Edward Bellamy Memorial Association http://rexcurry.net/edward%20bellamy.jpg Henry George, Francis Bellamy & Looking Backward at the Pledge Of Allegiance

Frightening information about the history of the Pledge of Allegiance is at http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html (with shocking historical photographs).
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Edward Bellamy http://rexcurry.net/edward%20bellamy.jpg
Edward Bellamy Looking Backward Swastika - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Francis Bellamy, Pledge Of Allegiance, Matt Crypto, Paris Hilton
Image http://rexcurry.net/swastika3clear.jpg
Edward Bellamy Memorial Association, swastika nazism socialism fascism communism Edward Bellamy Francis Bellamy Pledge Of Allegiance Looking Backward, Matt Crypto, Paris Hilton
Swastika equal signs for "equality"?
swastika, edward bellamy, francis bellamy, pledge of allegiance, equality

The "Timeline of Terror" tracks the growth of National Socialism in America through the lives of the Bellamys, and specifically Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of "Looking Backward").  It shows how they originated flag fetishism, robotic group-chanting to flags, Nazism, and Nazi salutes.

The Bellamy cousins also spread the modern swastika symbol (as two S-letters for "socialism"). http://rexcurry.net/swastika3swastika.jpg

The research is part of the jaw-dropping discoveries of the noted historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). http://rexcurry.net
1740 Joseph Bellamy, and his older cohort, Jonathan Edwards, both of Connecticut, were among the leaders of a movement known as "The Great Awakening," a religious revival that struck the country in 1740. Joseph Bellamy wrote and spoke extensively in support of his utopian fantasy. Joseph Bellamy (1719-1790) was the great-grandfather of Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, Charles Bellamy, and Franklin Bellamy. Charles Joseph Bellamy was named after Joseph Bellamy and touted ideas similar to Edward's. "The Great Awakening" movement had started in Europe. It swept through England in the rise of Methodism under John Wesley, Charles Wesley and George Whitfield. Whitfield came to this country and became a leader of the movement here.  

1762 Joseph Bellamy delivered a sermon to the General Assembly of Connecticut and denounced competition, blamed competition for poverty, and advocated vague "cooperation" instead.

1781 Jonathan Bellamy (1781 - 1845), a successful merchant in Washington County, New York State, was the grandfather of Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy.
1794 Joseph Bellamy and Jonathan Edwards publish  "The Millennium, or the Thousand Years of Prosperity" which Joseph claims is shortly to commence and to be carried on to perfection. The book also contains an attempt to promote explicit agreement and visible union of people in extraordinary work for the advancement of the "kingdom" on earth, pursuant to prophecies from Joseph Bellamy and Jonathan Edwards.  That millenium was still "impending" at the time of Edward Bellamy's book "Looking Backward: 2000-1887" in which Edward also makes predictions of everlasting prosperity through National Socialism.  Edward originally thought that the time frame for reaching National Socialism in "Looking Backward" would be a thousand years, or much longer than the span of 2000-1887 that Edward finally selected for promotional purposes. The National Socialist German Workers Party was intended enact a thousand year reich of prosperity for all, as predicted by Adolf Hitler.

1806 After the German state’s "humiliating defeat by Napoleon in 1806, a new system of schooling was the instrument out of which Prussian vengeance was shaped, a system that reduced human beings during their malleable years to reliable machine parts, human machinery dependent upon the state for its mission and purpose," according to the author John Taylor Gatto. "When Blucher’s Death’s Head Hussars destroyed Napoleon at Waterloo," it was interpreted as confirmation of the value of Prussian schooling. (1815).

1816 Rufus King Bellamy was born (1816 - 1886). He was father to Frederick, Edward, and Charles.  Rufus was a younger brother of David Bellamy (the father of Francis Bellamy). Both Rufus and David spent their lives in the ministry preaching their versions of utopia.  Rufus and his wife (Maria Putnam Bellamy) preached to their three sons the need for activist altruism.  Charles and Edward Bellamy went on to write utopian stories and fantasy tales. Charles wrote "Were They Sinners?" and "The Breton Mills" (1879) in which he used vague altruism to justify a socialist government. Edward followed the same route with "The Religion of Solidarity" and his totalitarian utopian fantasy "Looking Backward," both considered part of the "Christian Socialism" dogma. Both brothers inpired their cousin, Francis Bellamy (author of the Pledge of Allegiance).

1819 Rome NY's name is selected in an election.  Many cities in New York State have names from classical history (Albany, Ithaca, Syracuse, Troy, Utica) and that is why New York is the Roman Empire State.

1843 (published Feb.1844) Karl Marx writes his notorious, “On the Jewish Question.”  In it, he intended to libel Jewish folks when he said they were the quintessential capitalists and worthy of total contempt.   Marxists and socialists had no interest in anyone they considered to be “the weak,” only in the loyal, and their “language of social justice” concerned a totalitarian plan for a new man, or more accurately a soldier ant in an ant hill.

1840s Government takeover of schools was touted by people like Horace Mann, who adored the regimented system they saw in Prussia in the 1840s. They imported wholesale a scheme to tame what they saw as the dangerously anarchist new immigrant working class, training the young of this underclass to report to a central government facility, to memorize identical shallow opinions, and to march at the sound of government bells. Eventually, to chant robotically the morning prayer to the government flag. A basic education would suffice for them to fill their slots in the industrial army. No critical thought would occur, as it might cause them to question the leaders. The government takeover and destruction of schools began in the middle 1800's according to John Taylor Gatto, a former New York state (public) Teacher of the Year, and author of "Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling," and the "Underground History of American Education," subtitled "A Schoolteacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling" ($34 postpaid, Oxford Village Press, 725 McDonough Road, Oxford, N.Y. 13830.) 

1847 The Rome Academy school is planned as a non-government school in a meeting of citizens. The city is not incorporated as "Rome, New York" until 23 years after the school began. In 1848 the Rome Academy opened with a principal and six teachers. It was a non-government school for 20 years until 1869.  

1847 FREDERICK BELLAMY was born.

1848 The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx is published.

1850 EDWARD BELLAMY was born (and died in 1898).

1852 CHARLES JOSEPH BELLAMY was born (and died in 1910).

1855 FRANCIS BELLAMY was born (and died in 1931). Through his life he worked with his cousin Edward Bellamy.

1857 The National Education Association began.

1859 David Bellamy (Francis' father) accepted a call at the First Baptist Church in Rome, NY and moved there with Francis (age 4).

