secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Catholic organization Opus Dei, the Illuminati, and the mythical Priory of Sion

For comprehensive information about swastika symbolism see  
Frightening information and photos about the history of the Pledge of Allegiance is at
Hear audio on worldwide radio at

Support the fight against the National Socialist German Workers' Party and its atrocious legacies in modern politics.   
For more information regarding Nazi policies in the USA see 
Constructing the symbol  
Inquisitions Occult Socialism Swastika Constructing the symbol deconstructing Socialist Symbols of Hate !
FAN MAIL ! - is hailed in victories against modern legacies
of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Occult Socialism Inquisitions SWASTIKA - Constructing the symbol deconsctructing Malcolm Quinn Steven Heller Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Socialist Swastika !
Occult Inquisitions Salem Witch Trials Socialists Fascists Nazis Communists
Occult Swastika constructing the symbol deconstructing Steven Heller & Malcolm Quinn Swastika Socialist Symbols Fascists Nazis Communists
The sick socialist swastika is exposed!

A Cross, known as the Hakenkreuz or "hooked cross," became S-symbolism for "socialism" during the Socialist Crusades.

hooked cross hakenkreuz swastika crooked cross
Many popular books have examined the Inquisitions. Some have also examined the role played in the Inquisitions by secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Catholic organization Opus Dei, the Illuminati, and the mythical Priory of Sion. The books argue that those mysterious groups have reasons to ensure that the truth is suppressed.

There were four old Inquisitions. In chronological order, the four were the Medieval Inquisition, the Spanish Inquisition, the Portuguese Inquisition and the Roman Inquisition. They started with the Medieval Inquisition in 1184 and ended with the Spanish Inquisition in 1834 (The Spanish Inquisition was decreed by the Roman Catholic Church in 1478 in Spain).

One would be incorrect to presume that the old Inquistions were unrelated to each other, or that they were unrelated to the modern socialist Inquisitions. In numbers killed and in atrocities committed, the modern Inquisitions vastly exceeded the old Inquisitions.

The modern socialist Inquisitions also consist of four major examples: ~60 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSGWP); ~4 million under the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.  They were also part of the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust is included).

Those hell-holes and their satanic leaders would not separate church and state, they combined religion with socialism, and they worshipped government. The blood-sucking vampires rationed the last suppers of a hundred million people who were sacrificed in apocalyptic acts.

During the old inquisitions the religious groups were also political groups, and in that manner no different from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Peoples Republic of China and the National Socialist German Workers Party. The old religions also preached self-sacrifice to "God," a word used as a synonym for "king," for "government," and for the authorities. Old inquisitions were similar to the modern inquisitions in that they were both anti-individualist.

The modern inquisitions are known by many names including: the anti-capitalist holocaust; the anti individualist holocaust; the anti minarchist holocaust; the anti capitalist genocide; the anti individualist genocide; the anti minarchist genocide. It resulted in the persecution of everyone who supported individual liberty and who opposed bigger government, authoritarianism, and self-sacrifice.

Individualists and capitalists were persecuted by socialists in the modern inquisition: the anti minarchist inquisitions; the anti-capitalist inquisitions; the anti individualist inquisitions. The National Socialist German Workers Party even persecuted Jewish people as capitalists. It is referred to as the modern dark age, or the socialist dark age.

Most books about the Inquisitions are well-researched in the sense that they reference actual historical events. The books are usually poorly researched in the sense that they should tell more about the real-life links to the worst torture and slaughter in history. The books might inspire people to learn more about the truths behind the mysteries. It is hoped that newer versions of popular books are improved with greater emphasis on factual matters. Truth is more frightening than fiction.

For example, most people do not know that a cross was worshiped as the notorious symbol of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. The group called their symbol the Hakenkreuz, not the swastika. Hakenkreuz means "hooked cross."  

Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, the noted cryptographer / symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (Swastika Secrets) discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism."  With a 45 degree turn of his Hakenkreuz, the leader of German National Socialists combined the cross with collectivism, merged church and state, meshed religion and socialism, and mandated the worship of government.  It is only one of many forms of occult socialism.

There is support for Dr. Curry's work in books by authors who believe the Holocaust under the National Socialist German Workers Party was an Inquisition (including religious persecution) undertaken by the leader of German National Socialism under his religious beliefs.

Many religious people refused to perform the straight-arm salute to the hooked-cross flag of German National Socialism. Those people (e.g. Jehovah's Witnesses) considered it to be the sacrilegious worship of government and socialism.  Those people were persecuted and many were killed.  They were also persecuted in the USA for refusing to perform the straight-arm salute in worship of the national flag and the government.

There are many shocking links to the Freemasons, the United States of America, and the robotic chanting of the Pledge of Allegiance in the USA (origin of the straight-arm salute of the NSGWP). Some books assert that the Knights Templar were the origin of Freemasonry

The Pledge of Allegiance is a witch hunt that continues every morning in government schools (socialist schools) in the USA.  The witch test was created by Francis Bellamy who touted his self-proclaimed "Christian Socialist" dogma in 1892.

