ELAINE SILVESTRINI, DANIEL RUTH & THE TAMPA TRIBUNE http://rexcurry.net/elaine-silvestrini-benito-mussolini.jpg
Elaine Silvestrini, Tampa Tribune concedes that Dr. Rex Curry's work is correct ! http://rexcurry.net/elaine-silvestrini-tampa-tribune.html
http://rexcurry.net/elaine-silvestrini-benito-mussolini.jpg Daniel Ruth http://rexcurry.net/silvestrini-elaine-tampa-tribune-pledge.jpg Elaine Silvestrini
Daniel Ruth LaRouche publicly humiliated (again!). Ruth canned & Tribune collapsing http://rexcurry.net/daniel-ruth-tampa-tribune.html

Pledge of Allegiance videos & images The Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).  http://rexcurry.net/pledgesalute.html

Francis Bellamy & Edward Bellamy touted National Socialism and the police state in the USA decades before their dogma was exported to Germany. They influenced the NSDAP, its dogma, symbols and rituals. http://rexcurry.net/police-state.html
The swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent crossed "S" letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen"). http://rexcurry.net/bookchapter4a1a2a1.html

Elaine Silvestrini & Benito Mussolini

Uh, Daniel Ruth and Elaine Silvestrini? Start Packing Your Bags !!

The first true news source to announce the layoff of Daniel Ruth, other layoffs and the deteriorating format of the Tampa Tribune newspaper was RexCurry.net. The paper, part of the merged
Tribune/WFLA-Ch. 8/ TBO.com, has already gone through several rounds of job reductions.

Executive Editor Janet Coats communicated with urgency: “... I’m worried that if we don’t change how we think about this further it won’t matter what falls through the cracks because we’ll have no readers.”

Partial blame for the Tribune's decline goes to two writers: Daniel Ruth and Elaine Silvestrini. The mess follows mere weeks after "Daniel Ruth LaRouche" and "Elaine Silvestrini Mussolini" were exposed in public debate challenges.
That coincides with the time when the newspaper said to the kook: "Uh, Daniel Ruth? Start packing your bags!" http://rexcurry.net/daniel-ruth-elaine-silvestrini.jpg

Silvestrini and Ruth are part of a widespread problem at the newspaper: ignorant writing and hate-mongering. Earlier Layoffs at the Tribune followed shortly after a previous defeat of Ruth by Dr. Rex Curry (See any internet search for "Tampa Tribune lays off").


After Ruth's previous loss the response against the crack-pot from the general public was so great that Ruth said he was labeled a "Dork, anti-free market statist, $#%!&, Dummkopf, liberal, daffy, dolt, stupid, dunce and, oh by the way, socialist."

On another occasion, Ruth admitted publicly that locals have labeled him "bigot, prejudiced, hateful and ignorant" among many other similar insults.

Ruth publicly apologized to Dr. Curry for Ruth's errors. http://rexcurry.net/ruth.html

That was near the time Daniel Ruth's show on 970 WFLA was cancelled.

Elaine Silvestrini also acknowledged publicly her error regarding Dr. Curry (although she did not apologize, of course).

The ackowledgement of errors by Ruth and Silvestrini were too late, as the Tribune continued its tailspin down the toilet. Ruth and Silvestrini are causing spectators to wager on when the Tribune will be out of business.

Silvestrini and Ruth are news repeaters. The term "repeaters" and "reporters" is synonymous, although "repeaters" explains more about radio, TV and print news people like Silvestrini and Ruth: they repeat claptrap that is spouted by government and government officials. They repeat it as if it is serious, rational and important. That is what happens to "news" media in a police state.  They repeat the national socialist dogma of their newspapers ("national socialist" is what "nazis" called themselves, and it is necessary to point that out in case the newspaper's readers (both of them) read this because that fact rarely, if ever, appears in the rag).  

The Tribune is collapsing under the internet and under Dr. Curry's internet work (taking top spots on the web for exposing Silvestrini, Ruth and the Tribune). Silvestrini and Ruth are learning the hard way why the Tribune is losing under the web. A google search for Elaine Silvestrini shows that top spots are the RexCurry.net page (and others) exposing her. A google image search for Elaine Silvestrini shows similar results. Similar resullts show in searches for Daniel Ruth. Videos expose them in the top spots in searches on Youtube.com for Elaine Silvestrini, Daniel Ruth, and Tampa Tribune. For years, RexCurry.net has been a top spot in a google search for Daniel Ruth, after Ruth's previous humiliating defeat, and that explains why Daniel the near-sighted loopy leperchaun [sic] remains bitter, thin-skinned and sour.

That is why Dr. Rex Curry makes important discoveries that enlighten the world forever, while Elaine Silvestrini and Daniel Ruth overlook important discoveries (that they could have made) during lives of name-calling, hate-mongering and bad writing.

Silvestrini and Ruth repeat propaganda as if it were the pledge of allegiance that they were taught to repeat in government schools (socialist schools). That is why they failed to make the historic discoveries that were made by the symbologist Dr. Curry, including the following:

1. The swastika (Hakenkreuz), although an ancient symbol, was used to represent crossed S-shapes for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party. Ruth and Silvestrini have been using the word "nazi" for so long that it could be described as "nazi" propaganda: The actual name of the group (National Socialist German Workers Party) never enters their heads. They have probably never written the actual name of the group in their newspaper (check it yourself). Their thinking on the topic is as shallow as repeating the Pledge of Allegiance. As a consequence, they never understood the significance of the etymology, the group's true name, what the group's members called themselves (they did NOT call themselves "nazis"). All of the above, combined with their desire to rehabilitate the deadly dogma of socialism, is why they could never discover that the swastika was used to represent S-shapes for "socialism" under German National Socialism.

2. That the Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the stiff-arm salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party. They are so locked into the myths that they could never do anything but repeat shallow propaganda about the pledge.  They never gave it any thought or research at all, and it would never enter their minds to try.  Even if they ever heard that Francis Bellamy was a socialist in the nationalism movement, they would have been too ignorant to make any comparisons to "Nazis" because they are too stupid to know that "Nazis" were German National Socialists. If they ever even started down a mental path to such thoughts, they would have quickly stopped because of their desire to rehabilitate socialism.  They don't want anyone to know, or to think about, Francis Bellamy as a socialist in the nationalism movement, and the Pledge of Allegiance as the origin of the stiff-arm salute adopted by German National Socialists.

Recently, Silvestrini and Ruth were schooled by RexCurry.net about the Pledge of Allegiance's past. Flag fanaticists Silvestrini and Ruth had been what is known as "pledge virgins" until they were rexed up one side and down the other. They were so ignorant that they did not know that the Pledge was the origin of the German National Socialist salute. Heck, they were so ignorant that they did not know that the early Pledge used a stiff-armed salute. They did not know that the stiff-arm salute developed from the military salute. They probably thought that it was an "ancient Roman salute." Like most twits in the media, they have probably regurgitated the "ancient Roman salute" myth their entire lives without giving it a single thought. They were so stupid that they did not even know the etymology of the term "Nazi." They did not know that German National Socialists did not call themselves "Nazis." They did not know that members of the NSDAP referred to themselves as "socialists"; They were so stupid that they did not know that the N-word is not in the book "Mein Kampf" nor in the film "Triumph of the Will" (as only two examples of many), yet the word "socialist" is there in stereotypically droning socialist fashion. They did not know (until schooled by RexCurry.net) that German National Socialists did not call their flag symbol a "swastika" (they called it a Hakenkreuz,"hooked cross"). They did not know that German National Socialists sometimes used their cross symbol to represent crossed S-letters for their "socialism."  http://rexcurry.net/pledging-allegiance-photographs.html

On the topic of the defendant who Silvestrini and Ruth like to blab about, the two blabbers are so stupid that they do not realize that the most blessed event in the defendant's ongoing life was that his trial occurred under the federal government (instead of the state government). Even the decedents' relatives understand that (they are probably unhappy about it) and they make Ruth and Silvestrini look like dense dumbasses.

Believe it or don't, Silvestini and Ruth used to be as ignorant as most Tampa Tribune employees. But not any longer.

In articles about the web site, Silvestrini and Ruth did not dispute the work of the noted historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").

Silvestrini, Ruth and the Tampa Tribune promote flag fanaticism. They promote fanaticism by covering up the history of the Pledge of Allegiance. In an article printed in the recent past, Silvestrini mentioned both flag fanaticism and swastika fanaticism.

Their employer, the Tampa Tribune, is a so-called newspaper that has never published a historical photograph of the Pledge's early stiff-arm salute, nor explained the Pledge's relationship to the National Socialist German Workers Party, its dogma, its salute, its symbols and its rituals. Silvestrini and Ruth have also never informed their readers about new discoveries concerning the Pledge's past.

