Image at
LIBERTARIANZ LIBERTARIAN RESOURCES LIBERTARIANISM ENVIRONMENTALISM, FREE MARKET ENVIRONMENTALISM Dr. Curry, Libertarian Environmentalist Pledge of Allegiance in frightening photos and articles at
For fascinating information about symbolism see 
Hear audio on worldwide radio at is the internet intellect leader and/or originator for many philosophical ideas and phrases (listed on this page) and for the use of internet searches to evaluate (or score) philosophical ideas by their occurence in phrase searches on the internet.  It is surprising how some fundamental issues are rarely discussed. click on any topic below for more details.

The first to solicit and display historic photos of the original straight arm pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag.

The first to expose the scary speech "The Meaning of the Four Centuries" by Francis Bellamy, the author of the Pledge of Allegiance, and a self-proclaimed national socialist.

The first to discover that the pledge of allegiance was the origin of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis).

The first to discover that the phrase "under God" appeared in the original pledge of allegiance program.

The first to educate the U.S. Supreme Court, and the legal community and judges worldwide, about the true horrid history of the pledge of allegiance (as told in the Amicus brief and motion to recuse filed in Wonschik v. U.S.).

The first in history to file a motion to recuse in a U.S. Supreme Court case (Wonschik v. U.S.) that addressed every Justice. is the first and only place on the web with an example of a segregated class performing the original "nazi-style" salute to the USA's flag during the time when government schools imposed racism.

Rex the iconoclast is the first person to publicly burn his social security card in protest to end socialist slave numbers and the first and only person to organize the public burning of SS cards against Nazi numbers and the only place on the web with the historic photographs.

The first to create and display the renowned artwork "Searches Suck" that incorporates and defends First Amendment rights and Fourth Amendment rights. coined and popularized the catchphrases "Searches Suck" and "Buy a gun with your tax refund" and "More government means you need more guns" and "The more I learn about government, the more I like my guns."

According to a recent web search, was one of the first websites to use the term "the socialist Hitler" and variations such as "the socialist Adolf Hitler" and "the socialists Hitler, Stalin and Mao" and "the socialists Stalin, Mao and Hitler."

LIBERTY & THE INTERNET - ranking freedom and assigning scores for freedom phrases.
GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS - on the separation of school and state & improving the Constitution.
NEVER SAY "PUBLIC" SCHOOLS - always say "government schools" instead, to be accurate.
NEVER SAY "PUBLIC" PROPERTY - always say "government property" instead, to be accurate.
PRICE GOUGING IS GOOD - price controls are bad because socialism is bad.
HATRED OF MONEY IS BAD - money is the root of all health and wealth and is not evil.
SOCIAL SECURITY - & the only photo of the first public burning of socialist slave cards.
SOLDERING WIRE ART - is visible in X-ray machines in your new police state.
RE-PRIVATIZATION & DESOCIALIZATION - make an offer for a deed to any government property.
GUNS & THE 2ND AMENDMENT - more rexisms that may save your life and everyone's life.
SEARCHES & THE 4TH AMENDMENT - tests for a Constitutional right.
ENVIRONMENTALISM & ECOLOGY - support growth management: manage the growth of government.
OVERPOPULATION - the Malthusian theory only exists in socialism's dwindling resources.
GOVERNMENTALLY RETARDED - & governmentally disturbed describe socialist societies.
ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM - a wonderful word for liberty lovers to renew.
SOCIALISTS ARE WIMPS - redpublicans, democrat-socialists, republican socialists (all ardy socialists).
- & anarcheologist Rex studies history back before so much government existed.
FULL BLOODED TAMPAN - the only full blooded tampan listed on the internet or groups.
SOCIALIST SWASTIKA - the secret of the overlapping "S" shapes that symbolize deadly socialism.
NOT SAY NAZI - & never forget that they were the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
SOCIALIST CRIMES - against humanity must never be forgotten as the socialist trio of atrocities.
THE SOCIALIST WHOLECAUST - it includes the holocaust and so it was a lot worse.  Never forget.
THE MILITARY SOCIALIST COMPLEX - it was inspired by the socialist salute to the U.S. flag.

