The Pledge
of Allegiance was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the
National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).
Francis Bellamy & Edward Bellamy touted National Socialism in the USA decades before their dogma was exported to Germany. |
The swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to
represent "S" letters joined for "socialism" under the National Socialist
German Workers Party (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the
SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined
for "Volkswagen"). |
Scouts and Boy Scouts spread the swastika, the stiff-arm salute
and military socialism worldwide. See the video |
Boy Scout Swastika is similar to that of the 45th Infantry Division and
the Soviet Socialist Swastika. |
The government in the United States used the fasces symbol before it was adopted by Mussolini when he was a well-known socialist writer and leader. In 1915, fasces appeared on an Indian head gold coin in the talons of an eagle. In 1916, fasces appeared on the Mercury dime. Both examples were under the democrat Woodrow Wilson (elected in 1912 and re-elected in 1916). A small crossed fasces also appeared on an obscure U..S. Senate seal as early as 1885 (of course, the very term "senate" harkens to Roman times) and fasces are in the rostrum of the U.S. House of Representatives. Wilson's use of the fasces was propaganda to con Americans into another one of the many stupid wars that the USA's government either started or joined: WWI (the war to make the world safe for democracy, har har). That propaganda supplemented flag waving, the Pledge of Allegiance (with its stiff-armed salute) and similar silliness. During WWI, Mussolini was a well-known socialist leader and writer. Mussolini also wanted Italians to join the USA and the allies in World War I against the Austro/German forces. He followed fascist footsteps from the USA. Mussolini mimicked military socialism in the USA as touted by Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of "Looking Backward"). Edward Bellamy's book was an international bestseller translated into every major language, including Italian. National Socialism originated in the USA. The fasces symbol appears in Congress It is used in other government seals and symbols The fasces is on the seal of the Rome Academy where Francis Bellamy (1855-1932) attended school. |
Before WWI, one of America's leading propagandists for government was Edward Bernays. Bernays openly sought to use social psychology, political persuasion and advertising to construct “necessary illusions” which were fed to the masses as “reality.” Bernays described it as “engineering of consent.” The objective for Bernays was to show government, government schools and government-regulated media outlets how to gain control. Edward Bernays' impact was similar to (and built upon) that of America's most notorious and lasting propagandists for "Military Socialism" and "National Socialism": Edward Bellamy and Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance" in 1892). The "Pledge of Allegiance" produced America's stiff-arm salute and robotic chanting to flags in government's schools, where segregation was imposed by law, and racism was taught as official policy. See the video at In the United States and elsewhere, America's stiff-arm salute began to spread outside of the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. The gesture was directed toward government officials who were often on stage with the flag at mass meetings where the Pledge was led. Bellamy's pledge was the origin of the stiff-arm salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party, as shown in the work of the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). By 1915, National Socialism in the USA had inspired propagandistic presentations of the American flag posed favorably with a swastika and the phrase "May our glorious flag and this lucky star guide you and keep you wherever you are." Another piece of propaganda from the USA bears a swastika and the wording: "Lucky Star - May this emblem protect you well from every bullet, every shell." In 1917, Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman helped Woodrow Wilson break his campaign promises and con Americans into WWI. To that end they used the Committee on Public Information (CPI ) also known as the Creel Committee. They helped Wilson foment anti-German hate during WWI. Of course, WWI led to WWII and so forth, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Bernays also created the patriotic war slogan “Make the World Safe for Democracy” -a patriotic mantra that many stupid Americans embraced just as they had earlier embraced Bellamy's "Pledge of Allegiance," America's straight-arm gesture, and mechanical chanting to flags in mass and on cue. Bernays’ books "Crystallizing Public Opinion" (1923) and "Propaganda" (1928) impressed Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister for the National Socialist German Workers Party. Germany mimicked American behavior because Goebbels learned from the behavior of Bernays, President Wilson, and the U.S. government during World War I. In 1933, Bernays met Karl von Weigand (a German journalist) who informed Bernays that Goebbels was using Bernays' work for Goebbels' propaganda campaigns fomenting hate, robotic chanting, straight-arm salutes, the use of government schools, children, and more. "If I approach the masses with reasoned arguments, they will not understand me," Hitler noted in Mein Kampf, "In the mass meeting, their reasoning power is paralysed. What I say is like an order given under hypnosis." To this day, laws continue to order children to hypnotically chant in the Pledge of Allegiance ritual each morning in many schools in the USA. The gesture has changed. |
The swastika continues to be used for alphabetical symbolism as S-letters for "Socialism" as shown in this image of the Syrian Social National Party (SSNP). It is a reminder of the use of the hakenkreuz (hooked cross) for alphabetical symbolism as crossed S-letters for "Socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party. The symbolism is explained in this graphic image: For more information see the work of the documentarian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets"). Did the SSNP also borrow the stiff-arm salute that originated in the USA before it was adopted by the National Socialist German Workers Party? |
Pledge of Allegiance
photos and articles are at For fascinating information about symbolism see Hear audio on worldwide radio at |
Oppose the National
Socialist German Workers' Party and its
socialist legacies that exist in today's government.
For more information regarding Nazi policies in the USA see |