The violence in the USA over flag ritualism predated that of Germany by decades. It is the government's obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) of robotic chanting and ubiquitous flags in government schools (socialist schools).

Authors of current bestsellers (e.g. The Da Vinci Code, The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail, etc) make their stories relevant to current events. Such stories are relevant to the fact that the present government in the USA is anti libertarian and is out-socializing the previous administration by more than double and growing (in social spending alone). The demonic dogma of socialism and human sacrifice is still growing all over the world.

There are terrifying parallels in the philosophies and religions of Vlad III Dracula, Vlad I. Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party.  

They were all Christians. Vlad III Dracula (a.k.a. Vlad the Impaler 1431-1476) was Catholic and is remembered as a Christian knight and for his crusades. Vlad I. Lenin was baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church. The Russian Orthodox Church traces its roots to the Baptism of Kiev in 988, when Prince Vladimir I officially adopted the religion of the Byzantine Empire as the state religion of the Rus' state. It traces its apostolic succession through the Patriarch of Constantinople (named after Constantine). The city of St. Petersburg (on the Gulf of Finland) was renamed Leningrad. Vladimir Putin can be seen in photographs with Alexius I of the Roman Orthodox Church. Joseph Stalin attended Tiflis Theological Seminary, a Russian Orthodox institution via a scholarship that he was awarded (he was also paid for singing in the choir). His mother wanted him to be a priest even after he had become leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. When Vlad I. Lenin died (January 1924), he left behind a document known as "Lenin's Testament."  Stalin organized Lenin's funeral and made a speech professing undying loyalty to Lenin, in almost religious terms. Marx's father converted to Christianity and Karl Marx joined the official denomination of the Prussian state, Lutheranism, and he was thus in a small minority of Lutherans in a predominantly Roman Catholic region.  The head of the NSGWP was raised as a Roman Catholic by his parents, as was customary where he lived. His mother wanted him to become a priest. He saw the swastika symbol while he was a young student with the Benedictins at the Abbey of Lambach-am-Traum, in upper Austria. The symbol was engraved on the four corners of the monastery. It was not called a swastika. German National Socialists called the symbol that they worshippd a Hakenkreuz.  It was a type of cross.  It translates as "hooked cross." In some ways, the head of the NSGWP did become a priest.

The Inquisitions were institutions charged with the eradication of heresy through violent coercion.

Heresy is a natural obstacle to total control by anyone with power. If enough people decide to think for themselves, the absolute authority of socialism is threatened. Under socialism permanent structures came into being to combat heresies. Socialists deemed it proper to convert, sometimes by violent means, people who maintained divergent opinions from the government.  Socialist leaders often carried out the torture and the killings although sometimes eager citizens were allowed to contribute, a role of great prestige in the socialist Wholecaust.

The goal of the Spanish Inquisition (1478) was to question Jewish converts to Christianity and to expose and execute those found guilty of reversion. Authorities then turned on Spanish Jews in general, sending 300,000 into exile. The persecution then turned to humanists and Lutherans. No rank escaped danger. Children informed on their parents, merchants on their rivals, and priests upon their bishops. Those denounced were guilty unless they could prove their innocence. Nearly 32,000 people were publicly burned at the stake. Impalement was used during the old Inquisitions. The "fortunate" victims were flogged, fined, or imprisoned.  

The goal of the socialist Inquisition was the same.  Everyone was forced to convert from any philosophy of freedom and was required to embrace the socialist government's dogma. The leaders tried to kill off all remants of capitalism in order to maintain power. Anyone could be questioned to expose and execute those found guilty of reversion. Purges were common and no rank escaped danger. Children informed on their parents, merchants on their rivals, and lowlings upon their higher-ups. Those denounced were guilty even if they could prove their innocence. They were tortured to give false convesions and to publicly denounce their true beliefs and to embrace socialism. Hundreds of millions of people were slaughtered. The "fortunate" ones were beatern, fined, imprisoned, or sent to work camps.

The socialist Inquisition killed millions while the old Inquisition killed few in comparison.

Socialism was eagerly promoted worldwide in 1892 by the international bestseller "Looking Backward" by Edward Bellamy, an American author. It was also a work of fiction that duped many people into sinister plots that killed many. It was translated into every major language, including Russian, Chinese and German.

Edward was cousin to the also-famous Francis Bellamy, author of the "Pledge of Allegiance."
Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") and Frederick Bellamy (who introduced Edward to socialistic "Fourierism") were socialists.  Edward, Charles and Frederick were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, and the "Nationalist Educational Association." They wanted all of society to ape the military and they touted the "industrial army" of what they called "military socialism" and "Christian socialism." Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists worldwide (including Germany) via "Nationalist Clubs."  