1861-1865 The Civil War against southern Independence. Bellamy was a youth during the war, and became preoccupied with military discipline. Francis Bellamy later explained how the Civil War was not about slavery, but about socialism and centralizing government in the USA. Describing his inspiration for the Pledge Of Allegiance, Francis Bellamy said, "It began as an intensive communing with salient points of our national history, from the Declaration of Independence onwards; with the makings of the Constitution... with the meaning of the Civil War; with the aspiration of the people...
    "The true reason for allegiance to the Flag is the 'republic for which it stands'. ...And what does that vast thing, the Republic mean? It is the concise political word for the Nation - the One Nation which the Civil War was fought to prove. To make that One Nation idea clear, we must specify that it is indivisible, as Webster and Lincoln used to repeat in their great speeches...."  Francis Bellamy did not mention slavery in his comments.

1867 the book Das Kapital by Karl Marx is published.

1867 The Prohibition Party is formed to outlaw alcohol by amending the US Constitution. Both Edward and Francis would support prohibition in the years ahead. Read more at http://rexcurry.net/drugs-prohibition-party-today.html

1868-9 Edward Bellamy spends a year in Dresden, learning to speak and write German and attending lectures and studying German socialism. His stay occurred shortly after the war between Prussia and Austria.  Saxony, of which Dresden was the capital, had sided with Austria, had been conquered by Prussia, and then had joined the North German Federation.  That would interest all who loathe the monstrous National Socialist German Workers’ Party, because Prussia led to the formation of the German empire, and after World War I, Prussia continued to exist as the largest Land (state) within the Weimar Republic and under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (After World War II it was dissolved by decree of the Allied Control Council in 1947). Bellamy was a bitter West Point failure but he loved Prussian militarism and the educational system.  While Bellamy was in Germany, the first German unions were founded and the German Workers' Party (Die Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) issued its program of socialist cliches that Bellamy repeated in his bestseller (Looking Backward) and his other writings for the rest of his life. Edward's brother Frederick wrote that Edward's letters to him were full of German socialism which "he had read and studied much at home." (see Sylvia E. Bowman "The Year 2000"). Edward's brother Frederick stated that Edward had talked and read about socialism before Edward went to Germany. Frederick wrote that Edward's letters to him from Germany were full of German socialism which "he had read and studied much at home." (see Sylvia E. Bowman's 1958 book The Year 2000). (Die Deutsche Arbeiterpartei : Ihre Prinzipien und ihr Programm. - Berlin : Jonas, 1868. - 32 p. ; 23 cm; also see Karl Marx: Randglossen zum Programm d. deutschen Arbeiterpartei (1875) (Criticism of the Gothaer of program. Marginal notes for the program of the German Labour Party) and "On the Jewish Question" written in 1843 (published Feb.1844) by the anti-semitic Karl Marx. See Friedrich Engels: The Prussian military question and the German Labour Party (Written at the end of January until 11 February 1865). And Friedrich Engels: Bismarck and the German Labour Party (Written in the middle of July 1881).
(Hitler's party (the National Socialist German Workers' Party or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP ) had originally been named the German Workers' Party and later added the phrase "National Socialism" to the front of its name. Hitler had suggested that his Party be named the "Social Revolutionary Party." The ominous parallel of Bellamy ideas and U.S. socialists can be seen in the 25 point program of the NSDAP).

Edward Bellamy returned to the USA and completed law school.

Charles J. Bellamy also completes law school and eventually writes Everybody’s Lawyer published by Peoples Publishing Co. in Springfield, MA.
It gives summaries on the “More Practical Parts of Common Law” such as Suing, Marriage, Divorce, Testimony, Railroad Travel and more.

1869 a government school district with a Board of Education was created and Rome Academy became "Rome Free Academy" a government school.

1870 The City of Rome was incorporated.  Francis Bellamy and his father lived there 10 years before it was incorporated as "Rome."  

1872 Francis graduated from Rome Free Academy (RFA -the government high school that is still there).

1872 Edward Bellamy, working as a free-lance journalist, wrote "National Education" that was published in the "Golden Age."

1873 Francis Bellamy entered the University of Rochester where he studied for the Baptist ministry.

1874 The Religion of Solidarity is written by Edward Bellamy. It combines socialism with religion, and argues that individuality is a delusion and/or is unimportant. It advocates that each individual subsume himself/herself to anything and everything else, as repeated later in  Looking Backward.

1877 An Atlas Of Topographical Anatomy: After Plane Sections Of Frozen Bodies (1877) by Wilhelm Braune (Author), Edward Bellamy (Translator, Bellamy acting as a translator of the German language).

1878 A Süd Deutsch Volklied (South German Peoples' Song) was written in German on the inside cover of Bellamy's notebook, and dated "Granada, Jan. 4, 1878." (see Arthur Morgan's Edward Bellamy from Columbia University Press 1944).

1878 Six to One: A Nantucket Idyl. Edward Bellamy's first novel is based on his voyage to Hawaii in 1877. Published in New York, by Putnam.
Chapter one portrays a peaceful, orderly, remote island, removed from the stresses of city life. The character Addie Follet has a mystical passion for the sea.

1879 The Duke of Stockbridge. Edward Bellamy publishes serially this historical romance dealing with Shays' Rebellion (1786-87). His cousin, Francis Bellamy, would complete and issue it in book form in 1900.  The novel is set in western Massachusetts and portrays Revolutionary War veterans who believe that they have traded rule by a king for rule by "the rich."  It is foreshadow's Edward's glorification of the military, and his goal of using the military to take over the government and all of society.  See http://www.gutenberg.org

1879 The Breton Mills - A Romance by Charles Joseph Bellamy is published G.P. Putnam's Sons in New York.

1880 Edward and his brother, Charles, founded a tri-weekly, the Springfield Penny News, that became the Springfield Daily News.

