Additional support comes from John Toland’s lengthy book
“Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography.” On page 86 Toland writes
“Drexler [Anton Drexler] suggested calling their group the German Socialist
Party (the same name of a similarly motivated party founded a year earlier
[1916?] in Bohemia [Czeckoslovakia], whose emblem incidentally, was the
Toland asserts that when the leader of the National Socialist German
Workers’ Party adopted the swastika, it was already in use as a symbol for
a socialist group, a fact known by Hitler when selecting the symbol.
Toland provides no footnote or reference for his claim, and it is
unfortunate that Toland died in 2004 and cannot be asked for details about
the earlier Party’s use of the swastika.
On page 105 Toland writes "Finally, a dentist from Starnberg submitted
a flag which had been used at the foundiing meeting of his own party local:
a swastika against a black-white-red background."
Another entry in Toland’s book (p 183) makes reference to Hans Knirsch,
founder of the National Socialist Workers Party in Czeckoslovakia also
known as the Sudetendeutsche National Sozialistische Partei or Sudeten-German
National Socialist Party.
If the swastika was a symbol of the Sudetendeutsche National Sozialistische
Partei, then it provides another interpretation for the swastika's two
overlapping "S" letters: "Sudeten Socialism" or even "Southern Socialism."
The word "Sudeten" came to mean "Southern" for many Germans, even
though the original etymology is unclear.
The German Army marched into the Sudetenland on 1st October, 1938.
Before that date (on 29th September, 1938), Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain,
Edouard Daladier and Benito Mussolini signed the Munich Agreement which transferred
the Sudetenland to Germany. When Eduard Benes, Czechoslovakia's head
of state, protested at this decision, Neville Chamberlain told him that
Britain would be unwilling to go to war over the issue of the Sudetenland.
Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier agreed that Germany could have the
Sudetenland because they were desperate to avoid war, and anxious to avoid
an alliance with Joseph Stalin and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
In return, Hitler promised not to make any further territorial demands in
On August 23, 1939, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed
an alliance with the National Socialist German Workers' Party to invade Poland
and divide up Europe. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party
invaded Poland first (Sept. 1, 1939), followed shortly thereafter (Sept.
17) by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In that partnership,
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics slaughtered more people in Poland
than did the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
The written partnership partitioned not only Poland (along the line
of the Vistula) but much of Eastern Europe. The Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics took Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Bessarabia; the National Socialist
German Workers’ Party took everything to the West of these regions, including
Lithuania. Each was to ask the other no questions about the disposition
of its own ''sphere of interest." This alliance was coupled with a trade
treaty and arrangements for large-scale exchange of raw materials and armaments.
On September 28, 1939 the Boundary and Friendship Treaty between the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the National Socialist German Workers
Party was supplemented by secret protocols to amend the secret protocols
of Aug 23rd. Among other things Lithuania was reassigned to the Soviet sphere
of influence. Poland’s partition line was moved eastwards from the Vistula
line to the line of the Bug. Germany kept a small part of south-west Lithuania,
the Uznemune region. A separate Soviet mutual defense pact was signed with
Estonia that allowed 25,000 Soviet troops to be stationed there.
The origin of the National Socialist GermanWorkers Party involved
Hans Knirsch (September 14, 1877 - December 6, 1933), a Moravian activist
for Austrian National Socialism. After the breakup of the Austrian
Hungarian Empire, Knirsch led the original mother party in Czechoslovakia,
at that time in Bohemia called the Sudeten German National Socialist Party.
Knirsch, with Rudolf Jung and Hans Krebs, was one of the original core of
National Socialists that remained in the National Socialist German Workers’
Party after 1933.
The Sudetendeutsche Nationalsozialistische Partei or Sudeten-German
National Socialist Party was created when the new state of Czechoslovakia
outlawed the DNSAP, the "German National Socialist Workers Party". At the
end of WWI, the Austro-Hungarian Empire broke up into its particular nation
states and the new Czech dominated government considered the Pan-German
party to be offensive. The Sudeten Germans created the German Workers Parties
(DAP's) that developed under the old empire in Bohemia and Moravia and they
originated Austrian National Socialism. Hans Knirsch was their leader from
1918 to 1933, when he was succeeded by Konrad Henlein.