If there has ever been an article about Francis Bellamy (author of the Pledge of Allegiance) in the Tampa Tribune newspaper it repeated the usual shallow propaganda common to most "news" outlets. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html

In that way, the Tampa Tribune perpetuates flag fanaticism by repeating tired cliches through reporters such as Silvestrini and Ruth. They keep their readers ignorant. A youtube.com video reveals more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BssWWZ3XEe4

Silvestrini's and Ruth's writing is similar to robotic chanting in worship of the state. They pledge allegiance to growing government and attack anyone who does not join them. Their writing is robotic repetition of cliches taught by the government and learned in government schools (socialist schools). Ruth and Silvestrini share a style of writing that is common in modern journalism: They mislead in order to cover up the important issues. They believe that the purpose of government is to provide service, and the purpose of the media is to provide vaseline. http://rexcurry.net/saying-the-pledge-of-allegiance-pictures.html

Think of the Tampa Tribune as a torture and terrorism conspiracy (as its readers think of it; both of them). That makes Elaine Silvestrini a co-conspirator with unreadable Ruth. After Ruth's previous loss to Dr. Curry, the response against Ruth from the general public was so great that Ruth said he was labeled a "Dork, anti-free market statist, $#%&!, Dummkopf, liberal, daffy, dolt, stupid, dunce and, oh by the way, socialist." http://rexcurry.net/ruth.html

Ruth's use of "socialist" is telling in that Ruth covers up for the National Socialist German Workers Party and its deadly dogma. The neo-nationalist Ruth has probably never written the actual name of the group "National Socialist German Workers Party" in the Tribune (check it yourself). Instead he uses his favorite hackneyed misleading shorthand for the group.

On the Tribune's fascistic flag fanaticism, Ruth and Silvestrini have been influenced by America's most notorious National Socialists, Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy. Ruth's economic ignorance equals or exceeds Edward Bellamy's.  Silvestrini and Ruth add to the public perception of their profession as "news nazis."

The two Tribune toadies Silvestrini and Ruth knowingly work for a newspaper that deliberately fails to deliver parts of the newspaper to some readers in what amounts to profiling or "red-lining" certain "areas" populated by certain kinds of people. Do those readers realize that for their money they are not receiving the same quantity/quality of newspaper that the Tribune delivers to its preferred customers?

In the latest round of job reductions, the Tribune booted popular columnist Joe Brown.

Ruth LaRouche has admitted publicly that readers have labeled him "bigot, prejudiced, hateful and ignorant" among many other similar insults.

Ruth and Silvestrini are evasive about the Bellamys and their bigotry, xenophobia, militarism, robotic chanting for children, and authoritarian socialism (and their influence upon German National Socialism, its dogma, symbols and rituals). Bellamy dogma led to segregation imposed by law, and racism taught as official policy. The Bellamys believed that immigrants would dilute cultural unity in the United States. And what about the zealotry, indoctrination, propaganda and fanaticism? The Ruth/Silvestrini silence becomes deafening about the related hate-mongering, persecution, sadism, jingoism, violence, and even lynchings inspired by the Bellamys and their socialist religion. Silvestrini and Ruth are a tour-de-force of indifference.

They have nothing to say about the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 50 million slaughtered under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million slaughtered under the National socialist German Workers Party.  It was the same dogma touted by the Bellamys.

It becomes scarier in that Ruth refers to himself as "The Book of Ruth."

Is Daniel "LaRouche La Ruth" the person known as Lyndon LaRouche? See the photographic evidence at
and at http://www.flickr.com/photos/7894913@N08/3990225469/

Has anyone ever seen those two together?

Has the mystery of Ruth's hybrid toupee / combover question been solved? (Ruth once told a critic that Ruth would let the critic find out if Ruth has a hybrid toupee/combover if the critic paid Ruth $5000 -Ruth knew that if the price was high then the critic would pass on Ruth's toupee/combover question).

See the startling photographic evidence at http://rexcurry.net/daniel-ruth-lyndon-larouche2.jpg
and at http://www.flickr.com/photos/7894913@N08/3990225329/

Ruth writes flippantly about torture. LaRouche La Ruth's insane clown posse act is like something out of "Apocalypse Now" meets "A Clockwork Orange."

Good grief, Lyndon LaRouche was not as delusional as Ruth is.

Perhaps the fascistic fanaticist (Ruth) is merely a LaRouche Democrat (LaRouche always ran in the Democratic Party). Is Ruth a DINO (democrat in name only)?

And what about Elaine "Mussolini" Silvestrini? Many people forget that the Italian cohort of German National Socialism gained power as a socialist "journalist" among socialists and socialist newpapers in Italy. Silvestrini Mussolini is a scary reminder.

Would Ruth and Silvestrini like to "restore the Pledge" to preserve its historic heritage: Its earlier stiff-arm salute gesture to the fasciate flag?

Mussolini Silvestrini and LaRouche La Ruth did not know (until schooled by RexCurry.net) that German National Socialists did not call their flag symbol a "swastika," (they called it a Hakenkreuz, or "hooked cross") and they sometimes used the symbol to represent overlapping S-letters for their "socialism."

If the Tampa Tribune had its own swastika flag it might use a cross of T-letters  (to see what it would look like CLICK HERE).
also see http://rexcurry.net/tampa-tribune-swastika-flag.jpg
and http://rexcurry.net/tampa-tribune-swastika-tetragrammaton.jpg

It would not be surprising to discover that Silvestrini and Ruth drive Volkswagens.

RexCurry.net exposed the use of the swastika as S-symbolism for words and names that begin with the "S" letter (e.g. "Silvestrini" and "Socialism"). Silvestrini was probably fascinated to learn that some German National Socialists signed their names using swastika-style symbolism. http://rexcurry.net/swastika-hanfstaengl.html 

Silvestrini and Ruth attack people who do not slavishly submit to the enormous federal government, as they do. If the antidisestablishmentarianism does not end, then the USA's police state will worsen. Everyone must oppose the modern version of national socialism at the Tampa Tribune.

For many years, the near-sighted Tribune toady (Ruth) has flittered about the fringes of political life in the Tampa Bay area with his nazi-style name-calling. 

Ruth, a Dominick Dunne wannabe, is the Rump-hole of the Insanely. Ruth's self-defecating remarks are asinine. Ruth's flatulence worsens whenever Ruth rubs his brain cells together. Both of them.

The Tribune is also a torture conspiracy for the victims/survivors of crimes. If victims re-live crime trauma in multiple trials then they can blame Ruth and Silvestrini and people who think as they do. Sadistic Silvestrini and Ruth stupidly hail the ballooning federal government and for victims of gruesome crimes to endure multiple trials that are costly and time-consuming. They are morbid news nazis in a clockwork orange. If it were up to Ruth, Silvestrini and their BDSM ilk then the federal and state government would take turns re-trying the same "newsy" cases annually so that Ruth and Silvestrini would have something about which to babble. Ruth and Silvestrini are 2 girls and 1 cup journalism.

It is no wonder that columns by Silvestrini and Ruth never state any qualifications they have to write articles about legal topics (or any topics). Only their phone numbers and email addresses were given with no biographical or background information (nor any link to such information). Compared to Dr. Curry's illustrious career, Silvestrini's name is longer than her career highlights. There is a complete lack of disclosure of whether Silvestrini or Ruth have any licensing or educational achievement that qualifies either to write on such a topic, how they were selected, nor how much they were paid to write (It might embarrass them if the Tampa Tribune printed what they were paid. They are no where near being paid $100 per hour). They learned to write in government schools on Planet Zircon 9. Silvestrini is the Touch-hole of the Insanely. Many readers do not know that Ruth is a wiener of the pull-it surprise. Silvestrini helped him. (That is a coveted achievement among "jurinalists"). http://rexcurry.net/daniel-ruth-lyndon-larouche.jpg

Daniel Ruth Lyndon LaRouche twins
Dr. Curry's illustrious career has recently acquired two additional achievements: aiding in the firing of Daniel Ruth, and exposing and defeating Ruth and Silvestrini in public.

As a career move, Silvestrini and Ruth should not become lawyers.  Their "journalism" might cause some people to wonder if they are competent even to write about legal issues, or to write at all about anything. If they are considering a job change then here is a Memo to Silvestrini and Ruth: Don't start packing your bags.

Silvestrini and Ruth remain unable or unwilling to state the simple issue: The Pledge of Allegiance (and its author) was the origin of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers Party and influenced its symbols and rituals. They are deniers and historical revisionists. They play blind to its effect on the enormous growth of government today. http://rexcurry.net/USA-pledge-of-allegiance-rexcurrydotnet.jpg

Are Tribune writers dense or does intellectual dishonesty and a lack of integrity make them unwilling to provide simple accurate reporting? That is why the Tribune is known as Helloooooo Sucker News and as the Wanna Buy A Duck? newspaper.

On the other hand, Elaine Silvestrini has strange tastes in what she does write about. In a recent article, Silvestrini's interests were drawn to "adults only" web pages about swastika and flag fetishism and she was attracted to a body-building picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger and a picture of an American flag with swastikas in place of stars. On 7-3-07, Silvestrini wrote about a man who sells virtual sex toys, including characters on screen that can be animated into a variety of sexual positions (she seems to have researched that one thoroughly); Silvestrini has written repeatedly about what Silvestrini calls a "high-profile drug, sex and torture case."
Silvestrini and Ruth have paid a lot of attention to Max Hardcore and his sadistic pornography (and LaRuth makes childish jokes about it, of course).

It is a reminder of the old adage: "To a socialist/statist there is no bigger phallic symbol than a flag pole."

If you read newspapers for years then you will see all manner of ditzoid craziness that slops its way over the journalistic gunwales -claims of UFO abductions, the conspiracy theorists, Nazi cabals, and people who believe monkeys are taking over the world.

And those are just some of the serious news stories. There are some newspaper writers, too, who are really weird. Take Silvestrini and Ruth. Please, take them.