1880 Dr. Heidenhoff's Process by Edward Bellamy is published in New York, by D. Appleton and Co. 1880 see http://www.gutenberg.org
It is about a doctor who can eradicate bad memories from an individual's mind so that he can be happy about life again. It would have been a valuable process for eradicating bad memories about the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Repulbics; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers Party. http://rexcurry.net/wholecaust-museum.html

1882 Franklin Delano Roosevelt is born.

1882 Edward Bellamy married Emma Sanderson.  She had lived with the Bellamy family since the age of thirteen and Edward called her "tugs." Edward had originally opposed the idea of marriage, and he told Emma so after she confessed her love for him. Edward's views on marriage might have been similar to the views of his brother, Charles, later explicated somewhat in Charles' book "An Experiment in Marriage" (1889).  Edward embraced the idea of marriage after Emma became engaged to another man.  Edward and Emma had two children.

1884 Miss Ludington's Sister (A Romance of Immortality) by Edward Bellamy is published in Boston, by J.R. Osgood and Co. see http://www.gutenberg.org

1884 or 1885 The Way Out: Suggestions for Social Reform, by Charles J. Bellamy (Putnams), drones on about the equitable distribution of wealth. Arthur Morgan said that it "in many respects is as daring and radical in its proposals as is Edward Bellamy's own utopia." Edward's presentation in Looking Backward is comparable to that used by Charles in The Way Out. It is mentioned in the The Nation Magazine Volume: 040,  Issue # 1024 of February 12, 1885.  Also, compare Edward's How We Shall Get There in 1891.

1886 Haymarket Square riot in Chicago

1886 Dr. Edward Aveling and his wife Eleanor -the daughter of Karl Marx- wrote that when they toured the U.S. and preached the gospel of socialism as far westward as Kansas, they were surprised by the prevalence of what they termed "unconscious socialism" and that the "American people ... were waiting to hear in their own language what socialism is."

1887 Edward Bellamy’s bible of military socialism “Looking Backward” is published and becomes an international bestseller translated into every major language including Russian, Chinese, and German and it inspires the creation of 167 “Nationalist Clubs” worldwide. In its time, it was outsold only by Uncle Tom's Cabin and Ben-Hur (set in Rome). The book appears by title in many major Marxist writings of the day. "It is one of the few books ever published that created almost immedately on its appearance a politcal mass movement." (Eric Fromm, p vi) 165. The book was popular among the elite in pre-revolutionary Russia, and Lenin’s wife was known to have read the book, because she wrote a review of it.  see http://www.gutenberg.org

1888 (November) Bellamy personally made a contract with an interpreter to translate Looking Bacward into German.  By the end of the year, sales of the book did not exceed ten thousand, but sales increased rapidly thereafter. (see Morgan, p. 65).

1888 A Moment of Madness by Charles Joseph Bellamy is published in New York, by A. L. Burt.

1888-91 (June) Edward Bellamy became editor of The Nationalist magazine and the “Nationalist Educational Association,” (NEA) is formed to publish the magazine and it is named with deliberate similarity to the National Education Association. http://rexcurry.net/nationalistmagazine.jpg

1888 James Upham in the Premium Department of the Youth's Companion launches its School Flag Movement, a four-year campaign to put U.S. flags in government schools in order to promote end non-government schools and to promote "Nationalism."

1888 (December) First Nationalist Club formed in Boston to discuss and implement principles in Looking Backward; Francis Bellamy is a charter member.

1888 Nationalist Clubs gain the backing of the Theosophical Society and Madam Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Blavatsky's mentions of Looking Backward and its author had a clear financial impact on the Nationalism according to Arthur E. Morgan in his biography, Edward Bellamy, 1948, pp. 260-75; see also The Key to Theosophy by H. P. Blavatsky, pp. 44-5. -- K.V.M.]
    Theosophists saw in the Nationalist Movement a practical means to further their "ideal of universal brotherhood."  A symbol for Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society includes a swastika or hakenkreuz http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-blavatsky-brooch.gif  Her book "The Secret Doctrine, the Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy" is considered her magnum opus and was originally published as two volumes in 1888.  The publication success coincided with Edward Bellamy's "Looking Backward" and with his Nationalism movement. In The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky postulates "Aryans" as the fifth of her "Root Races," dating them to about a million years ago, tracing them to Atlantis. It was an idea also repeated by Alfred Rosenberg, and held as doctrine by the Thule Society.  The idea eventually influenced the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  Blavatsky travelled extensively to Germany, India and worldwide (The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky: Reminiscences and Impressions by Those Who Knew Her by Daniel H. Caldwell: Chapter 14, Germany and Return to India 1884-1885; Chapter 15, From India to Italy and Germany, 1885; Chapter 16,  Germany 1886).

1889 (February 18) Society of Christian Socialists formed in Boston.  Francis Bellamy is Vice President in charge of Education.

1889 Looking Backward was translated and published in both Sweden and Denmark, and a Norwegian translation, Tilbageblik, was published in the United States in the early 1890s. "Det nationalistiske program" was discussed in the widely circulated Norwegian review Kringsjaa, and other Norwegian periodicals and newspapers included reports on the Nationalist Movement during its peak period of activity. See Lars Ahnebrink, "A Contribution to Scandinavian Socialism" in Bowman et al., Edward Bellamy Abroad, 261–4.  

1889 Hitler born 4-20-1889. Died 1945.

1889 Edward Bellamy wrote the short story, “An Echo of Antietam,” in which he glorifies the militarism via a group of men marching to join the Union army.

1889 An Experiment in Marriage by Charles Joseph Bellamy is published by Albany Book Co.

1889 Edward Bellamy writes "To Whom This May Come" printed in the Nationalist monthly.  In it he describes the evolution of men to realize that "life is hid in our brethren, in the race" and not in the "petty self."  Selfishness is said to be suicide.  Later, the world would see that socialism is suicide.

1890 Were They Sinners? by Charles Joseph Bellamy is published in Springfield, Mass., by Author's Pub. Co.

1890 (October) The Theosophist endorses Edward Bellamy, his book, and the Nationalist Party, and remarks about Theosophists being involved in the formation of the party and acting as its "most active and ardent workers and supporters." p 62.  There is also a remark about "The Key to Theosophy" being translated into the German language (p. 61). http://www.amazon.com/Theosophist-October-1890-April-1891/dp/1417921811/ref=si3_rdr_bb_product/104-2419291-8946309

1890 (Nov. 13, 1890) Edward Bellamy wrote for The Christian Union, "Some Misconceptions of Nationalism." In the article he states: "Nationalism is not based on the maxim 'To each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities.' Of course, as a matter of conscience, every man is bound to do all he can, and the needs of others are sacred claims upon his service; but both abilities and needs are indeterminate, and therefore could not be made the basis of any regulation to be enforced by society. The principle of Nationalism is: From all equally; to all equally."

