NAVA.ORG & FLAGGENKUNDE GROUP recognize Vexillologist Dr. Rex Curry's work
during their concessions of their defeat in scholarly debate challenges.

Vexillologist Dr. Curry Flags Of The World, FOTW North American Vexillological Association NAVA
Vexillologist Dr. Rex Curry http://rexcurry.net/rex-curry.jpg  =>

Pledge of Allegiance in frightening images & articles at
For fascinating information about symbolism see
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Fan Mail http://rexcurry.net/pledge_heart.html
Vexillologist Dr. Curry Flags Of The World, Nazi Hunter North American Vexillological Association NAVA Flags Of The World FOTW

Vexillologist Dr. Rex Curry, Flags Of The World FOTW North American Vexillological Association NAVA flag expert, Nazi Hunter

Amazing recent discoveries have occurred in Vexillology and those discoveries have been discussed by members of the group Flags Of The World, a well-known group in the field of vexillology (the study of flags). Dr. Rex Curry's historical discoveries have been recognized by Flags Of The World Group (FOTW) and the North American Vexillological Association (NAVA), by Flaggenkunde and members of other vexillological groups. The acknowledgment occurred when the president of the group conceded defeat in a scholarly debate challenge about Dr. Curry's news-making work. http://rexcurry.net/fotw-flags-of-the-world-vexillology.html

The groups became familiar with Dr. Curry's famous revelation that the USA's early pledge of allegiance to the flag (1892) used a straight-arm salute and it was the source of the salute of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party. Dr. Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets") helped to establish that it was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute" is a modern myth that grew during and after the lives of Edward Bellamy (1850-1898) and Francis Bellamy (1855-1931).  http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html
FOTW Group members also became familiar with Dr. Curry's discovery that the German flag and its swastika was used sometimes to represent overlapping "S" letters in alphabetic symbolism for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers' Party. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html

Dr. Curry is being promoted as a speaker for the official annual convention of the North American Vexillological Association and for the Internationaler Flaggenkundekongress (Internationalen Vexillologischen Kongress) (or International Flag Congress). Dr. Curry (the "Libertarian Lawyer") would address the topic of ominous parallels and commonalities in the flag rituals and histories of the USA and Germany.

The North American Vexillological Association has invited the submission of articles about Dr. Rex Curry's work, to be considered for publication in either its quarterly newsletter, NAVA News, or to its annual journal, Raven. NAVA is non-partisan organization that publishes original research that advances knowledge of vexillology and related subjects.

Vexillologists from around the world have gathered together every two years since 1965 to attend International Congresses of Vexillology. Beginning in 1969, the Congresses have been sponsored by Fédération internationale des associations vexillologiques (FIAV). The 22nd International Congress of Vexillology will be held August 5-11, 2007 in Berlin, Germany, hosted by German Flag-Studies Society ( Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flaggenkunde e.V.)  The events are attended by members of many flag associations, including: North American Vexillological Association (NAVA) and the Flags Of The World Group (FOTW) and Flaggenkunde.

Amazon.com is following policy recommendations that are advocated by Dr. Rex Curry. Amazon's web site deletes and discourages use of the common 4-letter shorthand n-word for "National Socialist German Workers' Party" within Amazon's reviews, product information, tags and other uses.  By fighting the shorthand term, Amazon encourages customers to learn and to use the actual accurate name of the monstrous group: National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP). http://rexcurry.net/amazon-com-book-reviews-tags-discussions.html

For a long time, Dr. Curry has exposed widespread ignorance in the media and in the general public about what the 4-letter abbreviation abbreviates. That etymological ignorance has grown through overuse of the hackneyed shorthand term in print and in government schools (socialist schools).  Dr. Curry has advocated that the shorthand term should be avoided, unless it is used in conjunction with the full actual name of the Party. Amazon is helping Dr. Curry to reverse the ignorant habit within the media and the public.

