Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward

The Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).

Francis Bellamy & Edward Bellamy touted National Socialism and the police state in the USA decades before their dogma was exported to Germany. They influenced the NSDAP, its dogma, symbols and rituals.

The swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent crossed "S" letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen").

Pledge of Allegiance pictures
Pledge of Allegiance Videos & Images
Pledge of Allegiance pics
Pledge of Allegiance pics
Pledge of Allegiance pics
Pledge of Allegiance pics
Pledge of Allegiance pics
Pledge of Allegiance pics
Pledge of Allegiance pics


The Pledge of Allegiance (1892) was the origin of the raised arm salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis). The Pledge was written by Francis Bellamy, cousin to Edward Bellamy (the author), and both were self-proclaimed national socialists in the United States. The original Pledge began with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag. In practice, the second gesture was performed palm down. The gesture was not an ancient Roman salute. All of the above are part of the discoveries of the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). The images of the Pledge of Allegiance below are from the silent movie "The Vanishing American" (1925 by George B. Seitz) based on the Zane Grey novel. The Pledge is shown at 51 minutes into the film.

The Pledge of Allegiance is performed at the close of the school day in the film.  The flag is taken from a higher post upon a wall and held lower in the hands of a student.

The film covers the history of native American Indians, continuing through World War I. History, as portrayed in this film, has been a succession of conquests of stronger races over weaker ones. Life on a reservation is portrayed. The impact of WWI is shown (and during that time, when the United States fought Germany, the United States used the stiff-armed salute). For more information visit

Lois Wilson (as Marion Warner) is a teacher at a reservation school for native Americans. She befriends the tribal leader Nophaie (Richard Dix) and teaches him to read. She  also converts hime to Christianity. She persuades him that WWI is a fight for a better world, and that afterward the Indians will be treated better. Nophaie provides horses to the Army and he and many other Indians join the battle.

The film shows a flag-waving attitude toward WWI.

This movie shows reality: native American Indians were taught the stiff-arm salute (as were children all over the country) in government schools that imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policy. For native American Indians there was an added layer of the police state: it was also done on reservations (concentration camps?). It questions the authenticity of the so-called native American Indian greeting of "How" with the raised flat palm of the right hand.  Is the Indian greeting a myth that sprang from films that were influenced by the early Pledge of Allegiance?

At about 42 minutes into the film, an Indian gives an odd salute from the heart.

All Indian tribes did not use the "How" greeting. Some commentary on the topic indicates that of the Indians who did say "How" the Indian term meant "Hello". According to one source the Tetons said "howo" and "ho," the Dakota had "hao" and "ho," and the Omaha had "hau". Yet the commentator fails to ask the obvious question: Were those Indian words merely adoptions/corruptions of the word "Hello"?  It would add another odd layer to the fact that the word "Hello" is etymologically related to the word "Heil." Thus, Native American Indians would have been taught the stiff-armed salute, the swastika, and an etymological cousin of "Heil."

The beginning of the movie shows the legend "Passed by the National Board of Review." It is another example of the USA's police state and how old it is. The National Board of Review of Motion Pictures was founded under duress in 1909 in New York City, just 13 years after the birth of cinema, after New York City Mayor George B. McClellan, Jr.'s revocation of moving-picture exhibition licenses on Christmas Eve 1908. In an attempt to retain some of their constitutional freedom of expression, theatre owners led by Marcus Loew and film distributors (Edison, Biograph, Pathe and Gaumont) joined John Collier of The People's Institute at Cooper Union and established the New York Board of Motion Picture Censorship, which soon changed its name to the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures to avoid the taint of the word "censorship." It was an effort to placate the government, end the revocation of exhibition licenses (licensing that should not have existed), and avoid "government" censorship of films by doing the government's censorship by surrogate. From 1916 into the 1950s thousands of motion pictures carried the legend "Passed by the National Board of Review" in their main titles.

