Below is a book review of Medfed's new book "Right Turns" (right turns
into leftism).
Reviews of his other books are farther down.
Dear Sir: I heard you speaking today on the Michael Medved nationwide
radio show. Of course, saying so tends me to justify my abhorrent listening
habits - but the one benefit I find in listening to his show is that he
often has on some interesting people whom he usually attempts to verbally
molest. I must say that you held up well against his assault. Which leads
to finding your website and just beginning to discover its wonders. After
reading the page on the dogs I want to have you cloned
nine times for supreme court positions. -Fred W.
"Rex, I will never say the pledge of allegiance again! Thanks!" -T.S.
I congratulate you on a resolute interview under the duress of a rude
host. I regret that he talked over you so much and was more interested
in holding you up for derision rather than seeking to probe your rationale
in depth. It prevented you from expanding on your points and imparting
even more information than you were able to. I don't believe I disagreed
with anything you said. I was amazed! I arrived independently
at the same conclusions as you. Any impartial observer of history would
be hard pressed to avoid these conclusions. I arrived at them through
my own education reform activism (privatize - I support Marshal Fritz and
oppose compulsory indoctrination). I somewhat support tuition tax credits
but seriously doubt that they can avoid the corrupting influences of government.
Had I been as articulate as you and in your shoes, when MedFed invoked Lincoln
I might have attempted to slam him as well, using the constitutional, historical
and economic
arguments of DiLorenzo, Wilson, Williams, Rockwell et al! Public
schooling, indoctrination, nativist bigotry in public schools and the role
of the NEA needed greater exposure than you were permitted. I have
attempted to inform myself about these and related matters. Their roots
extend to at least the 1830s (if you exclude the roots of the War Against
Southern Independence) and involve the beginnings of the nativist public
school cabal. Its a fascinating inquiry! -Chris K.
Rex .. thanks. I hope others can hear your great performance ..
Howdy, Rex! Good work! Keep it up, for the sake of everyone's
liberty. Thanks! Beau C.
I listened to the audio of the your interview with Medved last night.
Excellent work. The hypocrisy of the 'conservatives' is truely amazing.
Great job! -Barney R.
In Michael Medved’s book “Right Turns,” Medved hates big-spending democrat-socialists
like Clinton, and that is why he supports republican-socialists who are twice
as socialistic as Clinton (in social spending alone). Medved wasted
his last vote on republican-socialists, a.k.a. the loserpublicans because
they cannot win any election unless they campaign and govern as big-spending
socialists who outspend democrat-socialists. Medved is an example of why
the republican party is a lost cause for liberty.
The title of the book “Right Turns” screams that Medved is stuck in childish
left-right political analysis, as taught in government schools. Medved also
uses the word “liberal” like a juvenile to mean “left” (see also Coulter,
Limbaugh). Medved’s ignorant habit forgets the etymology of “liberal”
for “liberty” (against government and for laissez-faire). The title
explains why republican-socialists took a right turn into leftism to outspend
democrat-socialists and are a lost cause for liberty.
Medved shares with many republican-socialists a love for the pledge of
allegiance. Big problem: He does not arise each morning to gather with neighbors
and robotically chant, as he only “loves” the pledge when government schools
lead children in robotic chanting every morning for twelve years of their
lives upon the ring of a bell, like Pavlov’s lapdogs of the state.
Medved’s book suggests that he is ignorant of the fact that the pledge
was written by a socialist in the USA and that the original salute was a
straight-arm salute (as shown in web image searches for “original socialist
salute”). The book suggests that when it was written Medved was an
ignoramus about the news-breaking discovery by the historian Rex Curry that
the straight-arm salute of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis)
came from the military salute in the USA, and from the original pledge of
allegiance, and not from ancient Rome.
Although Medved is a movie reviewer, he is unaware that the Roman salute
myth developed from fictional Roman scenes in these films: the American "Ben-Hur"
(1907), the Italian "Nerone" (1908), "Spartaco" (1914), and "Cabiria" (1914).