More support for Dr. Curry's work also comes from the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). http://rexcurry.net/roman-salute-oxford-english-dictionary.html

Dr. Curry's work has been recognized in the North American Vexillological Association (NAVA) http://rexcurry.net/north-american-vexillological-association-nava.html

Dr. Curry's news-making work is discussed on Odeo Radio at http://odeo.com/audio/1747108/view

And also on Radio Indymedia at http://radio.indymedia.org/news/2006/08/10827.php

And also covered at Opinion Editorials at http://www.opinioneditorials.com/writer.php?id=rcurry
With more at OpinionEditorials at http://www.opinioneditorials.com/guestcontributors/rcurry_20050826.html

The vexillologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets") has gained a lot of interest from FOTW members regarding Dr. Curry's discovery that the flag used by the National Socialist German Workers' Party (the swastika flag) was altered to incorporate alphabetic symbolism. The swastika, although it was an ancient symbol, was used sometimes by the National Socialist German Workers Party to represent overlapping "S" letters for their "socialism." Dr. Curry changed the way that people think about the swastika. The same symbolism is shown in the bizarre signature of the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, which he altered to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist"; He turned the symbol 45 degrees to the horizontal and oriented it in the S direction; and similar alphabetic symbolism was used for the "SS" Division and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.

The flag salute under German National Socialists originated from the USA's early Pledge of Allegiance. The original pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. In actual use, the second part of the gesture was performed with a straight arm and palm down by disinterested children perfunctorily performing the forced ritual chanting by extending the initial military salute, as shown by Professor Curry. Due to the way that both gestures were used sequentially in the pledge, the military salute led to the hard, stylized salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP). The NSGWP salute is an extended military salute via the USA's pledge.

The salute was not an ancient Roman salute, and the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) listings for the phrase "Roman salute" support Dr. Curry's discoveries. The Roman myth grew in many ways, including the use of the USA's pledge salute in early movies showing fictional Roman scenes. The myth is still repeated in efforts to cover-up Dr. Curry's discoveries.

The straight-arm salute in the USA pre-dated the NSGWP by 30 years and was created by Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance"). Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") and Frederick Bellamy (who introduced Edward to socialistic "Fourierism") were socialists. Edward, Charles and Frederick were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, and the "Nationalist Educational Association." They wanted to nationalize everything and they wanted all of society to ape the military and they touted "military socialism" and the "industrial army." Edward's book was an international bestseller, translated into every major language (including Russian, German and Chinese) and he inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists worldwide via "Nationalist Clubs."

The Bellamys and the pledge inspired socialists worldwide, and in the places of the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): 62 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 49 million slaughtered under the Peoples' Republic of China; 21 million slaughtered under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

The Bellamys promoted a government takeover of schools, the placement of flags at the schools, and robotic chanting of the pledge to the flag with the old notorious gesture. When the government granted their wish, the government schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy. The schools mandated the robotic chanting of the pledge with the straight-arm salute and persecuted and expelled children who would not comply, arrested parents, and even took children from parents on allegations of "unfit parenting."

The USA still follows similar anti libertarian policies promoted by the Bellamys. Many socialist Bellamy policies caused the USA's big, expensive and oppressive government and its growing police-state. The government still owns and operates schools, including the same schools that imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy. Flags are usually in front of the schools and in every classroom. The Pledge to the flag still exists along with laws mandating that teachers lead the robotic pledge chanting to the flag every day for twelve years of each child's life (though the salute was altered). The U.S. practice of imposing segregation by law in government schools and teaching racism as official policy even outlasted the National Socialist German Workers' Party by over 15 years. After segregation in government's schools ended, the Bellamy legacy caused more police-state racism of forced busing that destroyed communities and neighborhoods and deepened hostilities. Those schools still exist. Infants are given social security numbers that track and tax them for life. Government schools demand the numbers for enrollment.

The pledge and the flag have become examples of how dangerous government schools are (and how dangerous government is in general). One cynic quipped: Governments are criminal gangs that have flags. Another one quipped: remove the pledge from the flag, remove flags from schools, and remove schools from government.