For similar information regarding the USA's police state see the following about the Committee on Public Information (CPI, the Creel Committee, during WWI) and the Office of War Information (OWI under FDR in 1942) and the OWI’s Bureau of Motion Pictures (BMP).

One of the characters in the movie "The Vanishing American" is introduced: Bart Wilson, the government farmer - a civil servant employe who had seen many agents come and go.  That character drives an automobile with the sign "U.S. Indian Service." The film portrays an enormous socialistic system created and imposed by the government. To this day, the government strives to impose a reservation system upon the entire United States.


The Pledge of Allegiance was an insult to Native Americans, as well as all Americans. In 1876, Plains Indians led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull defeated Civil War hero General George Armstrong Custer in the future state of Montana. Custer’s death upset the public -especially because it happened just days before July 4, which was the 100th anniversary of the birth of the United States. The U.S. Army waged war against Native Americans even more viciously. In 1890, the Indian Wars proper were ended when soldiers massacred a band of unarmed Indians at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. But the war against Indians would continue on reservations and in schools. The Pledge of Allegiance was written for Columbus Day, which pays tribute to the man that many Native Americans hate the most. And Columbus Day in 1892 was the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ so-called "discovery" of America. For Native Americans, Columbus Day represents the beginning of centuries of torture, slavery, indoctrination, brain-washing, humiliation, lynchings and murder.

Government schools in the USA taught the stiff-arm salute to segregated native-Americans on reservations et cetera.

Some people state that the following photo was taken in Hawaii in March 1941.

Another person claims that the  photograph shows "American Indian children salute the flag as part of their instruction. Photo courtesy of the University of Utah
Marriott Library Special Collections."

As another example see

Some people  have described the reservations as concentration camps. Thus, the USA preceded V.I. Lenin, Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hilter in the use of such camps. Later, Franklin Roosevelt followed a similar path with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC).

You will probably enjoy this remarkable photo of the early American straight-arm salute

This url has more videos and photos

This is the youtube video

It is disturbing to realize that during WWI (and before and after WWI) when the U.S. fought Germany, the U.S. used the stiff-armed salute and it was spreading
outside of the Pledge of Allegiance into more general use in the U.S., and it would be adopted later by Germany in WWII (and the stiff-armed salute
continued to be used by the U.S. before, during and after WWII, even though Congress attempted to change it to the hand-over-the-heart in 1942. Not
everyone in the U.S. immediately dropped the traditional American stiff-armed salute for the heart gesture merely because Congress suggested it).

The linked photo shows how the USA's government schools taught the stiff-arm salute to segregated native-americans on reservations. The book "Adolf Hitler" by John Toland (Publisher: Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York 1976) states: "Hitler's concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild West; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America's extermination-by starvation and uneven combat-of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity." (Pg 702)

It is disturbing to note that people were required by law to perform the Pledge of Allegiance (and the stiff-armed salute) and were persecuted for refusing (including expulsion, prosecution, violence, children removed from parents, even lynchings).

That the concept of the "Roman salute" did not exist when Francis Bellamy wrote his pledge (and for decades thereafter) also means that the concept of the
"Roman salute" did not exist when Jacques-Louis David lived and painted "Oath of the Horatii" and thus David was NOT thinking of a real or imagined
"Roman salute" when he painted the Horatii, nor did David ever use the term "Roman salute." In other words, if one researches the earliest examples of the use of the term/concept "Roman salute" it is recent, coming decades after the Pledge of Allegiance's stiff-armed salute.

The Horatii lie (that the painting was the origin of the "Roman salute" myth) first appeared on Wikipedia, deliberately fabricated by a liar to cover-up Dr. Curry's discovery that the Pledge was the origin of the Nazi salute. In the painting, 3 brothers are reaching for weapons (and
the two figures in back are reaching with their left hands). The same liar who created the Horatii lie had, until he was debunked, previously claimed
that the stiff-armed salute was an actual ancient Roman salute, and he posted the lie that Roman statues displaying "adlocutio" (a gesture made by
a person speaking) showed the "ancient Roman salute" that he claimed was adopted by Bellamy.  The newly substituted Horatii lie has been mindlessly
repeated by many people (as the adlocutio lie was repeated and still is) because wakipedia glorifies itself as an encyclopedia, even though it is
merely an anonymous bulletin board where anyone can post anything.

