The St. Pete Times, SPT & TBT are associated with Poynter Online
Robyn Blumner, St. Petersburg Times, Poynter Online exposed

Robyn Blumner and the St. Petersburg Times cover up the National Socialist German Workers Party and the origin of its dogma, symbols and rituals. exposed and defeated the St. Petersburg Times in a media-debate challenge (see the debate challenge below).

One of the debate issues was whether the St. Petersburg Times uses the hackneyed abbreviation "Nazi" to cover-up for the National Socialist German Workers' Party in an effort to rehabilitate socialism, and to expand the USA's national socialism.

The cover-up is also how Blumner and the St. Petersburg Times promote flag fetishism in the USA.

“Nazi” is an abbreviation for the horrid “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” as all competent dictionaries state. However, many newspapers and their writers are not so competent.

Some writers use "Nazi" out of sheer ignorance of the etymology of the word.  They also are ignorant of the fact that the National Socialist German Workers Party did not refer to itself as "Nazis" (they referred to themselves as socialists and national socialists, just as their name states). A few writers use "Nazi" out of deliberate intent to cover up and rehabilitate the deadly dogma of socialism.

In the past, it would have been unclear whether Robyn Blumner's behavior was ignorant or deliberately deceptive. But it is not unclear anymore. If she was ignorant she is not ignorant any longer. She was schooled by and then she deliberately covered up the National Socialist German Workers Party and its deadly dogma. Blumner stated that she would not write the actual name of the group. Blumner made that statement years ago in 2004. As far as is known, she maintains her deliberately deceptive writing policy. That is a long streak of intellectual dishonesty that apparently continues.

Although Blumner conceded that Francis Bellamy (author of the Pledge of Allegiance) was a socialist, she hid from her readers the fact that he was a socialist in the Nationalist movement.

Francis Bellamy also advocated what he and Edward Bellamy (his cousin) called "military socialism."

Blumner viewed photographs at showing how the early Pledge was performed with a stiff-arm and the palm down, decades before German National Socialists adopted the same gesture.

Yet Blumner was too dense to raise the next obvious issue: Was the Pledge of Allegiance the origin of the straight-arm salute adopted later by the German National Socialists? (That is such a common failure among newspaper employees that it explains why none of them made the historical discoveries that were announced at

After that issue was pointed out to her she deliberately withheld the information from readers. even provided Blumner with one of the photographs she viewed of the Pledge performed with a stiff-arm and the palm down. The photograph provided by accompanied her article when her article was printed in the newspaper. Yet, in her written article next to the photograph, Blumner ignored the palm-down salute that stared her in the face. Blumner deceptively wrote that the Pledge salute was to be turned palm up. Blumner's written statement highlights the glaring contradiction between what Blumner wrote and reality: the palm-down reality shown in the photograph next to her comment. Her readers could see Blumner's glaring contradiction, and she withheld from them the information and answers that she had been given by

Blumner's behavior reveals Blumner's own dogma and that of her newspaper. Blumner tries to rehabilitate and spread the USA's national socialism (she tows the St. Petersburg Times' line). She repeats the national socialist dogma of her newspaper ("national socialist" is what "nazis" called themselves, and it is necessary to point that out in case the newspaper's readers (both of them) read this because that fact rarely, if ever, appears in the rag). Blumner wants to maintain widespread ignorance of the etymology of the word "Nazi" and she wants to maintain widespread ignorance of the fact that German National Socialists did not refer to themselves as "Nazis" (e.g. see "Mein Kampf" and/or the movie "Triumph of the Will" where the word "socialist" is used in stereotypically droning/glorified socialist fashion).  Blumner wants to mislead. She (and the Times) thinks that the government is not big enough, and that government should be even bigger than it already is. She never says how much bigger.

To this day, if St. Pete Times readers (both of them) want the information above, they have to put down the newspaper and visit the web.  Blumner is another example of why newspapers deliberately misrepresent and why they are going out of business due to the internet.


Robyn Blumner was schooled in many ways by about Francis Bellamy (author of the Pledge of Allegiance and the source of the stiff-arm salute), Edward Bellamy (Francis' cousin) and their influence on the National Socialist German Workers Party, its dogma, rituals and symbols (including the modern use of the swastika as crossed S-letters for "Socialism").

A California court case about the pledge of allegiance was scheduled for oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court.  Before the oral arguments, some media outlets were already covering up the fact that the original salute to the U.S. flag was the same salute as that of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, that the pledge’s author was a famous socialist in “Nationalist” clubs in the U.S., and that it all predated (by decades) the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which some media outlets refuse to identify fully.

As a pro bono service to help the media and the public, the website provides the only collection of astounding historic photos and information about the pledge (at


Many newspaper employees are ignorant slow-learners who repeat and perpetuate myths within the populace. Sometimes they act deliberately and sometimes they act out of never-ending ignorance.

The list below enumerates many common areas of ignorance among "news" workers.

Most writers do not know the etymology of the term "Nazi," or they cover it up. Most writers (and their readers) do not know that the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSGWP) did NOT refer to itself as "Nazis"; that the N-word is not in "Mein Kampf" nor in the film "Triumph of the Will" (as two examples), yet the word "socialist" is there in stereotypically droning socialist fashion.

Most readers do not know the etymology of the abbreviation "USSR," and that is because most writers are equally ignorant or cover it up. Newspapers evade the actual name of the former country, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and they cover up its deadly socialist dogma by substituting terms such as "Soviet."

