How Stalin, Mao & Hitler and the USSR & PRC & NSDAP were influenced by socialists in the USA, the Pledge Of Allegiance etc.,
Swastikas, Red Stars, Hammer and Sickle http://rexcurry.net/swastika4.gif The Swastika's two crossed S-letters stand for "Soviet Socialist."

Hammer & Sickle Tattoo USSR Soviet Socialism Swastika
flag tattoo flag tattoos

The USA's Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis). http://rexcurry.net/pledge2.html

The swastika was used by the military and by socialists in the USA and in the USSR, before it was used by the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP).

^ Hammer and Sickle Tattoos of the USSR and
Soviet Socialist Swastikas are related to tattoo topics in the USSA (United Socialist States of America) http://rexcurry.net/tattoos.html

Swastika Tattoo Swastikas Tattoos
Soviet Socialist Swastikas are scary reminders of similar symbolism under the National Socialist German Workers Party. The swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent "S" letters joined for "socialism" under the German National Socialism (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen"). http://rexcurry.net/bookchapter4a1a2a1.html
Francis Bellamy & Edward Bellamy touted National Socialism and the police state in the USA decades before their dogma was exported to Soviet Socialists. They influenced the USSR, its dogma, symbols and rituals. http://rexcurry.net/police-state.html and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BssWWZ3XEe4

Hammaer and Sickle, Pledge of Allegiance Young Pioneers USSR USA
Young Pioneers Pledge of Allegiance
Girl Scouts, Scouting, swastikas Stalin Mao Hitler Union of Soviet Socialist Republics USSR Fascism Socialism Nazism Communism

PHOTOS 1 http://rexcurry.net/pledge2.html
2 http://rexcurry.net/pledge-of-allegiance-images.html
3 http://rexcurry.net/pledging-allegiance-photographs.html
4 http://rexcurry.net/saying-the-pledge-of-allegiance-pictures.html
5 http://rexcurry.net/pledge_military.html
6 http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika-cccp-sssr.html
7 http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-edward-emiliano-zapata-mexico-socialism.html

Pledge of Allegiance photos and articles are shocking at http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html
For fascinating information about symbolism see http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html 
Hear audio on worldwide radio at http://rexcurry.net/audio-rex-curry-podcast-radio.html

Oppose the National Socialist German Workers' Party and its socialist legacies that exist in today's government.   
For more information regarding Nazi policies in the USA see http://rexcurry.net/police-state.html 

swastika union of soviet socialist swastikas of Soviet Socialism 1917 Stalin Mao Hitler Nazism
A lot of fascinating research examines how socialists and their propaganda have haunted the world. Many authors worry today about a future filled with persecution and global socialism. Those worries find relevance in the enormous size and scope of government worldwide.

After 1917, socialism was imposed in Russia when the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was formed after the Russian Revolution of 1917, and the Russian Civil War of 1918-1920. The propaganda machinary introduced a new symbol for the new government: the swastika.  

The Soviet swastika was so popular that paper money printed with the dates 1917 and 1918 carried large swastikas in the center of the bills (on denominations of 250, 1000, 5000, & 10,000). Three of the denominations bore three separate swastikas across the front (the 250 denomination bore one swastika). The Soviet swastika notes continued to be issued after the 1917 revolution(s). http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika1917-1000b.JPG

In 1919, the same 250 ruble note that had carried the swastika carried at the very top of the soviet socialist bill the phrase "Proletarier aller Länder vereinigt Euch" in the German language and in English (Workers' of the world unite!") and in other languages.  The USSR was actively and openly spreading socialism in Germany (and globally) and using non-russian languages to do so: German, English, and other languages that use the "S" letter for words like "Soviet" and "Socialist." The 250 ruble note also contained Soviet Socialism's new version of the soviet swastika: the hammer and sickle. http://rexcurry.net/swastika4.gif

A similar fad grew in Germany, where the swastika symbol was popular with socialists and became the sign of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP). At the turn of 1918-19, and unmentioned in "Mein Kampf," Hitler wore a red brassard and supported the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic, according to Thomas Weber in the book "Hitler's First War" (Oxford University Press, 450 pages, $34.95).

The double-S symbol of the swastika was used as a socialist symbol for an alternative to the widespread symbol for capitalism and capitalist money (the dollar sign or "$"). http://rexcurry.net/socialisthate.html 

Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, the USSR and Germany followed the lead of socialists in the USA in using the swastika as a symbol for socialism. http://rexcurry.net/theosophy-madame-blavatsky-theosophical-society.html

Joseph Goebbels, future Propaganda Minister for Germany's National Socialism, compared Lenin to Hitler in a favorable light as late as 1925 according to a New York Times article printed in that year.

Soviet Socialists and German Socialists also saw that the swastika was adopted by American soldiers in the 45th Infantry Division and in the Escadrille Lafayette Americaine during World War I and adorned American soldiers' shoulder patches, flags and planes used in the fight against Germany. http://rexcurry.net/45th-infantry-division-swastika-sooner-soldiers.html

The swastika was also on American cars (e.g. the Krit Motor Car Company of Detroit) long before it was used under Soviet socialism or German socialism (i.e. German cars and the Volkswagen VW). Was the Krit logo the design inspiration for the hakenkreuz under the NSGWP? http://rexcurry.net/krit_motor_car_company_detroit.html

Through the work of socialists in the USA, the USSR, and Germany respectively, the swastika became a global symbol of socialism.

At the time that the Soviet swastika began, there existed the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, usually called the Petrograd Soviet. It was the soviet (workers' council) in Petrograd (Saint Petersburg), Russia established in March 1917.  A workers' soviet had been created in Saint Petersburg (the name for Petrograd before the First World War had begun) in 1905 (the St Petersburg Soviet). This was a group of workers and soldiers who had formed in 1917. Soviets were rather like councils. Thus the "Soviet socialist" concept existed at the time that the crossed S-letters of the Soviet Swastika were used in Russia. The Swastika's two crossed S-letters symbolized "Soviet Socialism." That concept eventually evolved into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Eventually, Soviet socialists switched from the swastika to the hammer and sickle. The hammer and sickle resembles the earlier Soviet swastika flipped horizontally. The USSR's hammer and sickle might have been intended as a visual reminder of the Russian version of its own earlier swastika.

The swastika flag under German National Socialism was influenced by the Soviet swastika and by the hammer and sickle of Soviet socialism. The swastika of German socialists and the hammer and sickle of Soviet socialists have visual similarity. Each symbol resembles the other symbol pointing in the opposite direction.

In the same way that the swastika was two "S" letters crossed to represent socialists joining together, the hammer and the sickle were crossed to represent workers joining with peasants, or factory workers joining with agricultural workers.