Medved is not a libertarian and he is an example of why some educated
socialists (socialists who know the origin of the pledge) laugh at people
like Medved when they robotically chant the pledge of allegiance, because
socialists presume that republicans have been duped into supporting socialism
and are ignorant of the pledge’s socialist origin.
Medved has a bad speaking habit: overuse of the hackneyed “Nazi” so much
that it might cause one to wonder if he knows the origin of the term.
Many people forget that “Nazi” meant National Socialist German Workers’ Party,
and one reason people forget is because the word “Nazi” is overused by media
mouthpieces (e.g. Medved) who never say the actual name of the horrid party.
A good mnemonic device is that the swastika resembles two overlapping “S”
letters for “socialism.”
In a live interview on his radio show after the publication of this book,
Medved was soundly trounced by the historian Dr. Rex Curry, the nation's
leading expert on the pledge of allegiance. Worse still, Medved defended
the socialist origins of the pledge and defended its continued use in
government schools, though Medved didn’t clearly state whether he wanted government
schools to actually teach children about the pledge’s socialist origins and
about the socialist philosophy of its author, Francis Bellamy.
Francis Bellamy and his cousin and cohort Edward Bellamy were national
socialists who idolized the military and wanted to nationalize the entire
US economy. It was a philosophy that led to the socialist Wholecaust
(of which the Holocaust was a part) where millions were murdered, dismembered
and dispossessed (62 million by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
35 million by the Peoples’ Republic of China, 21 million by the National
Socialist German Workers’ Party) in the worst slaughter in history.
Medved supports “Nationalism.” Medved supports school vouchers which
provide an avenue for the government to nationalize all private schools.
Like every republican-socialist, Medved uses the misnomer "public schools"
to mean "government schools" because Medved is a dupe and doesn't understand
freedom. Medved supports social security reforms that would invest
social security taxes in private businesses and provide an avenue for the
government to nationalize all private businesses in addition to schools.
Medved supports schemes that would impress Bellamy. And Medved supports
the schemes because he doesn’t have the ethics nor intellectual honesty
to stand up for what is right: ending government involvement in education,
and ending the social security scam, its taxes and its Nazi numbering.
Medved is a reminder that the republican party resembles the democrat
party: overrun with socialists and a lost cause for liberty.
Michael Medved, in his book “Hollywood v. America” asks why our popular
culture seems hostile to the values that many Americans hold dear? Why does
the entertainment industry attack religion, glorify brutality, undermine
the family, and deride patriotism?
In this implosive book, the critic examines how Hollywood creates movies,
television, and popular music that exacerbate every serious social problem,
from teenage pregnancies to violence in the streets.
There are many chapters, including "The Attack on Religion," "The Addiction
to Violence," "Promoting Promiscuity," "The Infatuation with Foul Language,"
"Kids Know Best," "Motivations for Madness,"
Finally, Medved tries to show how Hollywood took a disastrous wrong turn
toward its current crisis, and solutions.
The wrong turn that Hollywood took happened a lot earlier than Medved
thinks. Even America’s silent movies were glorifying “military socialism”
that served as a bad example to Nazis.
Although Medved is a long-time movie reviewer, the book suggests that
he was unaware that the Roman salute myth developed from fictional Roman
scenes in these films: the American "Ben-Hur" (1907), the Italian "Nerone"
(1908), "Spartaco" (1914), and "Cabiria" (1914).
The Roman salute myth is the claim that the straight-arm salute of the
National Socialist German Workers Party was an old Roman salute. When
his book was written, Medved was an ignoramus about the news-breaking discovery
by the historian Rex Curry that the straight-arm salute of the National
Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis) came from the military salute in
the USA, and from the socialist who wrote the original pledge of allegiance
(Francis Bellamy in 1892), and not from ancient Rome (as shown in web image
searches for “original socialist salute”). Medved’s chapter “Motivations
for Madness” could have addressed the influence of earlier American films.