the first and only website to argue that government schools are unconstitutional and that the First Amendment should be enlarged to prohibit educational as well as religious establishments is at The web search looked for variations on the phrase “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or education.”  A web search also reveals that originated the phrase “The separation of school and state is as important as the separation of church and state” (a recent search indicated that the oldest reference was from 1997, showing how my sentence had not been picked up or repeated over the span of  years since 1997) and my website is either the first or second site to coin or use one or more of these phrases (though I do not necessarily agree with these statements):  The separation of school and state is more important than the separation of church and state, the separation of school and state is much more important than the separation of church and state, the separation of school and state is far more important than the separation of church and state. To learn more see  

NEVER SAY "PUBLIC" SCHOOLS: Internet searches reveal that is the first site (or one of the first) to use the following phrases and various similar phrases: "never say 'public' schools" and "always say 'government' schools, instead." For similar phrases see  It is remarkable that these philosophical phrases have not been expressed before now on the internet.  To learn more see  To learn more on the related issue of "government property" (not "public property")  see

NEVER SAY "PUBLIC" PROPERTY - Internet searches reveal that is the first site (or one of the first) to use the following phrases and various similar phrases documented at such as "never say 'public' property" and "don't say 'public' property"  while advocating that the phrase "always say 'government' property" or "always say 'socialized' property" should be substituted.  It is remarkable that these philosophical phrases have not been expressed before on the internet.  To learn more on the related issue of "government schools" (not "public schools")  see    

PRICE GOUGING IS GOOD: is one of the first websites to use the phrases "price gouging is good" and "price gouging is great" and "price gouging is beneficial" in a sincere positive manner (see ).  A recent search on the web and in newsgroups for those phrases revealed either no results, or results that used the phrases in a derogatory manner, and almost no instances of positive advocacy of price gouging. was the first to publicly challenge news reporters and commentators to debate their asinine coverage of "price gouging" issues (see ). It is more proof that government schools must end.

HATRED OF MONEY IS BAD:  "The hatred of money is the root of all evil" was first used on the internet by  Related searches reveal scary results: there were 9,280 (web) and  7,400 (group) results for "the love of money is the root of all evil."  And of course, the even more philosophically disturbing misstatement "money is the root of all evil" wins the black ribbon with 22,000 (web) and 24,700 (group).  A search for the simple "the hatred of money" reveals some odd results. Let's change those results! Support the dollar bill ribbon campaign.

SOCIAL SECURITY (SOCIALIST SLAVE NUBMERS):  Rex is the first person to publicly burn his own social security card in a public protest to end the scam and its socialist slave numbers. The phrase “My Socialist Slave number” and the famous photo of the public card burning were posted first by me or still point only to in web searches. was one of the first to use many other anti-slavery phrases at

SOLDERING WIRE ART & THE POLICE STATE: still wows the artworld with soldering wire art masterpieces for the new police state.  If heavy soldering wire (from a home depot type store) is bent into letters and glued to a piece of cardboard to spell out a message (e.g.  "SEARCHES SUCK") then it is visible on x-ray machines during police state searches. A search of web and newsgroups shows that is the originator and still the only source for viewing the avant-garde soldering wire artwork.

RE-PRIVATIZATION & DESOCIALIZATION: originated the sale of quit claim deeds to government property. At the time, the sales were handled as an auction (as a fund raiser for the local libertarian group) of quit claim deeds to government buildings, including government colleges and universities (even individual college buildings)     Bidders made offers on the government buildings they would most like to buy or own. Each quit claim deed was signed by the Libertarian Party officers as a public display of the Libertarian Party "successfully" privatizing its interest in government property. Each deed was framed to serve as a wall hanging and conversation piece.  It was a way for libertarians to say "The government says this is 'public property' that I own and benefit from, and that is the government's excuse to tax and regulate me. Therefore, if that is the case, then I hereby sell whatever ownership interest I have, with the hope of severing the government from my life."

GUNS & THE 2ND AMENDMENT: More rexisms: More government means you need more guns. The more I learn about government the more I like my guns.  Buy a gun with your tax refund.

SEARCHES & THE 4TH AMENDMENT: Even though I did not originate the phrase, as of this writing I am the only result on web searches for  "I dare you PIGS to search my car" or even for "I dare you to search my car" (bumper sticker phrases).