They wanted the government to take over all schools and they wanted a flag in every school and they wanted children to embrace Christian Socialism, to worship the government, worship the flag, and to robotically chant to it.  Francis Bellamy was a Freemason and he used that secret society and similar groups to promote his dogma.  The strategy met with much success.   

Professor Curry, a noted cryptographer and a famed symbologist, untangles many webs. He leads readers through the world's hell-holes and history itself. It is an amazing interpretation of world history. Dr. Curry embarks on a lofty and intriguing exploration of world culture's greatest mysteries--from the nature of humanity to the secret of wealth.

National Socialism grew worldwide, including Germany, where it eventually resulted in the National Socialist German Workers' Party (more commonly referred to by a hackneyed shorthand term). Many people do not realize that the more common shorthand word for the group means "National Socialist German Workers' Party." A mnemonic device is the swastika. Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, Professor Curry discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism."  The head of the NSGWP altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.

German Socialists did not call it a swastika.  They called the symbol that they worshippd a Hakenkreuz.  It was a type of cross.  It translates as "hooked cross."

The German National Socialist group was formed in 1920. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics adopted similar policies when Stalin promoted a policy of building "Socialism in One Country" for the USSR (During the period after Lenin's death in January 1924). WWII heated up when the National Socialist German Workers' Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics joined together as allies in 1939 to invade Poland, in a plan to divide up Europe.

The USA's Pledge Of Allegiance was the origin of the infamous salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP).   Dr. Rex Curry showed that the USA's early Pledge of Allegiance (to the flag) used a straight-arm salute. It was a way to worship government. Dr. Curry helped to establish that it was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth.  The myth is still repeated in modern efforts to cover-up Dr. Curry's discoveries about the Pledge's poisonous pedigree.

The original Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. Historic photographs are at and at   In actual use, the second part of the gesture was performed with a straight arm and palm down by children extending the military salute while perfunctorily performing the forced ritual chanting.  Professor Curry showed that, due to the way that both gestures were used sequentially in the pledge, the military salute led to the NSGWP salute. The NSGWP salute is an extended military salute via the pledge.

Jehovah’s Witnesses were persecuted for refusing to give the straight arm salute to the national flag.  That was the national flag of the USA (the stars and stripes) and of Germany (the hooked-cross flag).  The straight-arm salute to the national flag originated in the USA.  The straight-arm salute originated in the USA’s Pledge of Allegiance and Jewish Folks and Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Blacks and people of all kinds were required by law to perform the straight-arm salute in government schools in robotic chanting every morning at the ring of a government bell (just as it is done today, but with a different gesture).  The USA was doing the straight arm salute to the national flag for three decades before German National Socialists started doing the same thing.

Jehovah’s Witnesses objected to the religious worship of socialism and they refused to participate. Again, that was in the USA and in Germany at the same time.  Some of the court cases began in the USA in the early 1930's (and it took all the way to 1940 to obtain the first major decision from the US Supreme Court). 

In 1939 the National Socialist German Workers' Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics joined as allies to invade Poland in a pact to divide up Europe.

The major Supreme Court cases in the USA (1940 & 1943) about the Pledge involved Jehovah’s Witnesses who were being forced to robotically chant the pledge to the national flag with the straight-arm salute.  At first they were unsuccessful in the USA and they were persecuted in the USA, expelled from the government schools (socialist schools), and had to use the many better alternatives, including home-schooling and their own church schools.  Even so, they (and their schools) were often pursued and persecuted even after being expelled from government schools.

The Times reported that Timothy Bradshaw, a scholar of Christian doctrine at Regent's Park College, Oxford, said that young people were growing up unaware of the Bible and its teachings. He said "Speculative twaddle is getting ingrained into the popular mind. It is very worrying."

"There has never been a more salient time to remind people that evil is neither a concept nor a theory," he said. "It has a human face. In just the past four years alone, the world has been hit with devastating events - political, natural and man-made. One can't help but notice a certain momentum."

Evil does have a human face: Stalin of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (65 million dead); Mao of the Peoples' Republic of China (35 million dead); the head of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (21 million dead).

Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation warns of the coming of the "beast," the Anti-christ, whose number is 666.  Each killer in the socialist Wholecaust was a beast and the number 6 appears three times in the infamous biblical number.  

Young people are also growing up unaware of modern history and unaware that the worst killers of all time were people who called themselves socialists and  preached self-sacrifice for the benefit of society.  It is very worrying. The speculative twaddle of socialism is ingrained into the popular mind in socialist schools (government schools). In much of the USA teachers still try to coax children into robotically chanting the socialist's Pledge Of Allegiance every morning upon the ring of a government bell.  It is a very bad omen.

Each student in government schools, while still an infant in the hospital, was assigned a socialist slave number number by the government.  Government schools demand the numbers for enrollment. The numbers are used by the police state to tax children and to track their employment, movements, residences, finances, purchases, etc, for their entire lives.  No young person owns property and his money is taken and given to wealthy retire people who already have more money than he will ever have.

