Frightening information about the history
of the Pledge of Allegiance is at
(with shocking historical photographs). For fascinating information about symbolism see Hear audio on worldwide radio at |
BRAINWASHING, BERNAYS & BELLAMYS Before WWI, one of America's leading propagandists for government was Edward Bernays. Bernays openly sought to use social psychology, political persuasion and advertising to construct “necessary illusions” which were fed to the masses as “reality.” Bernays described it as “engineering of consent.” The objective for Bernays was to show government, government schools and government-regulated media outlets how to gain control. Edward Bernays' impact was similar to (and built upon) that of America's most notorious and lasting propagandists for "Military Socialism" and "National Socialism": Edward Bellamy and Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance" in 1892). The "Pledge of Allegiance" produced America's stiff-arm salute and robotic chanting to flags in government's schools, where segregation was imposed by law, and racism was taught as official policy. See the video at In the United States and elsewhere, America's stiff-arm salute began to spread outside of the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. The gesture was directed toward government officials who were often on stage with the flag at mass meetings where the Pledge was led. Bellamy's pledge was the origin of the stiff-arm salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party, as shown in the work of the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). By 1915, National Socialism in the USA had inspired propagandistic presentations of the American flag posed favorably with a swastika and the phrase "May our glorious flag and this lucky star guide you and keep you wherever you are." Another piece of propaganda from the USA bears a swastika and the wording: "Lucky Star - May this emblem protect you well from every bullet, every shell." In 1917, Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman helped Woodrow Wilson break his campaign promises and con Americans into WWI. To that end they used the Committee on Public Information (CPI ) also known as the Creel Committee. They helped Wilson foment anti-German hate during WWI. Of course, WWI led to WWII and so forth, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Bernays also created the war slogan “Make the World Safe for Democracy” -a patriotic mantra that many stupid Americans embraced just as they had earlier embraced Bellamy's "Pledge of Allegiance," America's straight-arm gesture, and mechanical chanting to flags in mass and on cue. Bernays and Bellamy used the technique of manufacturing ever-present dangers and then maintaining a constant state of fear by generating false government pronouncements that endlessly re-stated and exagerated the threat. The modus operandi for Bernays and Bellamy was to give those in power greater control over what Bernay's called "the mass mind." Bernays’ books "Crystallizing Public Opinion" (1923) and "Propaganda" (1928) impressed Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister for the National Socialist German Workers Party. Germany mimicked American behavior because Goebbels learned from the behavior of Bernays, President Wilson, and the U.S. government during World War I. In 1933, Bernays met Karl von Weigand (a German journalist) who informed Bernays that Goebbels was using Bernays' work for Goebbels' propaganda campaigns fomenting hate, robotic chanting, straight-arm salutes, the use of government schools, children, and more. Socialists in other countries wanted to know how to brainwash a nation. It was the same brainwashing dogma behind the Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~20 million dead under the National Socialist German Workers' Party; ~60 million dead under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million dead under the Peoples' Republic of China. "If I approach the masses with reasoned arguments, they will not understand me," Hitler noted in Mein Kampf, "In the mass meeting, their reasoning power is paralysed. What I say is like an order given under hypnosis." To this day, laws continue to order children to hypnotically chant in the Pledge of Allegiance ritual each morning in many schools in the USA. Only the gesture has changed. Here is a video example from the World War II era. Bernays' work continued as one of the engineers of the Cold War. |
No one should wonder why the St. Petersburg Times is called "Pravda West." It has a horrid heritage. Its heritage is so horrid that the journalist and historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets") helped launch the Pointer Institute to counter-act the Poynter Institute. The Poynter Institute and the St. Petersburg Times are both examples of why government schools are unconstitutional, and have destroyed a free press, and must end. Nelson Poynter, son of the founder of the St. Petersburg Times newspaper, and one of the namesakes of the "Poynter Institute," was one of the "point men" in Hollywood for the USA's worst president, the socialist Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). Nelson Poynter (1903 – 1978) moved to Florida in 1912 when his father bought the Saint Petersburg Times newspaper. Nelson Poynter began buying stock from his father in 1935, and he became an editor in 1939. He stayed in this position until his father's death in 1953 when he was appointed president. He co-founded the Congressional Quarterly with his wife, Henrietta. He established the Poynter Fund in 1954 to honor his father. Roosevelt imposed the Office of War Information (OWI) by executive order in June 1942 in order to seize even more control than FDR had from the half-dozen overlapping propaganda agencies that had operated before the war. Infusing movies with propaganda fell to the OWI’s Bureau of Motion Pictures (BMP). The BMP was run by the former newspaperman Lowell Mellett. His deputy was Nelson Poynter, the 39-year-old socialist publisher of the St . Petersburg Times. Poynter acted as a promoter of socialism in films of the day, censoring anything that was too pro-liberty, and even seeing that movies produced in that era had to pass inspection by the embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics located in New York (see MGM's 1940 movie "Song Of Russia," a blatant propaganda movie glorifying the socialist misery of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). The Roosevelt administration's Office of War Information (which claimed the right to "comment" on film scripts) had the script for "Song of Russia" vetted by the Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics! Similar criticism is merited by Poynter's involvement with film's such as "Hitler's Children." Note that the title of the film is not "National Socialist Children" evidencing a misleading habit similar to one that is still used at the St. Petersburg Times newspaper. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the National Socialist German Workers Party were part of the socialist inquisition that caused the Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million dead under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million dead under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million dead under the National Socialist German Workers' Party. In 1939, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) joined as allies with the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSGWP) to invade Poland in a plan to divide up Europe. Even after the National Socialist German Workers Party ended, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics continued to pursue (and expand) the goals it had agreed to with the NSGWP. Poynter-style propaganda lives on today at the the St. Petersburg Times. The newspaper employs writers who deliberately use the word "Nazi" in the continuing effort to rehabilitate socialism and to NEVER write the actual name of the horrid Party: National Socialist German Workers' Party. On at least one occasion, after being specifically asked (during the writing of an article) to identify the actual full name of the Party, a St. Petersburg Times writer refused to do so. It is the same propaganda policy employed by Nelson Poynter regarding "Hilter's Children" and other films in order to promote deadly socialism in the U.S. For more on the topic read "Ayn Rand and Song of Russia: Communism and Anti-Communism in 1940s Hollywood" by Robert Mayhew. It recalls Ayn Rand's testimony about the movie "Song of Russia" before the the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947. Ayn Rand debunked the movie as pro-Soviet propaganda and deliberate lies about the miserable reality of life under socialism in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The author Robert Mayhew supports each part of her testimony that indicts the historic mess of the Soviet socialists. Mayhew reveals Rand right in each respect. Dr. Mayhew even interviewed the surviving co-writer of Song of Russia, ex-"Communist" Richard Collins. The book is a scary revelation about socialist influence in Hollywood - and Washington. Dr. Mayhew goes beyond the presentation of historical facts. He discusses the political, philosophical and ethical impact of the HUAC investigations regarding free speech, blacklists, "naming names," and truthfulness regarding wartime propaganda, etc. He gives Ayn Rand's views, based in part on previously unpublished work, and his own illuminating analysis. Dr. Mayhew also reveals the hypocrisy and lies of socialists in Hollywood and of their successors their and in the newspaper business and media everywhere. He refutes their smears of Rand, which continue to this day. The book also provides even more proof (as if any were needed) that FDR and Herbert Hoover were actually of the same socialist persuasion, the so called Progressives. FDR lied (in order to gain election) about his intention to cut government and then FDR expanded the massive socialism that Hoover had previously launched. |
In August of 1918, E.V. Starr was convicted in Montana of sedition. Starr had been accosted by a mob that demanded he kiss the flag. Starr refused, and reportedly said "What is this thing anyway? Nothing but a piece of cotton with a little paint on it and some other marks in the corner there. I will not kiss that thing. It might be covered with microbes." Starr was sentenced to 10-20 years of hard labor in a state penitentiary as well as fined $500 plus court costs. ......................... First they compel the behavior then they punish it - Student flag fetishism at War Memorial By New Zealand correspondent Kerri Ritchie Oct 19, 2009: Students from one of New Zealand's most prestigious high schools are being disciplined after they were involved in a Nazi [National Socialist German Workers Party] regalia prank at a War Memorial Museum. The male students from Auckland Grammar were taken on a school excursion to Auckland's War Memorial Museum earlier this term. They took some photographs which were posted on the social networking website Facebook last week. Dressed in their school uniforms, the teenagers kiss a swastika, make a Nazi salute [the American salute from the early Pledge of Allegiance] and bow before a Nazi [German National Socialist] flag. The pictures have been removed from Facebook, but staff at the museum are very angry and say the behaviour is disgusting. Auckland Grammar principal John Morris is offering no excuses, saying the boys' actions were immature and unthinking. He says the students will be disciplined and their parents are being notified this afternoon. In the USA today, laws dictate that children chant robotically to flags every morning for 12 years. Those who don't are persecuted and punished. It was the origin of the Nazi salute. .............................. In Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged the most evil person is the unnamed old woman in the hinterlands whose motto was “from each according to the ability, to each according to their needs” whose social movement turns a once prosperous place into an impoverished mess. Rand's novel is a libertarian rebuttal to Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward, which promoted economic statism/socialism in America from 1888 (and the Bellamy dogma continues to impoverish us). |
"What dies remains dead," the Nazi leader declared. "Chancellor von
Papen came empty-handed. But what I bring along with me will be priceless
because we Nazis are the blood, flesh, and life of the nation". [NY
Times, 11/3/1932]