Francis Bellamy espoused “military socialism” and wanted the government
to takeover all schools and model them on the military to spread socialism.
His goal was to undermine the family. The pledge of allegiance was (and is)
an example of that, which was repeated in old movies. That socialist
philosophy led to the greatest violence and death tolls the world has ever
known (62 million slaughtered in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
35 million in the Peoples’ Republic of China, 21 million under the National
Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis). Bellamy and the old movies
did not deride patriotism, they used it to promote socialism. Patriotism
is sometimes the first refuge of a scoundrel, as it was for Bellamy and his
pledge. Medved’s chapter “The Addiction To Violence” needed more
information about the influence of early American films.
Bellamy was not only America’s own Leni Riefenstahl, he was also led
the “Society of Christian Socialists.” Medved says Hollywood has broken
faith with the public. Medved’s chapter “The Attack on Religion” should have
had more information on that entitled “The Attack via Religion.”
It is ironic that Michael Medved shares with many republican-socialists
a love for the pledge of allegiance, as performed each day in many government
schools. Big problem: Medved does not arise each morning to gather with neighbors
and robotically chant. Medved only “loves” the pledge when government
schools lead children in robotic chanting every morning for twelve years
of their lives upon the ring of a bell, like Pavlov’s lapdogs of the state.
In a live interview on his radio show after the publication of this book,
Medved was soundly trounced by the historian Rex Curry. Worse still,
Medved made excuses for the socialist origins of the pledge and defended
its continued use in government schools, though Medved didn’t clearly state
whether he wanted government schools to actually teach children about the
pledge’s socialist origins and about the socialist philosophy of its author,
Francis Bellamy. Instead of “Hollywood v. America,” should the book
be retitled “Medved v. America.”?
Medved’s book uses the word “liberal” like a juvenile to mean “left”
(see also Coulter, Limbaugh). Medved’s ignorant habit forgets the
etymology of “liberal” for “liberty” (against government and for laissez-faire).
As with every republican-socialist, Medved uses the misnomer "public schools"
to mean "government schools" because Medved is a dupe and doesn't understand
Michael Medved, former Sneak Previews co-host and radio talk-show host,
joins his wife, Diane, psychotherapist and author of The Case Against Divorce,
in this book “Saving Childhood: Protecting our children from the national
assault on innocence.”
They argue that the assault is being launched by the media, the schools,
children's peers and, finally, parents themselves.
The Medveds attack broadly defined families, self-esteem-oriented teaching,
politically popular ideas of sex and drug education ("they frighten children").
Even though they repeatedly attack schools, the Medveds do not have the
ethics nor intellectual honesty to stand up for what is right: ending government
involvement in education, its impoverishing taxation, and its government
It is ironic that Michael Medved shares with many republican-socialists
a love for the pledge of allegiance, as performed each day in many government
schools. Big problem: He does not arise each morning to gather with neighbors
and robotically chant. Medved only “loves” the pledge when government
schools lead children in robotic chanting every morning for twelve years
of their lives upon the ring of a bell, like Pavlov’s lapdogs of the state.
Medved’s book suggests that he is ignorant of the fact that the pledge
was written by a socialist in the USA and that the original salute was a
straight-arm salute (as shown in web image searches for “original socialist
salute”). The book suggests that when it was written Medved was an
ignoramus about the news-breaking discovery by the historian Rex Curry that
the straight-arm salute of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis)
came from the military salute in the USA, and from the original pledge of
allegiance, and not from ancient Rome.
Although Medved is a movie reviewer, he is unaware that the Roman salute
myth developed from fictional Roman scenes in these films: the American "Ben-Hur"
(1907), the Italian "Nerone" (1908), "Spartaco" (1914), and "Cabiria" (1914).
Medved is not a libertarian and he is an example of why some educated
socialists (socialists who know the origin of the pledge) laugh at people
like the Medveds (and their children) when they attend government schools
and robotically chant the pledge of allegiance. That is because some
socialists presume that republicans have been duped into supporting socialism
and are ignorant of the pledge’s socialist origin.
