Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward at the Pledge of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance in frightening images & articles at
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Government schools sold out, wholesale and retail, the interests of free markets and capitalism. Government schools and the Pledge of Allegiance force students to engage in abasing self-criticism, and worship of the "superior wisdom" of government officials. The degree of demoralization is overwhelming.

Pledge of Allegiance? the socialst trio of atrocities
       Government Schools & Media Cover-up for Socialism

        As an attorney, I am asked if it is wise (or constitutional) for government to control everyone’s education. There are many reasons why government schools are unconstitutional (, and one reason is that they are incompatible with free speech and free press under the First Amendment.  It is wrong for the government to teach anyone -including anyone in the media- what to think, say and write.  

    The socialist trio of atrocities (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the People's Republic of China and the National Socialist German Workers' Party at ) engaged in historic revisionism to cover-up the horrors of their socialism.  The U.S. government and media also cover-up for  socialist horrors in the United States and below are examples. Many people in government and in the media witnessed the historical events below as well as the coverups, and they still participate in these cover-ups today. It is more evidence that you are living in a police state. These are things that the U.S. government (government schools) and the media won't tell you:

They will not tell you that the pledge of allegiance and the original salute to the U.S. flag were written by a self-proclaimed socialist (in 1892) to promote socialism in the most socialistic institution -government schools (socialist schools). 

They will not tell you that the original salute to the U.S. flag was similar to the salute later adopted by the National Socialist German Workers' Party. They won't tell you that when the National Socialist German Workers' Party adopted it's straight-arm socialist salute, it was aware of the U.S. flag's straight-arm socialist salute.

They will never show you photographs of children in government schools in the U.S. displaying the original straight-arm socialist salute.  They will not even tell you if they have such a photograph. The only place with secret photos of the original socialist salute to the U.S. flag is

They will not tell you that government schools in the U.S. followed a policy that was later adopted by the National Socialist German Workers' Party: punishing and expelling children from government schools if they refused to perform the straight-arm socialist salute.  In 1940, in Minersville School Board v. Gobitas, the Supreme Court ruled that a government school could expel children for refusing to perform the straight-arm socialist salute to the U.S. flag.  The National Socialist German Workers’ Party had been in existence since 1920 (with electoral breakthroughs in 1930 and dictatorship in 1933, and WWII in 1939). About three years later (1943), in West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette the Supreme Court reversed itself and decided that school children may not be forced to stand and salute the flag.

They will not tell you that the self-proclaimed socialist Francis Bellamy proposed the original socialist salute and the pledge after he joined the staff of the magazine "Youth's Companion."   Bellamy believed that the best way to promote socialism was by removing children from their parents and placing them in socialized schools (government schools) and other youth groups.  It was a view later shared by the socialist trio of atrocities (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the People's Republic of China, and the National Socialist German Workers' Party) and their youth programs.

They will not tell you that the author of the U.S. pledge of allegiance often lectured on the so-called "virtues of socialism and the evils of capitalism."  Adherents of the socialist trio of atrocities later did the same.

They will not tell you that the author of the U.S. pledge of allegiance was a member of a socialist movement known as "Nationalism," whose members wanted the federal government to nationalize most of the American economy.  Francis Bellamy was a member of the "Nationalism" movement and a vice president of its socialist auxiliary group. Bellamy saw government schools as a means to his socialist "Nationalism."  Those were views later shared by the socialist trio of atrocities.

They won't tell you that the National Socialist German Workers' Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics started WWII  together by invading Poland together, as allies, and that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics killed more people than did the National Socialist German Workers' Party, in Poland and elsewhere. 

They will not tell you the meaning of the abbreviation for "National Socialist German Workers' Party" though they will exclusively use the abbreviation specifically for the purpose of not telling you the full phrase "National Socialist German Workers' Party."

They will not tell you that one of the reasons why the swastika was the symbol for the National Socialist German Workers' Party was because it resembled 2 overlapping "S" letters to represent "socialism." 