At that time, the swastika was also a symbol of "superior society" or the "super society of socialism" for the new "super socialist man" in the New World Order (NWO).  To learn more see George Bernard Shaw "Man and Superman" (1903), read about his visit with Stalin (the socialist tsar / czar) in the 1930s, and consider this quote from his letter to Henry James of 17 January 1909: "I, as a Socialist, have had to preach, as much as anyone, the enormous power of the environment. We can change it; we must change it; there is absolutely no other sense in life than the task of changing it. What is the use of writing plays, what is the use of writing anything, if there is not a will which finally moulds chaos itself into a race of gods."  Having visited the USSR in 1930s, Shaw became an ardent supporter of Stalin and Soviet Socialism. After being duped by a carefully managed tour of the country, Shaw declared all the stories of the socialist Wholecaust were slander. In private, Stalin disparaged Shaw. Shaw was asked why he did not want to stay permanently in the "earthly paradise" of the Soviet Super Society.

The Soviet swastika was unusual to most swastikas (but the same as the German swastika) due to these features: it was 45 degrees to the horizontal (in a diamond shape), it was pointed clockwise, it was squared at its corners, and it was proportionally the same as the swastika used later by German National Socialists. Swastikas can point either way and are often flat on one side. The Soviet swastika and the German swastika were the same swastika. The swastika had been used by socialist groups in Germany before 1917, however the earlier use was never the same as the Soviet swastika, and the symbol was almost always flat on one side and likely to point in either direction. When German National Socialists altered their swastika it occurred after the debut of the Soviet swastika in 1917. The definitive version of the swastika under German National Socialism (e.g. the version on the flag) was inspired by the Soviet swastika.

The Soviet swastika's unusual orientation emphasizes the appearance of alphabetic "S" lettering.

Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets") discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism."  The leader of German National Socialism rotated the symbol 45 degrees and had newer uses oriented clockwise. Adolf Hitler altered his own signature to use the same symbolism, and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html

The NSGWP's use of the swastika as "S" letters in alphabetic symbolism for "Socialism" was inspired by the Soviet swastika. The USSR's swastika was seen as a union of "S" letters for "Soviet Socialist" as in the "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" (In German: "Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken"). After the swastika became the symbol of German National Socialists, the symbol was altered to represent intertwined "S" letters for "Sieg Socialism" (Socialist Victory) or "Socialist Solidarity" or representing socialists from different groups joining together under the NSGWP (especially after other groups were banned in another example of German socialists copying Soviet socialists).

If the acronym "USSR" used a swastika to replace the two "S" letters, then it would illustrate the symbolism of the Soviet swastika, similar to how it appeared in the center of paper currency under Soviet socialism.  In 1917, some Soviet Socialists might have interpreted the symbol more generally as "Soviet Socialists" or "Union of Soviets" or "Union of Socialists" ("Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh" or "Soyuz Sovetskikh" or "Soyuz Sotsialisticheskikh" from "Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik" or SSSR).

German National Socialists and Soviet Socialists have a history of  aping each other.  The flag color for German National Socialists was influenced by Soviet Socialists.

Even after WWII, Soviet Socialists adopted the swastika style symbolism of the German Trabant Sachsenring car.  http://rexcurry.net/trabant-sachsenring-rex-curry.html

One country mimicked the other in the adoption of the salutes that they imposed on their civilians, and both countries mimicked the United States (the origin of their salutes). Dr. Rex Curry showed that the USA's early Pledge of Allegiance (to the flag) used an extended-arm salute and it was the origin of the salute of the German National Socialists and Soviet Socialists. Francis Bellamy created the pledge to the USA's flag, and he was a self-proclaimed socialist in the nationalism movement in the USA. The USA's original pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. Dr. Curry showed that, due to the way that both gestures were used sequentially in the pledge, the military salute led to the salute adopted later by German Socialists and Soviet Socialists. Their salutes are extended military salutes via the USA's pledge. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html

Bellamy's original pledge stated that the palm should be turned upward with the arm gracefully curved upward. In actual practice in the USA, the second part of the gesture was performed with a straight arm and palm down by children who merely extended the military salute while perfunctorily performing the forced ritual chanting. That was the origin of the hard stylized salute adopted later by German National Socialists. See the video documentary at

The Soviet socialist salute is arguably closer to Bellamy's first description of the Bellamy salute because in the USSR the arm is in more of a military salute position, and maintained in a curved position as if the American salute was started but not completed. Soviet socialists then followed the American practice of not turning the palm upward. http://rexcurry.net/ussr-cccp-sssr-young-pioneers-salute1.jpg

Videos can be viewed on the web (e.g. Youtube) of Soviet socialist children performing the gesture and worshipping flags in the manner adopted from the USA. The videos can be found under searches for "Soviet Pioneer Song: May There Always Be Sunshine" (Russian song name: "Пусть всегда будет солнце"
Official song name: "Солнечный круг") and the Young Pioneers organization.  Also search for these terms in youtube for other examples: flag raising china.

The USA had been performing Bellamy's socialist chanting, military salutes/nazi-salutes, and flag worship for about three decades (from 1892) before Young Pioneers under Soviet socialism adopted the America's bad habits.  The Young Pioneer Organization of the Soviet Union (Всесою́зная пионе́рская организа́ция и́мени) began in 1922. It was a mass youth organization of the USSR for children of age 10-15 in the Soviet Union between 1922 and 1991.

The National Socialist German Workers’ Party began in 1920, gained electoral breakthroughs in 1930, dictatorship in 1933, and in 1939 it joined as allies with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to invade Poland in a Pact to divide up Europe, spreading WWII. http://rexcurry.net/socialists.html

They USSR embraced the swastika symbol even more then, and the hammer and sickle was displayed proudly next to and in partnership with the socialist swastika.

The dogma of socialists in the United States, Germany, Russia and elsewhere led to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers' Party. http://rexcurry.net/socialists.jpg

Hammer & Sickle and swastika
Stalin Mao Hitler Union of Soviet Socialist Republics USSR Fascism Socialism Nazism Communism
In the book "The Americans: 1587-1914" by Joseph Chamberlain Furnas (1969) page 726 it references Edward Bellamy with: "Gorky classed Bellamy with Henry George and Jack London as American influences important among Russian radicals."

Sylvia Bowman says of the book she edited "Edward Bellamy Abroad: An American Prophet's Influence" (containing material from various contributors) the following: "Perhaps the most interesting recital of the popularity and influence of Bellamy's ideas is that of his reception and use in Russia before the 1917 Revolution." Edward Bellamy (1850-1898). Sylvia E. Bowman American Literary Realism, 1870-1910, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Fall, 1967), pp. 7-12 (article consists of 6 pages), Published by: University of Illinois Press, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/27747554. Also cited in that article is Everett W. MacNair's "Edward Bellamy and the Nationalist Movement, 1889-1894 (Milwaukee: Fitzgerald, 1957).


Alfred Rosenberg was another notorious socialist who was active in Russia (in 1917) and in Germany (in the National Socialist German Workers' Party). The noted historian Dr. Rex Curry has suggested that this may have been the inspiration behind the adoption of the swastika as alphabetic symbolism for "socialism" by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Rosenberg was born to Baltic German parents in Reval (Tallinn) Estonia, then part of the Russian Empire. He studied architecture at the Riga Polyechnical Institute and engineering at Moscow University, completing his Ph.D. studies in 1917.