Francis Bellamy never used the term "Roman salute" when describing his pledge's salute and he was not influenced by Jacques-Louis David's painting
"Oath of the Horatii." One reason why Francis Bellamy never used the term "Roman salute" in any way is because the concept of the "Roman salute" did
not exist when Bellamy wrote his pledge and for decades thereafter.

Francis Bellamy clearly explained that his pledge began with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag. In practice, the second
gesture was performed palm-down with a stiff-arm when the military salute was merely pointed out at the flag by disinterested children forced to do
Bellamy's robotic chanting daily in government schools. That is the salute developed from Francis Bellamy's Pledge of Allegiance and its use of the
military salute (and how the USA's Pledge salute led to the Nazi salute).

Because good Germans...uh, REAL what they're told (especially in government schools).

This is the web page for Pledge of Allegiance videos and images at

The Pledge influenced the National Socialist German Workers Party, its dogma, symbols and rituals.

a video on youtube

A short audio explanation

Click here to see a video clip of the Pledge of Allegiance in Joe Smith American
1942 Joe Smith American Joe Smith American Pledge of Allegiance

1942 Joe Smith American Joe Smith American Pledge of Allegiance
Click here to see a video clip of the Pledge of Allegiance in Joe Smith American

Joe Smith, American: The title of the movie harkens to the "All American" family, as shown in the 1942 movie, which includes the early Pledge salute performed with the hand twisted somewhat in a "cleaned up" version of the gesture in order to distance it from that of the National Socialist German Workers Party, the enemy in the movie "Joe Smith, American."  At that time, many Americans performed the Pledge using the the classic stiff-arm palm-down gesture. 1942 is when Congress decided to try to change it completely to the hand-over-the-heart. Many Americans did not care if German Socialists were using the salute because many Americans said it was "our salute" and "we did it first" and that was totally correct.  The USA was the origin of the stiff-arm palm-down salute and mechanical chanting to flags en masse, flag fetishism and military socialism, from 1892.

The American attitude toward its stiff-arm salute was similar to the attitude about the swastika, as expressed in a label used by the Swastika Drug Company: "Hilter be Damned. This was our sign since 1922."

Sometimes the flag to which Americans pledged allegiance with their straight-arm salute was paired with the swastika

Today, politicians and bureaucrats in government schools continue to bitterly cling to the Pledge of Allegiance.

Below is another example from the 1939 Film "The Great Man Votes" (release date January 13, 1939). Notice how the flag is held low, and not on a pole up on the wall, in an effort to keep the arms down. Note that there are different positions for the palms in the film clip.

It is also interesting to note that the person who posted the clip on youtube seemed ignorant of the early pledge gesture, and did not even make mention of it. Instead, the only mention was of the lack of the phrase "under God." That is so stereotypically the case regarding people who post comments about the early Pledge of Allegiance (and it is especially interesting in regard to atheists who discuss at length the lack of the phrase "under God" in early video example of the pledge, but never mention anything else about it, including no mention of the stiff-armed gesture staring them in the face).   

1939 is the year that the National Socialist German Workers Party joined as allies with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in a pact to divide up Europe. They invaded Poland together, which many consider the start of WWII. It was part of the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers Party.

Adolf Hitler, head of the National Socialist German Workers Party was elected to office by voters, and gained dictatorship via inducements to and from politicians.

Here is a description of  the film "The Great Man Votes":  Gregory Vance, a widower with two children, is a former professor who has turned into a drunkard. He works, slightly, as a night-watchman and his children, who know him for what he is and what he isn't, are his only admirers. Then, it is discovered that he is the only registered voter in a key precinct and the politicians, from both parties, arrive in droves bearing inducements. What he does about this situation, and the relatives who want to take his children away from him make up the story.