1891-94 Edward Bellamy became editor of the New Nation. In it he writes columns about “Talks on Nationalism.” Bellamy would sell his weekly combined with Karl Marx's Capital as a package deal. http://rexcurry.net/edward-bellamy-karl-marx.jpg

1891 (January 30) Edward Bellamy's How We Shall Get There is published in the Twentieth Century Library, No. 30, Fortnightly, New York.
compare The Way Out: Suggestions for Social Reform, by Charles Bellamy in 1885.

1891 (July) Francis Bellamy openly and publicly defends Edward Bellamy's form of Socialism in the article "The Tyranny of All the People" in The Arena July, 1891 (p. 180-191). "Socialists believe in the fearless extension of government because they have a clear and high idea of the nation as an organic relationship apart from which the individual cannot realize himself." And "Democratic government, however socialistic it may become, is nothing but democracy expressing its own will. If the individual is led to surrender certain of his freedoms for the good of all, he surrenders to a paternalism of all the people. That were better called, once and for all, a fraternalism. Socialism aims to produce an environment where not only the Golden Rule, but the Law of Love will have a living chance."  The "Republic of the Golden Rule" is a reference to the authoriatian socialist society in which Julian West awakens in Edward Bellamy's book "Looking Backward."

1891 Advertisements list together the books of Charles Bellamy, Edward Bellamy and Karl Marx http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-charles-brother1891.pdf
and at http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-charles-edward1891.pdf

1892 The year the Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge Of Allegiance was the year that the immigration station on Ellis Island opened. Many people, including the Bellamys, were fearful of immigration and the "new immigrants" coming from Southern and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean rim. Most immigrants did not hold the Protestant Christian faith known to a majority of Americans.  In the words of Emma Lazarus, they were the "wretched refuse" of older "teeming shores" (Her famous poem using those words was affixed to the Statue of Liberty).
The tide of immigration swelled to its greatest heights.  Bellamy-style bigotry grew.

1892 (July 4) Edward Bellamy writes "Fourth of July, 1992" in the Boston Globe.  Bellamy's historical revisionism recasts the American Revolution as leading inexorably to his utopian fantasy and the article alludes to "Looking Backward" in predicting, by the year 1992, a "new declaration of independence" that will enact the Bellamy dogma and abolish the distinctions of "employer and employed, capitalist and proletarian" and that it will come "peaceably or forcibly..."

1892 In August, Francis Bellamy finishes penning the Pledge of Allegiance (with a straight-arm salute). James Upham and Francis Bellamy were editor and associate editor of the Youth's Companion at the time. Francis had been given the assignment to prepare a celebration for Columbus Day, and he uses the assignment as an excuse to espouse his dogma. The Pledge is published in the "Youth's Companion" Magazine on September 8, 1892, along with an article ("The Meaning of the Four Centuries") wherein Francis Bellamy's historical revisionism recasts Columbus' "discovery of America" as leading inexorably to the Bellamy utopian fantasy. The article alludes to "Looking Backward" in predicting a government takeover of education that will eventually enact the Bellamy dogma. It was also a way for Bellamy and Upham to behave as socialists always do and use government to separate people from their money in government schools (socialist schools) by placing flags in every school.  It is a process still followed today (In Florida, a law was imposed dictating that flags in schools were too small, and commanding that larger flags be placed in each classroom, including college and university classrooms http://rexcurry.net/debate-florida-legislature.html . Enormous amounts of money were wasted complying with the new dictate).

1892 (October 12, Columbus Day, the 400th Anniversary) Francis Bellamy was chairman of a committee of state superintendents of education in the National Education Association and he used the NEA to promote his pledge and dogma (including a government takeover of all schools).  The government schools begin to impose and institutionalize segregation by law and to teach racism as official policy.

1894 Henry Demarest Lloyd says of Looking Backward, that the book was "debated by all down to the bootblack on the corner."

1895 New York became the ninth state to require displays of the National flag in government schools.

1896 Plessy v. Ferguson is decided by the U.S. Supreme Court which upholds a government law imposing and requiring “separate but equal” seating upon railroads, and that reasoning is carried over to government schools that impose segregation and teach racism.

1897 Edward Bellamy's book "Equality" is published, the sequel to "Looking Backward."  The "American swastika" appears for the first time as the "equality symbol" ( = ) repeated all over the cover of the book "Equality." http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-edward-equality-swastika.jpg  While the swastika/hakenkreuz was the symbol for German National Socialists, the "equals sign" was the "swastika" for American National Socialists. Bellamy wrote, "Nationalism is not based on the maxim 'To each according to his needs, from each according to his abilities.' Of course, as a matter of conscience, every man is bound to do all he can, and the needs of others are sacred claims upon his service; but both abilities and needs are indeterminate, and therefore could not be made the basis of any regulation to be enforced by society. The principle of Nationalism is: From all equally; to all equally." (Some Misconceptions of Nationalism, by Edward Bellamy in The Christian Union, Nov. 13, 1890). The book Equality continues the story of Julian West in Bellamy's totalitarian future of National Socialism.  In whole or in part, it was translated into Danish and Swedish. see http://www.gutenberg.org

1898 the New York state legislature imposes the first statute forcing children in government schools to robotically chant the socialist's pledge. Other states follow.
The legislature required the Commissioner of Education to provide the programs  and the Education Department published a book on flag history with suggested lessons and ceremonies in 1910.  Included was the original Balch pledge, then recommended for the elementary grades. Here is a later example regarding the Pledge Of Allegiance http://rexcurry.net/reciting-the-pledge-of-allegiance1918.jpg

1898 The Blindman's World and Other Stories by Edward Bellamy [Int. by Howells, W. D.] is published in Boston and New York, by Houghton, Mifflin and Co.
The book is a collection of short stories including the title story written in 1885, wherein "an astronomer's 'dream soul' is transported to Mars and communicates with its advanced human inhabitants."

1898 Edward Bellamy dies of consumption (tuberculosis). His book "Looking Backward" details his weltanschauung, but he didn't have to look back at most of the world’s socialist slaughter. Although Edward Bellamy was a bitter West Point failure, he loved Prussian militarism and the Prussian educational system and, according to Tom Peyser, "On his deathbed, he wiled away the hours by arranging tin soldiers along the folds of his coverlet."