In a live interview on his radio show after the publication of this book,
Medved was soundly trounced by the historian Rex Curry. Worse still,
Medved made excuses for the socialist origins of the pledge and defended
its continued use in government schools, though Medved didn’t clearly state
whether he wanted government schools to actually teach children about the
pledge’s socialist origins and about the socialist philosophy of its author,
Francis Bellamy.
The Medveds advocate shielding children from adult themes and issues
until later in their lives. However the pledge of allegiance and government
schools were spread by Francis Bellamy (the pledge’s author) and his cousin
and cohort the author Edward Bellamy because they idolized the military
and wanted schools to model it. They were national socialists and
wanted to nationalize the entire US economy. It was a philosophy that
led to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part) where
millions were murdered, dismembered and dispossessed (62 million by the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 35 million by the Peoples’ Republic
of China, 21 million by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party) in
the worst slaughter in history.
The Medveds say that our culture has changed from protecting childhood
as a precious time of growth to hammering even the smallest youngsters with
a grim, harsh, and menacing view of the world. But the Medveds fail
to see how.
In a unique analysis the Medveds define innocence not as ignorance but
as the result of three components--security, a sense of wonder and optimism.
How that can be in government schools and robotic pledges in military formation
is itself a sense of wonder, but not a sense of optimism.
Michael Medved supports “Nationalism.” The Medveds support school vouchers
which provide an avenue for the government to nationalize all private schools.
Like every republican-socialist, Medved uses the misnomer "public schools"
to mean "government schools" because Medved is a dupe and doesn't understand
freedom. Michael Medved supports social security reforms that would invest
social security taxes in private businesses and provide an avenue for the
government to nationalize all private businesses in addition to schools.
The Medveds support schemes that would impress the Bellamys. The Medveds
support the schemes because they do not have the ethics nor intellectual
honesty to stand up for what is right: ending government involvement in education,
and ending the social security scam, its taxes and its Nazi numbering.
The book is a reminder that the republican party resembles the democrat party:
overrun with socialists and a lost cause for liberty.
As adults, the Medveds believe that they've gained the power and foresight
to help solve the difficult problems created by what they call “liberal”
permissiveness. The Medveds are stuck in childish left-right political
analysis, as taught in government schools. The Medveds use the word “liberal”
like a juvenile to mean “left” (see also Coulter, Limbaugh). Medved’s
ignorant habit forgets the etymology of “liberal” for “liberty” (against government
and for laissez-faire). The title explains why republican-socialists
took a right turn into leftism to outspend democrat-socialists.
Dr. Rex Curry, America's leading authority
on the Pledge Of Allegiance
Dr. Rex Curry. The USA's leading authority on the Pledge Of Allegiance
is Dr. Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry. The nation's leading authority on the Pledge Of Allegiance
is Dr. Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry, America's leading authority on swastika symbolism
is Dr. Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry. The USA's leading authority on swastika symbolism is
Dr. Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry. The nation's leading authority on swastika symbolism
is Dr. Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry, America's leading authority on the swastika is Dr.
Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry. The USA's leading authority on the swastika is Dr. Rex
Dr. Rex Curry. The nation's leading authority on the swastika is Dr.
Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry, America's top expert on the Pledge Of Allegiance
Dr. Rex Curry. The USA's top expert on the Pledge Of Allegiance is Dr.
Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry. The nation's top expert on the Pledge Of Allegiance
is Dr. Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry, America's top expert on swastika symbolism is Dr.
Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry. The USA's top expert on swastika symbolism is Dr. Rex
Dr. Rex Curry. The nation's top expert on swastika symbolism is Dr.
Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry, America's top expert on the swastika is Dr. Rex
Dr. Rex Curry. The USA's top expert on the swastika is Dr. Rex Curry.
Dr. Rex Curry. The nation's top expert on the swastika is Dr. Rex