Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward, Swastikas, Holocausts, Pledge of Allegiance

Frightening information about the history of the Pledge of Allegiance is at (with shocking historical photographs).
For fascinating information about symbolism see 
Growing media coverage, radio appearances, etc
Fan Mail

Pledge of Allegiance pictures
Pledge of Allegiance Videos & Images
Pledge of Allegiance pics
Pledge of Allegiance pics
Pledge of Allegiance pics
Pledge of Allegiance pics
Pledge of Allegiance pics
Pledge of Allegiance pics
Pledge of Allegiance pics

Pledge of Allegiance: the original socialist salute to the U.S. flag

loyalty oaths are bad

ONLY SHOOTING STARS BREAK THE MOLD. questioned authority and there was no reply. The website shows how Americans are conditioned to suspend disbelief in the Pledge of Allegiance and in the enormous government in the United States. The pledge conjures ghosts of socialism's past (and present). The pledge was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy, a socialist… <GOP heads explode>. Some people say that freedom is promoted by children robotically chanting daily to the national flag in government's schools. They also say that you can eat yourself thin, and drink yourself sober.

Many people who visit this site have already rejected the salute and the robotic ritual chanting of the Pledge of Allegiance.  

After visiting this site, they also stop standing up.

Of those who still stand up, many of them stand up only to leave the room wherever the robotic ritualism is slavishly directed.

Many of them stop returning to any room / meeting if the robotic chanting is repeated in the future.

Many of them abandon attendance and membership in groups that persist in the robotic ritualism.

Many of them create better groups where free people do not engage in the robotic ritual of worshipping government.

Government schools have been losing students, respect and money faster than you can recite the Pledge of Allegiance (if you still cared to do so).

The Pledge was the origin of the salute and other behaviors adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as shown in the book "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets" (by Dr. Rex Curry).

Some people say that the Pledge Of Allegiance should not be recited in Spanish. They are correct because the Pledge should be recited only in German, Russian, or Chinese.

Just say "nein!" to the Pledge of Allegiance.

1938 Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance
1938 Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance


The photograph above shows how, in 1938, people were beginning to move away from America's decades-old palm down salute. They were "surrendering" that gesture to German National Socialists and they began to realize that the palm-down was not exactly what Francis Bellamy had written (nor the stiff arm).  Note the many variations in the photograph, including the initial military salute that was extended outward to the flag.

Pledge of Allegiance The original socialist salute to the U.S. flag

A fan suggested other gestures that the government might add to the gesture that is already written into law. One suggestion was a gesture that clearly conveys the correct attitude that the government wants from its underlings: bending over. "If we each bend over next week like the good little subjects we are supposed to be, will we not only be supporting terrorism, but also committing treason?"

Time to update the Pledge for more truth in chanting? "One nation… conquerable, with oppression, and socialism for all.’

Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology & Martin Winkler debunked re Pledge of Allegiance & Nazi Germany

"Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" was  written by Charles Mackay in 1841. It is a worthwhile chronicle (through the mid-nineteenth century) of mankind’s periodic collapses into mass-mindedness.

It is a common mistake for people to assume that religious faith and fervor are qualities to be found only within institutionally-structured churches with formal doctrines and rituals. They are to be found, in varying degrees, within all belief systems, be they secular or theistic in nature. The philosophy of socialism is grounded in a faith and has produced many popular delusions.  See the Religion of Solidarity by Edward Bellamy.
True-believers who voiced doubt have been subjected (in greater numbers) to inquisitions and purges as enthusiastically conducted as medieval trials for heresy.
Learn more about "Socialist Crusades and Inquisitions."

At this point, one cannot help but recall Proverbs 26:11: "As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly."

Pledge Allegiance image
I pledge allegiance to the flag nazis fascists socialists
Pledge Allegiance thumbnail

It is easy to blame government schools for what H.L. Mencken wrote: "The only way to success in American public life lies in flattering and kowtowing to the mob.  A candidate for office, even the highest, must either adopt its current manias en bloc or convince it hypocritically that he has done so while cherishing reservations in petto.  The result is that only two sorts of men stand any chance whatever of getting into actual control of affairs - first, glorified mob-men who genuinely believe what the mob believes, and secondly, shrewd fellows who are willing to make any sacrifice of conviction and self-respect in order to hold their jobs."
(H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: A Selection (Baltimore: Hopkins ed., 1996), p. 102).