Most writers do not know when (and where) the world's worst slaughters occurred nor their comparative death tolls (under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with ~60 million killed; under the Peoples' Repubic of China with ~50 million killed; under the National Socialist German Workers Party with ~20 million killed). Most newspapers cover up the worst killers of all time (Stalin, Mao and Hitler) and their comparative death tolls. As a consequence, their readers are kept in the dark.

Most writers do not know that the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (under Stalin) joined as allies with the National Socialist German Workers Party (under Hitler) during World War II in 1939 to invade Poland in a pact to divide up Europe. Newspapers also cover up the fact that after the NSGWP ended, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (under Stalin) continued to pursue the violence it had conspired to with the National Socialist German Workers Party (under Hitler).

Most news workers are so ignorant that they do not know that the Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party (see the book "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets" by Dr. Rex Curry). 

Most newspaper writers are so ignorant that they do not even know that the early Pledge used a stiff-armed salute. They did not know that the stiff-arm salute developed from the military salute. Consequently, most of the American public also remains ignorant.

Most writers do not know that Francis Bellamy (author of the Pledge of Allegiance and the source of America's early stiff-arm salute) was a self-proclaimed socialist in the nationalism movement and he wanted goverment to take over everything, including all schools, and that his pledge and a flag over every school (and in every classroom) was part of his scheme (shared with his cousin Edward Bellamy) to impose national socialism in the United States of America.  Due to ignorant news writers and due to government schools, the American public is kept ignorant of all but the shallowest Bellamy propaganda.

Most writers do not know (until schooled by that German National Socialists did not call their flag symbol a "swastika" (they called it a Hakenkreuz,"hooked cross"). Most writers do not know that German National Socialists sometimes used their cross symbol to represent crossed S-letters for their "socialism."


Open letter and media debate challenge to the St. Petersburg Times and its columnist Robyn E. Blumner:

    The Pledge of Allegiance article in the St. Petersburg Times was enjoyable in explaining that the pledge’s author was a socialist and that the original salute resembled the salute of the “Nazis.”  More news: the pledge author was a socialist leader in Nationalist Clubs in the U.S. and “Nazi” is an abbreviation for the horrid “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” (see any dictionary).  There are many other ominous parallels about the Pledge of Allegiance.   
    Your columnist (Robyn Blumner) was helped by with the story and with the historic photo you used, because is the only web site that collects photos on the internet of the Pledge's early stiff-arm salute.
    Your columnist was asked to avoid a bad habit: overuse in the media of the abbreviation “Nazi,” and failure to explain the abbreviation, to cover-up for the monstrous National Socialist German Worker’s Party.  Blumner stated that she would not give the actual name of the group.
    Of the times when your paper printed the word “Nazi,” it is difficult to recall a single time when your paper identified the abbreviation as the “National Socialist German Workers’ Party.”  In fact, it is difficult to recall a single time that your paper ever wrote “National Socialist German Workers’ Party.”  Is it an official policy of your paper to never write “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”?
    Your website search tool for your archives indicates that you have no articles for the full phrase.  In comparison, the words “Nazi” and “Nazis” and “Nazism” have so many hits that your search program cannot display them all.  Or to put it into the words you prefer, you are word Nazis about the word “Nazi.”  You use it to cover-up for the nasty National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
    Your competitor (the Tampa Tribune) appears to have hits for the full phrase at its website search engine.
    How many of your writers have written the full phrase ever in their lives?  Your columnist might have missed the chance to be the first person at your paper to write “National Socialist German Workers’ Party.”  If you print this letter, it might be the first time in your paper that the public was informed of the full phrase.  
    Please confirm that that the above is correct. 
    It is improper to write an article about “Nazis” (or any abbreviation) without at least once in the article fully identifying the abbreviation, even parenthetically (e.g. the “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”).
    Your paper is hostile to libertarianism.  Your authoritarian bias is so great that you hide the meaning of “Nazi” in a vain effort to rehabilitate socialism. is the undefeated local media-debate champion and, therefore, this challenge is issued to you to debate whether your paper has a de facto policy to never inform the public what the Nazi abbreviation abbreviates.   If you do not accept the challenge within one week victory will be declared over you and your writer (by default).
    And the pledge court case is ongoing so you will have many opportunities in the future to write about the horrid National Socialist German Workers’ Party issues and to show the public whether you will or won’t ever be truthful about the full phrase.

-END OF LETTER-  (Perspective 2/29/04)

Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance & Robin Blumner
Robyn Blumner St. Petersburg Time Poynter Online exposed
Robyn Blumner & the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance & Robin Blumner
Robin Blumner, St Petersburg Times was educated by about the Pledge of Allegiance
Robyn Blumner re: Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge: Punchline and/or cautionary tale?

Robyn Blumner, St. Petersburg Times was educated by about the sick socialist swastika, ditto for Elaine Silvestrini

As proof that Robyn Blumner misrepresents what has happened to the size and scope of government under Bush see the evidence of this headline that introduced an article by Blumner: "Anti-government era will end when Bush leaves." Blumner is so delusional that she was unaware when she wrote her article that government was expanding by more than double (and more) under Bush (compared to Clinton. And that was true even if social spending was counted ALONE, and military spending was disregarded). It explains how people such as Blumner (who claim to applaud government and boo "anti government") stupidly increase the USA's growing police state, and they are too clownish to know they are doing it.

Government officials make absurd statements. The government's absurd statements are then repeated as "important news" by the media That is how the government makes the media and its writers (e.g. Blumner) into clowns.

The media do it year after year, and in every election, repeating the same absurd statements as if they are "important news."