Flags Of The World membership is similar to other flag groups in that it maintains a discussion group where Dr. Curry's work has been raised as the topic of discussion without dispute among FOTW members in the group.

Before the formal public debate was scheduled, many members of the group took a closer look at Dr. Curry's work. Many members realized that for most of their lives, they had simply believed common myths about the topics and that they had no actual evidence to support their myths, and no evidence that disputed Dr. Curry's new revelations debunking those myths.

The website that archives the work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry also maintains a standing debate challenge for the spokesmen of groups like the North American Vexillological Assocation, Flags of the World, and the Flaggenkunde group. The standing debate challenge exists so that group members cannot claim that they have no memory of their debate losses concerning Dr. Curry's work. The spokesmen for the groups can attempt to reverse the defeats by accepting the standing debate challenge in the future, should they gain the courage to do so. Dr. Curry's victory does not leave the groups' spokesmen without the opportunity for a re-match.


One of the stupider members of Flags Of The World (FOTW) is André Coutanche the listmaster for the group's mailing list, which is a yahoo group known as "flags."  Anyone who is thinking about joining a flag group should view Coutanche's group with considerable misgivings. André posts wild exaggerations which remove "André Coutanche" from any serious consideration. André Coutanche's postings on FOTW_Politics and elsewhere show him to be totally incapable of any "scholarly debates" which is fortunate because he is not the president of the group (who conceded Dr. Rex Curry's work without debate). Even Coutanche does not have the guts to appear in a controlled professional moderated debate on the historical discoveries, because that would require Coutanche to actually present evidence, instead of mouthing off.  The best that Coutanche can do is post childish off-topic insults. If Coutanche ever finds the intellectual wherewithal to actually cite any facts, then all real vexillologists would be well advised to follow the suggestion that they limit themselves to checking if any "fact" cited by Coutanche actually exists.  In a recent post, Coutanche openly questioned Dr. Rex Curry's work ( link here and here
 http://rexcurry.net/north-american-vexillological-association-nava.html#NEW_FLAG_DISCOVERED: ) and whether an article existed in the Washington Post Newspaper from December 12, 1920, on page 4 with the headline: "Blue Square, White Field, Red Swastika, League Army's Flag."  Coutanche thus demonstrated to the world his penchant for brainlessly mouthing-off, and his iinability to do even the slightest research of actually reviewing a Washington Post article about which Coutanche babbles.

Coutanche (remember that Coutanche is the listmaster / moderator of the group) was then publicly humiliated in his own group when another group member, Ned Smith of St. James, NY (ehlsmith), confirmed Dr. Rex Curry's work ( link here and here
http://rexcurry.net/north-american-vexillological-association-nava.html#NEW_FLAG_DISCOVERED: ) and performed the research that Coutanche did not do and then Ned Smith added: "The New York Times issue of Dec 12 1920 (page 2) also confirms this flag, based on an Associated Press report of 9 Dec from Warsaw. The report gives a little better description, but still does not answer the question about the swastika's orientation. the relevant part: 'The [League] army's flag will be a blue square with a white field in the left hand corner, bearing a red swastika in the centre.' The Post headline made it sound as if the flag was white, with a blue canton, but the Times report, if accurate, makes it blue, with a white canton."

Ned Smith, a member of Flags Of The World (FOTW), also supported Dr. Curry's work by providing a reference to a September 1934 National Geographic article showing that the Latvian swastika aircraft markings as a non-rotated version in its section on aircraft markings.  It is known that the Latvian use of the swastika was not originally the same as the use of the swastika under the National Socialist German Workers' Party. At some point between 1918-1940 (and much earlier than the 1934 National Geographic article), the Latvian use of the swastika generally changed to be the same in orientation as that under the National Socialist German Workers' Party (on its point and facing clockwise).

Phil Nelson, a member of Flags Of The World (FOTW), supported Dr. Curry's work by providing photographic evidence of Latvian Aircraft showing that the swastika markings had changed from counter-clockwise to clockwise.