After the Russian Revolution of 1917, he emigrated to Germany (in 1918) along with his friend Max Scheubner-Richter. Rosenberg was one of the earliest (January 1919) members of the German Workers Party and it became the National Socialist German Workers Party and adopted the swastika as its symbol and used the symbol to represent "S" letters for "socialist." In 1921, Rosenberg became editor of the Völkischer Beobachter ("Folkish Observer"), the newspaper of the National Socialists.

Rosenberg also became a member of the Thule Society, founded August 17, 1918.  Rosenberg and Thule Society touted oddball ideas about socialism, universal brotherhood, and the Aryan race that were all borrowed from the notorious socialist and occultist Madame Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society, formed in New York in 1875.  The Thule Society used a swastika as its symbol, however the Thule swastika was not the same swastika used by German National Socialists.  The swastika used by German National Socialists was the same swastika that had been used for forty years by Madame Blavatsky as a symbol for her utopian "socialist society." http://rexcurry.net/theosophy-madame-blavatsky-theosophical-society.html

Thule Society members maintained close contacts with followers of Theosophy and the followers of Helena Blavatsky. It is also interesting to note that the names of both groups had the same "TS" initials that the Theosophical Society had used in its symbolism for decades.


Vladimir Lenin (the first leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was fluent in German, English, and other languages. Many educated Russians were fluent in other languages.

Lenin is credited with translating Karl Marx's Manifesto from German into Russian. Marx was German.

The book "Lenin - A New Biography," page 8. ISBN 0-02-933435-7 by Dimitri Volkogonov states that Lenin's antecedents were Russian, German, Swedish, and others.

Lenin had previously lived in Munich, Germany and in Vienna, Austria (Both cities were essentially the hometowns of the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party).

Lenin's original name was not "Lenin." He adopted the pseudonym "Lenin" in Germany. His previous name was: Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. The name Lenin was acquired while he was staying near Lehnin Abbey, in Brandenburg, Germany.  It is fascinating to note here another ominous parallel with the life of the leader of German National Socialism who resided at Lambach Abbey in Austria, and first saw the swastika symbol on the Abbey's exterior decorations.

Lenin had been in Germany shortly before returning to the USSR in 1917. He traveled throughout Germany and Europe meeting other socialists and making plans. Lenin collaborated with powerful socialist politicans in Germany, including Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht (They are sometimes referred to as "The Three L's" for Lenin, Luxemburg and Liebknecht). Another of the many socialist groups that existed in Germany at that time was the German Workers' Party, in existance since 1902, and  later to become the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei in 1919. The leader of the NSGWP had wanted to call the group the "Social Revolutionary Party"). Some of the many socialist groups were known as Freikorps and they already used the swastika symbol in Germany (although at that time the symbol was always flat on one side and likely to point in either direction). On November 9, 1918, Liebknecht declared the formation of a "Deutsche Freie Sozialistische Republik" (German Free Socialist Republic). Some Freikorps groups were used in aid of the new socialist provisional government in Germany.

At the time of the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II (March 1917) at Petrograd in the 1917 February Revolution, Vladimir Lenin was residing in Switzerland (during WWI) but, with the aid of the German government, he was able to return to Russia quickly. Fritz Platten, a swiss citizen, made special arrangments with the German government for Lenin and his company to travel through Germany by train. Once past Germany, Lenin continued by ferry to Sweden, and the rest of the trip through Scandinavia was arranged by Otto Grimlund and Ture Nerman.

Back in his own Fatherland, Lenin was accused of being a traitor and an agent of Germany by Aleksander Kerensky and others. The Soviet swastika might be more evidence that supports that accusation.
At the turn of 1918-19, and unmentioned in "Mein Kampf," Hitler wore a red brassard and supported the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic, according to Thomas Weber in the book "Hitler's First War" (Oxford University Press, 450 pages, $34.95).

There is probably something that is not mentioned in Weber' book: Perhaps the Bavarian Soviet Republic experience played a role in the German National
Socialist leader adopting a swastika symbol that had been used by Soviet socialists on currency with the dates 1917 and 1918.

See an image at http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika1917-1000b.JPG

Joseph Goebbels, future Propaganda Minister for Germany's National Socialism, compared Lenin to Hitler in a favorable light as late as 1925 according to a New York Times article printed in that year.

After murdering so many people, Lenin died (1924) of complications years after a murder attempt (in 1918) by an assassin who accused him of being a traitor. On August 30, 1918, Fanya Kaplan shot Lenin three times and later explained that she considered Lenin a traitor, and particularly so for Lenin's banning of other socialist groups, including her group. She was a member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (It is interesting to note that the leader of the NSGWP had originally wanted to call his party the "Social Revolutionary Party"). An earlier (and possibly unrelated) assassination attempt had occurred on January 14, 1918, when gun shots had been fired at Lenin as he rode in a car with Fritz Platten (the person who had arranged Germany's aid in returning Lenin to Russia).

Lenin's dogma was the same dogma that led to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Assassination is always risky because the replacement might turn out to be as bad or worse than the tyrant killed.  Lenin was replaced by Stalin, who shares with Lenin one of the worst records for mass slaughter in the socialist Wholecaust.

A similar problem became evident after the National Socialist German Workers' Party (and its leader) was obliterated through the efforts of  its earlier ally, the Union of Soviet Socialist Repubics (and others). Soviet Socialists went on to kill more than twice as many people as had been killed by German National Socialists.

The USA had assisted Soviet Socialists in defeating German Socialists, and then watched as Soviet Socialists set new and more horrid records for genocide.

Mao was still alive after WWII, and he and his fellow socialists went on to kill more than twice as many people as had been killed by German National Socialists.

Perhaps a reason that assassination is rare is because civilians fear that their death-deserving rulers will be replaced by a twin or worse.


Vladimir Lenin returned to Russia through Germany in April 1917. After his return, he and his supporters used the slogan "All Power to the Soviets!"  It referred to creating totalitarian military socialism by transferring current state power from the Provisional Socialist Government to the workers' and soldiers' councils known as "Soviets."  The soldiers' councils sometimes behaved as independent socialist militia groups similar to the German Freikorps.

Lenin adopted military socialism and used the Military Revolutionary Committee (and used soldiers' councils or "soviets") to increase his power.

In September 1917, General Lavr Kornilov, the recently appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Russian army, denounced Lenin and his 'German spies,' and declared that they should be hanged. He was dismissed from office by Alexander Kerensky.

Lenin blocked the elected All Russian Constituent Assembly (Vserossiyskoye Uchreditelnoye Sobranie) from where it convened at Tauride Palace.

On 25 October 1917, Lenin's group initiated a military coup and the overthrow (known as the October Revolution) of the Provisional Government via the Petrograd Soviet and the Military Revolutionary Committee. The overthrow coincided with the convocation of the Second Congress of Workers' and Soldiers' Soviets.

On October 26, Lenin closed any newspaper that criticized him (For an account see Nikolai Sukhanov. The Russian Revolution, 1917, Oxford University Press, 1955, pp.649-650).