They won't tell you that the Social Security Act was signed in 1935, after the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had been in existence since 1922, and the Chinese Communist Party had been in existence since 1921 and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party had been in existence since 1920 (with electoral breakthroughs in 1930 and dictatorship in 1933, expanding Otto von Bismarck’s socialism).   In 1935, U.S. politicians were knowingly adopting the slave systems of the trio of the worst socialist hell-holes.     In the U.S., Most democrat-socialists, republican-socialists and other modern socialists (whether in the media, elected officials, or in the general population)  hold the same views as the monstrous socialist trio did in favor of numbering every person from birth, and tracking every person’s finances and movements for life, stealing from everyone constantly before they even see their own wages.

They will not tell you about the Wholecaust, though they will tell you about the Holocaust.  The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the People’s Republic of China both independently slaughtered more people than did the horrid National Socialist German Workers’ Party.    Together, the socialist trio of atrocities ( set monstrous records that have never been broken.  The government and the media are deniers of the wholecaust, the “whole” tragedy that includes the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the People’s Republic of China and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.  The government and the media will never name, discuss, or compare the similarities of the socialist trio of atrocities.  

Socialism's Racism, Segregation, & Regimentation on Film

    One of the big myths about government schools is that children gain good "socialization."  The socialist pledge of allegiance is more proof that the socialization of government schools is so bad that government schools should end.   This webpage helps students in government schools to stop repeating the pledge of allegiance to the flag, and to end all government school policy for it. 
   The children in the picture at the bottom of this page saluted the U.S. flag with the original socialist salute and pledge that was written by the socialist Francis Bellamy to promote socialism through the most socialistic institution: government schools (socialized schools).   The National Socialist German Workers’ Party was aware of the U.S.’s salute when it adopted its salute. 
    When the U.S. Constitution was written, people in the U.S. received private educations.  Bellamy lived during the time when schools were becoming socialized heavily by government in the U.S.   It was a view later shared by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
    The government schools were racist and they mandated segregation by law.  Every day, the segregated children were forced to attend racist government schools where they were forced to collectively perform a degrading salute and a pledge to a flag written by a socialist to glorify government.  Any child who did not perform the socialist pledge was expelled.  If parents rejected government schools in favor of the many better alternatives, some government school administrators would still harass the families.  It was behavior that was later shared by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  While the National Socialist German Workers' Party presided over the 1936 Olympics in which  Jesse Owens set multiple records,  Owens’ family and friends faced government schools in the U.S. that mandated segregation and daily straight-arm salutes to a flag with a pledge written by a socialist to glorify government. 
    Bellamy, belonged to a group known for "Nationalism," whose members wanted the federal government to nationalize most of the domestic economy. He saw government schools as a means to that end.   It was a view later shared by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  The current hand-over-the heart pledge was adopted after the National Socialist German Workers' Party tried to impose socialism upon the world. 
    The United States of America is one of the only nations since Germany (under the National Socialist German Workers' Party) that has designated an official pledge to its flag.
    To this day, children are still ostracized and persecuted in government schools that still hold a daily ritual where children stand for a robotic recitation of a pledge and salute written by a socialist to glorify government.
    And no one disputes the invidious influence of a century of socialism's racism and segregation mandated by law in government schools, where it was taught as an official policy.   Even after the socialist segregation ended the socialist schools continued racist and vicious behavior with forced busing, removing children from their neighborhoods and families,  forcing them to government facilities across town, and destroying their local  neighborhoods and the support that was provided. 
    Today, the government owns and operates most schools and there is constant political debate about how the government should handle myriad non-educational issues within the schools.  Imagine if the government owned and operated most churches and there was constant political debate about how the government should handle myriad non-religious issues within government churches (dress codes, cell phones, drug testing, sex ed, discrimination, forced busing to integrate churches, etc). Would the media and the citizenry advocate that the issues be solved by privatizing the churches, removing government from the churches, and championing the separation of church and state? Apparently not. If the popular reasoning regarding schools is followed, the media and citizenry would merely advocate that socialized churches adopt various policies that are the most "popular" or considered to be the most "reasonable."   Other people, instead of creating the First Amendment, would instead advocate a voucher program where every child would receive government funding for his church.  The same disaster would result. 
    Many people have been mistreated and segregated by government schools. They have constantly struggled to correct government schools. Imagine if everyone who had been mistreated or segregated by government schools had instead advocated the separation of school and state, and had withdrawn from government schools, and had switched to private schools or had formed their own private schools and used the many better alternatives. They would have done better than they have done by staying in government schools. They would have academically surpassed the people they left behind in government schools. They would have enjoyed true freedom, including true religious freedom, even in their schools. Their actions would have been much more historical, revolutionary and inspiring than the constant struggle to correct government schools. It would have been a story as historical, revolutionary and inspiring as was the separation of church and state, and the end of government churches.
    It's not too late for the separation of school and state.  The separation of school and state is as important as the separation of church and state. 
   To learn more visit              Click below for a larger image.


