SOCIALISM & SOCIALISTS - Stalin, Mao, & Hitler + Communism, Nazism
Soviet Socialism, Chinese Socialism, German Socialism

Socialism, Socialists, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Third Reich - Hate Symbols of socialism Stalin Mao Hitler USSR PRC NSDAP Russia, China Germany
The sickle, swastika and star of the true grim reapers of socialism.
Socialists only reap, they do not sow.
Soviet Socialism, Chinese Socialism, German Socialism, Socialists, Communism, Stalin Mao Hitler trio of atrocities USSR PRC NSDAP

socialist socialism fascist fascism nazi nazism communist communism slave number is.....

Expose the prattle of the 'anti-industrial revolution.'  Tell socialists: All of the improvements in your standard of living are not the result of socialism, but are the product of productive individuals who are better than you: capitalists. Join the pitiless unmasking of the insincerity of socialist policies. Understand their sense of inadequacy, low self-esteem, disinterested meanness and an inability to face the unpleasant truth about themselves.

THE SOCIALIST TRIO OF WORST ATROCITIES - these misanthropes, necrophiliacs and cannibals set the worst records that have never been broken.
SOCIALISM'S WILLING EXECUTIONERS - why does socialism inspire misanthropy, atrocities and mass slaughter?
Blood brothers: By Christmas 1940, Stalin had murdered many more people than Hitler, and had invaded nearly as many countries.

Pledge of Allegiance to the flag The USA's Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).

The swastika was used by the military and by socialists in the USA and in the USSR, before it was used by the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP).
The swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent "S" letters joined for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen").
Francis Bellamy & Edward Bellamy touted National Socialism and the police state in the USA decades before their dogma was exported to Germany. They influenced the NSDAP, its dogma, symbols and rituals. and
The stiff-arm salute was NOT an ancient Roman salute. The ancient Roman salute myth came from the USA's Pledge of Allegiance.


by Rex Curry

    This is a book review about a book that asks "why did many regular German citizens assist the National Socialist German Workers’ Party in committing atrocities?"  The book says almost nothing about people in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and in the People’s Republic of China and the fact that they both independently killed more people than did the monstrous National Socialist German Workers’ Party.  Together, the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the People’s Republic of China, and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (the “socialist trio”) committed the worst atrocities of all time in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million slaughtered under Soviet socialism (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics); ~50 million under Chinese socialism (the People's Republic of China); ~20 million under German socialism (the National Socialist German Workers’Party).

    Some people have wondered whether the book implies that Germans have a “bad culture” that causes atrocities.  It would make more sense to wonder why the philosophy of socialism moves so many regular citizens of various countries to commit atrocities.  Many books that explore the mindset of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party inexplicably fail to compare the mindset of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the People’s Republic of China and all the other examples of socialist atrocities.

    "Hitler's Willing Executioners : Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust" by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen would be more illuminating if it were titled "Socialism’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary socialists and the Wholecaust" and if it were expanded to include the hate-spewing radical paramilitary societies created in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the People’s Republic of China, with the horrid National Socialist German Workers’ Party (the “socialist trio of the worst atrocities”).

    To see graphic art depicting the socialist trio of the worst mass murderers go to

    According to R. J. Rummel's article in the Encyclopedia of Genocide (1999)
the top three most murderous regimes are: (1) the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics, 62 million deaths, 1917-'87; (2) People's Republic of China, 35
million, 1949-'87; (3) Germany under the National Socialist German Workers’
Party, 21 million, 1933-'45. Socialists are nuclear bombs.  Socialism is nuclear war.

The modern socialist inquisitions were the deadliest inquisitions.

     The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had hatred for the bourgeoisie, inspired by Karl Marx, who himself intended to libel Jewish folks when he said they were the quintessential capitalists and worthy of total contempt, in his infamous essay, “On the Jewish Question.”   Marxists and socialists had no interest in “the weak,” only in the loyal, and their “language of social justice” concerned a totalitarian plan for a new man, or more accurately an ant in an ant hill.

    The book provides a lot of information that explains Wholecaust deniers and why most media use the word "Nazi" to cover-up for the horrid "National Socialist German Workers' Party," in a vain effort to rehabilitate socialism. Most media will not fully identify the atrocious "National Socialist German Workers' Party" and use the abbreviations "Nazi" & "Nazis" & "Nazism" in a hackneyed lazy manner, so that there is now rampant ignorance of the full phrase in the public, and now even in the media.