The Flags of the World (FOTW) web site supports Dr. Rex Curry's work on FOTW's web page for Latvian aircraft markings.  It shows an illustration of a swastika (on its point and facing clockwise) in the style of that used by the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP), and the illustration states "1918-1940" on the Lativan aircraft markings section. http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/lv%5Eair.html#1918  

FOTW shows that the NSGWP-style symbol became so predominant in Latvia that the NSGWP-style swastika (crossed "S" letters for "Socialism") is the only version of the swastika that is graphically displayed as the Latvian aircraft swastika on the FOTW web site.  The FOTW site shows that the impact of the change in the Latvian swastika was so complete that it still has a dominant influence on vexillologists today. The FOTW site has confused some vexillologists, who have viewed the web site's graphic image and thereby gained the mis-impression that there was no other version of the swastika symbol used on Latvian aircraft.  Some flag fans have also jumped to the conclusion that the use of the NSGWP-style swastika on Latvian aircraft pre-dated Germany's use of the NSGWP-style swastika (on its point and facing clockwise).

An ethnic Latvian Rihards Zariņš (he spelled his name: Zarriņš or Richarda Zarrina; June 27, 1869 – April 21, 1939) was the designer of banknotes bearing the swastika under Soviet Socialism. Zarins studied at the School of Kurzeme Knighthood in Griva and elsewhere in Latvia, St. Petersburg, and then in western Europe in Berlin, Munich, and Vienna. he became employed by the Russian Imperial Printing Office in St. Petersburg, where he worked from 1899 to 1919, acting from 1905 on as technical director of the Soviet Socialist State printing house, where the banknotes were printed. Later he designed the first postage stamps of the Soviet Socialist State. In 1919 he returned to Latvia and directed the Government Printing House (1919-1933) and became a Professor serving as head of the graphic arts workshop at the Latvian Academy of Arts (1921-1938). http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika-cccp-sssr.html

Zarins also signed his work with a single large stylized letter "Z" another reflection of his interest in alphabetic swastika-style symbolism. Mākslinieks Rihards Zariņš http://rexcurry.net/swastika-Latvian-Richard-Zarrins-Rihards-Zarins-Zarrins.jpg Zariņš Litogrāfija Rīga

Latvia also used swastikas on their war planes and the swastika evolved to resemble the same swastika style of Soviet Socialist and German Socialism (under the National Socialist German Workers' Party). It is not clear if there was a relationship to Zarins' work. However, the earlier swastikas on Latvian planes used the Z-direction swastika, consistent with Zarins' signature on his art, and the later Lativan planes used the the S-direction swastika, consistent with Zarin's work under Soviet Socialism. http://rexcurry.net/fotw-flags-of-the-world-vexillology.html

There were two Latvian pilots named Zarins (Janis Zarins and Aleksandrs Zarins) and they flew planes bearing Z-shaped swastikas. One flew a Sopwith Camel.  http://latvianaviation.com/Images/033.jpg  

Lt. Zarins tested and approved Avros #36 and #37 on October 29, 1925, bearing an S-shaped swastika. see http://latvianaviation.com/AV%20Images/AV%20003.jpg

Latvians also refer to the symbols as Pērkonkrusts (Thunder cross). The sign's name tells that it was associated with the most powerful Latvian god Pērkons (Thunder). Another name for it is Ugunskrusts (Fire cross).

Also see http://rexcurry.net/avro-anson-american-swastika-germany-finland1936.JPG

Biographical information about one of the Zarins pilots is: 1933 - enrolls in Military College; 1935 - graduates from Military College; 1939 - transfers to the Aviation Regiment, but his flight school training is disrupted by the Soviet Occupation; 1941-1941 - serves in the Latvian Squadron of the Soviet 24th Territorial Corps, based at Gulbene and flying SV-5s; June 14, 1941 - arrested and deported to Siberia; Many years later he is released from Siberia and settles in Rauna, Latvija.