Pledge of Allegiance youtube youtube Pledge of Allegiance


The Pledge of Allegiance (1892) was the origin of the raised arm salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis). The Pledge was written by Francis Bellamy, cousin to Edward Bellamy (the author), and both were self-proclaimed national socialists in the United States. The original Pledge began with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag. In practice, the second gesture was performed palm down. The gesture was not an ancient Roman salute. All of the above are part of the discoveries of the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). The images below are from the movie "The vanishing American" (1925 by George B. Seitz) based on the Zane Grey novel. The film covers the history of native American Indians, continuing through World War I. History, as portrayed in this film, has been a succession of conquests of stronger races over weaker ones. Life on a reservation is portrayed. The impact of WWI is shown (and during that time, when the United States fought Germany, the United States used the stiff-armed salute). For more information visit

Lois Wilson (as Marion Warner) is a teacher at a reservation school for native Americans. She befriends the tribal leader Nophaie (Richard Dix) and teaches him to read. She  also converts hime to Christianity. She persuades him that WWI is a fight for a better world, and that afterward the Indians will be treated better. Nophaie provides horses to the Army and he and many other Indians join the battle.

Vanishing Americans Native Indians George B. Seitz, Zane Gray Pledge of Allegiance

Because good Germans...uh, REAL what they're told (especially in government schools).

To see more Pledge of Allegiance videos and images visit

February 6, 2009  DAVIE, Fla. - Assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian compared America's government to German National Socialism in a talk at a university in South Florida.

The 80-year-old Kevorkian spoke Thursday night to approximately 3,000 students at Nova Southeastern University.

"Let's all say the Pledge of Allegiance," he told the crowd, then showed a U.S. flag with a white swastika over the blue area of the flag.

In 2007 Kevorkian finished serving eight years in prison for a second-degree murder conviction. He is on parole until June. His conditions of release prevent him from speaking about how he helped patients commit suicide.

Click here to see a video clip of the Pledge of Allegiance in Joe Smith American
1942 Joe Smith American Joe Smith American Pledge of Allegiance
Joe Smith American Pledge of Allegiance
1942 Joe Smith American Joe Smith American Pledge of Allegiance
Click here to see a video clip of the Pledge of Allegiance in Joe Smith American

Joe Smith, American: The title of the movie harkens to the "All American" family, as shown in the 1942 movie, which includes the early Pledge salute performed with the hand twisted somewhat in a "cleaned up" version of the gesture in order to distance it from that of the National Socialist German Workers Party, the enemy in the movie "Joe Smith, American."  At that time, many Americans performed the Pledge using the the classic stiff-arm palm-down gesture. 1942 is when Congress decided to try to change it completely to the hand-over-the-heart. Many Americans did not care if German Socialists were using the salute because many Americans said it was "our salute" and "we did it first" and that was totally correct.  The USA was the origin of the stiff-arm palm-down salute and mechanical chanting to flags en masse, flag fetishism and military socialism, from 1892.

The American attitude toward its stiff-arm salute was similar to the attitude about the swastika, as expressed in a label used by the Swastika Drug Company: "Hilter be Damned. This was our sign since 1922."
Swastika Drug Company, Hitler be damned 1922
Swastika Drug Company "Hilter be Damned. This was our sign since 1922."

The American attitude toward its stiff-arm salute was similar to the attitude about the swastika, as expressed in a label used by the Swastika Drug Company: "Hilter be Damned. This was our sign since 1922."

Sometimes the flag to which Americans pledged allegiance with their straight-arm salute was paired with the swastika

Today, politicians and bureaucrats in government schools continue to bitterly cling to the Pledge of Allegiance.

Here is another example from the 1939 Film "The Great Man Votes" (release date January 13, 1939). Notice how the flag is held low, and not on a pole up on the wall, in an effort to keep the arms down. Note that there are different positions for the palms in the film clip.

It is also interesting to note that the person who posted the clip on youtube seemed ignorant of the early pledge gesture, and did not even make mention of it. Instead, the only mention was of the lack of the phrase "under God." That is so stereotypically the case regarding people who post comments about the early Pledge of Allegiance (and it is especially interesting in regard to atheists who discuss at length the lack of the phrase "under God" in early video example of the pledge, but never mention anything else about it, including no mention of the stiff-armed gesture staring them in the face).   

1939 is the year that the National Socialist German Workers Party joined as allies with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in a pact to divide up Europe. They invaded Poland together, which many consider the start of WWII. It was part of the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers Party.

Adolf Hitler, head of the National Socialist German Workers Party was elected to office by voters, and gained dictatorship via inducements to and from politicians.

Here is a description of  the film "The Great Man Votes":  Gregory Vance, a widower with two children, is a former professor who has turned into a drunkard. He works, slightly, as a night-watchman and his children, who know him for what he is and what he isn't, are his only admirers. Then, it is discovered that he is the only registered voter in a key precinct and the politicians, from both parties, arrive in droves bearing inducements. What he does about this situation, and the relatives who want to take his children away from him make up the story.