For all the black helicopter sightings and strange arguments that Shecky Green and the Jewish lobby control the government and Y2K means the end of the world, Silvestrini Mussolini and LaRouche La Ruth are the most twistedly evasive.

The Felliniesque Fidel Castros never addressed any of the original issues. For example, why is the federal government growing so large, taking over criminal law nationwide, and becoming involved in what in the past would have been state level cases? Silvestrini - a "newspaper" writer  - weighed in with one long sputtering bluster against historical reality. Loony Ruth did his mental blank-out. The Karl Marxs of the Twilight Zone responded with a bunch of journalistic babble.

Silvestrini and Ruth are the most visible local disciples of the Tampa Tribune, which ought to have their embarrassed fellow travelers donning Groucho Marx disguises around the office and about town. They probably prefer a Charlie Chaplin disquise (because of the moustache).

Recently when Silvestrini wrote again about "high-profile drugs, sex and torture," Silvestrini mentioned Dr. Curry, and his appellate work as an attorney for a defendant in whom Silvestrini has taken an ongoing interest. Silvestrini wrote about two critics of Curry's work and then she quoted Curry's response, "You can write that I have challenged them to a public debate of their claims and that the next step is to select a time and place for doing so, if they think they are up to it." http://rexcurry.net/elaine-silvestrini-tampa-tribune.html

Silvestrini's quote was a public debate challenge by Dr. Curry to Charles Rose, a professor at Stetson Law School, and the dare was printed in the Tampa Tribune Newspaper in September 2008. A law school would be an ideal place for an educational debate and it would be easy for Charles Rose to rise up to the challenge.  As expected, Charles Rose apparently did not think he was up to it as Charles Rose has not selected a time or place in response to Dr. Curry's public debate challenge.

Similar public debate challenges were made to Silvestrini and Ruth.

Even after Elaine Silvestrini drafted the debate challenge to Charles Rose in the newspaper, there was no response from Rose that Silvestrini printed in the article.

It remains another media debate challenge victory for Dr. Curry over Rose, Ruth and Silvestrini.

It is telling to note that a google search reveals a web page on the Stetson Law School web site where Charles Rose (or someone for him) keeps a running list of the relationship between Silvestrini and Rose by synopsizing articles where Silvestrini repeatedly uses Rose. The Stetson web page lists the article in which Silvestrini referenced Dr. Curry, however the Stetson web lists covers-up Dr. Curry's public debate challenge to Rose. Did Rose cover-up the debate challenge or did someone do it for him?

Silvestrini failed to discuss nor even enumerate the six or more issues in Dr. Curry's legal brief argued on behalf of the defendant in the federal appellate hearing. Silvestrini has the ability to let her audience decide for themselves because Silvestrini could post Dr. Curry's brief on the web site of the Tampa Tribune or TBO.com, but Silvestrini did not do so and will not do so because the brief would expose her inane comments, omissions and cover-ups. Readers are misled and kept ignorant.

Silvestrini's method of using of Rose's comments is especially odd considering that Silvestrini was too stupid to realize that similar appellate issues were argued in six issues raised by another attorney in a related case involving Scott Schweickert, charged as a co-conspirator.  

One of the issues raised in both briefs was "insufficiency of the evidence" which is probably the most common issue argued in appeals of criminal cases.

Did Silvestrini through her writing make it appear that Rose was unable to recognize any meritorious arguments in the six or more issues raised on behalf of the defendant in the brief? Did Silvestrini distort Rose's comments in an attempt to make it appear that no issue in the legal brief was understood?  Did she only tell Rose about one issue? If so, then Silvestrini owes Charles Rose a public apology.

Did Silvestrini withhold from Rose a copy of a similar brief filed by the co-conspirator, and not inform Rose of the other brief? If so, then Silvestrini owes Charles Rose a public apology.

It would be unusual for any lawyer or law professor to waive / abandon all the issues for both defendants. If such a thing occurred it would be called an "Anders brief" for both defendants (in an Anders brief a defense attorney openly states that he believes there are no meritorious issues to argue for a defendant).

Ineffective assistance of counsel is shown primarily by waiving and abandoning issues. Not by having an extra issue that is not victorious. Most appeals are unsuccessful, meaning that all arguments made in most cases are rejected by the appellate court.

Silvestrini's remarks are a reminder of the cliche' "If you can't do, and you can't teach, then write."

Here is other information that was provided to Elaine Silvestrini and that she omitted from her article: The issues raised in Dr. Curry's brief are not uncommon and similar to most of the issues raised in other briefs, such as that of the alleged co-conspirator (for example, insufficiency of the evidence). Some of the issues were also raised in articles in Silvestrini's newspaper (the Tampa Tribune) about the case and are also supported by comments made by some judges, jurors and other observers concerning the charges, the trial and the sentence (and some of that is in the brief). The issues are also supported by other people such as the former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi (author of the book "The Prosecution of President George W. Bush for Murder"). It is also consistent with what has been the law historically in the U.S.A.

Some of the issues have also met with some success in United States v. Stewart 348 F.3d 1132 (9th Cir. 2003) an opinion by Judge Alex Kozinski (who
spoke in Tampa to the Federal Bar Association during the same month that Silvestrini penned her claptrap). The Stewart case is available at various locations on the web including http://bulk.resource.org/courts.gov/c/F3/348/348.F3d.1132.02-10318.html

Similar arguments were made unsuccessfully in Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1 (2005) (the medical marijuana case cited in the government's brief and in Dr. Curry's brief). United States v. Stewart is a case involving a challenge to the constitutionality of 18 U.S.C. § 922o under the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that mere possession of homemade machine guns can not be constitutionally regulated by the United States Congress under the Commerce Clause. Upon granting certiorari, the Supreme Court of the United States vacated the Ninth Circuit's ruling and remanded the case back to the court for further consideration in light of its ruling in Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1 (2005) where a new decision was issued in Stewart. see http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/coa/newopinions.nsf/315E1DE83BC0D4258825719D005C71F8/$file/0210318.pdf?openelement

Silvestrini's inability to undertand the jurisdictional argument on appeal (that the federal government lacked jurisdiction in the case) is bizarre in light of her May 1, 2007 article in the Tampa Tribune in which she wrote that Judge Merryday "...said the federal government is 'not situated to prosecute the real offense, which prosecution is situated in the state of Florida.' "

Silvestrini also wrote, regarding Curry's client: "In sentencing [the defendant] last year, U.S. District Judge Richard Lazzara said that if he were a circuit judge [state level] and the prosecution had brought capital murder charges, the government would have no trouble establishing the presence of four aggravating factors - facets of the case legally required for a death sentence "

Silvestrini shows her denseness by repeatedly phoning (more than five years and counting?) the state prosecutor's office to ask when the state will begin a trial in the matter. Each time, Silvestrini writes that state action will be announced "soon." Perhaps Silvestrini thinks the state needs to hurry before the defendant's 200 years in federal prison is up. Perhaps Silvestrini secretly believes that Dr. Curry's legal arguments will prevail and that the defendant will be released soon. Her blockheaded phone calls have probably provided the state-level prosecutor's office with comic relief.

Silvestrini misquoted Dr. Curry in Silvestrini's article when she wrote that Dr. Curry "said in an e-mail exchange that he plans in his argument to the court to quote from the book 'The Prosecution of President George W. Bush for Murder' by the former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi." The email shows that Silvestrini's comment is incorrect and that Dr. Curry was wise to restrict Silvestrini to written communication. Even when a Tampa Tribune reporter like Silvestrini is restricted to written communication, she still can't get the quote correct.  Even when Silvestrini could literally cut-and-paste the quote from email, she still blows it.

Silvestrini had plenty of potential quotes in Dr. Curry's generous written interview yet, as is classic bad journalism, she very selectively (misleadingly) gave her readers only two short quotes, and she misquoted one of those. That is a letter grade of "F" with a failing 50% rating equivalent to flipping a coin.

Silvestrini is guilty of ineffective assistance of reporting.

At a recent appellate hearing, Silvestrini was too unprofessional to even attempt to speak to Dr. Curry in person.

In a hilarious turn of events at the end of the appellate court hearing on the case that Silvestrini was covering, the appellate court was informed that Silvestrini had misquoted Dr. Curry. The Judges seemed baffled about Silvestrini's behavior. It was clear that none of the Judges were aware of Silvestrini's article about the case. One Judge openly stated that the Tampa Tribune was not a newspaper read by the Judge, a remark that brought chuckles of agreement from the courtroom. Dr. Curry told the judge that he also does not read the Tampa Tribune, and the audience's response increased. The only person who did not laugh was probably Silvestrini.

And, of course, Silvestrini's readers did not receive the story because Silvestrini deliberately omitted it from the article she wrote. Instead, Silvestrini wrote an article about the appellate hearing that was deliberately misleading in regard to what transpired concerning her misquotation. Silvestrini did not tell the whole truth.

In the same article, Silvestrini publicly admitted, in a sheepish manner, that she had misquoted Dr. Curry. And by "sheepish" is meant that she continued to be unforthright in her statements. Silvestrini did not attempt to speak to Dr. Curry regarding Silvestrini's later article, despite Silvestrini's strange efforts to speak to Curry for Silvestrini's earlier article. After the hearing, She did not attempt to speak to Dr. Curry in person or communicate in any way. Since the time she misquoted Dr. Curry she has not communicated, not even attempting to do so by email.