Knirsch was involved with Franko Stein of Eger (Cheb) and Ludwig Vogel
of Brüx, who organized the Deutschnationaler Arbeiterbund (German
National Workers' League) in 1893. In 1899, Stein was able to convene a
workers' congress in Eger and promulgated a 25-point program. In Aussig,
on November 15, 1903, they reorganized with the new name of "Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
in Österreich" (DAP) - the "German Workers' Party in Austria."
At other party congresses, Hans Knirsch also proposed a name change to "Nationalsozialistische"
(National-Socialist) or "Deutsch" (German) Workers' Party. Thus, before
WWI, Knirsch was unsuccessful in getting the DAP to add the words "National
Socialist" to their name.
The National Socialist Program (also known as the 25-point program)
was copied later by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. It was
first formulated in Vienna, at a German Workers’ Party congress, and was
brought to Munich by Rudolf Jung, who was deported from Czechoslovakia.
Josef Pfitzner, a Sudetenland author, stated "the synthesis of the two
great dynamic powers of the century, of the socialist and national idea,
had been perfected in the German borderlands [i.e. Sudetenland] which thus
were far ahead of their motherland."
Czeckoslovakia and Austria did not exist as separate countries when
the program was written. They existed under the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
The programs of the Sudetenland and Austrian National Socialists developed
under the Habsburg monarchy, in a single country at that time. Different
German worker parties developed in Vienna, Aussig, and Eger. Hitler and many
of his cohorts were not involved in the creation of the original National
Socialist programs.
Toland also notes that the swastika was long a symbol of the Teutonic
Knights and had been used by Lanz Von Liebenfels, the Thule Society and
a number of Free Corps units before it took on it socialist symbolism.
Anton Drexler (June 13, 1884 - February 24, 1942) was a Munich locksmith
and member of the völkisch agitators who, together with journalist
Karl Harrer, founded the German Workers' Party (DAP) in 1919. The name
of the party was changed to the National Socialist German Workers' Party
(NSDAP) early in 1920. Drexler was also a member of a völkisch
political club for affluent members of Munich society known as the Thule
The Germanenorden was a group in Germany early in the 20th century.
Formed in 1912, the order, whose symbol was a swastika. It taught to its
initiates socialist ideologies. Some people theorize that the Deutsche
Arbeiter-Partei (later the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis))
became a political front for the group, because the group reflected many
ideas of the party, including the swastika symbol. The Thule Society had
similar ideas and symbols and was closely linked.
One argument claims that the swastika was chosen due to German myths
or confusion about Indo-Aryan or Indo-Iranian heritage. There is
no support for that argument. But if that argument is correct then
it supports the double-S for "socialism." If Nazis used the swastika
to claim an Indo-Aryan heritage, then they saw that heritage evidenced in
ancient Germanic runes for the letter "S" and for their support of socialism.
As an even earlier symbol in Sanskrit, the swastika means "all is
all" which eerily supports a symbol for totalitarian socialism.
The swastika has also been interpreted as "good luck," or literally
"it is good" (Sanskrit is the oldest extant Indo-Aryan language retained
in India) and that fit the National Socialist view of merging all socialist
groups into one large organization.
In ancient times, the symbol might have also represented the sun
or a wheel, thus giving rise to the modern terms "socialist sun" and "wheel
of socialism" and the "circle of socialism" for the swastika of socialism.
If the swastika had any "Aryan" etymology to Nazis it was in the
dictionary's second meaning: "noble" or "high rank." They used it to mean
a "master race" or "noble class" or "ruling class." That ties into
the swastika as a "superman" emblem for the cockamamy "super socialist
man." That utopian totalitarianism is consistent with the book "Looking
Backward" by Bellamy and with other totalitarian socialist societies: the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (62 million dead) and the Peoples' Republic
of China (35 million dead).
For National Socialists, "Aryan" meant the people they liked or,
in other words, the people that they didn't hate.
