Swastikas as S-letters for "socialism" under the Nazi Party or National Socialist German Workers Party

Krit Motor Car Company Detroit Swastika
Krit Motor cars are part of the story of how Americans popularized swastikas and nazi salutes worldwide.

Did nazis adopt the swastika and nazi salutes from American national socialists?

The swastika was on American cars (e.g. the Krit Motor Car Company of Detroit, Michigan from 1909 to 1915) years before it was associated with German cars and the Volkswagen VW.

Earlier, the use of the swastika by American national socialists began with Edward Bellamy (in 1888 or before).

Edward Bellamy was the cousin and cohort of Francis Bellamy, author of the "Pledge of Allegiance" (PoA), the origin of the stiff-armed salute in 1892.

Did Krit and the Bellamys influence use of the swastika by the National Socialist German Workers Party? Many Krit cars were exported to Europe and Australia. On December 29, 1914, a New York Times newspaper article states that WWI was responsible for the bankruptcy of the Krit Motor Car Company, to wit: "Lack of business, due to the European war, is given as the cause of the failure."

That means an American car company was the first to put swastikas on cars in Europe. Krit produced bus / truck models that could carry 15 people. Were Krit buses / trucks used in WWI by German military, by the free corps (freikorps), or the Ehrhard Brigade? Did Hitler see Krit cars or even ride in them?

For example, Krit cars were used in WWI in Belgium (used mostly as ambulances) according to an article in Automotive industries, Volume 33, from August 19, 1915 on page 356 at 
See the image about Krit at

Here is a photograph of a Krit carrying 15 or more people.

Edward Bellamy's book about national socialism, entitled "Looking Backward" (1888), was an international bestseller translated into every major language, including German. It inspired a national socialism movement worldwide.

The Krit swastika had many similarities to the Hakenkreuz (hooked cross) used later by German National Socialists. A photograph of the Krit logo is at this link.

The Krit swastika is very similar to the membership pin used under Nazism.

Here are other examples

An important difference between the Krit swastika and the Nazi membership pin's hakenkreuz is that the latter shows how the symbol was turned 45 degrees from the horizontal to represent S-letters for "sozialistische" (socialist) under the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSGWP or NSDAP), as shown in the growing body of work by the symbolist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets").

Because of government schools (socialist schools) almost all Americans are ignorant of the fact that the "nazis" did not call themselves "nazis," nor "fascists," that it was not the "nazi party," and that they did not call their symbol a "swastika." The use of the term "nazi" rocketed (along with American ignorance) due to propaganda after the USA became WWII allies with the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (formerly a WWII ally of the National Socialist German Workers Party). 

Although an ancient symbol, the swastika was used to represent crossed S-letters for "socialism" under the NSDAP. See the graphic image of the swastika symbolism at

Krit's swastika might have inspired the alphabetical symbolism under Nazism, in that Krit's swastika examines alphabetical symbolism with the four letters K-R-I-T spaced at the four sides of the flat swastika. Adolf Hitler took the same idea another step.

There are amazing parallels to the Hakenkreuz symbol viewed by Hitler at Lambach Abbey in Austria (note the letters surrounding the swastika).

The letters surrounding the swastika compare to the Soviet swastika at
For more information see

The swastika as alphabetic symbolism in the USA was not new when Hitler followed suit. The following link shows another example of the swastika used as alphabetical symbolism in the USA.

The Volkswagen VW logo and the Audi logo expose the swastika as intertwined "S" shapes symbolizing "Socialism" for the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party, and provide more support for Dr. Curry's work.

Trabant also provides support for the discoveries.

Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH provides additional evidence.

The following image shows additional graphic examples of the symbolism of the swastika 

Before the VW emblem was created, the organization that controlled volkswagen was the Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF or German Labor Front) and its logo used a swastika encircled by a cogwheel.

The Deutsche Arbeitsfront logos was the origin of the Volkswagen logo, both philosophically and stylistically.

Similar alphabetical symbolism was used under the NSDAP for the "SS" division, the "SA," the "NSV," et cetera.

The Krit company existed from July 1909 to 1915. The Krit car was designed by Kenneth Crittenden, who had worked at Ford and Regal.

Although the swastika had a history as a generic "good luck" symbol, that luck did not last for Krit, nor for the National Socialist German Workers Party. However, the VW badge, based on the swastika philosophically and stylistically, continues to be visible today and every day on Volkswagen automobiles.