It is a 1939 starred John Barrymore. It was based on the short story of the same name by Gordon Malherbe Hillman.

Here is a more "cleaned up" version in the evolution and eventual demise of the American salute from 1949 (well after WWII was over) in the movie "The Red Pony" in which the Pledge is being distanced as the source of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

"The Red Pony" movie shows a "cleaned up" version of America's Nazi salute from 1949 (well after WWII was over). In the film, the Pledge is being distanced as the source of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as exposed by the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").  The government and its government schools (socialist schools) were effective in their propaganda to cover up their truth about the Pledge even in the cinema.  Even so, the film "The Red Pony" (1949) does it poorly, as it continues to show the mechanical chanting in unison, in military formation, on command in socialist schools.  Note that even the original military salute (the initial salute) appears to have been dropped (the military salute was extended out and thus led to the classic palm-down stiff-arm salute).  Also in this fictional film version, the arms are kept low (because the flag is placed low, and the gesture is to the flag).  The arms are so low that the children are begging for handouts from their socialist government, like panhandlers asking for spare change. It fits with the National Socialist dogma of Francis Bellamy (the Pledge's author), Edward Bellamy (his cousin) and the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (~60 million slaughtered), the Peoples' Republic of China (~50 million slaughtered), and the National Socialist German Workers Party (~20 million slaughtered).


A video clip shows Porky Pig performing the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and it is very different from the modern version of the pledge.

The clip can also be viewed with others at

What is even more amazing than the above description is that there are three or more posts of that Porky Pig clip (from the cartoon "Old Glory") on Youtube and NONE of them remark about the salute/gesture, nor do any of them criticize the Pledge as a whole.  The Pledge was written and supported by National Socialists e.g. Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy) in the USA and it was the origin of the stiff-armed salute adopted later by the National Socialists German Workers Party, as shown in the discoveries of the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). American National Socialists influenced the dogma, symbolism and rituals of the Nazis (German National Socialists). See the better Youtube video at

The Youtube posters all ONLY criticize the phrase "under God" that was added in 1954 (the Porky Pig clip is from 1939).

That is a remarkable display of ignorance and intellectual dishonesty by the atheists who post those clips. It also suggests that those posters share the disturbing trait of supporting the robotic chanting ritual (other than the two-word deification) and the authoritarian dogma that inspired it and that maintains it.  

It was the same dogma behind the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (~60 million slaughtered), the Peoples' Republic of China (~50 million slaughtered), and the National Socialist German Workers Party (~20 million slaughtered).

Charles Fenno Jacobs Photographer Pledge of Allegiance the original socialist salute to the U.S. flag

Some people drank the koolaid every morning for 12 years. Those people say that the Pledge of Allegiance binds the nation together.

It binds everyone together as sticks in a bundle. It binds everyone together as in a fist.

Southington Connecticut

pledge allegiance stiff arm southington connecticut

Two old photographs of students in Southington Connecticut show the early Pledge of Allegiance that was performed with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag, as the flag was raised upon the pole.

In this photograph the students perform the initial military salute in the early Pledge of Allegiance.

In this photograph the same students extend the military salute out toward the flag to the early American stiff-arm salute.

It is another demonstration of how the Pledge of Allegiance (and its initial use of the military salute) was the origin of the salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party, as shown by the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").

Learn more at this You Tube video

pledge allegiance stiff arm southington connecticut

The Socialist Party of America candidate (six times) for President of the U.S., was Norman Thomas (Norman Mantoon Thomas, 1884—1968). He said this in a 1944 speech:

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of "liberalism," they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform."

[and the Republican Party has also adopted the socialist platform]

"It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion." -- Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister for the National Socialist German Workers Party.

Bellamy salute Bellamy salute
Bellamy salute Francis Bellamy salute
Bellamy salute Bellamy salute

The audacity of "Nope!"

When Barack Hussein Obama announced a new policy banning government torture, many American children wondered if the new policy would ban Pledge of Allegiance ritualism in government schools (socialist schools).

It was the audacity of hope in every child.

Alex Jones Prison Planet

Pledge Bots, Robots, Pledge of Allegiance, Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, Industrial Army, Military Socialism


"Robot" is a Czech word meaning "slave." They are pledge-bots in Bellamy's Industrial Army of Military Socialism.

They walk alike, they talk alike, at times they stand and chant alike. You can lose your mind ... when children are one of a kind.

The Pledge and government's schools are like Borg nanoprobes from Star Trek: they assimilate all that they enter into a grotesque and dangerous collective.

Someone wrote this Re: Playboy Tre featuring B.o.B. - "Robots" is my new favorite song and you should listen to it. I'm sure it's on the internet somewhere. Go buy it, you need it.