The following is from

A few of Robyn Blumner's comments are debunked:

The market is not the best part of America. Not even close. Our government is the best part — or at least it used to be before the current gang took over.

Really? Is that why our founders believed that Government was the biggest threat to the survival of America?  Govco had NOTHING to do with my success nor the success of many of my family and friends.  Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Oprah, Brad Pitt, the list could go on of mega successes without the help of Govco.

Ultimately, it is government that defines who we are and lays out a path for how our society will be. The market wouldn’t have built a uniform system of roads and bridges or provided free public education. It wouldn’t have guaranteed minimum wages or insisted on safe workplaces.

Is that why the pothole on that road never gets fixed?  Is that why, in some cities it takes 30 years to build a interstate loop while it only takes a few years for a private investor to build a skyscraper that reaches to, well, the sky?  Oh, and public schools?  Yeah, they are sooooooooo great.  In fact, don’t the homeschooling kids usually win the spelling B’s?  Ha!

Only government can reset the scales and make this country a fair place again, where you don’t have to be a master-of-the-universe class member to know that you can afford college for your kids and a decent retirement for yourself. When the government stopped helping the middle class, the prosperity of this land stopped getting shared.

“Fair” for whom?  What is “fair”?  Also, since when did retirement and college become an entitlement? 

If this credit crunch and the pain to come teaches us anything, it is that when the market is allowed to operate without supervision and regulation, insuperable greed will overcome rational, prudent behavior.

And those companies are paying for it now.  It’s not like they got off Scot-free.  Thousands are out of jobs now because of the behavior of some.  Hundreds of companies are now closed because of certain practices.  I guess she doesn’t have a problem when the greed of the media overcomes rational, prudent behavior.

Of course, she has no problem at all with Govco bailing consumers out but doesn’t like them bailing out companies.  What is the difference? Why should Govco help someone who bought a home they could not afford and, in some cases, did it by lying about their assets and income?  I for one don’t think they should help out either the homeowner OR the mortgage companies.  People make mistakes and, in many cases, they reap what they sowed and learn a hard lesson.  Sometimes painfully hard.

Anyway, I vote for a moratorium on Socialism.

Here is more about what the St. Petersburg Times hides from readers in an effort to rehabilitate and expand socialism. Pledge of Allegiance youtube youtube Pledge of Allegiance


Secret swastika flag of news nazis at the Tampa Tribune and St. Petersburg Times Newspapers?

Poynter Online Institute & St. Petersburg Times exposed by Pointer Institute
Tampa Tribune Newspaper TBO online Swastika Flag?

The images above show the swastika-style symbolism used by news nazis in St. Petersburg, Florida and in Tampa, Florida, home of the St. Petersburg Times and the Tampa Tribune newspapers. and

The swastika symbol used by St. Petersburg socialists borrows alphabetical symbolism in the swastika's crossed S-letters as employed under the National Socialist German Workers Party and of the swastika used under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (see the Soviet swastika in the center of paper money printed in the years 1917 and 1918 ). Although an ancient symbol, the swastika was given alphabetical meaning by socialists. Another modern use is for the overlapping S-letters is "St. Pete Times Socialism."

The "St. Pete swastika" appeared in postcard art in 1915, joined with the American flag and the phrase "May our glorious flag and this lucky star guide you and keep you wherever you are."

St. Petersburg, Florida was named after St. Petersburg, Russia, which was also known as Petrograd  (1914–1924) and Leningrad (1924–1991) under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. There was speculation about whether the Times would re-name itself the Petrograd Times and the Leningrad Times in honor of Soviet socialism during those decades.

Instead, the Times is known unaffectionately as "Pravda West" and the Tampa Tribune is known unaffectionately as "Nazi News," both referencing the socialist dogma under two of the three worst killing machines in the history of the world.

The St. Petersburg Times is where old news nazis go.

Eventually, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics joined as allies with the National Socialist German Workers Party to invade Poland (in 1939) in a plan to divide up Europe. It was part of the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers Party. Even after the National Socialist German Workers Party ended, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics continued to pursue (and expand) the goals it had agreed to with the NSGWP.

Nelson Poynter (1903 – 1978) moved to Florida in 1912 when his father bought the Saint Petersburg Times newspaper. Nelson Poynter became an editor in 1939. He stayed in that position until his father's death in 1953 when he was appointed president.

Roosevelt imposed the Office of War Information (OWI) by executive order in June 1942 in order to seize even more control than FDR had from the half-dozen overlapping propaganda agencies that had operated before the war. Infusing movies with propaganda fell to the OWI’s Bureau of Motion Pictures (BMP). The BMP was run by the former newspaperman Lowell Mellett. His deputy was Nelson Poynter, the 39-year-old socialist publisher of the St . Petersburg Times.

Poynter acted as a promoter of socialism in films of the day, censoring anything that was too pro-liberty, and even seeing that movies produced in that era had to pass inspection by the embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics located in New York (see MGM's 1940 movie "Song Of Russia," a blatant propaganda movie glorifying the socialist misery of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). The Roosevelt administration's Office of War Information (which claimed the right to "comment" on film scripts) had the script for "Song of Russia" vetted by the Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!

Similar criticism is merited by Poynter's involvement with film's such as "Hitler's Children" concerning the National Socialist German Workers Party. Note that the title of the film is not "National Socialist Children" evidencing a misleading habit similar to one that is still used at the St. Petersburg Times newspaper.

Also note this quote written by Robyn Blumner in the St. Petersburg Times: "The [free] market is not the best part of America. Not even close. Our government is the best part – or at least it used to be before the current gang took over."