    The table of contents and the index avoid use of the phrase “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” and substitute a hackneyed and misleading abbreviation.  The subject “socialism” isn’t even listed in the index, and the phrase “socialist movement” is cited to a single page.  The pact between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party whereby the two socialist groups were allies in starting WWII and invading Poland (and where the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics killed more people in Poland than did the National Socialist German Workers’ Party)  is indexed as the “Soviet-German non-aggression pact” and cited to a single page.

The book also fails to examine similar trends that were occurring in the United States under American socialists Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of "Looking Backward."

Copyright ©  by All rights reserved.

Socialism is suicide. Socialism is homicide. Socialism is genocide.

DENIERS OF THE SOCIALIST "WHOLECAUST" - more amazing web searches expose the widespread bias.

COMPARE U.S.S.R. & NAZIS - and compare the media bias favoring the bigger killer over 3rd place.

SOCIALISTS STARTED WWII - the National Socialists & the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

SOCIALISM'S "ROMAN SALUTE" - did U.S. socialists cause WWII, the Holocaust & the Wholecaust?

JOHN DEWEY - (1859-1952) aka "Johnny Socialism-Seed" for planting the Bellamy Boys worldwide.

- symbolizes the threat of socialist shortages & atrocities.
YOUR SOCIALIST SLAVE # - (your social security #) came from the socialist trio of atrocities.
YOUR SOCIALIST SLAVE TATTOO  - this is how another socialist crime against humanity will look in the near future.
HISTORICAL REVISIONISM - Government schools & the media cover-up socialist horrors in the U.S.
U.S. FLAG'S ORIGINAL SOCIALIST SALUTE - and pledge of allegiance were written by a socialist.
U.S. SOCIALISTS - did they inspire worldwide socialist atrocities?
U.S. SOCIALISM - did U.S. socialism inspire the socialism in Germany?
MORE GERMAN TIES - U.S. socialists promoted racism, eugenics and hatred of individuality & differences.
SOCIALIST EQUALITY - trying to make everyone equally poor.  Instead, making everyone equally dead.
NEWS: SICK SOCIALIST SYMBOLISM: 2 overlapping "S" letters stand for "socialism" in the sick swastika. The swastika changed from a good-luck symbol for "well-being," to a bad-luck symbol for "socialism."

SOCIALIST HATE SYMBOLS - eye-popping graphic art  Socialist Symbols of Hate and Death: the swastika of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, the red star of the Peoples' Republic of China, the hammer and sickle of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 

As an attorney, Rex represented people facing the death penalty for murder. He never defended anyone as murderous as governments and government officials (the worst: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with ~60 million killed; the Peoples' Republic of China, ~50 million; the National Socialist German Workers' Party, ~20 million).    After the National Socialist German Workers' Party slaughtered 21 million, then the same genocidal socialist policies of the monstrous Party continued under the U.S.S.R. and the PRC, resulting in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part) with the socialist trio of horrid atrocities: the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (61 million dead), the Peoples' Republic of China (35 million dead), and the National Socialist German Workers' Party (21 million dead).  

Any philosophy that advocates the "collective" ownership or government ownership (or control) of the means of production, thereby advocates genocide in the same sentence.   That was proven by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Peoples' Republic of China and the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  Any person who does not understand the preceding is an example of how places like the the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Peoples' Republic of China and the National Socialist German Workers' Party come into existence and commit mass slaughter.   Those are the same people who do not know that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Communist China, both independently slaughtered more people than did the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party.   And if those people do know, they never let on that they know.  They suppress the facts.
doomsday clock of socialism
THE DOOMSDAY CLOCK OF SOCIALISM - symbolizes the threat of socialist shortages, poverty, misery, starvation, atrocities and mass slaughter.   The closest it ever came to midnight was during the years occupied by the the hate-spewing radical paramilitary societies created in the socialist trio of atrocities (above).  They killed more people than would three nuclear bombs.  The world still has not rejected their philosophy of socialism and the deaths mount.

Socialists thought up a new plan to cure poverty: kill poor people.  Of course, they killed rich people too.  And the plan didn’t work, it did not cure poverty.  It multiplied it.  

Socialists criticized the U.S. government for voting against U.N. resolutions declaring rights to food and “to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.”  The engine of human progress is not pretty words inscribed on papers formally approved by government officials.  Chapter X of the 1936 Soviet constitution “guarantees” a host of splendid economic “rights” – to leisure, health resorts, maternity leave, fair pay, and on and on.  The U.S. Constitution mentions no such things. 

The socialist Wholecaust occurred under the industrial armies of the socialist trio of atrocities (see  the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 62 million deaths, 1917-'87; the People's Republic of China, 35 million, 1949-'87; and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, 21 million, 1933-'45 (numbers from Professor R. J. Rummel's article in the Encyclopedia of Genocide (1999)).  In other words, they were not slaughtered in war by a foreign country invading, they were slaughtered by their own governments by the millions. Sometimes "I told you so" just doesn't seem to cut it. Socialists are nuclear bombs. Socialism is nuclear war.