It is a 1939 starred John Barrymore. It was based on the short story of the same name by Gordon Malherbe Hillman.


Could the Harvard rallying cry "Rinehart" be the origin of the "Heil Hitler" chant and related to the American origin of the stiff-armed Nazi salute?

A connection might exist through the influence of Harvard grad Ernst Hanfstaengl. Hanfstaengl was a close associate of Hitler. Hanfstaengl had attended school in the United States during the time when the United States used the stiff-arm salute in the Pledge of Allegiance and elsewhere.

The stiff-arm salute originated from the Pledge of Allegiance, which was written in 1892. It was the source of the salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party, as shown in the work of the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").

Hanfstaengl created the infamous "Sieg Heil" chant (and the "Heil Hitler" chant followed?), he spread America's straight-arm salute in Germany, and he taught the German National Socialist leader to use swastika-style symbolism in signatures.

A youtube video explains more

The Harvard rallying cry "Rinehart!" is mentioned in the 1939 movie "The Great Man Votes" starring John Barrymore.

The movie shows how the "Rinehart" cry spread through American popular culture.

The movie also shows (in a different scene) the early American stiff-armed salute in the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of class in a government school (socialist school).

Also, the song "Harvard Blues," written by Harvard graduate George Frazer and recorded by Count Basie (1941), includes the line, "Rinehart, Rinehart, I am a most indifferent guy . . ."

According to a Harvard magazine article, Basie was charmed by the second stage of the Rinehart legend: "In his 1984 biography of Frazier, 'Another Man's Poison,' Charles Fountain reports that in 1941 Frazier regaled his friend Basie with a sadsack version of the legend: 'Rinehart was a friendless young Harvard who tried to present the illusion that he was in truth a popular sort by standing under his dormitory window and hailing himself,' wrote Fountain. 'Every other November, on the eve or the morning of the Harvard-Yale game, part of the atmosphere in the lobby of the Taft Hotel in New Haven was the faithful and incessant paging of Mr. Rinehart—'Call for Mr. Rinehart! Call for Mr. Rinehart!'— with never a Mr. Rinehart to answer.' "

The legend presents some amusing parallels to Adolf Hitler (and Ernst Hanfstaengl).

According to an article by David Winter in the Journal of Personality, by the 1930s, the cry of "Rinehart!" often signaled the beginning of a college riot. That use is somewhat consistent with its use in the movie "The Great Man Votes" where a young boy (the son of Barrymore's character) cries "Rinehart!" when he charges another boy to fight. The song was popular and became a regular part of the shows Basie gave on college campuses. It enjoyed some critical acclaim, the New York Times's jazz critic calling it one of the "greatest of all blues lyrics."

According to the article by David Winter the custom seems to have died out after World War II. Hmmm, 'wonder why?

More videos and images are at

Here is a more "cleaned up" version in the evolution and eventual demise of the American salute from 1949 (well after WWII was over) in the movie "The Red Pony" in which the Pledge is being distanced as the source of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

"The Red Pony" movie shows a "cleaned up" version of America's Nazi salute from 1949 (well after WWII was over). In the film, the Pledge is being distanced as the source of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as exposed by the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").  The government and its government schools (socialist schools) were effective in their propaganda to cover up their truth about the Pledge even in the cinema.  Even so, the film "The Red Pony" (1949) does it poorly, as it continues to show the mechanical chanting in unison, in military formation, on command in socialist schools.  Note that even the original military salute (the initial salute) appears to have been dropped (the military salute was extended out and thus led to the classic palm-down stiff-arm salute).  Also in this fictional film version, the arms are kept low (because the flag is placed low, and the gesture is to the flag).  The arms are so low that the children are begging for handouts from their socialist government, like panhandlers asking for spare change. It fits with the National Socialist dogma of Francis Bellamy (the Pledge's author), Edward Bellamy (his cousin) and the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (~60 million slaughtered), the Peoples' Republic of China (~50 million slaughtered), and the National Socialist German Workers Party (~20 million slaughtered).