When the federal jurisdiction issue was addressed at the appellate hearing, none of the judges displayed the bizarre ignorance of the topic that had been demonstrated by Silvestrini in her article.

Nevertheless, the media debate challenge that was issued by Dr. Rex Curry as quoted by Silvestrini, is also available to Silvestrini......if she thinks that she is up to it.
Apparently, Silvestrini does not think she is up to it as she has not selected a time or place in response to the public debate challenge. The only person Silvestrini is fooling is herself. It is another media debate challenge victory for Dr. Curry over Elaine Silvestrini and the Tampa Tribune newspaper.

It is no wonder why old-style "newspapers" such as Silvestrini's are dying out as people turn to the internet for more accurate information. http://rexcurry.net/pledge2.html

Every landmark decision by a federal appellate court or the Supreme Court (e.g. Miranda, or the recent case finding the sentencing guidelines unconstititional) is a "landmark" case because it was unanticipated by most people, including the people to whom Elaine Silvestrini talked.

Silvestrini feigns ignorance about the topic of articles that she writes. Although she refused to include it in her article, Silvestrini was aware of Dr. Curry's famous drug-dog case resulting in the suppression of evidence. The government unsuccessfully tried to appeal all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. Supreme Court denied the government's petition on Oct. 31, 2005 in case # 04-1668. Search for "Matheson" on this web page http://supreme.lp.findlaw.com/supreme_court/orders/2005/103105pzor.html
The government also unsuccessfully appealed to Florida's Supreme Court to overturn the victory. Also see the Second District Court of Appeal opinoin at

Silvestrini deliberately leaves pertinent information out of her articles to make her articles misleading. Although she refused to include it in her article, Silvestrini was aware of another case in which a prosecutor wanted Dr. Curry to abandon an issue and withdraw a  motion to suppress evidence. Instead, Curry's motion was granted and the government dismissed the charges against Curry's client as well as two other defendants.

Daniel Ruth & Elaine Silvestrini Newspaper News

Here is another victory by Dr. Curry in the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals. http://rexcurry.net/lawcunningham.html
And another victory by Dr. Curry in the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals. http://rexcurry.net/romanoappeal.html
And another victory in the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals http://rexcurry.net/law-martinez-11th-victory.pdf

And other courts.
A win in Federal court http://rexcurry.net/lawmaldon.html
LAWYERS, GUNS (& MONEY) - gun returned after illegal carry charge is defeated. http://rexcurry.net/gunbeeson.html
DRUGS, GUNS & BAD POLICE SEARCHES - another victory for liberty & peacful conduct. http://rexcurry.net/lawWhite.html
ORJALES v. FLORIDA - a 3 year minimum mandatory gun sentence is overturned. http://rexcurry.net/laworjales.html
BALDWIN v. FLORIDA - another 3 year minimum mandatory gun sentence is stricken. http://rexcurry.net/lawbaldwin.html
PEACEFUL COCAINE SALE WITH BAD PURSE SEARCH - lady is free to go. http://rexcurry.net/law%20graphics/tara.html
COPS: THEIR OWN ANONYMOUS TIP SOURCES? - not in this cocaine case. http://rexcurry.net/lawJohnson.html
SELF-REPRESENTATION IN COURT - a lawyer preserves the right to be lawyerless. http://rexcurry.net/lawNeeld.htm

People who are similar to the ones to whom Silvestrini spoke were completely discouraging about Curry's drug-dog case at the trial level and then wondered why Curry bothered to initiate the appeal.  Later, the same people all expressed amazement at Curry's victory and cited his case.

All "landmark" cases are cases that seemed pointless until the unexpected happened.

How would the Supreme Court ever reverse itself (and it has done so) if no one ever bothered to try and keep raising issues upon which the Supreme Court has already ruled?

Even President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's court packing scam was unexpected as was the Supreme Court's "switch in time that saved nine" (also known as the "switch in time that socialized nine") that drastically changed the course of the federal courts.

It sounds as if some of the people to whom Silvestrini talked are people who don't try. The type of people that Silvestrini likes are people who are ineffective and unable to do anything but give up in Court and bend over for the government/prosecution.  It sounds as if they are saying that they would provide their client with ineffective assistance by deliberately NOT raising issues on appeal because they don't want to "distract" from other arguments.  That is a complete waiver / abandonment of the issues they do not raise. They pretend to read the minds of judges and to discern how much judicial distraction might occur. They think appellate judges are dopes who will be completely distracted by one argument and ignore all other arguments. Their point is absurd. It is wild speculation.

There are many REAL examples of ineffective assistance from people who DID abandon issues, using the reasoning in Silvestrini's article.

The opposite can also occur with a good lawyer: Give the judges a unique issue so that they think that the brief is interesting and they want to have oral arguments, unlike the thousand boring briefs that all sound the same that are filed by the people such as those to whom Silvestrini talked, and that aren't set for oral arguments.

Dr. Curry's appellate brief was set for oral argument by the appellate court.

Dan Ruth St. Petersburg Times Socialism
Dan Ruth http://rexcurry.net/DAN-RUTH-socialism.jpg Charlie Chaplin disquise


Case update: The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals humiliated Elaine Silvestrini when it issued its opinion in the case and specifically referenced the Interstate Commerce Clause argument. The Court noted that its hands were tied because it is "foreclosed by precedent." That means that even if the Court wants to rule otherwise, it can't due to bad precedent.

Silvestrini sent another email asking for a comment on the Court's decision. Due to Silvestrini's poor memory, she was reminded that her question had already been answered in an earlier email response that had been sent to Silvestrini before oral argument on the case: "The case will probably be heading for the United States Supreme Court on the same arguments." The earlier email responses to Silvestrini included the very point mentioned in the Court's decision with discussion of the bad precedent problem and how it is overturned, all of which Silvestrini deliberately ignored in order to mis-inform readers of the Tampa Tribune.

The Eleventh Circuit's decision is a moral victory for Dr. Rex Curry and his client along with the fact that in that it took the Court over a week to issue the opinion after the Court gave the matter "careful consideration" (that is a quote from the Court's decision).

After the Court's decision was released, Silvestrini probably made another one of her repetitive and comic calls to state prosecutor's office to inquire if and when they might bring charges in the same case.


Before 4:20 p.m. on 9-4-08, Elaine Silvestrini placed a call to Dr. Rex Curry and she left a vague message on voicemail asking to talk to him. Because of the vagueness of the message and because Silvestrini works for the Tampa Tribune, and Dr. Curry is familiar with her writing, and she has an ongoing interest in one of Dr. Curry's clients, Dr. Curry responded in writing by email to Silvestrini in order to create a written record of what transpired.

In response, Silvestrini sent an email to Dr. Curry on 9-4-2008 at 4:20 p.m. that began "I wanted to talk to you...." and used that phrase twice in the email. It was clear that she did not want to make a written record of what she wanted to say, nor what the responses would be.  Dr. Curry took the sensible path and continued to respond in writing throughout the disturbing repetitive communications.

Silvestrini sent another email on 9-4-2008 at 5:07 p.m. that included the sentence "I really would like to talk."  
Silvestrini sent another email on 9-5-2008 at 8:26 a.m.
Silvestrini sent another email on 9-5-2008 at 2:00 p.m. that included the sentence "I really would like to talk to you."
Silvestrini sent another email on 9-5-2008 at 3:02 p.m.
Silvestrini sent another email on 9-5-2008 at 4:10 p.m. That email included her statement that she wanted to talk about "adults only" web pages.

Silvestrini became childishly angry when Dr. Curry spurned her overtures "to talk."  Dr. Curry wanted to communicate in writing to make a record of what Silvestrini was doing.  She did not want to create a record (she did not want to communicate by email).

It was only after Silvestrini's behavior was publicly exposed that she stopped.

Silvestrini misquoted Dr. Curry in Silvestrini's article when she wrote that Dr. Curry "said in an e-mail exchange that he plans in his argument to the court to quote from the book 'The Prosecution of President George W. Bush for Murder' by the former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi." The email shows that Silvestrini's comment is incorrect and that Dr. Curry was wise to restrict Silvestrini to written communication. Even when a Tampa Tribune reporter like Silvestrini is restricted to written communication, she still can't get the quote correct. Even when Silvestrini could literally cut-and-paste the quote from email, she still blows it.

Silvestrini had plenty of potential quotes in Dr. Curry's generous written interview yet, as is classic bad journalism, she very selectively (misleadingly) gave her readers only two short quotes, and she misquoted one of those. That is a letter grade of "F" with a failing 50% rating equivalent to flipping a coin. Silvestrini later admitted her "error" in public in a later article in the newspaper. She kinda sorta had to admit the error because it was all done by email. Does anyone think she would recollect it that way if it had been by "talking"?


Silvestrini is so out-of-touch with reality (and so defective as a "reporter") that she does not realize there ARE lawyers who carry guns into courthouses, as well as
many other people who do. (P.S. please don't help her wise up, as she will want to disarm all of them).


Silvestrini's uninformative writing is especially odd in light of an earlier Tampa Tribune article concerning Chief Judge Alex Kozinski being accused of posting sexually explicit material onwebsite. On the same topic see
and http://www2.tbo.com/content/2008/jun/13/na-judge-calls-for-probe-of-his-porn-posting/

Elaine Silvestrini, Tampa Tribune, learned about the Pledge at RexCurry.net

The Tampa Tribune (and other local papers or incarnations) has been covering up for the pledge and flag fetishism for almost a century.