St. Petersburg, Florida was co-founded by John C. Williams, who purchased the land in 1876, and by Peter Demens. The city was incorporated on February 29, 1892 (the year that America's notorious National Socialist, Francis Bellamy, created the Pledge of Allegiance, the origin of the stiff-arm salute adopted later by German National Socialists). In 1892, St. Petersburg had a population of only some 300 people.

The Times newspaper traces its origins to a newspaper started in Dunedin, Florida, in 1884.

The growing popularity of National Socialism in the United States (and worldwide) began as early as 1887 with the publication of "Looking Backward" by Edward Bellamy. It was an international bestseller, translated into every major language including German, Russian and Chinese.

Edward Bellamy was the cousin of Francis Bellamy (the aforementioned author of the "Pledge of Allegiance" (to the U.S. Flag) and source of the early American stiff-arm salute).

Francis Bellamy moved to the Tampa Bay area in 1924 and resided there until his death in 1931.

American Journalists did not know (until schooled by that German National Socialists did not call their German flag symbol a "swastika," (they called it a Hakenkreuz, or "hooked cross") and they sometimes used the symbol to represent crossed S-letters for their "socialism."

To learn more about what is hidden from readers by the St. Petersburg Times and the Tampa Tribune in their efforts to rehabilitate and expand socialism, see the Youtube video

The Tampa Tribune (hereinafter "TT") newspaper started daily publication in 1895 when Wallace Stovall upgraded printing from once a week.

The word "Tribune" is etymologically related to the Roman/Latin word for an officer of a legion. It is also related to the word "tribe" and the tribe mentality promoted in the national socialist propaganda of the TT newspaper.

The flag for news nazis and other flag fetishists at the Tampa Tribune (TT) employs swastika-style symbol that uses a cross of T-letters as alphabetical symbolism for "Tampa Tribune" (a variation of the teutonic cross altered for use as a tetragram).

The following is a drawing of the Tampa Tribune newspaper boat with its swastika-style flag at the Gasparilla pirate festival.

The photograph also shows loudspeakers from which the Tribune's anti-individualist propaganda can be barked.

Many newspaper writers are notorious for nazi-style name-calling.

Loudspeakers are also used for the secret News Nazi Pledge of Allegiance. The News Nazi Pledge expands upon the bizarre perversity of Bellamy's Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. There is another important difference: the early American stiff-arm gesture has not been changed in the News Nazi Pledge (for Bellamy's Pledge the gesture began to change in 1942 after the United States entered WWII and well after the beginning of WWII).

The Tribune printed the following articles upon Bellamy's demise in Tampa: "Author of Flag Pledge Dies at His Home Here" (August 29, 1931) and "His Words Will Live Forever" (September 1, 1931).

It is important to remember that during the time of the early frightening influence of American national socialists (e.g. Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy) the National Socialist German Workers’ Party was formed (in 1920), with electoral breakthroughs in 1930, and dictatorship in 1933. German National Socialists adopted the stiff-arm salute that had been used in the U.S. for about three decades (from 1892), along with robotic chanting to flags, and persecution of anyone who thought it was disturbing "tribe mentality" behavior.

Tampa Tribune Swastika St. Petersburg Times Socialism

Another Tampa Tribune / St. Pete Times symbol shows the Tampa Tribune's T-cross combined with the St. Petersburg Times' S-cross, the hooked-cross swastika.  Dark T-letters form the S-letters of the lighter swastika (at the interior) and encircle it. It symbolizes how the two have the same deadly dogma of socialism, similar to that under the National Socialist German Workers Party. 

No one should wonder why the St. Petersburg Times is called "Pravda West."  It has a horrid heritage. Its heritage is so horrid that the journalist and historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets") helped launch the Pointer Institute to counter-act the Poynter Institute.

The Poynter Institute and the St. Petersburg Times are both examples of why government schools are unconstitutional, and have destroyed a free press, and must end.

Nelson Poynter, son of the founder of the St. Petersburg Times newspaper, and one of the namesakes of the "Poynter Institute," was one of the "point men" in Hollywood for the USA's worst president, the socialist Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR).

Nelson Poynter (1903 – 1978) moved to Florida in 1912 when his father bought the Saint Petersburg Times newspaper. Nelson Poynter began buying stock from his father in 1935, and he became an editor in 1939. He stayed in this position until his father's death in 1953 when he was appointed president. He co-founded the Congressional Quarterly with his wife, Henrietta. He established the Poynter Fund in 1954 to honor his father.

Roosevelt imposed the Office of War Information (OWI) by executive order in June 1942 in order to seize even more control than FDR had from the half-dozen overlapping propaganda agencies that had operated before the war. Infusing movies with propaganda fell to the OWI’s Bureau of Motion Pictures (BMP). The BMP was run by the former newspaperman Lowell Mellett. His deputy was Nelson Poynter, the 39-year-old socialist publisher of the St . Petersburg Times.

Poynter acted as a promoter of socialism in films of the day, censoring anything that was too pro-liberty, and even seeing that movies produced in that era had to pass inspection by the embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics located in New York (see MGM's 1940 movie "Song Of Russia," a blatant propaganda movie glorifying the socialist misery of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). The Roosevelt administration's Office of War Information (which claimed the right to "comment" on film scripts) had the script for "Song of Russia" vetted by the Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!