The Socialist Revolutionary leadership increasingly viewed Lenin’s government as a German proxy, and moreso after the signing of the peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk by Lenin’s government on March 3, 1918.

Lenin supported imperialism. In the late 18th century, the newly independent Second Polish Republic began securing its eastern territories annexed by Russia in the partitions of Poland. That was part of the Soviet socialist excuse for the Polish-Soviet War in 1919. With the socialist revolution in Germany, Lenin viewed that as the perfect time and place to "probe Europe with the bayonets" of the Soviet socialist army. Lenin saw Poland as the bridge that Soviet Socialists would have to cross in order to link up with supporters in Germany's socialist revolution, and to abet other socialist movements in Western Europe. However the Polish-Soviet War did not go as desired by Lenin and it delayed his plans. Lenin's imperialistic plans were revived by his cohort and successor Stalin in cooperation with the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party.  In 1939, they joined as allies to invade Poland in a pact to divide up Europe. WWII spread. It led to the socialist Wholecaust.

Swastika http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika1917-250b.JPG Swastika
swastika union of Soviet Socialist Republics
USSR Soviet Swastika http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika1917-250a.JPG Swastika Russia Rubles currency money

At the turn of 1918-19, and unmentioned in "Mein Kampf," Hitler wore a red brassard and supported the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic, according to Thomas Weber in the book "Hitler's First War" (Oxford University Press, 450 pages, $34.95).

There is probably something that is not mentioned in Weber' book: Perhaps the Bavarian Soviet Republic experience played a role in the German National
Socialist leader adopting a swastika symbol that had been used by Soviet socialists on currency with the dates 1917 and 1918.

See an image at http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika1917-1000b.JPG

Although an ancient symbol, the swastika was used sometimes to represent crossed S-letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party, as shown by the historian Dr. Rex Curry, author of "Swastika Secrets." http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html

Joseph Goebbels, future Propaganda Minister for Germany's National Socialism, compared Lenin to Hitler in a favorable light as late as 1925 according to a New York Times article printed in that year.

  Swastika in USSR CCCP SSSR
Mākslinieks Rihards Zariņš http://rexcurry.net/swastika-Latvian-Richard-Zarrins-Rihards-Zarins-Zarrins1934.jpg Zariņš Litogrāfija Rīga : P. Mantnieks, 1934
Richard Zarrins Rihards Zarins Zarrins 1934 American salute Nazi salute

Wikipedia is announcing more discoveries by the historian Dr. Rex Curry about the Soviet socialist state's swastika. Although it was an ancient symbol, it was used by socialists in modern times as S-symbolism for "socialism."  Dr. Curry's work is probably the most referenced historical research on Wikipedia. http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika-cccp-sssr.html

The discoveries are shown in Soviet Socialist banknotes that show swastikas. One of those notes is a 250 ruble note. http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika1917-250a.JPG

The designer of that banknote was an ethnic Latvian Rihards Zariņš (he spelled his name: Zarriņš or Richarda Zarrina; June 27, 1869 – April 21, 1939). He studied at the School of Kurzeme Knighthood in Griva and elsewhere in Latvia, St. Petersburg, and then in western Europe in Berlin, Munich, and Vienna. he became employed by the Russian Imperial Printing Office in St. Petersburg, where he worked from 1899 to 1919, acting from 1905 on as technical director of the Soviet Socialist State printing house, where the banknotes were printed. Later he designed the first postage stamps of the Soviet Socialist State.

In 1919 he returned to Latvia and directed the Government Printing House (1919-1933) and became a Professor serving as head of the graphic arts workshop at the Latvian Academy of Arts (1921-1938). He created designs of paper money, postage stamps, certificates and more. He enjoyed the socialist symbolism of the swastika and he used it frequently, as in the banknote mentioned.

Zarins also signed his work with a single large stylized letter "Z" another reflection of his interest in alphabetic swastika-style symbolism. Mākslinieks Rihards Zariņš http://rexcurry.net/swastika-Latvian-Richard-Zarrins-Rihards-Zarins-Zarrins.jpg Zariņš Litogrāfija Rīga

Latvia also used swastikas on their war planes and the swastika evolved to resemble the same swastika style of Soviet Socialist and German Socialism (under the National Socialist German Workers' Party). It is not clear if there was a relationship to Zarins' work. However, the earlier swastikas on Latvian planes used the Z-direction swastika, consistent with Zarins' signature on his art, and the later Lativan planes used the the S-direction swastika, consistent with Zarin's work under Soviet Socialism. http://rexcurry.net/fotw-flags-of-the-world-vexillology.html

In 1934, Zarins created a lithograph that displays the stiff-armed salute (the American salute) that had originated in the United States in the early Pledge of Allegiance (written by the self-proclaimed national socialist Francis Bellamy in 1892).

The Latvian salute also resembles that of the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. http://rexcurry.net/pledge-of-allegiance-scouting.html

Some of the spectators in the 1934 Zarins poster wear uniforms in another ominous parallel to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.

Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Latvia shared an interest in similar salutes and swastikas. http://rexcurry.net/fotw-flags-of-the-world-vexillology.html

Among Zarins' works of applied art are the design of the Latvian coat of arms, as well as several designs for bank notes issued by the Printing Office, and several coins of the Latvian lats. 

It is sad to note that Zarins died in 1939, the same year that the National Socialist German Workers' Party joined with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as allies in a pact to divide up Europe, spreading World War II, and the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): 62 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 49 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; 21 million under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

In 1940, Latvia was incorporated into the USSR and Zarins' lats were replaced by the Soviet ruble.

The Soviet socialist state during the time of its swastika was known as the "PCOCP" which, with slight alteration, became simply "CCCP" (USSR or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Transliterated it is known also as the R.S.F.S.R., the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (aka Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic) (Росси́йская Сове́тская Федерати́вная Социалисти́ческая Респу́блика, РСФСР).  

It is relevant to note that the Soviet socialist state's abbreviations have the pattern of double letters in PP, CC and SS. Hence, the double S letters of the Soviet socialist state's swastika stand for "Soviet Socialist" (the corresponding letters in RSFSR).

The RSFSR began in 1917 and was the largest and most populous of the fifteen former republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which became known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in December 1922.  The Russian SFSR became the modern day Russia after the collapse of the USSR, officially dissolved on December 31, 1991.

After the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia in 1918, a large variety of different currencies were in circulation including ostrubles and ostmarks (east rubles, east marks), German reichsmarks, the so-called Tsar rubles and kopecks, and the so-called Money of Duma.

On December 11, 1918, the Minister of Finance set official exchange rates for the currencies in circulation, thus recognizing three foreign currencies as legal tender including Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

On March 22, 1919, the Provisional Government of Latvia authorized the Minister of Finance to issue the first money notes of the Republic of Latvia - Treasury notes; they were named Latvian rubles and Latvian kopecks, named after the money in circulation under Soviet Socialism. Five Latvian artists designed the money, including Rihards Zarins, who had designed the soviet socialist swastika rubles under the Soviet Socialism (the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic). Issues of Treasury notes marked the beginnings of an independent Latvian monetary system although Russian and German currencies continued as legal tender in Latvia.