One of the big myths about government schools is that children gain good "socialization."  The socialist pledge of allegiance is more proof that the socialization of government schools is so bad that government schools should end.   This webpage helps students in government schools to stop repeating the pledge of allegiance to the flag, and to end all government school policy for it. 

Hundreds of children were expelled from government schools (socialized schools) for refusing to repeat the socialist pledge of allegiance to the flag.

Even after parents rejected government schools in favor of the many better alternatives, some government school administrators still harassed the families.

The Superintendent of government schools in Minersville, Pennsylvania had required students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance since World War I. None had ever objected until in 1935 Lillian and William Gobitas refused to stand and recite the Pledge.  They knew that the socialist pledge glorified government.

Lillian Gobitas, then a seventh-grader, later recalled in an interview that she had been a popular student until her refusal. Lillian Gobitas said "...the students were awful. I really should have explained to the whole class but I was fearful. I didn't know whether it was right to stand up or sit down. These days, we realize that the salute itself is the motions and the words. So I sat down and the whole room was aghast. After that, when I'd come to school, they would throw a hail of pebbles and yell things like, Here comes Jehovah! (because she was a Jehovah's Witness) They were just jeering at me...."

Some time later, Lillian saw two girls pass by on the street. They were once her close friends. She heard them say, "Just think, we used to be friends with her!" Lillian and William were expelled from government school for their disobedience and their father sued the school board. The family won at trial and a federal appeals court upheld the decision, but then the school board appealed to the Supreme Court. In a 1940 decision written by Justice Felix Frankfurter, the Court ruled that requiring the Gobitas children to salute the flag or be expelled did not violate their free speech right. He wrote that exempting them might make other children less loyal to government. When Lillian heard the Court's decision on the radio, she felt cold all over. Like other children who refused to glorify socialism, the Gobitas family would just have to endure.

After the Supreme Court's ruling against them, Lillian and William Gobitas never returned to government schools.  They used the many better alternatives.

The United States of America is one of the only nations since Germany under the National Socialist German Workers' Party that has designated an official pledge to its flag.

To this day, children are still ostracized and persecuted in government schools that still dictate a daily routine of all children standing for a robotic recitation of a pledge and salute written by a socialist to glorify government. 

The court case of Frank Herbert Wonschik v. U.S., argued that the jury selection process was impermissibly tainted by the trial judge's request that all potential jurors stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance prior to jury selection. Furthermore, that bias also transgressed the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Pledge of Allegiance All in favor of a pledge raise your right hand...

Publik skool edumacation at a government indoctrination center (hereafter GIC)

Pledge of Allegiance, Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, Industrial Army, Military Socialism

Edward Bellamy Swastika, Industrial Army

Rex Curry blog spot

Pledge of Allegiance blog spot

Pledge Allegiance blog spot