Similar criticism is merited by Poynter's involvement with film's such as "Hitler's Children." Note that the title of the film is not "National Socialist Children" evidencing a misleading habit similar to one that is still used at the St. Petersburg Times newspaper.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the National Socialist German Workers Party were part of the socialist inquisition that caused the Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million dead under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million dead under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million dead under the National Socialist German Workers' Party. 

In 1939, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) joined as allies with the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSGWP) to invade Poland in a plan to divide up Europe. Even after the National Socialist German Workers Party ended, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics continued to pursue (and expand) the goals it had agreed to with the NSGWP.

Poynter-style propaganda lives on today at the the St. Petersburg Times.

The newspaper employs writers who deliberately use the word "Nazi" in the continuing effort to rehabilitate socialism and to NEVER write the actual name of the horrid Party: National Socialist German Workers' Party. On at least one occasion, after being specifically asked (during the writing of an article) to identify the actual full name of the Party, a St. Petersburg Times writer refused to do so.  It is the same propaganda policy employed by Nelson Poynter regarding "Hilter's Children" and other films in order to promote deadly socialism in the U.S.

For more on the topic read "Ayn Rand and Song of Russia: Communism and Anti-Communism in 1940s Hollywood" by Robert Mayhew. It recalls Ayn Rand's testimony about the movie "Song of Russia" before the the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947.

Ayn Rand debunked the movie as pro-Soviet propaganda and deliberate lies about the miserable reality of life under socialism in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The author Robert Mayhew supports each part of her testimony that indicts the historic mess of the Soviet socialists.  Mayhew reveals Rand right in each respect.

Dr. Mayhew even interviewed the surviving co-writer of Song of Russia, ex-"Communist" Richard Collins. The book is a scary revelation about socialist influence in Hollywood - and Washington.

Dr. Mayhew goes beyond the presentation of historical facts. He discusses the political, philosophical and ethical impact of the HUAC investigations regarding free speech, blacklists, "naming names," and truthfulness regarding wartime propaganda, etc. He gives Ayn Rand's views, based in part on previously unpublished work, and his own illuminating analysis.

Dr. Mayhew also reveals the hypocrisy and lies of socialists in Hollywood and of their successors their and in the newspaper business and media everywhere.  He refutes their smears of Rand, which continue to this day.

The book also provides even more proof (as if any were needed) that FDR and Herbert Hoover were actually of the same socialist persuasion, the so called Progressives.   FDR lied (in order to gain election) about his intention to cut government and then FDR expanded the massive socialism that Hoover had previously launched.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt imposed the Office of War Information (OWI) by executive order in June 1942 in order to seize even more control than FDR had from the half-dozen overlapping propaganda agencies that had operated before the war. Infusing movies with propaganda fell to the OWI’s Bureau of Motion Pictures (BMP). The BMP was run by the former newspaperman Lowell Mellett. His deputy was Nelson Poynter, the 39-year-old socialist publisher of the St . Petersburg Times.

Poynter acted as a promoter of socialism in films of the day, censoring anything that was too pro-liberty, and even seeing that movies produced in that era had to pass inspection by the embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics located in New York (see MGM's 1940 movie "Song Of Russia," a blatant propaganda movie glorifying the socialist misery of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). The Roosevelt administration's Office of War Information (which claimed the right to "comment" on film scripts) had the script for "Song of Russia" vetted by the Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!

Similar criticism is merited by Poynter's involvement with film's such as "Hitler's Children." Note that the title of the film is not "National Socialist Children" evidencing a misleading habit similar to one that is still used at the St. Petersburg Times newspaper. The Times appears to have a deliberately dishonest policy of covering up the actual name of the National Socialist German Workers Party, in the newspaper's efforts to rehabilitate socialism.  It is as if it continues the OWI policies of promoting socialism.

Poynter's OWI policies would have influenced the 1942 movie Joe Smith American: The title of the movie harkens to the "All American" family, as shown in the 1942 movie, which includes the early Pledge salute performed with the hand twisted somewhat in a "cleaned up" version of the gesture in order to distance it from that of the National Socialist German Workers Party (the enemy in the movie "Joe Smith, American"). The Pledge was the origin of the salute adopted later by German National Socialists, as shown in the book "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets" by the historian Dr. Rex Curry. In 1942 many Americans performed the Pledge using the the classic stiff-arm palm-down gesture. 1942 is when Congress decided to try to change it completely to the hand-over-the-heart. Many Americans did not care if German Socialists were using the salute because many Americans said it was "our salute" and "we did it first" and that was totally correct. The USA was the origin of the stiff-arm palm-down salute and mechanical chanting to flags en masse, flag fetishism and military socialism, from 1892.
The video linked here shows the gesture

Poynter's OWI policies would have influenced the movie "The Red Pony." It shows a more "cleaned up" version in the evolution and eventual demise of the American salute from 1949 (well after WWII was over). In "The Red Pony" the Pledge is being distanced as the source of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Of course, government officials in the USA never comprehend that they damage society, just as no socialist government has ever conceded causing shortages of  food, clothing, housing or anything.

The socialist dogma under FDR was the same dogma that was touted in the late 19th century by National Socialists in the USA. Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and his cousin and cohort Edward Bellamy (author of the pathetic book "Looking Backward") wanted the government to take over all food, clothing, shelter, goods and services and create an "industrial army" to impose their "military socialism." See the video documentary at

That was the motiviation behind Francis Bellamy's "Pledge of Allegiance" to the flag, the origin of the stiff-armed salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party (see the work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry, author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").

It led to the use of the swastika as S-letters for "socialism" on the flag under German National Socialism.