Concentration camps like Buchenwald and Auschwitz under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party are notorious. But who recalls murderously prolific death camps like Kolyma, Vorkuta and Magadan in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?  See the documentary "The Soviet Story" which is probably available free online.

Forgotten is that the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics jointly invaded and partitioned Poland in 1939 under the notorious Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, that the Socialist Republics never renounced. Seven million died in Poland. Under the secret protocols of that pact, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and the Romanian provinces of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina were ceded to Stalin, as was eastern Poland.  As a result of the War, Finland had
its Karelian Peninsula torn away the Socialist Republics and 10 countries Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Yugoslavia suffered under the Socialist Republics for half a century.

After the National Socialists drove into Prague, Czechoslovakia without little resistance, the British and French (On March 31, 1939) handed Poland an unsolicited war guarantee that was not honored later. Poland defied the National Socialists over Danzig, and were crushed. But because they had declared war on the National Socialists, though they had no plan to attack, the National Socialists, in April 1940, invaded Denmark and Norway, and in May, the Low Countries and France. In three weeks, the National Socialists threw the British off the continent at Dunkirk, and, in six weeks, crushed France.

The Socialist Republics provided the National Socialists with all the food and fuel they had requested and the Socialist Republics declared Britain and France to be the aggressors against their National Socialist partners.

Five months before the invasion of Poland, socialists in Italy had invaded little Albania.

Even before then, in 1936, Japan invaded China.  After WWII, China expanded the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was part): 62 million killed by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 35 million killed by the Peoples’ Republic of China; 21 million killed by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

Ayn Rand escaped the socialist Wholecaust.  Born Alissa Rosenbaum, Rand came of age during the Socialist Revolution, witnessing its horrors. She arrived in the United States in 1926 on a visitor's visa, but never returned to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. After working as a screenwriter in Hollywood, she went on to become a successful novelist and popular philosopher of reason and individualism, helping to inspire the modern libertarian movement.

Socialists prove that the hatred of money is the root of all evil.

Socialists qualify as collective recipients of a Darwin Award: the recognition given to those "who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it in a spectacularly stupid manner." The awards are given to those who perish through some "astonishing misapplications of judgment."

Pretend with me that you're an old German on your deathbed today. Would you rather tell your grandchildren, "I voted for the Nazis (the National Socialist German Workers' Party) because they seemed better than the Communists and no other party could win"? Wouldn't you rather be able to rise up and say, "I publicly denounced the Nazis and the Communists. We were a minority - 1 or 2 percent - but we stood up for the truth and we were right! We proved not all Germans were mindless torchbearers for tyranny! We were ridiculed, we were beaten and jailed, but we saved this nation's soul. Now children, go and live your lives in a way to make me proud"?
Wouldn't you?
Because I don't get it: Let's say you flip a coin and manage to vote for "the winner," on Nov. 2. What do you win?
- Vin Suprynowicz

According to a recent web search, was one of the first websites (or will soon be one of the first) to use the term "the socialist Hitler" and "the socialist Adolf Hitler" and "the socialists Hitler, Stalin and Mao" and "the socialists Stalin, Mao and Hitler."  You can be one of the first, too!

Worlds Dumbest Criminals. Socialist Crusades, Socialist Crusaders, Occult socialism

Their economists were known as the world's dumbest economists. They are known as the world's dumbest criminals.

Guns don't kill people.....socialism does.

The Poisoned Planet - Google Books by Timothy R Oesch - 2010 - Fiction - 298 pages: "In fact, Edward Bellamy's ideas for the dominant role of central government may have contributed to the socialistic holocausts of the People's Republic of China..."


Look at the ignorance at this blog post for librarians
It asks "who gave socialism a bad name?" and then only mentions Adolf Hitler. Here is the response that was sent: You commit the classic stereotype of mentioning only Hitler & German National Socialists, who came in a distant(?) third place in murders/atrocities in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): Stalin & and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with ~60 million killed; Mao and the Peoples' Republic of China, ~50 million; Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers' Party, ~20 million).

Those are only some of the many groups/people who gave socialists/socialism a bad name.  It causes people who want to rehabilitate socialism to hide the truth and lie about it.

The typo Socialst appears eight times in OhioLINK, along with Socalis* three times, and Socailis* twice. What's in a name? Not that much, it seems, but if you have to choose one, go with something snazzy. (Note: Naziism is a variant spelling of Nazism, but Nazzism would be a typo.)