Aryan is an English word derived from Sanskrit term
“arya,” meaning “high rank” (adj.), "noble" (n) + an. The word “swastika”
is also from Sanskrit. It refers to a speaker of the languages ancestral
to the Indo-Aryan or the Indo-Iranian languages. The term “Iranian” is related
to the word “Aryan.” Imagine the word "Aryan" as "Aran" to see the
similarity to "Iran" (Persia).
Aryan is an adjective to the root *ar-, originally
meaning 'to assemble', possibly with positive overtones of "accomplished,
skillful". *aryo- as the name of a people, the "Aryans", is only attested
in India and Persia, but the root is well known from other languages in
the Indo-European world, e.g. the aristoi, the "most noble," of Greece, (cf.
Aristotle, aristocracy, aristocrat) and possibly Éire, the Irish name
of Ireland (although this is not commonly accepted). The original meaning
of the root, pertaining to skillful assembly, union, confederacy, may be
perceived, for example in Latin ars "art" and ordo "order" or in Greek harma
"chariot". Also see “arch” a combining form used to create nouns that
denote individuals or institutions directing or having authority over others
of their class (archbishop; archdiocese; archangel); also meaning “principal”
(archenemy, archrival) or “prototypical” and thus exemplary or extreme (archconservative),
also compare architect, archetype.
The leader of the National Socialist GermanWorkers Party had this to
say about the swastika (in Mein Kampf):
"I myself was always for keeping the old colours, not only because
I, as a soldier, regarded them as my most sacred possession, but because
in their aesthetic effect, they conformed more than anything else to my
personal taste. Accordingly I had to discard all the innumerable suggestions
and designs which had been proposed for the new movement, among which were
many that had incorporated the swastika into the old colours. I, as leader,
was unwilling to make public my own design, as it was possible that someone
else could come forward with a design just as good, if not better, than my
own. As a matter of fact, a dental surgeon from Starnberg submitted a good
design very similar to mine, with only one mistake, in that his swastika
with curved corners was set upon a white background.
After innumerable trials I decided upon a final form – a flag of red
material with a white disc bearing in its centre a black swastika. After
many trials I obtained the correct proportions between the dimensions of
the flag and of the white central disc, as well as that of the swastika.
And this is how it has remained ever since.
At the same time we immediately ordered the corresponding armlets for
our squad of men who kept order at meetings, armlets of red material, a
central white disc with the black swastika upon it. Herr Füss, a Munich
goldsmith, supplied the first practical and permanent design.
The new flag appeared in public in the midsummer of 1920. It suited
our movement admirably, both being new and young. Not a soul had seen this
flag before; its effect at that time was something akin to that of a blazing
torch. We ourselves experienced almost a boyish delight when one of the
ladies of the party who had been entrusted with the making of the flag finally
handed it over to us. And a few months later those of us in Munich were
in possession of six of these flags. The steadily increasing strength of
our hall guards was a main factor in popularizing the symbol.
And indeed a symbol it proved to be.
Not only because it incorporated those revered colours expressive of
our homage to the glorious past and which once brought so much honour to
the German nation, but this symbol was also an eloquent expression of the
will behind the movement. We National Socialists regarded our flag as being
the embodiment of our party programme. The red expressed the social thought
underlying the movement. White the national thought. And the swastika signified
the mission allotted to us – the struggle for the victory of Aryan mankind
and at the same time the triumph of the ideal of creative work......
Two years later, when our squad of hall guards had long since grown
into storm detachments, it seemed necessary to give this defensive organization
of a young Weltanschhauung a particular symbol of victory, namely a Standard.
I also designed this and entrusted the execution of it to an old party
comrade, Herr Gahr, who was a goldsmith. Ever since that time this Standard
has been the distinctive token of the National Socialist struggle.
The above in the German language of Mein Kampf
{556 Die nationalsozialistische Flagge}
Entwurf an die Öffentlichkeit treten, da es ja möglich war,
daß ein anderer einen ebenso guten oder vielleicht auch besseren
bringen würde. Tatsächlich hat ein Zahnarzt aus Starnberg auch
einen gar nicht schlechten Entwurf geliefert, der übrigens dem meinen
ziemlich nahekam, nur den einen Fehler hatte, daß das Hakenkreuz
mit gebogenen Haken in eine weiße Scheibe hineinkomponiert war.