Not only did Woodrow Wilson's war (World War I) help bankrupt the Krit company, so did Franklin Roosevelt's war (World War II). The mood against German National Socialism spilled over against the remaining 6000 Krit cars originally built between 1909 and 1915 (due to the Krit car's swastika symbol). Many of the remaining Krit cars were destroyed for metal for WWII. Krit cars are very rare today.

New discoveries show that American soldiers used the swastika as their symbol early in World War I, and up to 1941, against Germany. The symbol was used by Americans in the French Escadrille Lafayette, by the 45th Infantry Divison, and on Boeing P-12 planes.

Dr. Curry has previously shown how socialists in the USA originated the modern swastika as overlapping "S" letters for "Socialists" joining together in a utopian "Socialist Society" (decades later, it was used by the National Socialist German Workers Party). During the time when American soldiers adopted the swastika, the symbol was associated in the USA with the growing popularity of "military socialism," a dogma touted by Edward Bellamy, the American author of the international bestseller "Looking Backward," (1887) known as the bible of National Socialism. Edward Bellamy was cousin to Francis Bellamy, author of the Pledge of Allegiance, the origin of the stiff-armed salute adopted later by the NSGWP.

The symbol was also famous in the USA as alphabetical symbolism for socialism in the Theosophical Society (TS), from 1875. The swastika spread wide swathes of socialism via that group.

In 1888, the Theosophical Society teamed up with the Bellamy Nationalist movement for military socialism.  The "Bellamy swastika" and the "Bellamy salute" spread.

A Harvard grad, Ernst Hanfstaengl (aka "Hitler's Piano Player") is another of many sources (including photographs and movies of the Bellamy salute, and international travel) that exposed Hitler and other German socialists to the early American stiff-armed salute and the PoA's robotic chanting to flags in the USA. Hanfstaengl might have also influenced Hitler's use of the swastika as S-letters for "socialism" under German National Socialism.

The Krit swastika also suggests the use of the swastika as an indication for removal or turning (or the direction of turning) for either a hub cap, gas cap or radiator cap.

Dr. Curry's work has been cited and verified on Wikipedia. It might be the most referenced historical research of its type on Wikipedia. His work is sometimes used without attribution on Wikipedia in apparent efforts to boost the credibility of the borrowers. Even Wikipedia's founder Jimbo Wales has publicly commented on Dr. Curry's influence on Wikipedia.

Krit Motor Car Company Swastika Kenneth Crittenden
Adolf Hitler in Krit Motor Car? With Swastika / Hakenkreuz

Krit Cars swastika Nazism Fascism
Image about Krit at

Image at 

More is exposed at

Antique automobiles, classic cars, old autos, vintage car pictures
Krit Motor Car Company Detroit Swastika

K.R.I.T Motor Car Company 1912 bus / truck MW. Could Krit buses and trucks have been used by German military in WWI, or by the free corps (freikorps) or the Ehrhard Brigade?
Krit Motor Car Company Detroit Becker Jury free corps freikorps Ehrhard Brigade

Notice the NY tag in the front and what appears to be a German named business in the background, and the steering wheel is to the right of The Fuhrer?

Soviet swastika 1919-1920
The letters surrounding the swastika compare to the Soviet swastika at
For more information see

Compare how government bankrupted the Krit Motor Car Company, with how Obama/government also bankrupted GM and then Barack Obama (and his supporters) followed Adolf Hitler, imposing national socialism (in healthcare, transportation, et cetera) similar to the dogma of Francis Bellamy (author of the Pledge of Allegiance and the early American stiff-armed salute) and Edward Bellamy (author of Looking Backward 2000-1887).

Graphic image

Government Motors By Michael Heberling • November 2009 • Volume: 59 • Issue: 9

EXCERPT: Twenty-five years ago President Reagan told auto workers in Orion, Michigan, “You’ve demonstrated when the chips are down, what people can do working together freely, rather than at the dictates of some central planner or bureaucratic mandate of government. I happen to believe the last thing your industry needs is the federal government bringing in outsiders to tell you how to run a business.”

Fast-forward to 2009: President Obama fires GM chief Rick Wagoner, the company files for bankruptcy, a government-appointed auto task force calls the shots, and the federal government now owns 61 percent of the new GM.

How did we get to this point and what can we expect from Government Motors?

Nazi membership pin & Krit Motor Car Company Detroit Swastika

Krit Motor Car Company Detroit Swastika

Hitler salute

Edward Bellamy

Francis Bellamy

Krit Car hub turning motion four legged cross

The Krit swastika also suggests the use of the swastika as an indication of the direction of turn for either a hub cap, gas cap or radiator cap.