The same tracking system was used by every country in the socialist Wholecaust.  Under the National Socialist German Workers' Party, numbers were assigned via a tattoos, particularly in work camps.

Work camps were also used by the United Socialist States Government (USSA), following the same socialist schemes of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the People's Republic of China, and the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  The USSA's Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was military socialism inspired by the Bellamys. The schemes contributed to massive poverty and millions of deaths.  In the USSA, the schemes extended the Great Depression, enlarged domestic poverty, and led the country into WWII and large loss of life.  The same idea was used by racists in the USSA to intern Americans of Japanese descent.

The United States Government (USG) followed the National Socialist German Workers' Party with national numbering in 1935.

The USG was growing massively and attempting to nationalize the economy in many ways.  At that time, the pledge of allegiance to the USA's flag had its original straight-arm salute created by Francis Bellamy (an advocate of nationalization and a self-proclaimed national socialist in the USA) and it was the origin of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.   Government was taking over schools and imposing segregation by law and teaching racism as official policy. Laws required daily robotic chanting of the pledge upon the ring of a government bell, like Pavlov's lapdogs of the state. 

After German Nazism fell, schools in the United Socialist States of America (USSA) continued segregation and racism, stopping in the 1960's.  The USSA also continued NSGWP numbering and the robotic pledge, with no stopping.

Today, the USA numbers babies, and government schools demand the numbers for enrollment, and the numbers track homes, workplaces, incomes, finances, and more, for life.  School laws still tout the daily pledge, a bizarre ritual shunned by every other country. 
Dr. Rex Curry masterfully details an intelligent and lucid real-life thriller that marries mysteries of international mass murder with a collection of fascinating esoterica culled from centuries of world history.

The manuscript reveals sinister plots to uncover a secret that has been protected by clandestine societies since the days of Christ and before. The perpetrators are high-ranking agents in ancient societies who leave gruesome clues about their history. Professor Curry, a noted cryptographer and a famed symbologist, untangles the web.  He is a detective searching for the stunning secret of the ages.  Miles ahead of the authorities and the deadly competition, He leads readers on a breathless flight through the world's hell-holes and history itself. It is a page-turning thriller that also provides an amazing interpretation of world history. Dr. Curry embarks on a lofty and intriguing exploration of world culture's greatest mysteries--from the nature of humanity to the secret of wealth. Though some will quibble with the veracity of Curry's conjectures, therein lies the fun. It is an enthralling read that provides rich food for thought.

Curry's latest thriller is an exhaustively researched page-turner about secret societies, ancient coverups and savage mass slaughter. The action kicks off in modern-day U.S.A.  The search progresses through secret societies including two mysterious groups -the legendary Priory of Sion, and the conservative Catholic organization Opus Dei. Both have their own reasons for wanting to ensure that the truth isn't found. Curry has assembled a whopper that will please both conspiracy buffs and thriller addicts. 

To paraphrase Vin Suprynowicz -

Of COURSE it would be more convenient for the Luddites [socialists] if I were to accept their underlying assumptions and limit myself to “critiquing policy as regards energy & conservation” [and socialism]. Just as, in 1500, it would have been judged MUCH safer to study how best to DISCOVER and DESTROY witches than to challenge whether the old crones had any demonic powers in the first place.

As a matter of fact, challenging the EXISTENCE of the supernatural powers of witches was prima facie proof that the challenger was HIMSELF a witch (“warlock,” whatever), which was likely to get you burned.

[Worse, challenging the EXISTENCE of the supernatural powers of socialist government and socialist leaders was prima facie proof that the challenger was HIMSELF a witch (“warlock,” capitalist whatever), which was likely to get you burned, re-educated, purged]

Amazingly, under those circumstances, publicly expressed opinion – holding that the demonic powers of witches was real – was NEARLY UNANIMOUS! Surely they couldn’t ALL have been wrong. Ain’t sealed systems grand?

[Amazingly, under those circumstances, publicly expressed opinion under the USSR, PRC, and NSGWP – holding that the powers of socialism were wondrous utopias  – was NEARLY UNANIMOUS! Surely they couldn’t ALL have been wrong. Ain’t sealed systems grand?

The Pledge of Allegiance is a witch hunt that begins every morning in government schools (socialist schools) in the USA.  The witch test was created by Francis Bellamy who touted his self-proclaimed "Christian Socialist" dogma in 1892.

It is the government's obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) of robotic chanting and ubiquitous flags in government schools (socialist schools).

Its influence is similar to that upon Ivan Pavlov's dogs.'s-dogs-brainwashing-ivan-pavlov-socialism.html

The Pledge was the origin of the straight-arm salute adopted decades later by German National Socialists.