A video clip shows Porky Pig performing the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and it is very different from the modern version of the pledge.

The clip can also be viewed with others at

In it, Porky Pig performs only the first part (the military salute) of the early American salute and does not perform the second gesture (the stiff-armed salute) at all.

What is even more amazing than the above description is that there are three or more posts of that Porky Pig clip (from the cartoon "Old Glory") on Youtube and NONE of them remark about the salute/gesture, nor do any of them criticize the Pledge as a whole.  The Pledge was written and supported by National Socialists e.g. Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy) in the USA and it was the origin of the stiff-armed salute adopted later by the National Socialists German Workers Party, as shown in the discoveries of the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). American National Socialists influenced the dogma, symbolism and rituals of the Nazis (German National Socialists). See the better Youtube video at

The Youtube posters all ONLY criticize the phrase "under God" that was added in 1954 (the Porky Pig clip is from 1939).

That is a remarkable display of ignorance and intellectual dishonesty by the atheists who post those clips. It also suggests that those posters share the disturbing trait of supporting the robotic chanting ritual (other than the two-word deification) and the authoritarian dogma that inspired it and that maintains it.  

It was the same dogma behind the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (~60 million slaughtered), the Peoples' Republic of China (~50 million slaughtered), and the National Socialist German Workers Party (~20 million slaughtered).


Damn you Hitler for stealing our salute!

A funny fan writes: "I purchased a DVD of the classic movie 'The Bells of St. Mary's' (starring Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman in 1945) and it is surprising to see that the Pledge of Allegiance in the very first scene was sound edited to exclude the phrase 'under God.'  It is sad how people think they can trick God."

We, The People, rise up and demand the right to lick the boots of our oppressors. All that is required for a pathetic display of Orwellian Obsequiousness is for the Bolshevik-in-Charge to deny permission to perform the ritual to which We, the Subservient have been conditioned through Pavlovian repetition in Communist Education Camps and Then, the Idiots will mutiny and cut off their nose to spite their face.

Lenny Bruce laughs hysterically in his grave.

Frightening information about the history of the Pledge of Allegiance is at (with shocking historical photographs).
For fascinating information about symbolism see 
Hear audio on worldwide radio at

Saluting the Flag Pledge of Allegiance Nazi salute


Saluting the flag on Fifth Avenue, New York, opposite the Union League Club reviewing stand a "Wake Up, America" celebration. Thousands marched in the procession; hundreds of thousands lined the great thoroughfare and voiced their approval in a succession of cheers. Circa 1917. It shows the early American Nazi salute, which was the origin of the salute of German National Socialism under Adolf Hitler, as shown in the discoveries of the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").

During World War I Germans learned of the American use of the stiff-armed salute, robotic chanting to flags, and the government's use of all of the above to trick people into stupid wars.  German National  Socialists even adopted a version of "Wake Up, America" in "Deutschland Erwache!" 

Note that the crowd does not salute.  That mechanical  response developed later in America.

In comparison to the above, see Norman Rockwell's "Saluting the Flag" painting. It appeared on the cover of The Saturday Evening Post published May 12, 1917. A civil war veteran merely doffs his hat in the painting, while a boy scout gives the scout's modified military salute. Rockwell did not show out stretched arms in the early American nazi salute.

Military personnel and boy scouts and girl scouts continue to salute the flag in the initial manner used during America's Nazi salute: the military salute. The difference  is that they no longer stretch the military salute out toward the flag.


Pledge of Allegiance pics page 2
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It is disturbing to think that this Nazi stamp could have been a stamp of the United States of America if the swastka flag symbol had been replaced with the USA's flag.  What if the USA had created a stamp showing the early American raised-arm salute from the Pledge of Allegiance?  (The USA's Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the salute of Adolf Hitler's German National Socialism, as shown by the historian Dr. Rex Curry, author of "Swastika Secrets").

It is a wonder why there is not a similar stamp from the USA's past.

Of course, the government's socialized post office monopoly will never issue a "historical heritage" stamp showing the early pledge salute of the USA.

For more information visit