In order to impose socialism, control the economy, and inflate (counterfeit) money, the Constitutional Assembly adopted the law to socialize money (as well as other things) and imposed the Bank of Latvia on September 7, 1922. The power to issue currency was seized and turned into a socialist monopoly (along with many other things) and vested with the Bank of Latvia. On November 2, 1922, the Bank of Latvia issued the first provisional banknotes - 500-ruble notes with an overprint.

In 1923, 100-lats banknotes were issued. The graphical design of the note was worked out by artists Rihards Zarins and Karlis Krauze.

The Ministry of Finance issued State Treasury notes in denominations of 5, 10 and 20 lats. These notes were printed at the State Securities Printing House. The authors of the graphical designs of these notes were Rihards Zarins, Karlis Krauze and Harijs Gricevics.

Coins were issued in denominations of 1, 2 5, 10, 20 and 50 santims, and 1, 2 and 5 lats. The designs of the coins were created by three artists: Rihards Zarins (santims coins of the 1923 issue and 5-lats coins), Janis Roberts Tilbergs (1- and 2-lats coins) and Ludolfs Liberts (santims coins, the 1937 issue).

It is sad to note that Zarins died in 1939, the same year that the National Socialist German Workers' Party joined with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as allies in a pact to divide up Europe, spreading World War II, and the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): 62 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 49 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; 21 million under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

In 1940, Latvia was incorporated into the USSR (Zarins' previous employer) and Zarins' lats were replaced by the Soviet ruble. Latvia was occupied by the Soviet Socialist Army on June 17, 1940, and on August 5 Latvia was incorporated into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Beginning with October 10, 1940, the Latvia Republican Office of the State Bank of the USSR, which was a constituent part in the centralized Soviet socialist banking system, took over the the Bank of Latvia. The USSR's monetary system was gradually re-introduced in Latvia. With the resolution of the Popular Council of Commissars of the Latvian SSR (Soviet Socialist Republic) passed on November 25, 1940, the exchange rate of the lats against the USSR ruble was determined (1 lats = 1 ruble). That marked the beginning of a simultaneous circulation of two currencies in Latvia, which lasted for four months. Without prior notice, the lats was withdrawn from circulation on March 25, 1941. The USSR ruble became the socialist monopoly legal tender in Latvia.

Latvians also refer to the symbols as Pērkonkrusts (Thunder cross). The sign's name tells that it was associated with the most powerful Latvian god Pērkons (Thunder). Another name for it is Ugunskrusts (Fire cross).

In June 1941, German troops under the National Socialist German Workers' Party advanced into Latvia. Right after the entrance of the German socialist army, the Bank of Latvia resumed its activity; however, the Bank did not regain its right to issue currency. The occupation power implemented a policy that was tailored specially for occupied countries, its aim being the suppression and robbing of these countries, in keeping with the socialist dogma as previously imposed under Soviet Socialism. The instrument to achieve this was the introduction of a special currency - reichsmarks. German socialist Reichsmarks circulated alongside Soviet Socialist rubles, the exchange rate being 10 rubles = 1 reichsmark.

After the Second World War, Latvia was again incorporated into the Soviet financial system. The State Bank of the USSR (Gosbank) both issued money and functioned as the State Treasury. The monetary system of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic was entirely controlled by the Gosbank.

In 1987, the Latvia Republican Office of the State Bank of the USSR was renamed the Latvia Republican Bank of the State Bank of the USSR; however, it did not become a central bank with the right to issue the national currency.

On March 2, 1990, the Supreme Council of the Latvian SSR passed the Resolution "On the Bank of Latvia". It stipulated that the Bank of Latvia, a local central bank, was established (actually restored) in the Latvian SSR. This was a central bank - an independent state bank, which had the exclusive right to issue the national currency.

However, it was only after the declaration of independence of the Republic of Latvia on May 4, 1990 and the collapse of Soviet Socialism that in accordance with the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia "On Reorganization of Banks in the Territory of the Republic of Latvia" passed on September 3, 1991 the Bank of Latvia was re-established as the socialist monopoly bank of Lavia with its own socialist monopoly money.

The amazing discoveries in Dr. Curry's work have been discussed by members of the group Flags Of The World, a well-known group in the field of vexillology (the study of flags). Dr. Rex Curry's historical discoveries have been recognized by members of Flags Of The World Group (FOTW) and members of other vexillological groups. The acknowledgment occurred when the president of the group conceded defeat in a scholarly debate challenge about Dr. Curry's news-making work. http://rexcurry.net/fotw-flags-of-the-world-vexillology.html

The Flags of the World web site contained an error. A fan of RexCurry.net wrote in to point out an error on the Flags of the World web site that has caused confusion among members of the North American Vexillological Association. The error is at http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/lv%5Eair.html
That web page attempts to provide information about Latvia's Airforce Flag and Aircraft Marking and shows a swastika symbol (45 degrees to the horizontal and pointed clockwise) with the headline "1918-1940."  That seeming error caused some members of the North American Vexillological Association to incorrectly believe that the symbol was always 45 degrees to the horizontal (as if in a diamond orientation). One NAVA member said "I checked Latvia's Air Force markings 1918-1940 and found a red swastika on its point (as in the National Socialist German Workers' Party) on white." A more searching review of the links on that FOTW page shows that the swastika symbol on Latvian planes originally was on its side (with horizontal orientation) and not 45 degrees to the horizontal. It is unclear from FOTW, and the links, when and why the change occurred in Latvia from 1918-1940.

A fan writes, "It is interesting to note that a lot of the pictures available through the FOTW reference are only illustrations and not photographs. One illustration did note the change in the markings. Also interesting to note that the planes seem to be German, mostly or exclusively? And that in 1920 they were being used against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. There was also a response about Finland's use of the swastika. Can anyone provide more information about when Finland first used the symbol on its planes, why, and where the plane(s) came from? Was it a German source also?"

As late as 1936, swastikas were put on Avro Anson Airplanes.  

It is additional proof of Dr. Curry's work showing the use of the swastika as S-shapes for "socialism" under Soviet Socialists, German Socialists, and in Latvia and Finland, Great Britain, and that they all followed after the United States of America. http://rexcurry.net/45th-infantry-division-swastika-sooner-soldiers.html

Also see http://rexcurry.net/theosophy-madame-blavatsky-theosophical-society.html

In Finland the swastika was used as the official national marking of the Army between 1918 and 1944, and also of the Finnish Air Force at that time. The swastika was also used by the Lotta Svärd organisation. The blue swastika was the symbol used by the family of Swedish Count Eric von Rosen, who donated the first plane to the Finnish White Army during the Finnish Civil War. At that time, Rosen was socialist in his philosophy and socialism was growing like a cancer worldwide. Rosen's socialism grew too and, after the National Socialist German Workers' Party was formed, Rosen altered his use of the symbol to be the same as that of the National Socialist German Workers' Party when Rosen became one of the founding members of Nationalsocialistiska Blocket, a Swedish Socialist political party, that took advantage of the overlapping S-shapes of the swastika. Rosen also gained a closer connection to Germany when Hermann Göring married Carin von Kantzow, whose sister was married to Rosen.