It is the same dogma that led to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million killed under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Today, the flag symbolizes authoritarianism in the USA. The historical facts above explain the enormous size and scope of government today, and the USA's police state, and why it is growing so rapidly.  They are reasons for massive reductions in government, taxation, spending and socialism.

The oppression of liberty in America by the federal government is a reminder of similar behavior in Germany under the Ministry of Propaganda, under the Universum Film AG (UFA) and as shown in Leni Riefenstahl's film "Triumph of the Will."

The American salute for Americans in WWI from Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance Americans WWI French Children

During WWI the American salute was the stiff-armed salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party. French use American salute for Americans in World War I

Note the source of the photo: the Committee on Public Information (CPI, the Creel Committee) in the United States. The USA was already a police state and proud of it (especially people in the media, as is the case today).

The United States military also used the swastika symbol (hooked cross) in WWI, against Germany et cetera, before the symbol was adopted by the National Socialist German Workers Party.

The government in the United States was using the fasces symbol before it was adopted by Mussolini when he was a well-known socialist writer and leader. In 1915, fasces appeared on an Indian head gold coin in the talons of an eagle. In 1916, fasces appeared on the Mercury dime. It was propaganda to con Americans into another one of the many stupid wars that the USA's government either started or joined: WWI (the war to make the world safe for democracy, har har). That propaganda supplemented flag waving, the Pledge of Allegiance (with its stiff-armed salute) and similar silliness.

National Socialism originated in the USA.

Of course, WWI led to WWII and so forth, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.


Before WWI, one of America's leading propagandists for government was Edward Bernays. Bernays openly sought to use social psychology, political persuasion and advertising to construct “necessary illusions” which were fed to the masses as “reality.” Bernays described it as “engineering of consent.” The objective for Bernays was to show government, government schools and government-regulated media outlets how to gain control.

Edward Bernays' impact was similar to (and built upon) that of America's most notorious and lasting propagandists for "Military Socialism" and "National Socialism": Edward Bellamy and Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance" in 1892). The "Pledge of Allegiance" produced America's stiff-arm salute and robotic chanting to flags in government's schools, where segregation was imposed by law, and racism was taught as official policy. See the video at

In the United States and elsewhere, America's stiff-arm salute began to spread outside of the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. The gesture was directed toward government officials who were often on stage with the flag at mass meetings where the Pledge was led.

Bellamy's pledge was the origin of the stiff-arm salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party, as shown in the work of the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").

By 1915, National Socialism in the USA had inspired propagandistic presentations of the American flag posed favorably with a swastika and the phrase "May our glorious flag and this lucky star guide you and keep you wherever you are."

Another piece of propaganda from the USA bears a swastika and the wording: "Lucky Star - May this emblem protect you well from every bullet, every shell."

In 1917, Edward Bernays and Walter Lippman helped Woodrow Wilson break his campaign promises and con Americans into WWI. To that end they used the Committee on Public Information (CPI ) also known as the Creel Committee. They helped Wilson foment anti-German hate during WWI. Of course, WWI led to WWII and so forth, ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Bernays also created the war slogan “Make the World Safe for Democracy” -a patriotic mantra that many stupid Americans embraced just as they had earlier embraced Bellamy's "Pledge of Allegiance," America's straight-arm gesture, and mechanical chanting to flags in mass and on cue.

Bernays and Bellamy used the technique of manufacturing ever-present dangers and then maintaining a constant state of fear by generating false government pronouncements that endlessly re-stated and exagerated the threat. The modus operandi for Bernays and Bellamy was to give those in power greater control over what Bernay's called "the mass mind."

Bernays’ books "Crystallizing Public Opinion" (1923) and "Propaganda" (1928) impressed Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister for the National Socialist German Workers Party. Germany mimicked American behavior because Goebbels learned from the behavior of Bernays, President Wilson, and the U.S. government during World War I.

In 1933, Bernays met Karl von Weigand (a German journalist) who informed Bernays that Goebbels was using Bernays' work for Goebbels' propaganda campaigns fomenting hate, robotic chanting, straight-arm salutes, the use of government schools, children, and more.

Socialists in other countries wanted to know how to brainwash a nation. It was the same brainwashing dogma behind the Wholecaust  (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~20 million dead under the National Socialist German Workers' Party; ~60 million dead under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million dead under the Peoples' Republic of China.

"If I approach the masses with reasoned arguments, they will not understand me," Hitler noted in Mein Kampf, "In the mass meeting, their reasoning power is paralysed. What I say is like an order given under hypnosis."

To this day, laws continue to order children to hypnotically chant in the Pledge of Allegiance ritual each morning in many schools in the USA. Only the gesture has changed.

Here is a video example from the World War II era.

Bernays' work continued as one of the engineers of the Cold War.

Jonah Goldberg says this about the Wilson administration -
Under Woodrow Wilson, the first American president to embrace the new cult of pragmatism and power that had overtaken "enlightened" thinkers on both sides of the Atlantic (and the first American president to openly disdain the U.S. Constitution), the progressives unleashed a crackdown on freedom that makes the supposed fascism of the McCarthy era and the Bush years seem like a teach-in at Smith College. Wilson established the American Protective League, a group of domestic fascisti charged with crushing dissent, beating "slackers," and intimidating average Americans. Wilson's Committee for Public Information was the first modern propaganda ministry. Indeed, according to the late sociologist and intellectual historian Robert Nisbet, the "West's first real experience with totalitarianism - political absolutism extended into every possible area of culture and society, education, religion, industry, the arts, local community and family included, with a kind of terror always waiting in the wings - came with the American war state under Wilson."
"Wilson began his book: The State. Elements of Historical and Practical Politics: A sketch of institutional History and Administration with a study of Aryan politics. Woody's book does not appear to be available anywhere online..." It is reproduced in an Appendix to the article at the following link with some extracts from it about Aryans and such matters.