In Finland the swastika was used as the official national marking of the Army between 1918 and 1944, and also of the Finnish Air Force at that time. The swastika was also used by the Lotta Svärd organisation. The blue swastika (Hakenkreuz) was the symbol used by the family of Swedish Count Eric von Rosen, who donated the first plane (a Thulin D Parasol -a license-built and somewhat improved Morane-Saulnier type L )  to the Finnish (White) Army 6 Mar 1918 during the Finnish War of Independence (or Finnish Civil War). Also, Two were presented to the Army Aviation Company in 1915. Morane-Saulnier was used in the Escadrille). The swastika was adopted as the national marking of the Finnish Air Force in honour of him and later on also by the Army.  At that time, Rosen was socialist in his philosophy and socialism was growing like a cancer worldwide. Rosen's socialism grew too and, after the National Socialist German Workers' Party was formed, Rosen altered his use of the symbol to be the same as that of the National Socialist German Workers' Party when Rosen became one of the founding members of Nationalsocialistiska Blocket, a Swedish Socialist political party, that took advantage of the overlapping S-shapes of the swastika. Rosen also gained a closer connection to Germany when Hermann Göring married Carin von Kantzow, whose sister was married to Rosen. http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika-cccp-sssr.html

The National Socialist Bloc was formed in the end of 1933. It was formed by the merger of Nationalsocialistiska Samlingspartiet, Nationalsocialistiska Förbundet and local national socialist units connected to the advocate Sven Hallström in Umeå. Later Svensk Nationalsocialistisk Samling merged into NSB. The leader of the party was the colonel Martin Ekström. The party maintained several publications, Landet Fritt (Göteborg), Vår Kamp (Göteborg), Vår Front (Umeå), Nasisten (Malmö) and Riksposten. NSB differentiated itself from other Swedish national socialist groups due to its liaisons with the Swedish upper class. NSB was clearly smaller than the two main national socialist parties in Sweden at the time, SNSP and NSAP. Gradually the party vanished.

It is interesting to note that Finland had the choice to discontinue the use of a swastika as a prominent national symbol at any point after 1933. It did not do so until forced to do so by the Allies after the defeat of Germany. The fact that the Finnish swastika was slightly visually different to the German swastika seems like a minor possible excuse. The Finnish symbol was sufficiently similar to the German swastika to share the same visual identity and thus association - in trademark terms it was still 'passing itself off' as the German National Socialist symbol and was still associated with socialism in Finland. The Finns made no attempt to make it more different.
Was anyone who wanted to use the swastika as a prominent national symbol after that time "choosing" to associate their nation with German socialism, just as the adoption of the red star and hammer & sickle by governments and militia post-war were choosing to associate themselves with Soviet socialism and its atrocities?

The swastika also appeared in many Finnish medals and decorations. In wartime medals of honor it was a visible element, first drafted by Akseli Gallen-Kallela 1918–19.  In Germany and Austria at the same time period, the swastika was also being used by socialist groups.

There has been a lot of OT talk about deleting posts and banning people for on topic comments about this issue.  Phil Nelson or Ned Smith have provided photos and the National Geographic reference that shows how the Latvian swastika was not originally the same as that of the National Socialist German Workers' Party and how it changed to be the same as the NSGWP symbol's "S" letter for socialist.  Everyone should speak against the people who want to ban or delete them for doing that.  Their comments have been helpful and educational to the FOTW group.

Richard Zarrins Rihards Zarins Zarrins 1934 American salute Nazi salute

Latvia picked up America's stiff-arm salute as early as 1934. http://rexcurry.net/swastika-Latvian-Richard-Zarrins-Rihards-Zarins-Zarrins1934.jpg

The Latvian salute also resembles that of Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. http://rexcurry.net/pledge-of-allegiance-scouting.html

Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Latvia shared an interest in similar salutes and swastikas. http://rexcurry.net/fotw-flags-of-the-world-vexillology.html

Here are some of the worst members of Flags Of The World (FOTW):

Marc Pasquin: Marc refers to himself publicly as "Rama Tut, Grand Master." Marc claimed that a list of names posted on the FOTW web site are "members of a secret cabal" of flag enthusiasts known as "VOGUE." Even so, Marc confessed in a post that he was involved with others who "...have obfuscated the truth about certain symbols (such as those of  socialism) through the use of lies, deception and threats."  Marc also openly supported deleting and banning references to Dr. Curry's histocial discoveries and to errors on the FOTW site. Its interesting that Marc/Loser has never addressed the fact that socialists governments (including that under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and under the National Socialist German Workers' Party, and under the Peoples' Republic of China) often attack some other politcal groups who also define themselves as socialists.