The National Socialist Bloc was formed in the end of 1933. It was formed by the merger of Nationalsocialistiska Samlingspartiet, Nationalsocialistiska Förbundet and local national socialist units connected to the advocate Sven Hallström in Umeå. Later Svensk Nationalsocialistisk Samling merged into NSB. The leader of the party was the colonel Martin Ekström. The party maintained several publications, Landet Fritt (Göteborg), Vår Kamp (Göteborg), Vår Front (Umeå), Nasisten (Malmö) and Riksposten. NSB differentiated itself from other Swedish national socialist groups due to its liaisons with the Swedish upper class.

It is interesting to note that Finland had the choice to discontinue the use of a swastika as a prominent national symbol at any point after 1933. It did not do so until forced to do so by the Allies after the defeat of Germany. The fact that the Finnish swastika was slightly visually different to the German swastika seems like a minor possible excuse. The Finnish symbol was sufficiently similar to the German swastika to share the same visual identity and thus association - in trademark terms it was still 'passing itself off' as the German National Socialist symbol and was still associated with socialism in Finland. The Finns made no attempt to make it more different.
Was anyone who wanted to use the swastika as a prominent national symbol after that time "choosing" to associate their nation with German socialism, just as the adoption of the red star and hammer & sickle by governments and militia post-war were choosing to associate themselves with Soviet socialism and its atrocities?

The swastika in Finnish is "Hakaristi," which in a more literal or phonetic translation is "hooked cross," similar to the German word "Hakenkreuz." It was a type of cross. It became known as the "Von Rosen Cross" and that term is still used sometimes today in Finland.

There was German involvement in the Finnish Civil War (January-May 1918). The Hakaristi was used by the German-allied Whites during that Civil War.

The swastika also appeared in many Finnish medals and decorations. In wartime medals of honor it was a visible element, first drafted by Akseli Gallen-Kallela 1918–19.  In Germany and Austria at the same time period, the swastika was also being used by socialist groups.

The hakaristi (Finnish) was seen often on aircraft and armour, including Brewster Buffaloes, StuGs.

The hakenkreuz (German) decorated the planes of Herman Kunz (plane: Albatross Jasta 7) and Paul Billik (Albatross Jasta 12) and Werner Voss (Albatross). All three aircraft were roughly contemporaneous - Spring, 1917. Raoul Lufberry of the Layfayette Escadrille Americaine flew a swastika-marked SPAD VII in roughly the same time period as well.

The Brewster Buffalo, or Brewster F2A, was an American fighter plane that saw extensive service with both Allied and Axis air forces during World War II. They were successful in combat, especially in Finland where Brewster F2A fighters saw their longest and most intensive service with the Ilmavoimat (Finnish Air Force), during 1940-48.

American soldiers used the swastika as their symbol early in World War I, and up to 1941, against Germany. The symbol was used by Americans in the French Escadrille Lafayette, by the 45th Infantry Divison, on Boeing P-12 planes. http://rexcurry.net/45th-infantry-division-swastika-sooner-soldiers.html

Up to June 1941, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was as closely allied to the National Socialist German Workers Party as the Finns were in 1939-40.  After Barbarossa, the Soviet Socialist leader (Stalin) judged it much better to maintain his agreement with Finland:  there was no advantage to Soviet Socialists acquiring another active enemy north of Leningrad.

German Socialists received oil and food from Soviet Socialists. The National Socialist German Worker' Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics were allies in 1939 when they jointly attacked Poland as part of a larger pact (Molotov-Ribbentrop) to divide up Europe. The Soviet Socialist Navy escorted a German raiding ship to the Pacific via Siberia and the Bering Strait.  Soviet Socialists opposed Lend-Lease in the U.S. and preached collaboration in Nazi-Sozi occupied Europe.

In Barbarossa, Finland allowed tens of thousands of German troops to deploy secretly in Finland, and that gave the USSR a casus belli. Before Barbarossa, Finland had already agreed to join the German Socialist attack. German troops were deploying in Finland.  Soviet Socialists pre-emptively attacked before any attack was made from Finnish territory, but the Axis/Finnish attack was coming regardless. Stalin had no choice about acquiring another active enemy north of Leningrad.

By 1944, the 1940 settlement was a dead letter. It no longer influenced either country as such; that is, the Finns and Soviets both  agreed to the settlement of 1944 on the basis of the facts of battle at the time, not whether the new settlement matched the 1940 settlement.

In conclusion, it is interesting to note that Finland used the hakaristi as a symbol when Germany was allied with a country attacking Finland, and blocked aid to Finland. Finland continued to use the symbol when Finland was a co-belligerant with Germany against the same country. Finland continued to use the symbol when it was actively at war with Germany

The switch from the hakaristi to the white/blue/white roundel was officially dated to April 1, 1945 - slightly before the end of the war but effectively post-war so far as the Finns were concerned (though the official peace treaty didn't follow until February, 1947).  The change was at the insistance of the the Allied Control Commission (it was not happy with the Finnish hakaristi symbol).

The NAVA members who referenced the FOTW web page provided more support for Dr. Curry's work showing that the swastika was used to represent overlapping "S" letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers' Party and in the Soviet Socialist State. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html

Mākslinieks Rihards Zariņš http://rexcurry.net/swastika-Latvian-Richard-Zarrins-Rihards-Zarins-Zarrins.jpg Zariņš Litogrāfija Rīga
Richard Zarrins Rihards Zarins Zarrins 1934 American salute Nazi salute

   Soviet Socialist Swasika Hakenkreuz

Soviet swastika 1918 for 5000 & 10000 rubles
dated 1918 ruble of 5000 and 10000

Russian Money Socialist Swastika 1918 Rubles 5000

Russian currency 250 rubles 1919 to 1920

Notice how the Socialist Repubics utilized various languages (including German at the top) in an effort to spread sickly socialism worldwide, and consistent with its use of alphabetic "S" symbolism in its swastika symbol.

Young Pioneers USSR & USA socialism

   Young Pioneers Pledge of Allegiance

    The Pledge of Allegiance Boy Scouts & Young Pioneers

Pledge Of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance from America with love, Pledge Of Allegiance, Pledge of Allegiance     Pledge of Allegiance Young Pioneers USSR USA  

Girl Scouts Scouting Pledge of Allegiance

Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts spread the flag fanaticism and military socialism worldwide.

The Red, White and Blue
color scheme was borrowed
from the United States

along with the flag fetishism and extended military salute for children.