The government in the United States was using the fasces symbol before it was adopted by Mussolini when he was a well-known socialist writer and leader. In 1915, fasces appeared on an Indian head gold coin in the talons of an eagle. In 1916, fasces appeared on the Mercury dime. It was propaganda to con Americans into another one of the many stupid wars that the USA's government either started or joined: WWI (the war to make the world safe for democracy, har har). That propaganda supplemented flag waving, the Pledge of Allegiance (with its stiff-armed salute) and similar silliness.

During WWI, Mussolini was a well-known socialist leader and writer. Mussolini also wanted Italians to join the USA and the allies in World War I against the Austro/German forces.

Mussolini mimicked military socialism in the USA as touted by Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of "Looking Backward").

Edward Bellamy's book was an international bestseller translated into every major language, including Italian.

The fasces symbol appears in Congress

It is used in other government seals and symbols

The fasces is on the seal of the Rome Academy where Francis Bellamy (1855-1932) attended school.

Universum Film AG UFA Leni Riefenstahl Triumph of the Will

Leni Riefenstahl's film "Triumph of the Will" is shown in a poster that also shows the UFA symbol for Universum Film AG.

The UFA was the principal film studio in Germany during the Weimar Republic and through World War II.

The UFA symbol reflects similar stylized alphabetical symbolism to that of the swastika's use as crossed S-letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSGWP), as shown in the work of Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Swastika Secrets").

UFA was created in November 1917 in Berlin as a government-owned (socialist) producer of World War I propaganda and public service films. It was created through the consolidation of most of Germany's commercial film companies, including Nordisk and Decla.

In 1921 UFA was de-socialized (privatized).

UFA work included that from the studio of the bergfilm, a German genre that romanticized mountain climbing,  downhill skiing, and outdoor activity. Examples of the bergfilm genre are The Holy Mountain (1926) and White Ecstasy (1931), notable for the appearance of Austrian skiing legend Hannes Schneider and a young Leni Riefenstahl.

UFA was taken over by Alfred Hugenberg in March 1927. Hugenberg was connected to Krupp and sympathetic to the National Socialist German Workers Party, and the company became a producer of propaganda films for Socialism after Adolf Hitler took power in 1933. Joseph Goebbels' ministry of propaganda controlled the content of UFA films through political pressure and threat. Because of that environment, Fritz Lang, like many of his UFA colleagues, would soon leave Germany to work in Hollywood.

During the 1930s, as the National Socialist Party gained power, UFA produced odious examples of anti-Semitic and socialist propaganda. In 1937 the Nazis bought up 72% of UFA's shares. In 1942 the company was totally nationalized/socialized by the Third Reich as a  socialist monopoly under which were absorbed all other production and distribution companies and studio facilities active at that time.

A photograph shows writer-director Fritz Lang and his wife, writer Thea von Harbou, who together created many of UFA's most noted films, in their Berlin apartment in 1923 or 1924. Note the Hakenkreuz/swastika motif in the wall-hanging and in the table.

Universum Film AG UFA Fritz Lang, Thea von Harbous, Leni Riefenstahl Triumph of the Will

Tampa Tribune Swastika St. Petersburg Times Socialism

Another Tampa Tribune / St. Pete Times symbol shows the Tampa Tribune's T-cross combined with the St. Petersburg Times' S-cross, the hooked-cross swastika.  Dark T-letters form the S-letters of the lighter swastika (at the interior) and encircle it. It symbolizes how the two have the same deadly dogma of socialism, similar to that under the National Socialist German Workers Party. 

Idiots write absurd things about Lincoln Steffens. Here is an example from a popular anonymous bulletin board that masquerades as an "encyclopedia":

Joseph Lincoln Steffens (April 6, 1866 – August 9, 1936) was an American journalist and one of the most famous practitioners of the journalistic style called muckraking. He is also known for his 1921 statement, upon his return from the Soviet Union [that's the FORMER Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics, har, har]: "I have been over into the future, and it works."

A better known version of his famous quote, "I've seen the future, and it works," can be found on the title page of the 1933 edition of Red Virtue, written by his wife, Ella Winter.

Steffens specialized in investigating government and political corruption, and two collections of his articles were published as The Shame of the Cities (1904) and The Struggle for Self-Government (1906). He also wrote The Traitor State, which criticized New Jersey for patronizing incorporation.

[And can you believe someone wrote those last two sentences and -with a straight face- placed them near the preceding sentences? Lincoln Steffens visited the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and said "I've seen the future, and it works" and Steffens specialized in investigating government and political corruption and wrote "The Struggle for Self-Government" et cetera. ROFLMAO].  People are so blind and stupid that they are hilarious.

In other words, Lincoln Steffens was no different from most news repeaters today.

That is a reminder of people who compare the views of Andrew Carnegie and Edward Bellamy and never point out that Carnegie actually created untold jobs for people, supplied them with steel, machinery, wealth et cetera. Bellamy only MOUTHED OFF to dupe the same people into embracing Soviet-style socialism and poverty, and never provided any jobs, machinery or anything of value to anyone. 

In other words, Edward Bellamy was no different from most news repeaters today.