"They tell us walk on the right side of the hallway in sequence, and when we see that flag, you better pledge your allegiance."

"MAN! I feel that. Every line is a winner in that one, but that line there hit home cuz last week I went to an assembly at my daughter's school and watched them as they did the Pledge of Allegiance and then some pledge to the Texas flag right after that, and I remembered all the years of doing that every day and had to wonder to myself, "Why the freak did I start almost every day for 12 years doing that sh!t?" I am not un-American, but I mean, why the heck do we start every day with the pledge of allegiance? Why?"

Stepford Children Manchurian Candidates Pavlov's Dogs
Pledge of Allegiance Stepford Children Pledge Bots!

Although it is a bizarre socialist ritual, the Pledge of Allegiance has enjoyed the support of a small but fiercely loyal cult following.

It is the cult of the omnipotent state. They bitterly cling to the Pledge.

Rarely, an American will insist "But I like the Pledge of Allegiance!" How easily he overlooks that fact that HE'S BEEN PROGRAMMED TO LIKE IT.'s-dogs-brainwashing-ivan-pavlov-socialism.html

"You can't reason somebody out of something they weren't reasoned into." -- L. Neil Smith

Stop this flag, I want to get off!

Predatory pledgers?

The U.S. government's global socialism and robotic chanting is cultural colonialism that is so pervasive as to seem normal. Recently on the Canadian Broadcasting Centre CBC, a woman complained about the loss of Canadian symbols from schools. "They've taken everything away from us," she said. "First it was the pledge of allegiance." There is no pledge of allegiance in Canada. But the U.S. version has been heard and seen so often that she has come to think of it as normal.  She wants robotic chanting for Canadians. Adolf Hitler had a similar influence on people worldwide.

Below is a new and improved straight-arm gesture for saluting the flag during the Pledge in government schools (socialist schools) from Reason Magazine.
Reason Magazine & the USA's Police State
Reason Magazine: Above is a new and improved straight-arm gesture for saluting the flag during the Pledge in government schools (socialist schools)

Unlike CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation), robotically chanting the Pledge of Allegiance is something that U.S. Children must learn in government schools (socialist schools).

The Pledge of Allegiance has been proven to cause insanity in laboratory mice. It is due to calcification of the brain.

It also increases cancer of the throat and of the brain.

Kick the habit.

Thank you for not pledging.

"The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naive and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair." -- H. L Mencken

Red Guard students
Red Guard Students China Flag Fetishism
Red Guard students and re-education in government schools (socialist schools)

A poster from the Cultural Revolution of Socialism under Mao Zedong. "Chairman Mao is with us forever."

Observe the red guards waving the red books and wearing the red bands that have "Red Guard" written on them.  They were copycats of socialists in Germany with "Mein Kampf" and swastika armbands under the National Socialist German Workers Party and its red flags and emblems. These brainwashed young students-turned-into-red-guards were the main participants of the Cultural Revolution, and it was with them, Mao was able to secure and elevate his position from a Chairman to God like figure. These students idolized Mao and took over factories and turned these factories into production facilities for memorabilia items about  Mao's socialist dogma. One popular item among all red guards was the button that featured Mao's headshots they wore, as on this poster.

They would turn on their own parents and have kangaroo courts about a person's lack of philosophical purity favoring socialism.  They used "re-education."

To the left of the posters, there are three flying banners, carrying messages including - " Long live to heroic Red Guards!", "Long live to Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution!"

To the right of the poster, there are also three flying banners, carrying the following three messages, from left to right respectively, "Long Live Chairman Mao!", "Long live to undefeated Mao's Theory!", "Long live to the victory of Mao's Revolutionary War!"

The poster was developed by Shanghai Mao's Theory Advocate Team and published by Shanghai Xinhua Publishing House in October 1968.

To this day, the Peoples' Republic of China still displays prominently pictures glorifying Mao. He is still on their "money." He was part of the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (~60 million slaughtered), the Peoples' Republic of China (~50 million slaughtered), and the National Socialist German Workers Party (~20 million slaughtered). Mao is, according to some sources, the worst mass murderer in the history of humanity.

Frightening information about the history of the Pledge of Allegiance is at (with shocking historical photographs).
For fascinating information about symbolism see 
Hear audio on worldwide radio at

Pledge of Allegiance pics page 2
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Debunked by Doctor Curry

Sauwastika, sauvastika, swastika, left, right, facing
SWASTIKA SAUWASTIKA ? term sauwastika or sauvastika is a term sometimes used to distinguish the
"left-facing" from the "right-facing" form of the swastika symbol.

Rex Curry blog spot

Pledge of Allegiance blog spot

Pledge Allegiance blog spot