JonRobins - Rochester Wiki jonathan.robins University of Rochester
JonRobins Rochester Wiki Jonathan Robins University of Rochester Francis Bellamy Nazism Fascism Third Reich Adolf Hitler Rocwiki Wikipedia on Francis Bellamy 

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JonRobins Rochester Wiki Jonathan Robins University of Rochester Hitler salute, Nazi salute, Fascist salute

It is necessary to be blunt: comments by JonRobins (Jonathan Robins on Rochester Wiki jonathan.robins University of Rochester Rocwiki Wikipedia) are utter crap.  He regurgitates poorly supported and absurdly tendentious arguments and provides no citation.

 JonRobins is apparently a narcissistic faux-pretentious beer drinker-turned-historian (his "about me" page does not indicate that Jonathan has ever written a book).

JonRobins' comments are a summary of Robins' poor research (or non-existent research) and he repeats several of his own fallacious arguments (for instance, Robins' seems to think that even if the US pledge inspired the pledge of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis), Robins' doesn’t have any problem with that).  Robins’ comments are total non sequiturs.

JonRobins should not be given a chance to have his say any more because he cannot provide any factual information that disputes the work of Dr. Rex Curry.  JonRobins is such an internet crackpot that he thinks that a bulletin board is a "reliable" source for information.  Robins’ also is completely clueless as to how the bulletin board works.  Robins' idea of research is a bulletin board where people deliberately delete any mention of the references or research that supports Dr. Curry’s work, and block other posters who do reference it.

Jonathan Robins does not teach and has no training in the history that he deletes (that is why Robins' does not actually dispute any of Dr. Curry’s work).

Money quotes from JonRobins' "about me" page referencing himself:  JonRobins lists as his Hobbies: Wasting time on the Internet; Being faux-pretentious about beer, wine and whiskey; Biking (recreational and not-using-gas-due-to-impending-poverty commuting).

JonRobins is not able to dispute the work of Dr. Curry that is listed here:

JonRobins is a reminder of similar ignorant comments by others.  The extent of JonRobins' ignorance is not entirely clear. For comparison purposes, here is a description of one of those other misguided people who learned from Dr. Curry's work:

He was so ignorant that he did not even know that "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party" until he learned it in the course of reading Dr. Curry's historical work.

He did not even know (until he learned of Professor Curry's work) that German National Socialists did not call themselves "Nazis."  Similar to most people, He suffered from ignorance of the etymology of the word "Nazi" and he did not know that Party members called themselves "National Socialists," not "Nazis."

He is so intellectually challenged that, despite being relieved of his previous ignorance, he still persists in the exclusive use of the hackneyed shorthand, as if to cover-up the actual name of the Party, or perhaps to rehabilitate the ideas. And He jealously protects propaganda that he cherishes and about which he obsesses, and he deletes different information, and he supports the blocking or banning of people who post other information.  The fake name he uses because he knows he is wrong and he hides as he deletes information.

He was so ignorant of history, that until he learned of Dr. Curry's research, he did not know that the early Pledge of Allegiance used a straight-arm salute. 

He had not viewed the historic photographs of the early pledge as researched on Dr. Curry's site.

He did not know that the USA's Pledge was the origin of the gesture of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party until he was schooled by Dr. Curry's discoveries.

He didn't even know (until Dr. Curry's research helped to school him) that "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party."  He still persists in the exclusive use of the hackneyed shorthand, as if to cover-up the actual name of the Party.

He did not know (until he learned of Dr. Curry's discoveries) that the swastika, although an ancient symbol, was sometimes used to represent meshed "S" letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

He did not know (until Dr. Curry’s work enlightened him) that the National Socialist German Workers' Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics were allies in 1939 during WWII and together invaded Poland in a written pact to divide up Europe.

He was not aware of some of the comparative death tolls in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): 21 million dead under the National Socialist German Workers' Party;  65 million dead under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 49 million dead under the Peoples' Republic of China.