ENVIRONMENTALISM & ECOLOGY: It is amazing that is the only site that results from a search for: "Socialism is environmentally disastrous" and for "Socialism is an environmental disaster." And rex was one of the first to say the even simpler, obvious phrase "socialism is a disaster" on the web and newsgroups.  Other rexisms: Capitalists are the true greens.  Support growth management, manage the growth of government. was the first to say "Tree laws kill trees." was the first, or one of the first, to use the following phrases in a sincere positive manner:  "Sell the Everglades"  and sell the oceans, sell the seas, sell the gulf, sell the lakes, sell the rivers, sell the parks.
     A recent search on the web and in newsgroups indicates that is the first or only site to use the following phrases: "I love manatee. They taste just like chicken," or "Manatee taste like steak" and similar phrases listed at
OVERPOPULATION:  A web search for “the Malthusian theory is manifested only in socialist economies" reveals only 2 results on the web, and 1 result on newsgroups and they are all to   Web searches for similar phrases (see ) suggest that may be the only website revealed in web searches to point out that a socialist economy manifests the Maltusian Theory because socialism prevents it’s population from being able to feed, clothe or shelter itself because socialism destroys a free market economy. was the first website to use the phrase "overpopulation of socialists" on newgroups, and the second to use that phrase on the web.  Socialists hide the truth by calling the problem “overpopulation” and by blaming the poverty on the number of people that exist, instead of blaming socialism.  That also explains why the socialist trio of the worst atrocities (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the People’s Republic of China, and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party) caused shortages, poverty, misery, and mass slaughter.  

GOVERNMENTALLY RETARDED:  I originated the term "governmentally retarded" and "governmentally disturbed" however I note that there is one other hit for "governmentally retarded" on the web (from an inmate #98161 in a super maximum security prison) dated December 2002.  I swear I was using the term "governmentally retarded" for at least a decade before that date.  I have witnesses.

ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM:    I find it utterly amazing that is the only site that results from a search for "fight antidisestablishmentarianism" and "stop antidisestablishmentarianism" and almost for "oppose antidisestablishmentarianism."  for related article see

ARDY SOCIALISTS: The term "Ardy socialists" was coined by and a search of the web and newsgroups reveals it was first used there.  The term "Ardy Socialists" is derived from R-D socialists (republicans and democrats), pronounced "ardy socialists".   The term is useful for discussing the candidates in elections and the bias of ardy socialists in the media in covering only candidatates who are ardy socialists supporting the constant growth of government spending, programs and laws.   Whenever there is a comment about whether the media are left wing or right wing always mention that the media are Ardy Socialists (resolving the hopeless concepts "left and right").
    A search indicates that the first website on the internet to specifically coin the term "Redpublican Party" is  Redpublican Party is destined to be a household word at the rate the Redpublican Party is flushing itself down the toilet of socialism, outdoing even the democratic socialists. also originated the term "neocom."  Google also reveals that I am also one of the first people to describe the current president as President Hillary in drag.
    A search for the phrase “socialists are wimps” and for “socialists are cowards” on the web and newsgroups reveals that is one of few locations to express the sentiment, and is almost the only site to express the sentiment in the manner at

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & FLAG SALUTE: is the only site that collects and publishes photos showing the U.S. flag's original socialist salute (straight-arm salute) that was like the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.    Examples of the photos are linked at  The website originated the famous phrase "remove the pledge from the flag, remove the flag from schools, remove schools from government."

THE WHOLE STORY ABOUT THE PLEDGE: was the first website that broke the historic news-making story that the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the salute of the horrid National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis). is the first website to publish and expose Francis Bellamy's historic speech for Columbus Day in 1892 entitled "The Meaning of the Four Centuries" at which accompanied the first publication of his Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.  A search indicates that coined the phrase "original socialist salute" to the flag and is the only site on the net or newsgroups to use the phrase and may be the only site to use "socialist salute" or "the socialist salute" in reference to the original U.S. flag salute, and without preceding the phrase "socialist salute" with the word "national" (some search hits make reference to the "national socialist salute" of the National Socialist German Workers' Party). was the first to use various phrases, such as "students should stop saluting" and "children should stop pledging" etc., at