The groups/people who committed the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part?  Stalin and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with ~60 million killed; Mao and the Peoples' Republic of China, ~50 million; Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers' Party, ~20 million).

Some people would say that the socialist typos AND YOUR COMMENTS ABOUT THEM reveal more than you intended to reveal. It certainly seems that way to people who know the facts above. You have committed a classic stereotypical error that many people recognize even if you don't.
You might also wish to recall that Mao started out with guidance and support from Stalin, and that Stalin and Hitler invaded Poland together as allies in a pact to divide up Europe (and in an apparent contest to see who could kill the most people, which Stalin won hands down, err bodies down). Actually, Stalin, Lenin and Soviet Socialism also had a head-start on Hitler.

You should help update your readers about Hitler's place among people who gave socialism a bad name and also explain the "typo" socialist "Wholecaust."

In "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" a dead collector with a cart shouts "bring out your dead" and then takes and kills someone who is not yet dead.  

The Monty Python scene is comedy. But under Stalin and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics it actually happened. For example in the Ukraine where Soviet Socialists stole everyone's food and abandoned them to starve to death by the thousands each day, adding up to millions murdered.  Socialism's dead collectors would take people who were not yet dead (it saved a second trip the next day).

The Monty Python scene is set in medieval times during the plague (an actual disease).  The Soviet Socialist scene in the Ukraine was set in modern times and did not involve any actual disease at all.

People had very strange beliefs in the middle ages concerning religion, sciences, spirits, disease, et cetera. The people in the middle ages seem almost insane compared to people today (and "modern knowledge"), or even when compared to what people knew during the time of Soviet Socialism.

Yet, in the modern era, socialists set and hold the worst records in all of human history in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part). When compared with modern socialists, the people in the middle ages seem like super-geniuses. 

The following is an excerpt from chapter 18 of The Mainspring of Human Progress (1943): "When the American Revolution had its beginning, living conditions had scarcely changed since the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. The colonial woman gathered her own firewood and cooked over an open fire, just as women had cooked since the dawn of history, and just as more than two-thirds of the women on earth are cooking today. She spun thread and wove coarse cloth, with a spindle and loom handed down from the early Egyptians. Every housewife made her own soap and candles and carried water from a spring or well. A crude millstone, dating back to ancient Babylon, ground the grain that the American farmer cut and threshed with knives and flails that were older than history.

These were the conditions existing when our forefathers threw off the shackles of Old World tyranny in order that human beings might be in control of their own lives and make full use of their individual initiative.

The outburst of human energy was terrific, and in no way is it better illustrated than by the inventive progress that immediately took place."

In comparison, Socialism under Stalin, Mao and Hilter created regression (and mass murder) for millions of individuals.

As the joke says: What did Soviet Socialists use before the candle? Answer: Electricity.

As stated above: In the modern era, socialists set and hold the worst records in all of human history in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part). When compared with modern socialists, the people in the middle ages (and in early America) seem like super-geniuses. 

Hitler's Cross, Hakenkreuz, Hooked Cross, Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, Swastika

The spiritual origins of Eastern Europe and the future mysteries ... - Page 510 by Sergei O. Prokofieff - 1993 (551 pages) In two lectures, of 27 August 1920 and 10 May 1924 (GA 199 and GA 353), Rudolf Steiner alludes to the fact that the Bolsheviks and the National Socialists almost simultaneously used the swastika as a symbol of their movement.

Adolf Hitler, leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, was the third or fourth worst mass-murderer in history (behind Mao Tse Tung, Joseph Stalin, and, on a per capita basis, Pol Pot) and Hitler was elected and won by a landslide.

Blood brothers: By Christmas 1940, Stalin had murdered many more people than Hitler, and had invaded nearly as many countries

The socialistic Holocaust
The socialist Hitler, and Stalin, and Mao
The socialists Hitler, Stalin and Mao
The socialist Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong
The socialist Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong

socialists Edward Bellamy, Industrial Army, Military Socialism

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”  ~ Voltaire (Philosopher, 1694-1778)

"Whatever the psychology of those who support government, they should have the government they want. Only they should not impose that government on those of us who don’t want it. We do not all have to be in the same government boat even if all of us continue to live on this continent. There is nothing sacred about the Union, the U.S.A., or the U.S. Constitution. It has not been written anywhere that we must be "one Nation, under God, indivisible." The parts about "one Nation" and "indivisible" do not appear anywhere in my Bible, which is the Holy Bible. The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by one Francis Bellamy. It has been an annoyance to schoolchildren ever since. As taxes imposed on non-consenters violate rights, so is the Pledge of Allegiance an oath against property and the right to one’s person."  -- Michael S. Rozeff is a retired Professor of Finance living in East Amherst, New York.