"Francis M. Bellamy, Patriotic Writer, Dies" New York Times August 30, 1931.
"Flag Pledge Author Dies at Home Here" Tampa Daily Times, August 29, 1931.
"Author of Flag Pledge Dies at His Home Here" Tampa Tribune, August 29, 1931.
"His Words Will Live Forever" Tampa Tribune, September 1, 1931
"This is Flag Day, Let's Take the Pledge Again" Tampa Daily Times, June 14, 1931.

Journalism is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, describing it incorrectly, and quoting politicians about the wrong remedy.

Benito Mussolini & Elaine Silvestrini http://rexcurry.net/elaine-silvestrini-benito-mussolini.jpg Elaine Silvestrini & Benito Mussolini
Elaine Silvestrini & Benito Mussolini
Benito Mussolini & Elaine Silvestrini http://rexcurry.net/elaine-silvestrini-benito-mussolini.jpg Elaine Silvestrini & Benito Mussolini
Elaine Silvestrini & Benito Mussolini. The Italian cohort of German National Socialism (Benito Mussolini) developed power as a socialist "journalist" among socialists and socialist newspapers in Italy. He covered up the origin of National Socialist dogma and of its stiff-armed salute. Many modern media mussolinis become mean or tyrannical when an interviewee wants to make a record of an interview. Learn more at RexCurry.net

Daniel Ruth Lyndon LaRouche twins
Daniel Ruth and Lyndon LaRouche. Is Daniel "LaRouche La Ruth" the person known as Lyndon LaRouche? Has anyone ever seen these two together? The mystery of Ruth's hybrid toupee / combover question is solved? See http://rexcurry.net/daniel-ruth-lyndon-larouche.jpg

Secret swastika flag of news nazis at the Tampa Tribune Newspaper?
Tampa Tribune Swastika Flag? Pull it surprise

Elaine Silvestrini Mussolini and Daniel Ruth LaRouche did not know (until schooled by RexCurry.net) that German National Socialists did not call their German flag symbol a "swastika," (they called it a Hakenkreuz, or "hooked cross") and they sometimes used the symbol to represent crossed S-letters for their "socialism."

The "Pledge of Allegiance" (to the U.S. Flag) and the early American stiff-arm salute originated in 1892 from the notorious national socialist Francis Bellamy. Daily publication of the Tampa Tribune (hereinafter "TT") newspaper started in 1895 when Wallace Stovall upgraded printing from once a week.

The word "Tribune" is etymologically related to the Roman/Latin word for an officer of a legion. It is also related to the word "tribe" and the tribe mentality promoted in the national socialist propaganda of Dan Ruth LaRouche, Elaine Silvestrini Mussolini and the TT newspaper.

Above (or see the links) is a historic photo of the secret flag for news nazis (e.g. Daniel Ruth LaRouche) and other flag fetishists at the Tampa Tribune (TT) with its own swastika-style symbol that uses a cross of T-letters as alphabetical symbolism for "Tampa Tribune" (a variation of the teutonic cross altered for use as a tetragram). http://rexcurry.net/tampa-tribune-swastika-flag.jpg
and http://rexcurry.net/tampa-tribune-swastika-tetragrammaton.jpg

The following is a drawing of the Tampa Tribune newspaper boat with its swastika-style flag at the Gasparilla pirate festival. The scale is actual size. http://rexcurry.net/aa5b.jpg

The news nazi flag is an imitation of the swastika flag and its alphabetical symbolism under German National Socialism. Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, German National Socialists sometimes used the symbol (which they called a "hooked cross") to represent crossed S-letters for their "socialism."

The photograph also shows loudspeakers from which the Tribune's anti-individualist propaganda can be barked.

The unreadable Ruth LaRouche is notorious for his nazi-style name-calling.

Ruth LaRouche has admitted publicly that readers have labeled him, among other things, "bigot, prejudiced, hateful and ignorant."

On another occasion, the response against Ruth from the general public was so great that Ruth said he was labeled a "Dork, anti-free market statist $#%!&, Dummkopf, liberal, daffy, dolt, stupid, dunce and, oh by the way, socialist." (That's National Socialist).

Loudspeakers are also used for the secret News Nazi Pledge of Allegiance. The News Nazi Pledge expands upon the bizarre perversity of Bellamy's Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There is another important difference: the early American stiff-arm gesture has not been changed in the News Nazi Pledge (for Bellamy's Pledge the gesture began to change in 1942 after the United States entered WWII and well after the beginning of WWII).

Francis Bellamy lived in Tampa from 1924 to 1931. The Tribune printed the following articles upon Bellamy's demise: "Author of Flag Pledge Dies at His Home Here" (August 29, 1931) and "His Words Will Live Forever" (September 1, 1931).

It is important to remember that during the time of the infamous influence of American national socialists (e.g. Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy) the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was formed (in 1920), with electoral breakthroughs in 1930, and dictatorship in 1933. German National Socialists adopted the stiff-arm salute that had been used in the U.S. for about three decades (from 1892), along with robotic chanting to flags, and persecution of anyone who thought it was disturbing "tribe mentality" behavior.

Tampa Tribune Swastika St. Petersburg Times Socialism

Another Tampa Tribune / St. Pete Times symbol shows the Tampa Tribune's T-cross combined with the St. Petersburg Times' S-cross, the hooked-cross swastika. http://rexcurry.net/swastika-tampa-tribune.jpg  Dark T-letters form the S-letters of the lighter swastika (at the interior) and encircle it. It symbolizes how the two have the same deadly dogma of socialism, similar to that under the National Socialist German Workers Party. http://rexcurry.net/elaine-silvestrini-tampa-tribune.html 

Tampa Tribune Swastika Flag?

Tampa Tribune swastika style flag?  Drawing of Tampa Tribune newspaper boat at Gasparilla pirate festival with swastika-style flag. Scale: actual size.

Great job Rex – go get them! FYI, the Tampa Tribune’s Elaine Silvestrini is close to the Feds, the Federal prosecutor and FBI in particular. Indeed, the frequency with which her name appears on the Tribune’s local federal law enforcement related stories suggest that the Fed “law dogs” are her primary assignment – and of course, she has to feed her “pups”. Her ad hominem attack is an unprofessional - albeit typical - smear attempt. By speaking truth to power, you have just now correctly pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes.  - Your Pal, O

This article was really interesting, did not know you were on that case. Why did the reporter Elaine Silvestrini choose to write about it?  Her motives were very unclear.  She also seems quite uninformed about, and somewhat disinterested in, governmental intrusions on liberty.  In addition, Silvestrini does not seem to grasp the role of an attorney.  She seems to find it quite shocking that anyone would challenge the status quo.  Very disappointed in her coverage, if she's going to be a reporter it would help to have an inquiring mind. - K

Daniel Ruth LaRouche recently commented on his departure from the Tampon Tribune: "I'm 59 years old and I've had a triple bypass...I don't quite know what my marketability is." For a better idea of his marketability see Ruth LaRouche's photo at http://rexcurry.net/daniel-ruth-lyndon-larouche.jpg

Popular advice for anyone who is in a rough spot is to try to think about others who are worse off.  For example, Ruth might think about Bart Siegel.

Some people say that Bart Siegel did not understand how to deal with someone like Ruth LaRouche and his ilk. Some people say that Bart Siegel was too polite when compared to Daniel Ruth LaRouche.

Ruth was an addict (nicotine, which has been compared to heroin in its addictiveness). He gave up the habit. And he also had triple bypass surgery.

Many locals still wonder whether an actual heart was found.

It is no wonder why so many media phlegm -including the nicotine addicts- want to increase the deadly socialist takeover of medicine. Such people often also need  extensive cosmetic surgery that they can't afford. The need for cosmetic surgery is often related to smoking and heavy drinking.

Their mental density is the only thing that prevents Trib twits from openly advocating a socialist takeover (or government "bailout") of the Tampa Tribune. Some media phlegm advocate the socialist takeover path for the car industry. They advocated socialized football stadiums too.

It is the same dogma that was spouted by the notorious American National Socialists Edward Bellamy and Francis Bellamy, and later by the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).

Ruth sometimes attempted humor with flippant remarks about drinking heavily. Judging from modern journalism (e.g. election coverage and socialist "bailout" news), heavy drinking is a big problem in the media.

Perhaps some or all of the above influenced Ruth LaRouche's notorious nazi-style name-calling, his trademark at the Tribune.

Is Daniel Ruth the person known as Lyndon LaRouche? Has the mystery of Ruth's hybrid toupee / combover question been solved? See http://rexcurry.net/daniel-ruth-lyndon-larouche.jpg

Earlier Layoffs at the Tribune followed shortly after a previous defeat of Ruth in a public debate challenge (See any internet search for "Tampa Tribune lays off"). http://rexcurry.net/ruth.html

After Ruth's previous loss the response against Ruth from the general public was so great that Ruth said he was labeled a "Dork, anti-free market statist $#%!&, Dummkopf, liberal, daffy, dolt, stupid, dunce and, oh by the way, socialist." http://rexcurry.net/elaine-silvestrini-tampa-tribune.html

Ruth publicly apologized to Dr. Rex Curry for Ruth's errors. http://rexcurry.net/ruth.html

Elaine Silvestrini, another Trib twit, also acknowledged publicly her error. http://rexcurry.net/elaine-silvestrini-benito-mussolini.jpg

The apology was too late, as the Tribune continued to twist down its toilet. It is causing spectators to wager on when the Tribune will be out of business. http://rexcurry.net/daniel-ruth-tampa-tribune.html

Ruth seemed to reference how he had been exposed when he stated,
"For the last two years, hardly a day has gone by when I didn't wonder if this would be the day . . .  now that day has come."