SOCIALIST SWASTIKA:  A search of the web reveals that is the site to use the phrase "socialist swastika."   A recent search for "national socialist swastika" showed only about 23 hits, an amazingly small number even for that phrase.  But there were no hits, besides here, for simply "socialist swastika."
In ancient times, the swastika symbol might have also represented the sun or a wheel, thus giving rise to the modern terms "socialist sun" and "wheel of socialism" and the "circle of socialism" and "swastika of socialism" all terms that were first used on the internet by  Internet searches reveal that Http:// is the trendsetter again as the site that originated and used the following phrases below on the web or in groups.  It is remarkable that these philosophical points have never been made before.  To see visual evidence visit  And

The swastika symbolizes socialism
The swastika stands for socialism
The swastika says socialism
The swastika means socialism
The swastika represents socialism
The swastika is socialism

The swastika symbolized socialism
The swastika stood for socialism
The swastika said socialism
The swastika meant socialism
The swastika represented socialism
The swastika was socialism

The socialist swastika
socialism's sick swastika
socialism's swastika
The sick socialist swastika

The swastika is a double sig rune used by the National Socialist German Workers' Party to symbolize "socialism."
The swastika is a double sowilo rune used by the National Socialist German Workers' Party to symbolize "socialism."
The swastika is an overlapping sig rune used by the National Socialist German Workers' Party to symbolize "socialism."
The swastika is an overlapping sowilo rune used by the National Socialist German Workers' Party to symbolize "socialism."

NOT SAY NAZI: originated the "Not Say Nazi" (NSN) phrase and the movement to eradicate rampant ignorance of the fact that "Nazi" is an abbreviation for "National Socialist German Worker's Party" and to bury the word "Nazi" and replace it with its full phrase "National Socialist German Workers' Party."  Rex started the linguistic trademark of never using the word "Nazi" and instead using the full phrase "National Socialist German Workers' Party."  At the time of this writing, was still the only website identified in searches of the web and/or newsgroups as the originator of the linguistic trademark and as the originator of phrases such as "do not use the word Nazi" and "do not say the word Nazi" and "bury the word Nazi" and "never say Nazi" in this fashion.  Indeed, is the first website to use the phrase "linguistic trademark" in newsgroups.  
    As with all of their socialist brethren, the horrid National Socialist German Workers' Party hated capitalism.  In the process of researching for an article, the research phrases at the bottom of were used in searches of the web and newsgroups.  The results indicate that originated or was one of the first sites to publish those phrases and concepts (all related to the National Socialists German Workers' Party hating capitalism) on the web or newsgroups.  It is amazing that the philosophical horrors described in the phrases are almost unknown on the web.
    A conspiracy to cover up the fact that the Nazis were the “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” is shown in another fascinating Google search.  A recent Google search of the web for “Nazi” revealed 3,920,000 hits.   A Google search of the web for “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” revealed 5,410 hits.  The word “Nazi” was used 724 times more often.  "National Socialist German Workers' Party was used 0.14% of the time that "Nazi" was used.
    A Google search of news groups revealed 1,710,000 hits.  A Google search of news groups  for “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” revealed 4,910 hits.  The word “Nazi” was used 348 times more often. "National Socialist German Workers' Party was used 0.3% of the time that "Nazi" was used.
    A Google search of the web sites that contain both the phrase "national socialist german workers' party" and the word “Nazi” revealed only 4,260 hits. A Google search of news groups revealed 3,330 hits.

EXPOSING THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST GERMAN WORKERS' PARTY: Tom Brokaw, anchor and managing editor of the top-rated "NBC Nightly News," and Rex Curry, lawyer and libertarian commentator, were the first and only journalists honored for exposing the "National Socialist German Workers' Party" to the public in Google News' search engine on D-Day of 2004. On that date, June 6, 2004, and for 30 days or more thereafter Google News showed only Brokaw's and Curry's use of the full phrase in Google News archives. Google News selects from 4,500 news sources updated continuously. was the first to use the full phrase so that it would appear in a search on ebay at, and was the first to use the full phrase at was the first to use the full phrase in many major newspapers in the U.S. and worldwide in letters to newspapers pointing out to the newspapers that their website search archives indicated that the newspapers had never written the actual name of the horrid party, but had always used the hackneyed abbreviation.  