1900 Francis Bellamy completed and issued in book form Edward Bellamy's 1879 work The Duke of Stockbridge. The historical romance dealing with Shays' Rebellion had been published serially in 1879. see http://www.gutenberg.org

1905 a Finnish translation of "Equality" was published in 1905 in Hancock, Michigan.

1905 "By 1905, Prussian trained Americans, or Americans like John Dewey who apprenticed at Prussian-trained hands, were in command of every one of our new institutions of scientific teacher training: Columbia Teacher’s College, the University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins, the University of Wisconsin, Stanford," according to the author John Taylor Gatto. "The domination of Prussian vision, and the general domination of German philosophy and pedagogy, was a fait accompli among the leadership of American schooling.
" And, "You should care about this for the compelling reason that German practices were used here to justify removal of intellectual material from the curriculum; it may explain why your own children cannot think. That was the Prussian way – to train only a leadership cadre to think." And, "Of all the men whose vision excited the architects of the new Prussianized American school machine, the most exciting were a German philosopher named Hegel and a German doctor named Wilhelm Wundt. ... G. Stanley Hall, one of Wundt’s personal protégés (who as a professor at Johns Hopkins had inoculated his star pupil, John Dewey, with the German virus) ... shrewdly sponsored and promoted an American tour for the Austrian doctor Sigmund Freud so that Freud might popularize his theory that PARENTS AND THE FAMILY WERE THE CAUSE OF VIRTUALLY ALL MALADJUSTMENT (emphasis added) – all the more reason to remove their little machines to the safety of schools." And, "Teacher training in Prussia was founded on three premises, which the United States subsequently borrowed. The first of these is that the state is sovereign, the only true parent of children. Its corollary is that BIOLOGICAL PARENTS ARE THE ENEMIES OF THEIR OFFSPRING. When Germany’s Froebel invented Kindergarten, it was not a garden for children he had in mind but a garden of children, in which state-appointed teachers were the gardeners of the children. Kindergarten is meant to PROTECT CHILDREN FROM THEIR OWN MOTHERS" And, "The best-known device to break the will of the young, practiced for centuries among English and German upper classes, was the separation of parent and child AT AN EARLY AGE. Here now was an institution backed by the police power of the state to guarantee that separation. ..."

1907 the USA’s salute is used in a fictional Roman scene in the American film "Ben-Hur."

1908 the salute occurs in film in the Italian "Nerone."

1910 CHARLES JOSEPH BELLAMY died (he was born in 1852).

1913 the Federal Reserve Act is imposed, expanding the government's ability to print, counterfeit and inflate money, leading to more depressions created by the government, including the Great Depression in 1929.

1914-1918 WWI. Hitler awarded the Iron Cross Medal (Ritterkreuz -"Rider Cross" or "Knight's Cross") . In Nov. 1918, the Kaiser and the House of Hollenzollern had fallen. The “Fatherland” was now a republic. The war was over.

1914 the salute occurs in film in "Spartaco" and "Cabiria."

1915 A memorial edition of "Looking Backward" is published with introduction by Sylvester Baxter of the Boston Herald, one of the first members of the Boston Nationalist Club in 1888.

1916 The Wonder Children, Their Quests and Curious Adventures, by Charles J. Bellamy. The MacMillan Company. 321 pages. Stories of Christmas Eve, Three Fishes, Enchanted Cave, Bad Boy, Golden Key, Magic Mirror, Boy who Teased, Underworld and Three Wishes.

1919 in imitation of such films, self-styled Italian "Consul" Gabriele D 'Annunzio borrowed the salute as a propaganda tool for his political ambitions upon his occupation of Fiume in 1919.  Earlier, D'Annunzio had worked with Giovanni Pastrone in his colossal epic Cabiria (1914). Mussolini had worked with D'Annunzio.

1919 Anton Drexler, Gottfried Feder and Dietrich Eckart form what will become the Nazi Party, and they use the name “German Worker's Party.”

1919 The Prohibition Party's most infamous deed was in 1919, with the passage of the 18th Amendment, which outlawed alcohol. National prohibition under the 18th Amendment was repealed by the 21st Amendment in 1933. Modern prohibiton continues as does the loss of individual rights. Edward and Francis supported prohibition. Read more at  http://rexcurry.net/drugs-prohibition-party-today.html

1920 Francis Bellamy gives speech "The Pledge of Allegiance: How I Came to Write It" in the New York City Stadium.

1920 the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi Party) takes its name.  The party program includes the German version of the social security scam “We demand that generous improvements be made in old-age pensions” and a government takeover of schools.

1920 Another mystical India-Germany promoter of National Socialism was Savitri Devi. Known as the "Aryan Hindu prophetess," she believed that Hitler was an avatar or god come to earth.  Born Maximiani Portas, she became a strong admirer of Hitler in the 1920s, moved to India in 1932 because of its caste system, and took a Hindu name. Later, her writings were republished, and she gained new fans in the 1970s as new interest in National Socialism spread. Devi died in 1982, but the author boasted that her combination of Hindu religion and Nordic racial ideology became a bridge between National Socialism and the New Age movements.

1920s the German American Bund movement consists of American National Socialists who support German National Socialists.  During this time, the American National Socialists (and their children in government schools) pledge allegiance to the flag using the straight-arm salute.  http://rexcurry.net/pledgeapology.html

1922 Francis Bellamy retires to Tampa, Florida and continues to speak & write about his authorship of the pledge.

1923 Francis Bellamy article in Elks Magazine: "A Twenty-Three Word National Creed: How the Most Widely Known Patriotic Formula in America Came Into Existence."

1923 Lenin, the Bolshevik founder (not Stalin), begins his first concentration camp (the Gulag) at the Solovetsky Islands -or Solovki- a string of small islands in the White Sea near the Arctic Circle.

1924 The Elks Magazine of June 1924, Vol. 3, Edition # 1 contains "A twenty-three word national creed" by Francis Bellamy with photos of correspondence. Hence, Bellamy continued to promote his National Socialist dogma and the stiff-arm salute (and robotic chanting to flags) among various civic groups, as the Bellamys had done while they were Freemasons in Masonic Lodges. http://rexcurry.net/1qb1.html

1925 Mein Kampf is published and the terms "Nazi" and "Fascist" are never used in the book in reference to the Party.  The terms "socialist" and "national socialist" are used repetitively in reference to the Party.