On another occasion, Ruth admitted publicly that locals have labeled him "bigot, prejudiced, hateful and ignorant" among many other similar insults.

You can lead a reporter to a story, but you can't make him think.

 "Why is television (or the print media) called a medium? Because it is neither rare nor well-done."

What is black and white and red all over? your daily newspaper.

Q: What is the definition of an politician?
    A: Someone who claims to solve a problem you didn't know you had in a way you don't understand.
Q: What is the definition of an journalist?
    A: Someone who writes about a politician solving a problem you didn't know you had in a way you don't understand.

Q: When does a person decide to become a journalist?
A: When he realizes he doesn't have the charisma to succeed as a politician.

What do you call a handcuffed politician?  Trustworthy.

The usual follow up to "Journalists are the ones who come in after the battle and bayonet the wounded" is:  Politicians are the ones who follow the journalists and strip the bodies.

    A totalitarian socialist invades the country and goes up to the first people he sees (a politician and a journalist) and says "I'm a totalitarian socialist and I just invaded to destroy your economy. What do you think about that?"
    The journalist replies "I don't think, I just write what the politician thinks."
    The journalist and the other totalitarian both look at the politician for a response. The politician glances about furtively and says "What would you like me to think about that?"

What's the definition of a politician? It's a guy who will legislate the ways everyone can make love but he doesn't know any girls.

    A journalist sees a politician riding up on a new bicycle. So he stops the politician and asks where he bought the bike. The politician says "The funniest thing happened. A beautiful woman was pushing her bike past me, when suddenly she stops, takes off all her clothes and tells me to take what I want!!!!"

Followup punchline to above: And the journalist says to the politician, "Good choice, her clothes wouldn't have fit you anyway!!"

Pledge of Allegiance & Elaine Silvestrini http://rexcurry.net/silvestrini-elaine-tampa-tribune-pledge.jpg Pledge of Allegiance & Elaine Silvestrini
Elaine Silvestrini Tampa Tribune was educated by RexCurry.net about the Pledge of Allegiance and Francis Bellamy
Elaine Silvestrini & the Pledge of Allegiance http://rexcurry.net/silvestrini-elaine-tampa-tribune-pledge.jpg Elaine Silvestrini & the Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge: Punchline and/or cautionary tale?

The stiff-arm salute developed from the "Pledge of Allegiance," written in 1892. Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") and Frederick Bellamy (who introduced Edward to socialistic "Fourierism") were socialists. Edward, Charles and Frederick were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, and the "Nationalist Educational Association." They wanted all of society to ape the military and they touted "military socialism" and the "industrial army." Edward’s book was an international bestseller, translated into every major language (including Italian & German) and he inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists worldwide (including Italy & Germany) via “Nationalist Clubs.”

The government in the USA and the government schools and the media hide those facts from people in the USA and from people in other countries.

The U.S. still follows the similar anti libertarian policies. Many Bellamy socialist policies were followed in the USA and still are followed in the USA and caused the USA’s big, expensive and oppressive government. The government still owns and operates schools, including the same schools that imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy. The U.S. practice of imposing segregation by law in government schools and teaching racism as official policy even outlasted Mussolini and Hitler by over 15 years. After segregation in government's schools ended, the Bellamy legacy caused more police-state racism of forced busing that destroyed communities and neighborhoods and deepened hostilities. Those schools still exist. Infants are given social security numbers that track and tax them for life. Those schools demand the numbers to enroll. The Pledge still exists along with laws mandating that teachers lead the robotic pledge chanting every day for twelve years of each child’s life.

Elaine Silvestrini: RexCurry.net's work exposing the Pledge of Allegiance educated the Tampa Tribune Newspaper reporter Elaine Silvestrini.
THE SICK SOCIALIST SWASTIKA & Elaine Silvestrini http://rexcurry.net/silvestrini-elaine-tampa-tribune.jpg SWASTIKAS & Elaine Silvestrini
Elaine Silvestrini Tampa Tribune was educated by RexCurry.net about the sick socialist swastika, Edward Bellamy Swastika, and the Industrial Army
Elaine Silvestrini & THE SICK SOCIALIST SWASTIKA http://rexcurry.net/silvestrini-elaine-tampa-tribune.jpg Elaine Silvestrini & SWASTIKAS

In the summer of 2007 I had a conversation with a business associate/friend whose business involved using newspaper classified advertising for his business. He remarked to me that over an extended period of time he had given the Tampa Tribune many thousands of dollars in business. Yet, during that time the Tribune had constantly published columns of Daniel Ruth in which Ruth constantly wrote columns in which he disparaged many people in the community that my friend admired and supported.

I jokingly teased him about the freedom of the press and such. He very somberly reminded me that there was a vast difference between freedom of expression and school yard name calling.

He went on to say that he had written letters of complaint to the tribune without so much as an acknowledgement. After years of frustration he enlisted family members to explore alternatives to Tribune advertising. They decided that new media of the internet using classified sites such as Craig's List and local/regional advertising sites was their answer. They found that not only was it more effective but far cheaper. My friend was quite gleeful about his divorce from the Tribune advertising department.

As for myself, being in a similar business my friend, I, too, have chaffed at the indifference of the Tribune toward the business I extended to them. Their seeming attitude was, "We are the only action in town for your type of business. So you take us and Daniel Ruth as is--like it or lump it!"

Since that fateful conversation I had with my friend I have, also, moved all my business advertising into the new media. And am I ever glad I did. It has been most effective. Furthermore, I encourage any business that depends on this type of advertising to move to the new media. It is cheaper and there is far more competition for your business. You will not be sorry for your move.

I used to wish that the Tampa Tribune would rid itself of the likes of Daniel Ruth. But I no longer wish for that. May the Tampa Tribune and Daniel Ruth remain together for as long as they both stay in business--which, I pray, will not be for long.

                                                             - Kraba

Pledge of Allegiance youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BssWWZ3XEe4 youtube Pledge of Allegiance

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE http://rexcurry.net/pledge-of-allegiance-rexcurrydotnet.wmv FRANCIS BELLAMY

There is a point where a government becomes so socialistic that all cops are de facto "bad cops" because they represent the government and enforce its policies. Examples include the countries under the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (~60 million people slaughtered); under the Peoples' Republic of China (~50 million); under the National Socialist German Workers' Party (~20 million). Under such socialistic societies there are no good cops or, if any, they must be extremely rare and able to do little. It is where "all the cops are criminals and all the sinners [are] saints" as the Rolling Stones might say. http://rexcurry.net/bad-cops-rexcurrydotnet.html

There is a point where a government becomes so socialistic that all media are de facto "bad media" because they serve the government and disseminate its policies. Examples include media in the countries of the Wholecaust. In  such societies, good media either does not exist or can do little.

The media begin to act like the police.

Elaine Silvestrini of the Tampa Tribune is similar to other "reporters" who don't want a written record, or any record, made of their "interviews." Some reporters are similar to police who become very angry when someone requests that an interview be in writing or recorded.
Judge orders former lawman jailed

Gerald David Webber

Listen to what he did at
read the transcript at http://rexcurry.net/bad-cops-siler-transcript.pdf
This is a reminder of the government's similar behavior at the Abu Ghraib "prison."  Please recollect the abuse photos.

This is more explanation of why many law enforcement agencies (including the FBI) have a policy of not recording interrogations.  The only reason you can hear what happened is because someone else recorded it without their knowledge.

Judge orders former lawman jailed

By BY JAMIE SATTERFIELD, satterfield@knews.com
February 22, 2005

A federal judge today ordered former Campbell County narcotics investigator Gerald David Webber to jail until his sentencing in May for beating and torturing a drug dealer.

Webber, 40, answered U.S. District Court Judge Tom Varlan's questions but stood ramrod straight and quiet for most of the 30-minute hearing.

Webber is one of five former Campbell County lawmen charged with federal civil rights violations of Lester Eugene Siler, 42, of the White Oak community.

He was the first to appear in court; three others are due in court later this week. The fifth is yet to be scheduled.

They are charged with handcuffing and torturing Siler for two hours on July 8, 2004, demanding his drugs and money.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Charles Atchley said none of the men deserved -- under federal law -- their freedom and asked Varlan to incarcerate them after their pleas.

Varlan agreed and ordered Webber to be taken into custody immediately. He is to be sentenced May 23.

Siler and members of his family were present in the courtroom.

Siler's attorneys said they were pleased with the outcome and will probably file a lawsuit within the next 30 days.

Webber, who headed narcotics investigations for Campbell County and is accused of being the ringleader in the alleged torture, pleaded guilty to an information charging him with conspiracy to violate Siler's civil rights.

Samuel Franklin, 42, a veteran detective at the agency and head of its D.A.R.E. program, is scheduled to plead guilty Wednesday, court records show. Rookie Deputy Joshua Monday, 24, and process server Shayne Green, 35, are expected to plead guilty Thursday, according to records.