People who refused to partake in verbally goosestepping to the flag were persecuted. Anyone refusing to perform the stiff-arm salute and mechanical chant to the national flag was expelled or worse. That was the flag of the USA and the German swastika flag (in Germany it was not called a "swastika," it was a "Hakenkreuz" meaning hooked-cross, a type of cross). It happened at the same time. The USA's flag ritualism was only one swastika short of being there. However, the USA's bad behavior was started by American National Socialists three decades before it was adopted by the National Socialist German Workers Party, as shown in the work of the documentarian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). Violence and lynchings occurred in the USA and in Germany.  The violence in the USA over flag ritualism predated that of Germany by decades.

It is the way that Americans pray to their criminal politicians as if they were saints (satans?).

The dogma behind the USA's witch hunting was the same dogma behind the socialist crusades and inquisitions of the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~20 million slaughtered under the National Socialist German Workers' Party; ~60 million under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China.

The government schools (socialist schools) in the USA imposed segregation by law, and taught racism as official policy, and their behavior outlasted German Socialism by decades. Even after the official racism in government schools ended in the USA, it was replaced by forced busing and that heightened hostilities and destroyed neighborhoods.

Pledge of Allegiance

In the beginning of August 1692, a grand jury indicted George Burroughs, and a trial jury convicted him. Before being executed, George Burroughs recited the Lord's Prayer perfectly, supposedly something that was impossible for a witch, but Cotton Mather was present and reminded the crowd that the man had been convicted before a jury. On August 19, 1692, Martha Carrier, George Jacobs Sr., George Burroughs, John Willard, and John Procter were hanged.

The Pledge of Allegiance is a reminder of similar magical belief system, and moreso by the addition of "under God" to the Pledge in 1954.

There were lynchings and other violence against people who would not mechanically chant the pledge.

"Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" was  written by Charles Mackay in 1841. It is a worthwhile chronicle (through the mid-nineteenth century) of mankind’s periodic collapses into mass-mindedness.

It is a common mistake for people to assume that religious faith and fervor are qualities to be found only within institutionally-structured churches with formal doctrines and rituals. They are to be found, in varying degrees, within all belief systems, be they secular or theistic in nature. The philosophy of socialism is grounded in a faith and has produced many popular delusions. True-believers who voiced doubt have been subjected (in greater numbers) to inquisitions and purges as enthusiastically conducted as medieval trials for heresy.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote about the "civil religion" that inspired the French Revolution and the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, ~60 million deaths; People's Republic of China, ~50 million deaths; National Socialist German Worker’s Party, ~20 million deaths. In Rousseau's profane brain religion is “a purely civil profession of faith of which the sovereign should fix the articles, not exactly as religious dogmas, but as social sentiments without which a man cannot be a good citizen or a faithful subject.” He added, “It [the sovereign] can banish from the state whoever does not believe them — it can banish him, not for impiety, but as an anti-social being, incapable of truly loving the laws and justice, and of sacrificing, at need, his life to his duty. If any one, after publicly recognizing these dogmas, behaves as if he does not believe them, let him be punished to death: he has committed the worst of all crimes, that of lying before the law.”

The Rousseauist dogma of the “civil religion” was the theology of the socialist Wholecaust. Francis Bellamy, an American proponent of Christian Socialism, boosted the same vision through his Pledge of Allegiance and as a daily religious ritual in government schools (socialist schools).

Compare Bellamy's bloviating to those he inspired later in the National Socialist German Workers' Party.


Many people marveled at Adolf Hilter's "hypnotic" powers of propaganda, as if he was the first of his kind as head of the National Socialist German Workers Party. Adolf Hitler's propaganda had already been pioneered by Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy and American socialists. Francis Bellamy's original Columbus Day program was a blueprint of nationwide propaganda for socialism in government schools. They put government flags over schools, in classrooms and everywhere.

They even put flags (and chanting to flags) in churches in another eerie parallel followed decades later by socialists in Germany.


Many popular books have created a genre that weaves fascinating esoterica culled from centuries of world history. They examine secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Catholic organization Opus Dei, the Illuminati, and the mythical Priory of Sion. The books argue that those mysterious groups have reasons to ensure that the truth isn't found.

For example, the Da Vinci Code involves sinister plots to uncover a secret that has been protected by clandestine societies since the days of Christ. A noted cryptographer and a famed symbologist untangle the webs.

The many books and films try to link their stories to biblical prophecies.  The stories are often well-researched in the sense that they reference actual parts of the Bible. The stories are usually poorly researched in the sense that they should tell more about the real-life links to secret societies that caused the worst torture and slaughter in history. The socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part) involved the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (62 million people killed); the Peoples' Republic of China (49 million); and the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP) (21 million). Those hell-holes and their satanic leaders would not separate church and state, they combined religion with socialism, and they worshipped government. The blood-sucking vampires rationed the last suppers of a hundred million people who were sacrificed in apocalyptic acts. The books might inspire people to learn more about the truths behind the mysteries. It is hoped that newer versions of popular books are improved with greater emphasis on factual matters. Truth is more frightening than fiction.

For example, most people do not know that a cross was worshiped as the notorious symbol of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. The group called their symbol the Hakenkreuz, not the swastika. Hakenkreuz means "hooked cross."  It is one of the biggest cover-ups in history.

Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, Dr. Rex Curry (Swastika Secrets) discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism."  With a simple turn of his Hakenkreuz, the leader of German National Socialists mixed church and state, combined the cross with collectivism, meshed socialism and religion, and mandated the worship of government.  It is only one of many forms of occult socialism.

There are even shocking links to the Freemasons, the United States of America, and the robotic chanting of the Pledge of Allegiance (origin of the straight-arm salute of the NSGWP).

Authors of current bestsellers (e.g. The Da Vinci Code, The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail, etc) make their stories relevant to current events. Such stories are relevant to the fact that the present government in the USA is anti libertarian and is out-socializing the previous administration by more than double and growing (in social spending alone). The demonic dogma of socialism and self-sacrifice is still growing all over the world.

There are terrifying parallels in the philosophies and religions of Vlad III Dracula, Vlad I. Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party.  

They were all Christians. Vlad III Dracula (a.k.a. Vlad the Impaler 1431-1476) was Catholic and is remembered as a Christian knight and for his crusades. Vlad I. Lenin was baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church. The Russian Orthodox Church traces its roots to the Baptism of Kiev in 988, when Prince Vladimir I officially adopted the religion of the Byzantine Empire as the state religion of the Rus' state. It traces its apostolic succession through the Patriarch of Constantinople (named after Constantine). The city of St. Petersburg (on the Gulf of Finland) was renamed Leningrad. Vladimir Putin can be seen in photographs with Alexius I of the Roman Orthodox Church. Joseph Stalin attended Tiflis Theological Seminary, a Russian Orthodox institution via a scholarship that he was awarded (he was also paid for singing in the choir). His mother wanted him to be a priest even after he had become leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. When Vlad I. Lenin died (January 1924), he left behind a document known as "Lenin's Testament."  Stalin organized Lenin's funeral and made a speech professing undying loyalty to Lenin, in almost religious terms. Marx's father converted to Christianity and Karl Marx joined the official denomination of the Prussian state, Lutheranism, and he was thus in a small minority of Lutherans in a predominantly Roman Catholic region.  The head of the NSGWP was raised as a Roman Catholic by his parents, as was customary where he lived. He saw the swastika symbol while he was a young student with the Benedictins at the Abbey of Lambach-am-Traum, in upper Austria. The symbol was engraved on the four corners of the monastery. It was not called a swastika. German National Socialists called the symbol that they worshippd a Hakenkreuz.  It was a type of cross.  It translates as "hooked cross."

A historic religious doctrine involves the belief that bread and wine change into flesh and blood.  The Holy flesh and Holy blood are then consumed by the believers with the use of a grail or chalice.  Followers of the doctrine participate in elaborate group ceremonies (en mass) concerning the act. The act is required to be repeated regularly for their entire lives.

Those historic religious beliefs developed from the Last Supper.  The Holy Grail was the container used by Jesus at the Last Supper.  The nexus of Joseph of Arimathea with the Grail legend dates from Robert de Boron's Joseph d'Arimathie (late twelfth century) in which Joseph receives the Grail from an apparition of Jesus and sends it with his followers to Great Britain. Building upon that story, later writers recounted how Joseph used the Grail to catch Christ's blood.

The historic religious ceremony that developed is often performed in the presence of a large crucifix that graphically displays the namesake of  their religion upon a cross, with nails through his feet and hands/wrists (another form of impalement).  Followers believe that the namesake of their religion was sacrificed, or engaged in agonizing self-sacrifice, that could save humanity through the power of belief and/or emulation. Followers sometimes wear small versions of the event on necklaces. They believe that the namesake of their religion died, came back to life and was able to live forever.  Followers believe that their group ritual with wine and bread will help them to do the same.

It is difficult to know what the above religious doctrines meant in the twisted minds of Vlad III Dracula, Vlad I. Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Karl Marx, Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy and the leader of German National Socialists. They were preying people.  They ruthlessly preyed upon others.

It is possible that twisted minds interpreted those ancient religious acts as ritualized cannibalism and the glorification of sacrifice and death.. Vlad III Dracula was said to consume bread that he dipped into the blood of his victims as he dined among their impaled bodies.  Old drawings may depict such scenes. Vlad III Dracula was known as Vlad the Impaler because he used impalement is a method of torture and execution. Similar historic religious doctrines also drove believers to use corporal mortification, flagellation etc.