SOCIALIST CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY:  A web search for “socialist crimes against humanity” reveals only 45 results on the web, and 30 results on newsgroups. And almost all of them are actually the phrase “national socialist crimes against humanity.”  Almost none of the results is the phrase “socialist crimes against humanity” without the word “national” preceding it (as for “national socialist crimes against humanity”).  Http:// is one of the first websites to use the phrase “socialist crimes against humanity” without preceding it with the word “national” and is the first website to point out this remarkable bias in the media and the general population as evidenced by web searches.  This website coined the phrase "socialist trio of atrocities" and to create the famous graphic artwork at in reference to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (65 million killed), the People’s Republic of China (35 million killed) and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (21 million killed), and this website was the first to use the phrase "Socialists are nuclear bombs. Socialism is nuclear war."  For more amazing web searches see

THE WHOLECAUST & THE SOCIALIST HOLOCAUST:  The word "Wholecaust" was coined by, which is also the first site to use the phrase "never forget the Wholecaust" and "never forget the socialist Wholecaust" and "Wholecaust deniers" and "deniers of the Wholecaust" and one of the few sites to use the phrase "socialist Holocaust."  Those concepts refer the atrocities of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (65 million killed), the People’s Republic of China (35 million killed) and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (21 million killed).  The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the People’s Republic of China both independently slaughtered more people than did the horrid National Socialist German Workers’ Party.   A websearch for “socialist Holocaust” reveals only 28 hits on the web, 44 on newsgroups.  That is hard to believe.  And some of those are actually preceded by the word “national” for the actual phrase “national socialist Holocaust” -another evasion of the much larger Holocaust (the "Wholecaust") that included the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the People’s Republic of China.  In comparison, a web search for “Nazi Holocaust” reveals over 27,000 hits on the web, over 14,000 on newsgroups. Http:// is one of the first websites to use the phrase “socialist Holocaust” without preceding it with the word “national” and is the first website to point out this remarkable bias in the media and the general population as evidenced by web searches.   For more on this topic see

THE MILITARY SOCIALISM COMPLEX is proud to be the first to use the phrases "military-socialist complex" and "military-socialism complex" on the internet, according to searches of the web and groups.  And the military-socialist complex was inspired by the original socialist salute to the U.S. flag, as explained at

ANARCHEOLOGY:    According to a recent web search of the internet and newsgroups, is one of the first websites to use the words "anarchaelogy" and "anarchaeological" and "anarchaeologist."  It is interesting to note that there are search results for "anarchaeologist" but they are misspellings that refer to "an archaeologist," two separate words.
    The derisive phrase “Socialistic Sports Nerds” was either posted first by me or still links only to in web searches. 
   According to the etymological text in the dictionary: Uranus is a god.  Uranus is the ruler of the world.  Uranus is the personification of heaven.  Who can disagree with the dictionary’s inevitable conclusion?: Uranus rules your life. is the originator or one of the first websites to use the phrases above, according to a search of the web and newsgroups. see

FULL BLOODED TAMPAN: "I am a full blooded Tampan" is a phrase that did not render any results in a recent search of the web and news groups in Google.   Quickly, I posted the phrase and am proud to say that I am the only reference identified with the phrase “I am a full blooded Tampan” or  “I’m a full blooded Tampan” or simply “full blooded Tampan.”   And because I have lived in the Tampa Bay area all of my life, I really am a full blooded Tampan.

YOU CAN SCORE POINTS FOR LIBERTY & CAPITALISM ON THE WORLDWIDE WEB - its a battle between good and evil and you can help if you examine the philosophical scores below and then promote the pro-capitalist ideas over the socialist ideas. is already the internet intellect leader and/or originator for some of the phrases.  Asterisks appear next to favorites at ("capitalism is moral" and "socialists are immoral" and "socialism sucks").  Each phrase was searched with quotation marks as a (restricted) phrase.  Some ideas have 0 occurences (until now when became the first occurence on the web and newsgroups. e.g. "socialism is greedy" and "socialists are selfish").  Other scores show capitalism doing much better than socialism (e.g. "capitalism is good" and "socialism sucks").  So, join in and score for capitalism in the battlefield of ideas.  It is surprising how rarely these fundamental issues are being discussed.  (SCORES: the first number after each phrase is the # of web hits, the second number is the # of newsgroup hits)