The four lawmen and part-time process server William Carroll, 26, were named in federal informations filed earlier this month in U.S. District Court. They are accused of beating and torturing Siler after showing up at his house to serve a violation of probation warrant.

Part of the alleged attack was captured on an audiotape after Siler's wife, Jenny, stashed a tape recorder in the kitchen. An FBI transcript of the tape revealed in chilling detail how Siler was threatened, beaten and tortured, with deputies demanding two things from him: that he sign a form to show he agreed for his house to be searched and that he turn over to them all his cash and drugs.

Attorneys for Webber and Franklin filed motions asking Varlan to allow their clients to remain free pending sentencing hearings.

An attorney for Monday, who is not charged in the conspiracy but instead is accused of a separate count of pointing a gun at Siler and threatening to shoot him during Siler's ordeal, also wants his client freed until he is sentenced.

Attorney Lee Asbury argued in his motion that Webber, who lives in Anderson County, "has no prior criminal record" and "has never missed or been late for an appointment with the U.S. Attorney."

Webber, Asbury insisted, should be allowed his freedom because "he has at all times cooperated with the United States Attorney, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Department of Justice."

Asbury's motion does not note, however, that Webber is accused in state court charges of lying to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation in that agency's initial investigation of the incident.

Green, Monday and Franklin also are charged in state court with perjury. The four also face charges in Campbell County Criminal Court of official oppression. District Attorney General Paul Phillips has said state court charges likely will be dropped if the men wind up imprisoned in the federal case. Federal penalties are higher than any that might be handed out in state court, he has said.

Franklin's attorney, Andrew S. Roskind, contends Franklin only went to Siler's house at the request of Webber. Franklin, Roskind says, asked Siler's wife and son to leave the house and, along with the other four lawmen, demanded Siler sign the consent form.

"After making the request, Mr. Franklin threatened Mr. Siler with the use of a slapjack and breaking Mr. Siler's fingers," Roskind wrote. "Mr. Franklin never carried through with either threat nor did he allow one of the other four ... to use his slapjack or break Mr. Siler's fingers.

"Unfortunately and regrettably, although Mr. Franklin never physically harmed Mr. Siler, he failed to stop the other individuals from inflicting further ... harm and injury," Roskind continued.

Roskind contends in his motion that Franklin has served both Campbell County and his country -- he was once in the military -- admirably and deserves freedom pending sentencing because of that.

Monday's attorney, Dennis Francis, writes that his client has no prior criminal history and would agree to be electronically monitored if allowed to remain free.

Atchley counters that none of the men are entitled to freedom.

All, he wrote, will plead guilty to a "crime of violence" for which federal law requires immediate detention. The only exceptions to that law, Atchley noted, would come if the case against them was weak or the lawmen were likely to receive probation.

"The exceptions do not apply," Atchley wrote, indicating that he will indeed seek prison terms for the men.

As for Franklin, Atchley contends Franklin's service to Campbell County and the military does not set him apart from the garden-variety criminal.

"Even painting the defendant's employment history and military service in the best possible light, it seems a bit of a stretch to state that these make his personal character out of the ordinary, uncommon and rare," Atchley wrote.

When Soldiers (and civilians and other non-soldiers) Become Murderers
Posted by Karen De Coster on March 28, 2010 02:01 PM

The February 22, 2010 issue of Time magazine includes this article: “The Threat From Within. Some soldiers become murderers. The military needs to figure out how to stop them.”

After that headline, the article does not dare raise the question of who trained them to murder. Not a single comment about what those soldiers are doing overseas, and how murdering for the state makes them “soldiers,” not murderers. As usual, the media recognizes murder, when committed by those who are given orders to murder, to be justified and permissible. Outside of the military, it’s a crime. From the article:

In late 2005, 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division took control of a stretch of land just south of Baghdad that had come to be known as the Triangle of Death. Experiencing some form of combat nearly every day, suffering from a high casualty rate and enduring chronic breakdowns in leadership, one of the battalion’s platoons — 1st Platoon, Bravo Company — fell into a tailspin of poor discipline, substance abuse and brutality. In March 2006, four 1st Platoon soldiers — Specialist Paul Cortez, Specialist James Barker, Private First Class Jesse Spielman and Private First Class Steven Green — perpetrated one of the most heinous war crimes known to have been committed by U.S. forces during the Iraq War: the rape of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the cold-blooded murders of her, her parents and her 6-year-old sister.

This event is known as the Mahmudiyah killings. It wasn’t just a rape — it was a brutal gang rape. After the rape, Green shot the girl on the head and set her body on fire. Steve Green had already raped the girl in a solo act prior to this killing event. Green had an imperfect past prior to enlisting in the Army, and like many young men with no focus or direction, he pursued the only option he had — the military. Infantry training.

But Green was not a troublemaker, criminal, or otherwise. The media would like you to believe that he was formed and shaped as a killer before he joined the military, for then they don’t have to address the question of why soldiers become murderers. According to Wikipedia, when he joined the Army, he was “granted a moral character waiver for prior alcohol and other drug related offenses that might have otherwise disqualified him.” A moral character waiver? Indeed, because they knew this unfocused young firebrand would make a great killing soldier.

In his apology to the family of the victims, Green said this: “I see now that war is intrinsically evil, because killing is intrinsically evil. And, I am sorry I ever had anything to do with either.” That’s the one thing that Green got right. My apologies for the link to Huffington Post, but Robert Koehler had some good words to say about this event:

To my mind, such locked-in know-nothingism, such refusal to make obvious connections, makes the mainstream U.S. media fully complicit in the conspiracy to evade, indeed, shatter the whole concept of, responsibility for the consequences of our wars of conquest and occupation.

These wars, or the fomenting of the precondition that makes them possible — the dehumanization of whole nationalities — are in and of themselves the problem: They are the disease. Green’s crimes, and all the other propaganda embarrassments for which low-ranking scapegoats have been publicly chastised, are the symptoms. How many symptoms do we need before we dare address the underlying condition, which infects all of us?

…The context also includes the training that our troops, including Steven Green, received before deployment: e.g., hours of bayonet training (“Kill! Kill!”) which has zero combat usefulness in the war on terror, but serves to desensitize the troops and inculcate a monstrous contempt for the people whose country they will occupy.

“We did not send a rapist and murderer to Iraq,” said Patty Ruth, Steven Green’s aunt.

Patty Ruth, of course he wasn’t a rapist and killer. I’m sure the guy you sent to Iraq was just a casual mischief-maker, and a confused kid with no plans, focus, or passion for what he wanted to do and be. The military took advantage of this because it needs kids that are suited to being collectivized and desensitized so that they will blindly follow orders without reservation.

Elaine Silvestrini, Daniel Ruth, Tampa Tribune promote Flag Fetishism & verbally fellating flags. See videos on Youtube below.

More layoffs and down-graded formatting are coming for the Tampa Tribune. Partial blame goes to two Tribune writers: Elaine Silvestrini and Daniel Ruth. Partial credit goes to Dr. Rex Curry in exposing the Tampa Tribune, Silvestrini and Ruth. The layoffs follow mere weeks after Dr. Curry defeated the Tribune, Silvestrini and Ruth in public debate challenges. Their writing was part of a widespread problem at the newspaper. Earlier Layoffs at the Tribune followed shortly after a previous victory for Dr. Curry in exposing and defeating Daniel Ruth (See any internet search for "Tampa Tribune lays off").

After Ruth's previous defeat the response against Ruth from the general public was so great that Ruth said he was labeled a "Dork, anti-free market statist $#%!&, Dummkopf, liberal, daffy, dolt, stupid, dunce and, oh by the way, socialist." Ruth publicly apologized to Dr. Curry for Ruth's errors.

Ruth's apology was too late, as the Tribune continued to twist down the toilet. Ruth and Silvestrini are causing spectators to wager on when the Tribune will be out of business.

The Tribune is collapsing under the web, and Dr. Curry's work is showing the way as Dr. Curry's work is taking top spots on the web. A google search for Elaine Silvestrini shows the # 1 spot (along with the four top spots) is the RexCurry.net page (and others) exposing her. A google image search for Elaine Silvestrini shows the #1 and #2 spots are RexCurry.net web page images. RexCurry.net also shows in searches for Daniel Ruth. Videos expose them in the top spots in Youtube.com searches for Elaine Silvestrini, Daniel Ruth, and Tampa Tribune. For years, RexCurry.net has been the # 3 spot in a google search for Daniel Ruth, after Ruth's previous humiliating defeat, and that explains why Daniel the near-sighted leprechaun remains turdly.

The Tampa Tribune perpetuates flag fetishism and verbally fellating flags by repeating tired cliches through reporters such as Silvestrini and Ruth. They keep their readers ignorant. A youtube.com video reveals more (Note that the views for this Youtube video are over 18,000 views)

It is a reminder of the old saying: "To a socialist/statist there is no bigger phallic symbol than a flag pole."

Below are more videos and links that everyone asked for exposing Daniel Ruth, Elaine Silvestrini and the Tampa Tribune.

Elaine Silvestrini on youtube

Daniel Ruth on youtube

Daniel Ruth web pages

Is Daniel "LaRouche La Ruth" the person known as Lyndon LaRouche? See the photographic evidence at  http://www.flickr.com/photos/7894913@N08/2898419047/

Has anyone ever seen those two together?