1925 Everybody's Magazine FEBRUARY contains article by Francis Bellamy.

1927 The Dutch Bellamy movement emerged in the Netherlands.

1929 Francis Bellamy is quoted in the Tampa Tribune Newspaper about the pledge and his authorship of it.

1930 electoral breakthroughs for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

1930s The wife and daughter Edward Bellamy (1850–1898) were key figures in the revival of interest in Bellamy and his writings during the 1930s during the government-created depression. With several other notable individuals, including journalist Heywood Broun and educator John Dewey, the two Bellamy women were part of what Broun called a "Back to Bellamy" movement. The daughter, Mrs. Earnshaw, tried to revive Edward's Nationalist movement and she was president of the International Alliance of Bellamy Clubs.

1930 (June) The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act imposed the harshest tariffs in U.S. history.  It is sold as "Nationalism" to "protect" farmers against foreigners. It  causes poverty, misery and exacerbates the worldwide depression and makes it "Great" and long-lasting.

1931 Francis Bellamy dies in Tampa, Florida at age 76. He died just as his salute & ideas became even more infamous.  He lived long enough to see part of the socialist slaughter in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the beginning of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party aping his straight-arm salute.

1931 Looking Backward published in new edition with introduction by journalist Heywood Broun. Broun suggested: "Many of the questions both of mood and technique are even more pertinent in the year 1931 than they were in 1887." (A frightening comment as the National Socialist German Workers Party followed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in mass slaughter).

1932 Equality by Edward Bellamy is published again by D. Appleton and Company of New York and London 1932. Also shows copyright of 1924, by Mrs. Emma Bellamy Hadley. http://rexcurry.net/equality.html

1933 (3-4-1933) FDR takes office and feverishly imposes socialist programs including the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camps run by the military.

1933 (3-23-1933) dictatorship is imposed by leader of National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

1933 the International Bellamy Association (IVB) is founded in Rotterdam. By the end of the 1930s the IVB has around 10,000 followers.

1933 The Golden Book Magazine Issue Date: JUNE, 1933; VOL. XVII, No. 102 "A SOLUTION FOR UNEMPLOYMENT" by Edward Bellamy spouts Bellamy's National Socialist dogma in America after German National Socialists impose dictatorship.

1933 the first concentration camp begins under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.  It will utilize numbering and eventually, at Aushwitz, tattooing of numbers upon victims.

1933  "Back to Bellamy," by Heywood Broun in World-Telegram (7-19-33), reprinted in Broun, It Seems to Me, 1925–1935 (see below).

1933 Movie idea of "Looking Backward" is mentioned in letter of August 29, 1933 written by CARL LAEMMLE on Universal Pictures Corporation stationary, written to Lester Anderson, an early science-fiction fan (see Locus Volume 25:4 No.357 Oct 1990).

1933 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was so impressed by Bellamy's book "Looking Backward" that Roosevelt wrote "Looking Forward"
http://rexcurry.net/fdr-franklin-delano-roosevelt-looking-forward.jpg on Roosevelt's way to impose Bellamy's national socialism in America.

1933 National prohibition under the 18th Amendment is repealed by the 21st Amendment. Modern prohibiton continues today as does the loss of individual rights. Edward and Francis supported prohibition. Read more at http://rexcurry.net/drugs-prohibition-party-today.html

1934 "Triumph of the Will," directed by Leni Riefenstahl, shows the National Socialist German Workers' Party parading its industrial army. In keeping with their socialist dogma, Hitler is praised as an "epitome of altruism" and the speakers refer to each other as "comrades" who will cause a "revolution of the people and workers" to end "class struggle" and create "egalitarianism." http://rexcurry.net/filmrev-triumph-of-the-will.html

1935  Lillian and William Gobitas refuse to stand and recite the pledge in Minersville, Pennsylvania and are persecuted and expelled. As under Nazism, Jehovah's Witnesses and others in the USA were persecuted for refusing to perform the straight-arm salute and robotically chant the pledge.  They were also expelled from government schools and had to use the many better alternatives.

1935 Two years following Roosevelt's proclamation of a "new deal" for America, Broun wrote: "I think there should be a great revival of interest in the work of Edward Bellamy, for notions which he expressed before the beginning of the century are just now coming into articulation and a few, indeed, into action." Broun, It Seems to Me, 1925–1935 (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1935), 207–10.

1935 the USA’s Congress imposed the social security scam and nationwide numbering began.

1935 Columbia University requested three people – John Dewey, a philosopher; Charles Beard, a historian; and Edward Weeks, the editor of Atlantic Monthly – to list the ten most influential books from 1885 to 1935; on all three lists, prepared independently, Looking Backward appeared second on the list, the first being Karl Marx’s  Das Kapital. It shows how Bellamy's socialism was being compared with Marx's socialism for blending or as an alternative. It is important to remember that during this time of Bellamy's great influence, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party had been in existence since 1920, with electoral breakthroughs in 1930, and dictatorship in 1933.

1936 Mrs. Emma S. Bellamy and Miss Marion Bellamy addressed a public meeting in Portland on the topics of "Edward Bellamy as I Knew Him" and "Edward Bellamy Today."

1936  Jesse Owens competed in the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany, while his neighbors in the USA attended segregated government schools where they saluted the flag with the Nazi salute.  

1937 Edward Bellamy Speaks Again! By the Peerage Press, First Edition. http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-edward-speaks-again-francis-bellamy.jpg  The spread of Bellamy ideas was reinforced with these additional "Articles, Public Addresses, Letters."  http://rexcurry.net/bookchapter1a1h.html

1937 The broad international interest in Bellamy dogma and the revival of that interest in the 1930s is reflected by a 1937 edition of "Looking Backward" translated into Esperanto (an international language) by L.L. Zamenhof - and published under the auspices of the International Bellamy League in The Netherlands.

1938 publication of “Talks on Nationalism.” Edward Bellamy died in 1898, yet this book revives his dogma in the USA, Germany and worldwide.
Roosevelt’s national socialism coincided with the 1938 publication of “Talks on Nationalism” by Edward Bellamy.  It is a terrifying look at how socialists in the USA inspired Nazism (the National Socialist German Workers’ Party).  Edward Bellamy died in 1898, but people put this book together in 1938 to widen Bellamy ideas worldwide, in the USA (under Roosevelt’s national socialism), and in Germany via the Nazis.