Edward Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance Francis Bellamy Swastika

Edward Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance Francis Bellamy Swastika

The Pledge of Allegiance Flag Worship USSR

  Hitler Youth & Young Pioneers & Boy Scouts
   Hitler Youth, Young Pioneers & Boy Scouts

Edward Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance Francis Bellamy Swastika

Edward Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance Francis Bellamy Swastika

Edward Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance Francis Bellamy Swastika

Edward Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance Francis Bellamy Swastika

Edward Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance Francis Bellamy Swastika

Edward Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance Francis Bellamy Swastika

Edward Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance Francis Bellamy Swastika

Pledge Of Allegiance
Nazi salute in USSR from USA

   young pioneers in socialist china

Boy Scouts, Young Pioneers & Nazis      United Socialist States of America USSA USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
          USSA United Socialist States of America
          USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

red swastika china lin biao socialism flag salutes
Pledge of Allegiance Mao Zegong flag worship socialism
Pledge of Allegiance photograph http://rexcurry.net/nazi-salute-taipei-times-roc-republic-of-china-government-officials-sworn.jpg
  Pledge of Allegiance Republic of China ROC Taipei Times Nazi salute
Pledge of Allegiance photograph http://rexcurry.net/nazi-salute-taipei-times-roc-republic-of-china-government-officials-sworn.jpg

pledge of allegiance, edward bellamy

Pledge of Allegiance, Edward Bellamy


Edward Bellamy Pledge of Allegiance Francis Bellamy Swastika

USSR Nazi salute Soviet Socialism German National Socialism

Pledge of Allegiance, Edward Bellamy

American salute goes to USSR & Lenin http://rexcurry.net/ussr-lenin-nazi-salute1931-airships.jpg
Lenin Nazi salute of USA to USSR
Lenin poster 1931 using American salute http://rexcurry.net/ussr-lenin-nazi-salute1931-airships.jpg

Pledge of Allegiance, Edward Bellamy

Swastika http://rexcurry.net/ussr-germany50reichspfennig1939-45.jpg Swastika
swastika german nazi money swastika ussr
Swastika http://rexcurry.net/ussr-germany50reichspfennig1939-45.jpg Swastika
Red Army Swastika Prikaz

More evidence proves the work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry in showing that the swastika was used as alphabetic symbolism for "socialism" by both the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and by the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as shown in the images above and below and at  

In 1917, socialism was imposed in Russia when the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was formed after the Russian Revolution of 1917, and the Russian Civil War of 1918-1920.  The propaganda machinary introduced a new symbol for the new government: the swastika.

The Soviet Socialist Swastika shows lettering around the swastika symbol and also shows the swastika as two separate arms pointing clockwise, representing separate "S" letters overlapping http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika1919-1920cav.jpg

There is also a Red Army shoulder patch with the swastika on it that was used during the Russian Civil War after the Bolshevik Revolution . 

The Soviet swastika was so popular that paper money printed in the years 1917 and 1918 carried large swastikas in the center of the bills.

Soviet socialist money openly used English, German and other languages in an effort to spread sickly socialism worldwide, consistent with its use of alphabetic "S" symbolism in its swastika symbol. http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika1919-1920rubles250.jpg

http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika-may-day.jpg On official badges, the Soviet Swastika was yellow on a red background, mimicking the other socialist symbol, the hammer and sickle (Russian: серп и молот, "serp i molot" (serpent & mallet?)), a symbol that also developed in the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (RSFSR). Eventually, the national flag mimicked the same color schemes and symbols. The swastika was even displayed with the hammer and sickle  http://rexcurry.net/swastika4.gif  as shown here http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika-may-day.jpg

Germany's socialist swastika had the same meaning as the earlier Soviet Swastika and the Hammer and Sickle: The German and Soviet swastikas were two "S" letters that represented socialists joining together; the hammer and sickle represented socialists joining together, particularly workers joining with peasants, or factory workers joining with agricultural workers.

The German term for "swastika" is "Hakenkreuz" ("hooked cross") because the symbol represented two separate pieces crossed (two "S" shaped pieces).  

In Mein Kampf, the German socialist leader referred to the socialist swastika and the flag: "In red we see the social idea of the movement, in white the nationalistic idea, in the swastika the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man, and, by the same token, the victory of the idea of creative work..." (pg. 496-497). In German the swastika reference was: "im Hakenkreuz die Mission des Kampfes für den Sieg des arischen Menschen und zugleich mit ihm auch den Sieg des Gedankens der schaffenden Arbeit,"

In his own words, Hitler stated that the swastika referred to work (labor) and mimicked the Soviet's "new" swastika replacement, the Hammer and Sickle (two tools of workers). Hitler states that the Hakenkreuz (hooked cross) represents two crossed "S" shapes known as "sieg" symbols. Those "S" letters were used for "S" in other German socialist symbolism. He made overlapping use of the word "victory" or "sieg" in German.  The red color and the "social idea of the movement" ties into socialism for which Hitler claimed the National Socialist German Workers' Party was struggling for victory. The so-called "swastika" represented two "S" letters for "socialism" and is related to "Sieg Heil!" in the sense of the NSGWP's cry of "Hail to the Victory of Socialism!"   His use of the term "arischen" mimicks the Soviet swastika and the Soviet hammer and sickle in the effort to glorify workers (represented by their tools in the hammer and sickle) as the new super soviet socialist men.

German socialists were heavily influenced by earlier Soviet socialists, even in regard to concentration camps, purges, and genocide.

In 1939, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party joined as allies to invade Poland in a Pact to divide up Europe, spreading WWII. http://rexcurry.net/socialists.html

They USSR embraced the swastika symbol even more then, and the hammer and sickle was displayed proudly next to and in partnership with the socialist swastika.

The lettering around the socialist swastika badge resembles "PCOCP" which, with slight alteration, became simply "CCCP" (USSR).  The lettering and the swastika symbol refer to the R.S.F.S.R., the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (aka Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic) (Росси́йская Сове́тская Федерати́вная Социалисти́ческая Респу́блика, РСФСР).  The socialist swastika badge uses the pattern of double letters in PP, CC and SS. Hence, the double S letters of the soviet socialist swastika stand for "Soviet Socialist" (the corresponding letters in RSFSR).

The RSFSR began in 1917 and was the largest and most populous of the fifteen former republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in December 1922.  The Russian SFSR became the modern day Russia after the collapse of the USSR, officially dissolved on December 31, 1991.

The USSR followed the lead of socialists in the USA, and also in the use of the swastika as a symbol for socialism. http://rexcurry.net/theosophy-madame-blavatsky-theosophical-society.html

The USSR followed the lead of the USA in beginning with a "federation" name and then changing to a "Union" (a word that can be translated also as "United") and even echoing the "U.S." initials.  The USSR was influenced by the socialist trend in the USA and by its internationally famous socialists, including Edward Bellamy.

Through the work of socialists in the USA, the USSR, and Germany respectively, the swastika became a global symbol of socialism.