Ich selbst hatte unterdes nach unzähligen Versuchen eine endgültige
Form niedergelegt: eine Fahne aus rotem Grundtuch mit einer weißen
Scheibe und in deren Mitte ein schwarzes Hakenkreuz. Nach langen Versuchen
fand ich auch ein bestimmtes Verhältnis zwischen der Größe
der Fahne und der Größe der weißen Scheibe sowie der Form
und Stärke des Hakenkreuzes.
Und dabei ist es dann geblieben.
In gleichem Sinne wurden nun sofort Armbinden für die Ordnungsmannschaften
in Auftrag gegeben, und zwar eine rote Binde, auf der sich ebenfalls
die weiße Scheibe mit schwarzem Hakenkreuz befindet.
Auch das Parteiabzeichen wurde nach gleichen Richtlinien entworfen: eine
weiße Scheibe auf rotem Felde und in der Mitte das Hakenkreuz.
Ein Münchner Goldschmied, Füß, lieferte den ersten verwendbaren
und dann auch beibehaltenen Entwurf.
Im Hochsommer 1920 kam zum ersten Male die neue Flagge vor die Öffentlichkeit.
Sie paßte vorzüglich zu unserer jungen Bewegung. So wie diese
jung und neu war, war sie es auch. Kein Mensch hatte sie vorher je gesehen;
sie wirkte damals wie eine Brandfackel. Wir selber empfanden alle eine
fast kindliche Freude, als eine treue Parteigenossin den Entwurf zum ersten
Male ausgeführt und die Fahne abgeliefert hatte. Schon einige Monate
später besaßen wir in München ein halbes Dutzend davon,
und die immer mehr und mehr um sich greifende Ordnertruppe besonders trug
dazu bei, das neue Symbol der Bewegung zu verbreiten.
Und ein Symbol ist dies wahrlich! Nicht nur, daß durch die einzigen,
von uns allen heißgeliebten Farben,
{557 Deutung des nationalsozialistischen Symbols}
die einst dem deutschen Volke soviel Ehre errungen hatten, unsere Ehrfurcht
vor der Vergangenheit bezeugt wird, sie war auch die beste Verkörperung
des Wollens der Bewegung. Als nationale Sozialisten sehen wir in unserer
Flagge unser Programm. Im Rot sehen wir den sozialen Gedanken der Bewegung,
im Weiß den nationalistischen, im Hakenkreuz die Mission des Kampfes
für den Sieg des arischen Menschen und zugleich mit ihm auch den Sieg
des Gedankens der schaffenden Arbeit, die selbst ewig antisemitisch war
und antisemitisch sein wird.
Zwei Jahre später, als aus der Ordnertruppe schon längst eine
viel tausend Mann umfassende Sturmabteilung geworden war, schien es nötig,
dieser Wehrorganisation der jungen Weltanschauung noch ein besonderes
Symbol des Sieges zu geben: die Standarte. Auch sie habe ich selbst entworfen
und dann einem alten, treuen Parteigenossen, dem Goldschmiedmeister Gahr,
zur Ausführung übergeben. Seitdem gehört die Standarte zu
den Wahr- und Feldzeichen des nationalsozialistischen Kampfes.
Internet searches reveal that Http:// is the trendsetter
again as the site that originated and used the following phrases below on
the web or in groups about the sick socialist swastika's meaning for the
National Socialist German Workers' Party. In ancient times, the swastika
symbol might have also represented the sun or a wheel, thus giving rise
to the modern terms "socialist sun" and "wheel of socialism" and the "circle
of socialism" and "swastika of socialism" all terms that were first used
on the internet by It is remarkable that these philosophical
points have never been made before. To see visual evidence visit
Sanskrit spread from northern India across the sub-continent, largely
on the back of Hinduism, and then - though no one quite knows how - to southeast
Asia. Codified 2,500 years ago and barely changed since, this was a language
that took great pleasure in its own beauty, which was intimately bound
up with an Indian worldview, but which was ultimately to ossify to such
an extent that today, although still an official language of India, it is
spoken by fewer than 200,000 people.
SOWELO RUNE Photograph