1938 John Hope Franklin, "Edward Bellamy and the Nationalist Movement," The New England Quarterly, Vol 11, December, 1938 p. 739-772

1939 U.S. Flag Association Committee examines authorship controversy and believes that Bellamy is the author, not Upham.  It examines evidence presented by David Bellamy and the family of James Upham.

1939 The National Socialist German Workers' Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics demonstrated the swastika's symbolism of socialists joining together, as allies to invade Poland, under a pact to divide up Europe (the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, or Nazi-Soviet Pact).

1940 Edward Bellamy, The Religion of Solidarity, ed. Arthur E. Morgan, Antioch Bookplate Company. Published posthumusly.

1940 the US Supreme Court rules that requiring the Gobitas children to salute the flag or be expelled did not violate their free speech right.  Violence occurs in the USA against people who do not perform the straight-arm salute or chant the pledge.  The Gobitas children leave government schools for the better alternatives.
The Court's decision adds to the Pledge's long history of persecution and violence.  There are acts of student violence, teacher violence, police violence and mob violence. There were arrests and prosecutions. Children are taken away from their parents on the government's claim of "unfit parenting" if the children are not forced to pledge. Some kids were expelled from government schools and had to use the many better alternatives. The government schools then persecuted those non-government schools. During this time, the government's schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policy.  The USA's behavior was an example for three decades before the Nazis. As under Nazism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, and blacks and the Jewish and others in the USA attended government schools that dictated segregation, taught racism, and persecuted children who refused to perform the straight-arm salute and robotically chant the Pledge. The Bellamys supported the government's takeover of education.

1941 Tattooing of concentration camp prisoners begins at Auschwitz.

1941 (December 7th) attack on Pearl Harbor.  U.S. enters WWII against Japan.

1941 (December 11th) Germany & Italy declare war on U.S. and the U.S. reciprocates in kind.

1942  (June 22) the pledge was recognized by Congress in the Flag Code, the straight-arm salute is changed to the hand-over-the-heart. In 1942, after the USA entered the war against Germany, the salute changed from the stiff-arm salute to the hand-over-the-heart.  The change was form over substance. Children in some government schools (socialist schools) were taught that, henceforth, they would be forced to perform the robotic chanting with the right hand over the heart in order to replace the previous blind obedience represented by the old stiff-arm salute used by German National Socialists that the children had been forced to perform in the past. At that time, children were still expelled and persecuted for refusing to participate, even with the "new and improved" ritual.

1942 correspondence begins between Margarette S. Miller and others regarding her investigation of the authorship of the Pledge.

1943 the Supreme Court reverses itself and rules that students could not be forced to recite the pledge West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette

Even after German National Socialism, writers continued to cover up for the Bellamys and ignore any comparison

1944 Elizabeth Sadler, "One Book's Influence: Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward" The New England Quarterly, Vol 17, December 1944, 530-555

1944: The German Army adopts the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (which was actually the "American" salute from Francis Bellamy's early Pledge of Allegiance). The German Army abandons the standard military salute.  German National Socialists are probably aware that the National government in the USA has tried to have the stiff-arm salute abandoned in the USA (from 1942).

1944 or 1945 Arthur E. Morgan, The Philosophy of Edward Bellamy, King's Crown Press, 1945

1944 One Book's Influence Edward Bellamy's "Looking Backward" by Elizabeth Sadler in The New England Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 4 (Dec., 1944), pp. 530-555 references the newly issued authoritative biography by Arthur E. Morgan and states "The daughter and widow of the author report that in recent years they have heard from Bellamy groups in New Zealand, Switzerland, France, the Scandinavian countries....[et cetera].

1945 (May 22) Paul Bellamy, son of Edward Bellamy and editor-in-chief of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, writes an introduction to his father's book "Looking Backward" (published by the World Publishing Co., of Cleveland Ohio).  It is interesting to note that Paul does not mention the National Socialist German Workers' Party, nor the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, nor even World War II, in that introduction to his father's book on May 22, 1945.

1945 Although the National Socialist German Workers' Party turned the swastika symbol into overlapping "S" shapes for "socialism," the Theosophical Society did not alter the swastika on its logo until the NSDAP demonstrated the deadly dogma of socialism to the world. http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-blavatsky-brooch.gif
Thereafter, the Theosophical Society changed its logo so that the "S" letters are now reversed and their shape has been altered to make the symbol less apparent.
http://rexcurry.net/theosophy-madame-blavatsky-theosophical-society.html  The Theosophical Society still exists. It is remarkable to note that at the time this was written, the Theosophical Society of America (TSA) continued to maintain its Springfield Branch office at the Edward Bellamy House, 93 Church Street, Chicopee, MA and also its library.

1945 (May 30) (Just a few weeks after the end of German occupation). The National Bellamy Party (NBP) is founded by a group of six leaders of the International Bellamy Association (IVB) in Groningen. The chairman of the party was J. Derksen Staats. IVB, which was reorganized after the war, did not actively support the idea of a political party.

1945 (August 15th WWII ends with surrender of Japan). Yet the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part) will continue for decades: ~60 million slaughtered by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million by the Peoples' Republic of China (and the previous ~20 million by the National Socialist German Workers' Party).

1947 (April) Van den Muyzenberg and the majority of the National Bellamy Party (NBP) members left to join the Progressive Party for a World Government.

1949 (October 1st) Mao Zedong also promotes the idea of world government, and he proclaims the founding of the People's Republic of China. Massive bloodshed follows.

1952 Flag Day Award Ceremony programs (1952 and 1954), organized by Margarette S. Miller

1952 Pledge material is presented to the University of Rochester Library by David Bellamy on October 18, 1952.

1954 Brown v. Board of Education begins to slowly end segregation imposed by law in government schools, with racism taught as official policy. http://rexcurry.net/pledge-allegiance-pledge-allegiance.jpg  Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy supported government takeover (socialism) for all schools. When the government granted their wish, it imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policty. Before 1943 , the Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance had been imposed by law, and to varying degrees it was still imposed in 1954 and still is imposed, even beyond the year 2000 (especially following the imposition of the USA's police state on 9-11-2001).