In 1459 Dracula attacked Brasov, burned an entire village, and impaled many people there on a Hill.  The horror is shown in a woodcut in a tract from Nuremberg in 1499. The image shows Vlad at a table eating while impaled victims are dying around him, and while his aids hack off limbs. The tract provides this description: "...he impaled people and roasted them and boiled their heads in a kettle and skinned people and hacked them to pieces like cabbage. He also roasted the children of mothers and they had to eat the children themselves." A woodcut (Strasbourg) exists from the following year with another such scene. Vlad's legend also spread from German sources, dating from as early as 1463 (while Vlad was still alive). Dracula's Homepage website states, "....some of the earliest secular texts to roll off the presses were horror stories about Vlad Dracula. Written in German and published at major centres such as Nuremburg, Bamberg, and Strassburg, these had such unsavory titles as The Frightening and Truly Extraordinary Story of a Wicked Blood-drinking Tyrant Called Prince Dracula. Researchers have discovered at least thirteen of these pamphlets dating from 1488 to 1521."  A German tract (Nuremberg 1488) states: "He had some of his people buried naked up to the navel and had them shot at. He also had some roasted and flayed."  The same tract adds: "About three hundred gypsies came into his country. Then he selected the best three of them and had them roasted; these the others had to eat."
Modern socialism also caused cannibalism. The dogma of Vlad I. Lenin and Joseph Stalin killed seven million persons from 1932-33 in the famine that resulted in Europe's "breadbasket" after the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics imposed collectivist land management in the Ukraine. Humans adopted cannibalism in desperate attempts to survive.  By the spring of 1933, an estimated 25,000 people died every day in the Ukraine.  It is the same socialism that resulted in 27 million people starving to death in 1958 in the so-called "Great Leap Forward" in China.  Both underworlds used the same economic reasoning as in "Looking Backward" the book by Edward Bellamy. They crucified capitalism in the production of food (and everything), and mass famine resulted. They fed on the blood, sweat and tears of humans.  They inaugerated a return of the dark ages.

During impalement, victims were skewered on long stakes that were planted in the ground. The piercing was done through the sides or the rear entrance.  It could be done so that the victim was still alive and would be displayed (similar to crucifixion) until death and thereafter.

Impalement was a bizarre and ironic evolution of crucifixion. Emperor Constantine I (also known as Constantine the Great 272–337 A.D.), for reasons of Christian piety, banned crucifixion as a means of capital punishment. Nevertheless, the symbol of the crucifix and the cross were retained and spread, even as modern jewelry. Impalement was adopted because it was not considered crucifixion.  

Vlad began a six-year period of rule in 1456, just three years after Constantinople fell to the Turks. Vlad went to war in the winter of 1461-62. Vlad's battles drew the attention of several European rulers, including the Pope.  When the opposing Sultan's army reached Vlad's capital city this is what they saw: "He marched on for about five kilometers when he saw his men impaled; the Sultan's army came across a field with stakes, about three kilometers long and one kilometer wide. And there were large stakes on which they could see the impaled bodies of men, women, and children, about twenty thousand of them, as they said.....There were babies clinging to their mothers on the stakes, and birds had made nests in their breasts." (from the Greek historian Chalkondyles).

Of couse, 20,000 impaled by Vlad III Dracula is small compared to the hundreds of millions killed in the modern socialist Wholecaust. Lenin established the Gulag (death camps, slave camps, concentration camps) in 1920 or earlier, and they grew in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  The leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party followed the lead of Vlad I. Lenin in constructing death camps used to kill people who were considered inferior.  Both of them followed in the footsteps of Vlad III Dracula.

The leader of German National Socialists obsessed about blood and would carry the Blutfahne (Blood flag), a swastika flag (Hakenkreuz flag) which was covered in the blood of his cohorts from the attempted Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, Germany on November 9, 1923.  The bloody hooked-cross flag was treated as a sacred object, and was carried at NSGWP ceremonies. One of the most visible uses of the flag was at the annual socialist party rallies at Nuremburg, where the leader touched other national socialist banners with the Blutfahne, thus sanctifying the new flags with the old.

In the historic film "Triumph of the Will," the leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party states: "The Party will be like a religious order."

Socialist rulers see themselves as a superior race, with special blood, ordained, messianic, even God-like, with the power to rule over life and death. They obsess about class and they mentally view people in such categories, and available for sacrifice.  They re-combined church and state through the worship of government, socialism and death.

The American National Socialist Edward Bellamy combined religion with socialism in his book The Religion of Solidarity (1874).  He argued that individuality is a delusion and/or is unimportant. He advocated that each individual subsume himself/herself to anything and everything else, as repeated later in his book Looking Backward.  He called his dogma Christian Socialism.

Many bestsellers say too little about real-life horrors and say too much about silly fictions. The Priory of Sion has been an elusive protagonist in many conspiratorial works of pseudohistory. It has been characterized as the most powerful secret society in history.  Yet, the Priory of Sion is a modern fraud. It raises the suspicion that popular writers and film-makers concoct silly stories in order to cover-up for socialism and real-life horrors.

The Prieuré de Sion was created by Pierre Plantard. It is usually rendered in English translation as Priory of Sion or Priory of Zion.

A priory is a residence in a monastery governed by a prior (superior).  A monastery is a community of persons who give up individuality to live collectively, through self-sacrifice, and they often take vows to live in poverty, and give up private property.  The term "monastery" comes from the root "mono" as meaning living as one. In a free society, such a manner of living is voluntary and rare.  Under socialism, such a manner of living is involuntary and is imposed on everyone by government.  It results in widespread poverty.

