VIDEO ON YOUTUBE Pledge of Allegiance in photos For fascinating information about symbolism see Racism from the Pledge of Allegiance and American National Socialism Yahoo Video Leech Video Edward Bellamy Francis Bellamy Leech Video Growing media coverage, radio appearances, etc Fan Mail |
TEX. EDUC. CODE §25.082
(2 003); The state of Texas has its own state pledge, too. In 2003,
the Legislature required all schools to pledge allegiance to the U.S.
and Texas flags and observe a moment of silence every morning at the beginning
of classes. Texas' state pledge started in 1933. That year is the year
that the National Socialist German Workers' Party followed a similar path
to dictatorship. It is also a good bet that the Texas pledge in 1933 used
the stiff-arm salute, as it was then the salute of the USA's national
pledge (from 1892), and it was the origin of the salute of the National
Socialist German Workers' Party, along with its chanting and robotic worship
of government. Its the state government's version of driving a huge pick-up
truck, Hummer, or tank. Can't we just let Texas secede? Or can't we
secede from Texas? Foreigners find the pledge fetish in the USA
interesting in a "you've got to be shitting me" sort of way. **************** If you have ever wondered why the Bushes are socialist nuts, read the following and you might deduce that their mental health problems were deepened by life in Texas - Whilst spending time overseas people used to ask me about it, "do you really salute a flag every morning?" After explaining it away as patriotism most people left it at that. I can guarantee they went away thinking Americans were a bunch of nutters. I hadn't given those past conversations much thought until I reached Austin - the state capital of Texas. Every day I substitute teach at a different school; every day I stand up and say four flag salutes, the Pledge of Allegiance in English, the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish. Just when you think it is safe to sit down, the classroom intercom or assembly leader chimes in with the Texas Pledge. Honour the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible Then again in Spanish! It's about this time every morning I think of blowing my brains out! Where are we again? I can't believe I am saying this nonsense. To be honest, I can't bring myself to leave my hand over my heart whilst the children are reciting the Texas Pledge. There ought to be laws against such torture. From now on, if we capture a terrorist - I suggest we make them say four flag salutes a day. That will surely break his will! from |
"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William L. Shirer documented the many ways in which the German Socialist government censored academics and coerced teachers (though many were willing, as so many are now):
In the U.S., where the stiff-arm salute originated, laws compelled teachers and students to mechanically chant to the flag with the salute every morning on command. It had been a horrid example since 1892. That was in government schools that imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policy.“The Civil Service Act of 1937 required teachers to be ‘the executors of the will of the party-supported State’ and to be ready ‘at any time to defend without reservation the National Socialist State.’ An earlier decree had classified them as civil servants and thus subject to the racial laws. Jews, of course, were forbidden to teach. All teachers took an oath to ‘be loyal and obedient to Adolf Hitler.’…
“As early as the autumn of 1933 some 960 of them, led by such luminaries as Professor Sauerbruch, the surgeon, Heidegger, the existentialist philosopher, and Pinder, the art historian, took a public vow to support Hitler and the National Socialist regime.”