In 1939, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics joined as allies with the National Socialist German Workers’ Party to invade Poland in a Pact to divide up Europe, spreading WWII. It occurred under the notorious Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which the Socialist Republics never renounced. Seven million died in Poland. As a result of the War, Finland had its Karelian Peninsula torn away by the Socialist Republics and 10 countries Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Yugoslavia suffered under the Socialist Republics for half a century. http://rexcurry.net/socialists.html

Even after WWII, Soviet Socialists adopted the swastika style symbolism of the German Trabant Sachsenring car.  http://rexcurry.net/trabant-sachsenring-rex-curry.html

Three common abbreviations (USSR, SSSR, CCCP) refer to a self-described socialist entity that used the word "socialist" in its name, as did the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party) which used the double "S" letters of the Hakenkreuz - swastika.  Russian socialists used symbolism and the word "socialist" in their group's name, before the German socialists and it served as an example. http://rexcurry.net/bookchapter4a1c.html

CCCP led to the derisive joke that it signified the "coalition of collectivist crusaders for the proletariat."   It also inspired the old gag of someone asking which "C" stood for "Communist."  Of course, the  abbreviation did not refer to communism, it referred to socialism, as did the abbreviation and symbol for the National Socialist German Workers' Party. http://rexcurry.net/bookpic-socialism-cccp-ussr.gif

RSFSR was: Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
                USSR was: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

РСФСР was: Rossi?yskaya Sovetskikh Federati?vnaya (or Soyuz) Sotsialisticheskikh Respublika (RSFSR).
CCCP was: Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik (SSSR).

CCCP is actually cyrillic. In Latin letters it would be SSSR: Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik (Soviet United/Federated Socialistic Republic). Untransliterated it was CCCP, and transliterated it was SSSR.

In Russian:
РСФСР was Росси́йская Сове́тская Федерати́вная Социалисти́ческая Респу́блика.
                                     CCCP was Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик.

Another explanation:
РСФСР was Росси́йская   Сове́тская Федерати́вная   Социалисти́ческая   Респу́блика.
                                            Soviet                                    Socialist                      Republic / Republics
            CCCP was Сою́з   Сове́тских                            Социалисти́ческих   Респу́блик.

Translation of the left side:


    to troops of South-Eastern front

    # 213

    City of Saratov                                                                                                                         <date> November 1919

    A shoulder patch is approved for Kalmyk units, according to the attached drawing and description.

    The right to wear this patch is given to officers and Red Army privates of existing Kalmyk units, as well as the ones being raised, according to order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, this year, # 11<6>.

(There follow the signatures of the front commander, the Member of the Revolutionary Military Council (the commissar) and chief of staff. The right side gives a description and picture.

Dimitri Volkogonov "Lenin - A New Biography", page 8. ISBN 0-02-933435-7 "Lenin's antecedents were Russian, Kalmyk, Jewish, German and Swedish, and possibly others".

Свастика в Красной армии
Кавалерия, Юго-Восточного фронт  1919-20 г.г.:

Swastika in the Red Army
Cavalry South-Eastern Front  1919-20 g.g.:

russian swastika 1919 1920 cav

"according to the communication V.O. Of daynesa, in the central Public Archive of the Soviet Army is an application to the order to the forces of southeastern Front № 213 in 1918, where is described new emblem for the personnel: "the rhomb of yshchkhyy of centimeters from the red cloth. In the upper angle pentagonal star, in the center - venok, in middle of which "LYUNGTN" with the inscription "R.S.F.S.R.". Stellar diameter 15 mm, Viennese 6 cm, size OF "LYUNGTN" - 27 mm, letters - 6 mm. sign for the command and administrative personnel are embroidered by gold and silver, also, for the Red Army men stereotyped. Star, "LYUNGTN" and tape Viennese are embroidered by gold (for the Red Army men by yellow paint), venok itself and inscription - by silver (for the Red Army men - by white paint)."     [The mysterious abbreviation OF "LYUNGTN" designated the here being untwisted swastika.
Novel Of bagdasarov "The swastika: the sacred symbol." (it sent Aleksandr)]

    "По сообщению В.О. Дайнеса, в Центральном государственном архиве Советской Армии имеется приложение к приказу войскам Юго-Восточного фронта № 213 за 1918 г., где описана новая эмблема для личного состава: "Ромб 15х11 сантиметров из красного сукна. В верхнем углу пятиконечная звезда, в центре - венок, в середине которого "ЛЮНГТН" с надписью "Р.С.Ф.С.Р.". Диаметр звезды 15 мм, венка 6 см, размер "ЛЮНГТН" - 27 мм, букв - 6 мм. Знак для командного и административного состава вышит золотом и серебром и для красноармейцев трафаретный. Звезда, "ЛЮНГТН" и лента венка вышиты золотом (для красноармейцев жёлтой краской), самый венок и надпись - серебром (для красноармейцев - белой краской)."     [Загадочной аббревиатурой "ЛЮНГТН" обозначена здесь раскручивающаяся свастика.
    Роман Багдасаров  "Свастика: священный символ." (прислал Александр)]

1918 - 1919, when Vasiliy Ivanovich Shorin (Colonel, punished in the 30's) commanded the Red Army at the southeastern Front
1918 - 1919 годах, когда Красной Армией на Юго-восточном фронте командовал Василий Иванович Шорин (полковник, репрессированный в 30-е годы)

Swastika in the army OF USA 45-4 infantry division:
The soldiers of 45-1 infantry division OF THE USA bore on the left sleeve the symbol of yellow on the red rhomb:

Свастика в армии США
45-я пехотная дивизия:
Военнослужащие 45-й пехотной дивизии США носили на левом рукаве древний
символ, желтого цвета на красном ромбе:
svastika5 rex curry
Read about the 45th Infantry Division Sooner soldiers at http://rexcurry.net/45th-infantry-division-swastika-sooner-soldiers.html

Polish army, the 20's emblem on the collar Of podkholyanskikh strelkov:

Element of 250 ruble notes. Russia 1917:

Польская армия, 20-е годы
Эмблема на воротнике Подхолянских стрелков:

Элемент 250 рублевой купюры. Россия 1917 год:


TRANSLATIONS: http://babelfish.altavista.digital.com/tr

Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler http://rexcurry.net/socialism-red-flags-socialists1c.jpg Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler
Stalin, Mao, Hitler
Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler http://rexcurry.net/socialism-red-flags-socialists1c.jpg Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler

A new documentary video movie exposes the shocking facts on youtube
and here http://rexcurry.net/pledge-of-allegiance-rexcurrydotnet.wmv
and on google video

Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler http://rexcurry.net/socialists.jpg Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler
Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler
Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler http://rexcurry.net/socialists.jpg Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE http://rexcurry.net/pledge-allegiance-pledge-allegiance.jpg FRANCIS BELLAMY
Pledge of Allegiance, Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, Industrial Army, Military Socialism
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE http://rexcurry.net/edward%20bellamy.jpg EDWARD BELLAMY

SWASTIKA http://rexcurry.net/swastika3clear.jpg SWASTIKA
Edward Bellamy Swastika, Industrial Army
SWASTIKA http://rexcurry.net/swastika3clear.jpg EDWARD BELLAMY

Rex Curry blog spot http://rexcurry.blogspot.com/

Pledge of Allegiance blog spot http://pledge-of-allegiance.blogspot.com/

Pledge Allegiance blog spot http://pledge-allegiance.blogspot.com/