He did not know that the original Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. In actual use, the second part of the gesture was performed with a straight arm and palm down by children casually performing the forced ritual chanting.  Professor Curry showed that, due to the way that both gestures were used sequentially in the pledge, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute. Historic photographs are at and at

He used to be ignorant about the "ancient Roman salute" myth until he learned of Dr. Curry's work.  Dr. Curry helped to establish that the straight-arm salute is not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth.  The myth is still repeated in modern efforts by envious people to cover-up Dr. Curry's discoveries. He is so intellectually challenged that, despite being relieved of his previous ignorance, he still persists in the use of the hackneyed "Roman salute" phrase. He jealously protects propaganda that he cherishes about the Roman Salute about which he obsesses, and he deletes different information, and he supports the blocking or banning of people who post other information.  The fake name he uses is done to  hides and delete information.

He was completely ignorant of the fact that the Bellamys were self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, the "Nationalist Educational Association," and their dogma of "military socialism," and Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists in Germany.

His bizarre behavior probably sprung from his jealousy toward Dr. Curry's professional successes in cryptology and symbology. He did not know (until he learned of Dr. Curry's discoveries) that the swastika, although an ancient symbol, was a cryptogram that was sometimes used to represent meshed "S" letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers' Party. That is, he did not decipher the encryption until he learned that the real-life symbologist Dr. Curry had already made the discovery. Curry has cult status among symbology fans thanks to his work deciphering the swastika, which completely redefined conventional notions of symbology.

He did not know that the leader of the NSGWP altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist." The head of the  NSGWP turned his symbol 45 degrees to the horizontal and oriented it to always point clockwise. The leader of the NSGWP used similar alphabetic symbolism for his SS Division and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.

He did not know (until he reviewed Dr. Curry's research) that German National Socialists did not call their symbol a "swastika."  Under the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, a type of cross was worshiped as the notorious symbol of the Party. The group called their symbol the Hakenkreuz, not the swastika. Hakenkreuz means "hooked cross." With a 45 degree turn of his Hakenkreuz, the leader of German National Socialists combined the cross with collectivism, merged church and state, meshed religion and socialism, and mandated the worship of government.

He is so intellectually inept that, despite being relieved of his previous ignorance, he still persists in the exclusive use of the term "swastika" as if to perpetuate the widespread ignorance about its German name and meaning, or to perpetuate the "swastika myth" that the symbol was used by the NSGWP only because it was an Indian "good luck" symbol. He jealously protects propaganda that he cherishes about Adolf Hitler, about which he obsesses, and he deletes different information, and he is pleased by the blocking or banning of people who post other information.

He did not know (until Dr. Curry’s work enlightened him) that the National Socialist German Workers' Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics were allies in 1939 during WWII and together invaded Poland in a written pact to divide up Europe.

He was not aware of some comparative death tolls in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): 65 million dead under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 49 million dead under the Peoples' Republic of China; 21 million dead under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  He is both a denier of the Holocaust, and also a denier of the Wholecaust?

He did not know that Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") and Frederick Bellamy (who introduced Edward to socialistic "Fourierism") were socialists. Edward and Charles were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, the "Nationalist Educational Association," and their dogma of "military socialism," and Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists worldwide (including Germany) via “Nationalist Clubs.”

The Bellamys promoted a government takeover of schools.  When the government granted their wish, the government schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy.  The schools mandated the robotic chanting of the pledge with the Nazi-style salute and persecuted and expelled children who would not comply, arrested parents, and even took children from parents on allegations of "unfit parenting."

