry that my eyes were first fully
opened to the extent and consequences of 'man's inhumanity to man.'" But
Edward died in 1898, and he did not see the apparitions of things to come,
nor how he would become an intellectual author of the socialist Wholecaust
(of which the Holocaust was a part): the National Socialist German Workers'
Party (21 million); the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (62 million
people slaughtered); the People's Republic of China (35 million). The
invasion of Poland in WWII occurred in 1939, with the National Socialist
German Workers’ Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as allies
in their scheme to divide up Europe.
Edward and Francis were militantly anti libertarian. The authoritarian
elements in "Looking Backward" include most notably the military metaphors
pertaining to the "industrial army."
The Bellamy dogma helped many people to recognize socialist slavery and
socialism as inherently oppressive and a system which makes the interests
of every individual antagonistic to every other.
In 1898, Edward Bellamy, died of consumption (tuberculosis or TB). There
are many parallels between Bellamy's socialism and Bellamy's other disease,
TB. TB was called "consumption" because it seemed to consume people
with long relentless wasting. According to Rosemount, Bellamy caught
TB in his twenties. Bellamy might have caught TB in Germany and Europe
where he also caught his socialism bug.
Tuberculosis is still one of the most deadly and common major infectious
diseases today in developing countries that suffer under socialism.
It infects two billion people or one-third of the world's population. Nine
million new cases of disease, resulting in two million deaths, occur annually,
mostly in backward socialist countries with bad sanitation.
The number of deaths compares with the number of deaths under the socialist
Tuberculosis caused the most widespread public concern in the 19th and
early 20th centuries as the endemic disease of the urban poor. In 1815 England
one in four deaths were of consumption; by 1918 one in six deaths in France
were still caused by TB.
TB is an infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Due to the variety of its symptoms, TB was not identified as a unified disease
until the 1820s and was not named tuberculosis until 1839 by J. L. Schönlein.
The bacillus-causing tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, was described
on March 24, 1882 by Robert Koch. Koch did not believe that bovine (cattle)
and human tuberculosis were similar, which held back the recognition of
infected milk as a source of infection. Later, this source was eliminated
in capitalist processes of mass pasteurization of marketed milk.
In the United States, concern about the spread of tuberculosis played
a role in the movement to oppose spitting except into spittoons.
"Apparitions" is illustrated with the collages of Hal Rammel.
Polish Man from era of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Awakes from 19-Year
Coma, Discovers Market Economy
In his 1888 book, "Looking Backward 2000-1887," Edward Bellamy tells the
tale of a young 19th century American who awakes in the year 2000 to find
his nation transformed into a socialist utopia. The book caused a sensation
when published and even led to the establishment of over 160 "Bellamy clubs"
dedicated to realizing the utopian future described in the book.
In stark contradiction of Bellamy's book, it was around 1987, 1988 and certainly
by 1991, shortly before the year 2000, that thte Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics collapsed, after decades of socialism, shortages, poverty, misery,
persecution, torture and death.
A news article from June 4, 2007 tells the tale of a man who has had a real
life "looking backward" experience, although quite different from that imagined
by Mr. Bellamy. Polish railroad worker Jan Grzebski lapsed into a coma after
being hit by a train in 1988. His last memories are of a socialist country
where the only things in the shops were tea and vinegar, where meat was scarce
and long lines formed for rationed gasoline and other items. Mr. Grzebski
was delighted to awake this year in a free market economy. "[T]here are so
many goods in the shops it makes my head spin," he told Polish television.
He is particularly amazed by the fact that everyone has mobile phones. Since
the collapse of socialism, Mr. Grzebski (now 65) says "I’ve got nothing to
complain about." Mr. Grzebski is more than just a great story, he is a living
reminder of how far we have come and a window into a nearly forgotten world
without markets and capitalism.