A fan sent the following info-

Gus Tracchia, the Moderator of the discussion group for the North American Vexillological Association ( NAVA ) a yahoo group known as "navaflags" allows posts that contain wildly inaccurate, derogatory information.  On the other hand, Gus tries to prevent flag members from seeing posts that state: "New graphic art entitled 'The Red Flags of Socialism' is being publicly displayed at http://rexcurry.net/north-american-vexillological-association-nava.html "  Gus claims that the quoted message is inappropriate because it "contains overtly political material, which does not belong here." Gus' comment makes no sense because, of course, nothing about flags would be posted at the flag group in view of the fact that all flags are overtly political. Flags represent governments and dogmas. How dense can the moderator of a flag group be? Gus' reasoning is inconsistent with other posts that Gus allows. Gus posts overtly political messages that Gus favors and he deletes the political messages that he disfavors.

Nevertheless, in the same message, Gus concedes the historical work of Dr. Rex Curry and states that NAVA as an organization does not dispute Dr. Curry's historical discoveries.

Finally, Gus said that he thinks that some comments about NAVA are misleading on this web page. Gus did not have the guts to specify any comments, thus, perhaps Gus means that NAVA is not a "well-known group in the field of vexillology" (one of the comments about NAVA on this page) and perhaps Gus is saying that some NAVA members are ignorant of the history of the Pledge of Allegiance, the early salute etc. (this web page asserted that NAVA members were not so ignorant). Although Gus implies that some NAVA members are ignorant, there are many NAVA members who are NOT ignorant because they have reviewed and enjoyed Dr. Rex Curry's work.  Let's all encourage Gus, the NAVA moderator, to review the work, too.

It is also amazing that Gus, the NAVA group moderator is unaware of the debate challenge victories of Dr. Rex Curry over the presidents of the flag groups. Gus is an example of why (even though Gus might not be able to read?) the following has been publicly posted since Dr. Curry's original victory (to help inform people such as Gus): The website that archives the work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry also maintains a standing debate challenge for the spokesmen of groups like the North American Vexillological Assocation, Flags of the World, and the Flaggenkunde group. The standing debate challenge exists so that group members cannot claim that they have no memory of their debate losses concerning Dr. Curry's work. The spokesmen for the groups can attempt to reverse the defeats by accepting the standing debate challenge in the future, should they gain the courage to do so. Dr. Curry's victory does not leave the groups' spokesmen without the opportunity for a re-match.

Please encourage Gus to face reality and either fish or cut bait.  There is no reason to remain ignorant, nor any reason to feign ignorance in a vain effort to save face for any flag group or its members.

pledging allegiance to the flag of the USA w Nazi salute

         swastika hakenkreuz 2 S letters for socialism under the Nazis        

Pledging allegiance to the flag of the USA with the early Nazi salute.         The sick socialist swastika was double "S" letters under German National Socialists.

Governments are criminal gangs that have flags

Flags of the World FOTW Socialism: Red Flags of Socialists. exposed by Rex Curry Attorney At Law

VEXILLOLOGY http://rexcurry.net/edward%20bellamy.jpg VEXILLUM
Edward Bellamy, Industrial Army, Military Socialism
FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS http://rexcurry.net/edward%20bellamy.jpg FLAGSTAFF

NORTH AMERICAN VEXILLOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION http://rexcurry.net/swastika3swastika.jpg NAVA
Edward Bellamy & Swastikas image http://rexcurry.net/swastika3swastika.jpg Swastikas & Edward Bellamy