The USA still follows similar anti libertarian policies promoted by the Bellamys. Many socialist Bellamy policies caused the USA’s big, expensive and oppressive government and its growing police-state. The Pledge still exists along with laws mandating that teachers lead the robotic pledge chanting every day for twelve years of each child’s life (though the salute was altered). The government still owns and operates schools, including the same schools that imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy.  The U.S. practice of imposing segregation by law in government schools and teaching racism as official policy even outlasted the National Socialist German Workers' Party by over 15 years. After segregation in government's schools ended, the Bellamy legacy caused more police-state racism of forced busing that destroyed communities and neighborhoods and deepened hostilities. Those schools still exist.  Infants are given social security numbers that track and tax them for life.  Government schools demand the numbers for enrollment.

People who attended government schools in the USA are shocked to learn of the new discoveries, and they have difficulty responding in a rational manner. They are humiliated and embarrassed that they have been kept ignorant by government schools and even lied to while being led in robotic chanting for 12 years.  The stereotypical response  involves a state of denial where the respondent can formulate no factual dispute (a mental block-out of the factual history) and only childish insults that evade the topic altogether. It shows how conditioned US citizens are by the years of robotic chanting.  Some US citizens are not able to face the reality of the history of the pledge. The pledge has become an example of how dangerous government schools are.  The pledge is a primary justification for ending government schools.  As the saying goes "remove the pledge from the flag, the flag from the schools, and the schools from government."

The Pledge: A History of the Pledge of Allegiance JEFFREY JONES & PETER MEYER
JEFFREY JONES & PETER MEYER The Pledge: A History of the Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance is discussed in yet another stupid book whose authors are so blind they could not even mention the topic of the Pledge as the origin of the Nazi salute. "The Pledge: A History of the Pledge of Allegiance" is the name of the book by the authors Jeffrey Owen Jones, Peter Meyer.

The book is so bad that it raises the question "Do the authors have eyeballs?" Are they not physically capable of viewing the photographs and videos (see below) of the Pledge performed EXACTLY like the Nazi salute, and decades before German national socialists existed?

One wonders if the authors have access to the internet or know how to perform web searches.The photographs, video and information is all there at a moments research.

Here is an example of the authors' idiotic comment, the closest they come to the topic: "The [Jehovah's] Witnesses saw similarities between that enforced action of the Nazis and the mandatory American flag Pledge of the outstretched hand. It made little difference that the American arm salute had the palm facing upward and the Nazi salute had the palm facing downward; the similarities were far too striking to be ignored."

The book raises the question: Are the authors mentally slow? How disturbing to note that the author JEFFREY JONES worked as an editor, television and film producer, journalist, and teacher and he received an Emmy Award for his work in New York local public television and had been published in Smithsonian magazine. the author PETER MEYER is a former News Editor of Life magazine and the author of numerous nonfiction books, including the critically acclaimed Yale Murder, Death of Innocence and Dark Obsession. How did Americans become so stupid?

And they overuse the word "Nazi" in a hackneyed and unscholarly way, apparently never hinting at the groups ACTUAL name (National Socialist German Workers Party) and thus evading any discussion/comparison of the national socialist dogma of Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy and their influence upon German socialists, their dogma, symbols and rituals.

The Jones/Meyers book has a badness that is similar to that of Marc Leepson (author of "Flag : An American Biography") and Richard Ellis (author of "To The Flag: The Unlikely History Of The Pledge Of Allegiance").

Do they have the guts to accept the standing debate challenge that the undefeated Dr. Rex Curry maintains for their ilk? (Marc Leepson and Richard Ellis have not had the guts to do so).

The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the Nazi salute (and the swastika -although an ancient symbol- was used to represent crossed S-shapes for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party).

Francis Bellamy (cousin of author Edward Bellamy) was a socialist in the Nationalism movement and authored the Pledge of Allegiance (1892), the origin of the stiff-armed salute adopted much later by the National Socialist German Workers Party. See the work of the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry.