1955 The Order of the Eastern Star erected a memorial tablet to Francis Bellamy in Oriskany, New York.

1956 The Pledge authorship controversy arose again when news reports again asserted Upham's authorship. The Library of Congress appointed a team of clowns to officially "finalize" the decision as to the authorship of the Pledge. The Library of Congress Legislative Reference Service issued a report affirming Francis Bellamy as the author of the Pledge in 1957.  Margarette Miller was involved in the work and wrote a book about it in 1976.

1958 The Year 2000: A Critical Biography of Edward Bellamy is published by Sylvia E. Bowman.  It is not very critical at all.

1960 Signet edition of Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward: 2000-1887 with a forward by Erich Fromm.

1962 Pledge material is presented to the University of Rochester Library by Mrs. David Bellamy on January 16, 1962.

1966 The NEA did not integrate its membership until 1966 and only in the late 1960's did the NEA begin to support aggressively the same idea in most state government school systems.

1966 May, socialist students were encouraged to carry copies of Mao's Little Red Book of quotations. These "Red Guards" used his quotations to attack "intellectuals" (anyone not stupid enough to embrace socialism) with themes such as "Correcting Mistaken Ideas."

1967 et seq The U.S. practice of official racism and segregation in government schools outlasted the horrid Nazi Party, into the 1960's and beyond.  Thereafter, the Bellamy legacy caused more police-state racism of forced busing that destroyed communities and neighborhoods and deepened hostilities.

1976  Margarette S. Miller writes "Twenty-Three Words: The Life Story of the Author of the Pledge of Allegiance as Told in His Own Words."   The introduction is by Frank P. Di Berardino III.

1986 Nancy Snell Griffith. Edward Bellamy: A Bibliography. [Scarecrow Author Bibliographies, no. 78] Metuchen, NJ: 1986. 185pp.

1988 Peggy Ann Brown. "Edward Bellamy: An Introductory Bibliography," American Studies International, 26.2 (1988):37-50.

1988 Richard Toby Widdicombe. Edward Bellamy: An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Criticism. NY: Garland, 1988. 587pp.

1991 Merritt Abrash wrote "Looking Backward: Marxism Americanized" In M.S. Cummings & N.D. Smith (Eds.)., Utopian Studies IV (pp. 6-9). Lanham, MD: University Press of America.

1991 According to Gail Collins "...far more American workers read Looking Backward than ever made it through Marx..." Tomorrow Never Knows, The Nation, Vol. 252, Issue # 2, January 21, 1991.

2000 the year in which Bellamy’s book predicted a utopian socialist totalitarianism.  The death toll for the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part) is: ~60 million by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, ~50 million by the Peoples' Republic of China, ~20 million by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  It is the worst slaughter in history. All Holocaust Museums can quintuple in size and scope by adding Wholecaust Museums.

2003 Dr. Rex Curry, an attorney, helps with litigation against the pledge of allegiance that proceeds to the U.S. Supreme Court.  In the process Professor Curry notices that the media will not tell the true story about the pledge’s author nor show any historic photo of the original salute.  RexCurry.net is formed to set the record straight.

2003 The Oregon Historical Quaterly, Spring 2003, Vol 104 Number 1, contains the article “Looking Backwards at Edward Bellamy's Influence in Oregon, 1888-1936.”

2004 Tampa Florida is where Francis Bellamy died in 1931 and where his pledge of allegiance died also, much later.  RexCurry.net disinterred Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy and the pledge. An atrocious autopsy was performed.

2004 A proposal begins that Holocaust Museums can quintuple in size and scope by adding Wholecaust Museums, and that Francis Bellamy and the pledge of allegiance should be added to the museums as the origin of the straight-arm salute and similar dogma that influenced the socialist Wholecaust.

2005 (December 23) News reports state that Cameron Frazier refused to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance at Boynton Beach High School and it sparked a Constitutional battle against his teacher and the Palm Beach County School Board. The 17-year-old junior claims in a federal lawsuit that he was ridiculed and punished Dec. 8 when he twice refused to stand for the pledge during his fourth-period algebra class.

2005 (March 1st) News reports state that an incident occurred in Brick Township, New Jersey. A video of the shocking behavior is at http://rexcurry.net/pledge-of-allegiance-flag-nazis.html

ONWARD: At the time this was written, internet searches indicated that the "Lucis Trust" http://www.lucistrust.org/  is a UN-accredited NGO (in "consultative status" with the United Nation's Economic and Social Council), and an officially acknowledged financial contributor to the United Nations. The "Lucis Trust" grew from the organization started by Alice Bailey in 1922 when she founded the "Lucifer Publishing Company" to publish her and Blavatsky's writings and also published a magazine entitled "Lucifer" wherein Edward Bellamy's dogma was promoted. Blavatsky (1831-1891), with her "Theosophical Society," is considered the mother of New Age Socialism and modern Occult Socialism. Bailey (1880-1949, née Alice LaTrobe Bateman) left Blavatsky's group and founded her own "Arcane School," wherein the term "New Age" itself originated. 

At the time this was written, internet searches indicated that the Edward Bellamy Memorial Association and the Chicopee Historical Society and the Theosophical Society of America (TSA library and Springfield Branch office) were headquartered at the Edward Bellamy House, 91 to 93 Church Street, Chicopee, MA. Recent lectures there included "Discovering the Secrets in the Akashic Records" and "Alchemical Art Therapy" and "Gnosis: An Ancient Path of Illumination."  http://rexcurry.net/theosophy-madame-blavatsky-theosophical-society.html
Here is contact information that was listed: Edward Bellamy Memorial Association, Inc., Stephen Jendrysik, 91 Church Street, Chicopee MA 01020
TEL: 413 594-6496 email: s.jendrysik@worldnet.att.net

CLICK FOR LARGER PLEDGE IMAGE Edward Bellamy Nazi salute http://rexcurry.net/edward%20bellamy.jpg Edward BellamyEdward Bellamy & Francis Bellamy Looking Backward Swastika photograph school racism segregation teachers education high schools elementary schools The Pledge of Allegiance & socialism, segregation and racism Matt Crypto Paris Hilton
Edward Bellamy & Francis Bellamy Nazi salute http://rexcurry.net/francis%20bellamy.jpg  Edward Bellamy