Has the mystery of Ruth's hybrid toupee / combover question been solved? (Ruth once told a critic that Ruth would let the critic find out if Ruth has a hybrid toupee/combover if the critic paid Ruth $5000 -Ruth knew that if the price was high then the critic would pass on Ruth's toupee/combover question).
See the startling photographic evidence at http://rexcurry.net/daniel-ruth-lyndon-larouche.jpg

Elaine Silvestrini web pages

Daniel Ruth and Elaine Silvestrini on a blog

Google search for Elaine Silvestrini puts RexCurry.net in top spot

Google search for Daniel Ruth puts RexCurry.net in # 3

Google image search for Elaine Silvestrini

Flickr image for Elaine Silvestrini

Flickr image for Daniel Ruth

Flickr image for Tampa Tribune

Picasa image album

Picasa image search for Elaine Silvestrini

Picasa image for Elaine Silvestrini

Picasa image for Daniel Ruth


Audio on odeo

Here is an excerpt: Think of the Tampa Tribune as a torture and terrorism conspiracy (as its readers think of it; both of them). That makes Elaine
Silvestrini a co-conspirator with Daniel Ruth, another Trib twit. After Ruth's previous loss to Dr. Curry, the response against Ruth from the
general public was so great that Ruth said he was labeled a "Dork, anti-free market statist $#@%!&@, Dummkopf, liberal, daffy, dolt,
stupid, dunce and, oh by the way, socialist." http://rexcurry.net/ruth.html

Ruth's use of "socialist" is very telling in that Ruth continues to cover-up for the National Socialist German Workers Party and its deadly
dogma. Ruth has probably never written the actual name of the group "National Socialist German Workers Party" ever in the Tribune
(check it yourself). Ruth writes flippantly about torture. Good Grief, Lyndon LaRouche was not as delusional as Ruth is. For many years,
the loopy leprechaun (Ruth) has flittered about the fringes of political life in the Tampa Bay area as a sort of scary class clown, in the
"special" section, hoping that his kindergarten cracks will make his teachers give up and leave him alone. Ruth's insane clown posse act
is like something out of "Apocalypse Now" meets "A Clockwork Orange." He is the Rump-hole of the Insanely. http://rexcurry.net/ruthmore.html

In that way, the Tampa Tribune promotes and perpetuates flag fetishism by repeating tired propaganda through reporters such as Ruth
and Silvestrini. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html

It is no wonder that their columns never state any qualifications they have to write articles about the topic (or any articles). Only their
phone numbers and email addresses were given with no biographical or background information (nor any link to such information).  There
is a complete lack of disclosure of whether they have any licensing or educational achievement that qualifies them to write on such a
topic, how they were selected, nor how much they were paid to write (It might embarrass them if they printed what they were
paid). They both learned to write in government schools on Planet Zircon 9. She is the Touch-hole of the Insanely. Compared to Dr. Curry's illustrious career, Silvestrini's name is longer than her career highlights. One suspects that Silvestrini's flatulence worsens every time she rubs her brain cells together. Both of them.

As a career move, they should not become lawyers.  Their "journalism" might cause some people to wonder if they are competent even
to write about legal issues, or to write at all about anything. If they are considering a career change to law then here is a Memo to Daniel
Ruth and Elaine Silvestrini: Don't start packing your bags.

They submit to robotic chanting in worship of the state because it is so much like their writing: robotic repetition of claptrap that is learned
from the government and taught in government schools (socialist schools). http://rexcurry.net/silvestrini-elaine-tampa-tribune.jpg

Silvestrini and Ruth remain unable or unwilling to state the simple issue: The Pledge of Allegiance (and its author) was the origin of the
salute of the National Socialist German Workers Party and influenced its symbols and rituals. They are deniers and historical revisionists.
Are all Tribune writers that dense or does intellectual dishonesty and a lack of integrity make them unwilling to provide simple accurate

On the other hand, Elaine Silvestrini has strange tastes in what she does write about. In a recent article, Silvestrini's interests were drawn
to "adults only" web pages about swastika and flag fetishism; On 7-3-07, Silvestrini wrote about a man who sells virtual sex toys,
including characters on screen that can be animated into a variety of sexual positions; Silvestrini has written repeatedly about what
Silvestrini calls a "high-profile drug, sex and torture case."

If you read newspapers for years then you will see all manner of ditzoid craziness that slops its way over the journalistic gunwales -claims
of UFO abductions, the conspiracy theorists, Nazi cabals, deranged threatening environmentalists and people who believe monkeys are
taking over the world.

And those are just some of the serious news stories in newspapers. There are some newspaper writers, too, who are really weird. Take Ruth and
Silvestrini. Please, take them.

For all the bizarre black helicopter sightings and strange arguments that Shecky Green and the Jewish lobby control the government and Y2K means the end
of the world, the most twistedly evasive work comes from Ruth and Silvestrini.

The Felliniesque Fidel Castros never addressed any of the original issues. For example, why is the federal government growing so large,
taking over criminal law nationwide, and becoming involved in what were historically state-level cases? Lame Silvestrini - a "newspaper"
writer  - weighed in with one long sputtering bluster against reality. Ruth did his mental blank-out. The Karl Marx duo of the Twilight Zone
responded with a bunch of journalistic babble.

Silvestrini and Ruth are two of the most visible local disciples of the Tampa Tribune, which ought to have their embarrassed fellow
travelers donning Groucho Marx disguises around the office and about town.

Recently when Silvestrini wrote again about "high-profile drugs, sex and torture," Silvestrini mentioned Dr. Curry, and his appellate work
as an attorney for a defendant in whom Silvestrini has taken an ongoing interest. Silvestrini wrote about two critics of Curry's work and
then she quoted Curry's response, "You can write that I have challenged them to a public debate of their claims and that the next step is
to select a time and place for doing so, if they think they are up to it." http://rexcurry.net/elaine-silvestrini-tampa-tribune.html

Silvestrini's quote was a public debate challenge by Dr. Curry to Charles Rose, a professor at Stetson Law School, and the dare was
printed in the Tampa Tribune Newspaper on September 6, 2008. A law school would be an ideal place for an educational debate and it
would be easy for Charles Rose to arrange it. As expected, Charles Rose apparently did not think he was up to it as Charles Rose has
not selected a time or place in response to Dr. Curry's public debate challenge.

Even after Elaine Silvestrini printed the debate challenge to Charles Rose in the newspaper, there was no response from Rose that
Silvestrini printed in the article. It remains another media debate challenge victory for Dr. Curry over Charles Rose.

The media debate challenge that was issued by Dr. Rex Curry as quoted by Silvestrini, is also available to Silvestrini and Ruth......if either
thinks that he/she is up to it. Apparently, they don't think they are up to it as neither has not selected a time or place in response to the
public debate challenge. They are only fooling themselves. 

It is another media debate challenge victory for Dr. Curry over Daniel Ruth, Elaine Silvestrini and the Tampa Tribune newspaper.


Before 4:20 p.m. on 9-4-08, Elaine Silvestrini placed a call to Dr. Rex Curry and she left a vague message on voicemail asking to talk to him. Because of the vagueness of the message and because Silvestrini works for the Tampa Tribune, and Dr. Curry is familiar with her writing, and she has an ongoing interest in one of Dr. Curry's clients, Dr. Curry responded in writing by email to Silvestrini in order to create a written record of what transpired.

In response, Silvestrini sent an email to Dr. Curry on 9-4-2008 at 4:20 p.m. that began "I wanted to talk to you...." and used that phrase twice in the email. It was clear that she did not want to make a written record of what she wanted to say, nor what the responses would be.  Dr. Curry took the sensible path and continued to respond in writing throughout the disturbing repetitive communications.

Silvestrini sent another email on 9-4-2008 at 5:07 p.m. that included the sentence "I really would like to talk."  
Silvestrini sent another email on 9-5-2008 at 8:26 a.m.
Silvestrini sent another email on 9-5-2008 at 2:00 p.m. that included the sentence "I really would like to talk to you."
Silvestrini sent another email on 9-5-2008 at 3:02 p.m.
Silvestrini sent another email on 9-5-2008 at 4:10 p.m. That email included her statement that she wanted to talk about "adults only" web pages.

Silvestrini became childishly angry when Dr. Curry spurned her overtures "to talk."  Dr. Curry wanted to communicate in writing to make a record of what Silvestrini was doing.  She did not want to create a record (she did not want to communicate by email).

It was only after Silvestrini's behavior was publicly exposed that she stopped.

Silvestrini misquoted Dr. Curry in Silvestrini's article when she wrote that Dr. Curry "said in an e-mail exchange that he plans in his argument to the court to quote from the book 'The Prosecution of President George W. Bush for Murder' by the former prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi." The email shows that Silvestrini's comment is incorrect and that Dr. Curry was wise to restrict Silvestrini to written communication. Even when a Tampa Tribune reporter like Silvestrini is restricted to written communication, she still can't get the quote correct. Even when Silvestrini could literally cut-and-paste the quote from email, she still blows it. Silvestrini later admitted her "error" in public in a later article in the newspaper. She kinda sorta had to admit the error because it was all done by email. Does anyone think she would recollect it that way if it had been by "talking"?

Silvestrini had plenty of potential quotes in Dr. Curry's generous written interview yet, as is classic bad journalism, she very selectively (misleadingly) gave her readers only two short quotes, and she misquoted one of those. That is a letter grade of "F" with a failing 50% rating equivalent to flipping a coin.