Glimpse into a secret regime and into mental illness

This is a classic demonstration of how the St. Petersburg Times newspaper will not identify for readers the dogma of the subject written about by the Times Staff Writer.  Note that the following words do not appear in the article below: socialism, communism, police state, et cetera. Instead the word "totalitarian" is used to cover-up for socialism. This article also demonstrates the mental illness and insanity that is fostered by socialism (See the work of Dr. Rex Curry at )

HERE IS THE ARTICLE (with comments interspersed in upper-case letters as Editor's notes):

The totalitarian regime, so secretive that it has been called the Hermit Kingdom, maintains its isolation by keeping almost all Western journalists out. [Editor's note: THE ST. PETERSBURG TIMES AND MOST NEWSPAPERS IN THE USA MAINTAIN ISOLATION BY KEEPING WESTERN READERS IGNORANT OF THE DOGMA BEHIND THE BEHAVIOR DESCRIBED IN THE ARTICLE: SOCIALISM].

I was one of the few who got in.

Two years ago, as a reporter for an Austrian newspaper, I went to North Korea to cover a women's hockey world championship. I was much more excited about getting a peek inside a country that at the time had been resisting world pressure to cease its nuclear weapons program.


Soldiers peered up the stairs. Minutes later they stripped me of my cell phone (even though North Korea claimed it had no network) and my passport. [Editor's note: IT IS INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT AND UNPLEASANT TO TRAVEL INTO, OUT OF, OR WITHIN THE USA DUE TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ]

"You speak when asked to," one of the border guards told me. Instantly, I had been turned from a guest into a closely guarded visitor. In a country consistently ranked last in the world in press freedom, a foreign reporter is a potential risk.

Two guides ushered me to a bus. Nothing would happen without their approval during my 10-day stay. I couldn't talk to anyone without their consent.

Nevertheless, while we drove from museum to museum and from monument to monument, I tried frequently to learn how much North Koreans know about the world outside.

"Oh, we have news," one of the guides would say, "people know what they need to know."

Most people there don't even know the Internet exists, much less have access to it.

What did they think of the United States?

"It was the American imperialists who drove the fatherland apart," was the standard answer. As far as they are concerned, the United States is always poised to invade.

Asking questions about the nuclear crisis was a no-no. To them there was no crisis.

The country's isolation is reinforced by the state ideology of self-reliance or juche, which was crafted by North Korea's deceased but nevertheless "eternal president," Kim Il Sung. When a famine struck the country in the mid '90s, North Korea's leadership accepted foreign aid only reluctantly. It came too late for the estimated 600,000 North Koreans who died of starvation. [Editor's note: THE CREATION OF STARVATION BY GOVERNMENT IS SIMILAR TO HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN THE USA WANTED TO DIVERT CORN TO ETHANOL ]

"Why would you want to leave my country? It's beautiful here," one of our guides answered when I asked if the average North Korean would be allowed to travel abroad.

What he didn't say was that any North Korean caught trying to leave the country without permission would most likely be imprisoned.

It took me a while to understand that I wasn't the only one being watched. My guards were watching each other, too. When I began to speak German with one of them, the other interrupted, demanding that we speak English so he could understand.

On only one occasion did the door seem to open to more intimate conversation. I was pulled into a little office by a friendly guy to whom I had given cigarettes earlier. He closed the door behind us and sat down.

"I have been abroad," he said. "I know what you think. But it will do no good to our people to know about the world out there."

I didn't say anything. I was too afraid. In North Korea you never know for certain the room you're in is not being watched.

Whenever I would use the ridiculously expensive Internet connection at the "International Press Center," two to four pairs of eyes behind me would follow my every click.

It was impossible to escape my guides for very long, but parts of the capital seemed empty of people. I stood in the middle of a road once to take a picture of a monument; there weren't any cars to worry about. [Editor's note: SHOW ROADS WITH NO CARS. YET, THE EMPTY ROADS ARE GREAT FOR TANK PARADES UNDER MILITARY SOCIALISM]

Driving through Pyongyang one day, a towering concrete pyramid came into view. I knew that it was the 105-floor Ryugyong Hotel and that work had ceased in 1992. It was empty.

"What is it?" I asked innocently.

"A hotel, but it's still under construction," the guide said.

"Where are the workers?"

"They are working inside," he barked, turning away.

Later I learned that officials deny its existence, though it's by far the city's largest building.

It was the same kind of denial I noticed at a museum where representation of the Korean War stopped at the moment the North captured Seoul. They didn't mention that it was recaptured by southern troops. [Editor's note: THIS IS SIMILAR TO HOW GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS AND GOVERNMENT-REGULATED MEDIA IN THE USA HANDLE THE HISTORY OF THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. See ]

After 10 days I felt exhausted, nodding at stories I knew were fabricated and "facts" that weren't true.

I could see a reality the North Koreans pretended doesn't exist — that many people wouldn't have jobs if the government didn't force them to practice for parades months in the future. [Editor's note: PRACTICING FOR TANK PARADES GLORIFYING SOCIALISM ON THE EMPTY SHOW ROADS THAT HAVE NO CARS]. People are so poor they cut branches from trees around the city just for firewood. [Editor's note: THOSE ARE CONDITIONS OF THE MIDDLE AGES, SHOWING HOW SOCIALISM CAUSES TIME TRAVEL IN REVERSE, OR REGRESSION]. If they wouldn't acknowledge what was right next to them, it was easy to ignore the world outside.

-- From the St. Petersburg Times "Glimpse into a secret regime" By Stefan Jaeger, Times Staff Writer Published May 29, 2009.