capitalists are selfish 9, 17
socialists are selfish 1, 0

capitalism is selfish 21, 56
socialism is selfish 5, 91

capitalists are greedy 105, 86
socialists are greedy 5, 31

capitalism is greedy  23, 27
socialism is greedy 0, 5

capitalists are altruistic 0, 0
socialists are altruistic 0, 3

capitalism is altruistic 0, 0
socialism is altruistic 0, 8

* capitalism is moral 120, 96
socialism is moral 6, 29

capitalism is immoral 126, 137
socialism is immoral 234, 73

capitalists are moral 4, 10
socialists are moral 5, 12

capitalists are immoral 3, 12
* socialists are immoral 1, 3

capitalism sucks 6, 1
* socialism sucks 310, 1100

capitalists suck 82, 23
socialists suck 34, 288

* capitalism is good 1250, 1570
socialism is good 488, 760

capitalists are good 60, 76
socialists are good 54, 124

opinion editorials tree laws kill trees rex curry
"Tree Laws Kill Trees" by Dr. Rex Curry is now in print in the book "Americans on Politics, Policy and Pop Culture."

The book includes the 101 Opinion Editorials from, compiled by Jason Wright and Aaron Lee, and edited by Courtney Marsh.

It is available at

Tree laws kill trees, as every libertarian knows.  And rightfully so, because tree laws violate private property rights by “socializing” trees.  All freedom is founded on private property.

The joke about the endangered species act is that if a property owner sees an endangered species on his property he should “shoot, shovel and shut up.”  Under tree-preservation laws it is “chop, chip and chill.”

Tree laws illustrate the fatal conceit of socialism and its unintended consequences.  Tree-huggers must have fallen out of a stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.  If public officials were any more stupid, they'd have to be watered weekly.  If their antidisestablishmentarianism continues then more “protected” trees will die.

Tree laws prove that socialism is environmentally disastrous.  Government built roads through forests, straightened rivers, drained wetlands, cut canals, and subsidized other agricultural uses with taxes and other socialism. The government has already done more environmental damage than private enterprise could ever have afforded to do.  

Capitalism saves trees from socialism’s destruction.  Capitalists farm trees for paper, and other uses.  Capitalists created alternative forms of power to replace the burning of wood.

How capitalism has saved trees historically
How socialism has destroyed trees and other resources
More colorful artwork in custom car tags about saving nature from socialism
Farm the Manatee
Even more colorful artwork about capitalism saving the earth & mankind
How to save trees and the Everglades with private property rights was the first website to state "Tree laws kill trees"  according to searches of the web and newsgroups.

Support Growth Management: Manage the growth of government. Support Growth Management
Support Growth Management: Manage the Growth of Government. Growth Management & Eco capitalism
Support Growth Management: Manage the growth of government. Support Growth Management

The color of a healthy environmnet and the color of money are the same Capitalists are the true greens
Capitalists are the true Greens!
The color of a healthy environmnet and the color of money are the same Rexisms: Capitalists are the true greens

Mother Nature is a Capitalist! Mother Nature is a capitalist!
Capitalist: Mother Nature is a Captialist.
Mother Nature is a Capitalist! Mother Nature is a capitalist!

Follow the socialists: Reject Socialism Follow the Socialists and reject socialism.
Socialism: Follow the Socialists & reject Socialism
Follow the socialists: Reject Socialism Follow the Socialists and reject socialism.

Enviro-capitalists Enviro-capitalism
Enviro-capitalists Enviro-capitalism Enviro-capitalist
Enviro-capitalists Enviro-capitalism
A full-blooded Tampan says -
Socialism is environmentally disastrous. Socialism is a disaster to the environment in so many ways.
Pledge Of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance & socialism, segregation and racism
Edward Bellamy, Francis Bellamy, Looking Backward, Holocaust, Inquisition
Swastika Swastika
Swastika, Francis Bellamy, Pledge of Allegiance, Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward, Holocaust, Inquisition
Swastika Swastika