See the image at

The early American stiff-armed salute was not an ancient Roman salute. That is a myth debunked by Dr. Curry, who showed that the myth came from the Pledge and from various facts including that Francis Bellamy grew up in Rome, N.Y., not Rome, Italy, and thereafter the Pledge salute was repeated in early films (some showing fictional scenes of ancient Rome). The reasons above and more led to the American stiff-armed salute being picked up later by German socialists and the National Socialist German Workers Party (under the influence of Adolf Hitler and the U.S. citizen and Harvard grad Ernst Hanfstaengl, a confidant of Hitler) and by Italian socialists under Benito Mussolini (who discovered the salute while he gained power as a socialist journalist writing for socialist newspapers, and later became an ally of the National Socialist German Workers Party).

Francis Bellamy never used the term "Roman salute" when describing his pledge's salute and he was not influenced by Jacques-Louis David's painting "Oath of the Horatii." One reason why Francis Bellamy never used the term "Roman salute" in any way is because the concept of the "Roman salute" did not exist when Bellamy wrote his pledge and for decades thereafter.

Francis Bellamy clearly explained that his pledge began with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag. In practice, the second gesture was performed palm-down with a stiff-arm when the military salute was merely pointed out at the flag by disinterested children forced to do Bellamy's programmed chanting daily in government schools. That is how the straight-arm salute developed from Francis Bellamy's Pledge of Allegiance and its use of the military salute (and how the USA's Pledge salute led to the Nazi salute).

See the video at

That the concept of the "Roman salute" did not exist when Bellamy wrote his pledge (and for decades thereafter) also means that the concept of the "Roman salute" did not even exist when Jacques-Louis David lived and painted "Oath of the Horatii" and thus David was NOT thinking of a real or imagined "Roman salute" when he painted the Horatii, nor did David ever use the term "Roman salute." The Horatii lie (that the painting was the origin of the "Roman salute" myth) first appeared on Wikipedia, deliberately fabricated by a liar to cover-up Dr. Curry's discovery that the Pledge was the origin of the Nazi salute. In the painting, 3 brothers are reaching for weapons (and the two figures in back are reaching with their left hands). The same liar who created the Horatii lie had, until he was debunked, previously claimed that the stiff-armed salute was an actual ancient Roman salute, and he posted the lie that Roman statues displaying "adlocutio" (a gesture made by a person speaking) showed "the ancient Roman stiff-armed salute."  The newly substituted Horatii lie has been mindlessly repeated by many people (as the adlocutio lie was repeated and still is) because wakipedia glorifies itself as an encyclopedia, even though it is merely an anonymous bulletin board where anyone can post anything.

American national socialists (including Edward Bellamy), in cooperation with Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, popularized the use of the Swastika (an ancient symbol) as a modern symbol for socialism long before the symbol was adopted by the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) and used on its flag.

See also

The Bellamys influenced the National Socialist German Workers Party and its dogma, rituals and symbols (e.g. robotic collective chanting to flags; and the modern use of the swastika as crossed S-letters for "Socialism" under German National Socialism). Similar alphabetical symbolism was used under the NSDAP for the "SS" division, the "SA," the "NSV," et cetera and similar symbolism is visible today as the  VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen").

The Bellamys wanted the government to take over all food, clothing, shelter, goods and services and create an "industrial army" to impose their "military socialism." See the video documentary at

It is the same dogma that led to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million killed under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Today, the flag symbolizes authoritarianism in the USA. The historical facts above explain the enormous size and scope of government today, and the USA's police state, and why it is growing so rapidly.  They are reasons for minarchy: massive reductions in government, taxation, spending and socialism.

(An intelligent person knows that the first logical question that should arise after someone views for the first time the early American "nazi" salute should be: which stiff-armed salute came first (German or American) and did one cause the other? It is unfortunate to note that in America that question NEVER seems to arise after an American first views the early American "nazi" salute. It proves how stupid Americans have become and it is another reason to end government schools (socialist schools)).

The Pledge: A History of the Pledge of Allegiance JEFFREY JONES & PETER MEYER
Sig Rune, Sieg, Sowilo, SS, SA, Socialism's Sick Swastika !
JEFFREY JONES & PETER MEYER The Pledge: A History of the Pledge of Allegiance