Sion or Zion has several definitions in dictionaries including: utopia or an idealized, harmonious community (that concept is also used as a reference to the historic land of Israel).  The USSR, PRC, and NSGWP all promised utopia or an idealized, harmonious community.  The atrocities that followed bore no resemblance to a harmonious society.

The articles of the Priory of Sion as indicated in its Statute desired the creation of a monastic order -but the activities of the Priory of Sion bore no resemblance whatsoever to the objectives as outlined in its Statutes.  Article VII stated that members were expected "to carry out good deeds" and "teach the truth" and "defend the weak and the oppressed."  The statutes of the USSR, PRC and NSGWP all stated the same expectations, which were repeated in Pravda (truth) and the other government-run media.

Authors who have written about the Priory of Sion assert that its ultimate goals are:
    * the founding of an empire that would become the next hyperpower and usher in a new world order of peace and prosperity;
    * the establishment of a messianic mystery state religion; and
    * the grooming and installing of a messiah or "Rex Deus" or "King God."

Stalin, Mao and the head of the NSGWP each had a messiah complex and installed themselves as Rex Deus and required worship and complete obediance and sacrifice, even to the ultimate self-sacrifice by millions: death.

The authors Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln (The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail) claimed that the Priory of Sion had a long and illustrious history dating back to the First Crusade starting with the creation of the Knights Templar as its military and financial front.

They wrote that the Roman Catholic Church tried to kill off all remnants of the society and their guardians, the Cathars and the Templars, during the Inquisitions, in order to maintain power.

An internet website, Dracula's homepage, states: "In 1431, the senior Vlad was summoned to Nuremberg by Sigismund, the Holy Roman Emperor, to receive a unique honor. He was one of a number of princes and vassals initiated by the Emperor into the Order of the Dragon, an institution, similar to other chivalric orders of the time, modeled on the Order of St George. It was created in 1408 by Sigismund and his queen Barbara Cilli mainly for the purpose of gaining protection for the royal family; it also required its initiates to defend Christianity and to do battle against its enemies, principally the Turks. As an indication of his pride in the Order, Vlad took on the nickname 'Dracul.' (The Wallachian word 'dracul' was derived from the Latin 'draco' meaning 'the dragon.')"  The younger Vlad used the term "Dracula," meaning "son of Dracul" or "son of the Dragon." 

Each was a socialist Shiva, God of death
Socialists & Socialism inquisitions, trials, dark ages, anti capitalist holocaust / genocide, anti individualist holocaust, anti minarchist genocide / holocaust
They set the worst records that have never been broken in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with ~60 million killed; the Peoples' Republic of China, ~50 million; the National Socialist German Workers' Party, ~20 million). It is known by many names including: the anti-capitalist holocaust; the anti individualist holocaust; the anti minarchist holocaust; the anti capitalist genocide; the anti individualist genocide; the anti minarchist genocide. It resulted in the persecution of everyone who supported liberty and who opposed bigger government, bigger spending, authoritarianism, and socialism. Individualists and capitalists were persecuted by socialists in the modern inquisition: the anti minarchist inquisitions; the anti-capitalist inquisitions; the anti individualist inquisitions. The National Socialist German Workers Party even persecuted Jewish people as capitalists. The modern socialist inquisitions greatly exceeded the old inquisitions in numbers of people slaughtered. It is referred to as the modern dark age, or the socialist dark age.

The modern Dark Age, the Dark Age of Socialism and the Socialist Inquisitions.
Looking Backward at Edward Bellamy, Francis Bellamy, the Pledge of Allegiance, the socialist Holocaust, Wholecaust, & Wholecost,
the Dark Ages of Socialism, The modern Dark Ages and the Socialist Dark Ages, The Socialist Inquisition & The Socialist Dark Age
Vampires Vampyres Draculas Demons Fascists Nazis Socialists Communists blood suckers

The modern Dark Ages resulted in the worst blood-letting in history, the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): 60 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 50 million under the Peoples Republic of China; 20 million under the National Socialist German Workers Party.

It also infected other lands, including the Dark Ages of Cambodia under Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge.

Eastern Europe has come out of its Socialist Dark Ages.  The danger still exists as other countries (e.g. Venezuela) take giant steps toward a socialist Dark Age.
The danger of Dark Ages America: The Final Phase of Empire even exists as the United States still struggles against domestic socialism and its growing police state.

For more about the modern Dark Age, also known as the Dark Age of Socialism

The Dark Ages of Socialism

The modern Dark Ages and the Socialist Dark Ages

The Socialist Dark Age

Pledge Of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance & socialism, segregation and racism
Swastika Swastika
Swastika, Francis Bellamy, Pledge of Allegiance, Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward, Holocaust, Inquisition
Swastika Swastika