Adolf Hitler Hitler

Swastikas The Pledge of Allegiance is a reminder of similar Police-State tactics and obsessive Gestapo behavior under the Nat'l Socialist German Workers Party.

The swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent "S" letters joined for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen").
The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).

Francis Bellamy & Edward Bellamy touted National Socialism in the USA decades before their dogma was exported to Germany.
Girl Scouts Swastika Scouting Tattoo Swastikas Tattoos Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and American students spread flag fetishism, flag chanting, and the stiff-arm salute and military socialism worldwide.
See the related topic of flag fanaticism at
Boy Scout swastika scouting
The Boy Scout Swastika is similar to that of the 45th Infantry Division and the Soviet Socialist Swastika.

U.S. flag fetishism in Germany.

Hitler, Nazis, Hitler's Cross, Hakenkreuz, Hooked Cross, Third Reich, Adolf Hitler

A lot of research has been done concerning the work of Dr. Carl Jung. Carl Gustav Jung (July 26, 1875 – June 6, 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology. Dr. Carl Jung helped to start the "Roman salute" myth that was later refuted by Dr. Rex Curry.  Jung popularized the salute myth.

In 1938, Dr. Jung made a reference to a "Roman salute" (see below for more details) in "The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious" in the "The Collected Works of C.G. Jung," Volume 9, Part 1 (1934–1954).  Jung said: "If thirty years ago anyone had dared to predict that our psychological development was tending towards a revival of the medieval persecutions of the Jews, that Europe would again tremble before the Roman fasces and the tramp of legions, that people would once more give the Roman salute, as two thousand years ago, and that instead of the Christian Cross an archaic swastika would lure onward millions of warriors ready for death -- why, that man would have been hooted at as a mystical fool."

Dr. Curry showed that the "Roman salute" is a myth and that the salute originated in the USA with the Pledge of Allegiance (to the flag).  Dr. Curry showed that the USA's early pledge used a straight-arm salute and it was the origin of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. The Oxford English Dictionary supports Dr. Curry's work.
The myth is still repeated in modern efforts to cover-up Dr. Curry's discoveries about the pledge's poisonous pedigree. 

Dr. Curry also exposed another inaccuracy in Dr. Jung's comment "...that instead of the Christian Cross an archaic swastika would lure onward millions of warriors ready for death..."  Dr. Jung seems unaware of the fact that the swastika, although an ancient symbol, was given a modern variation because it was used sometimes by the National Socialist German Workers Party to represent overlapping "S" letters for its "socialism," a discovery made by Dr. Rex Curry.  

Similar alphabetic symbolism was used for other political purposes under German National Socialism during that time. The same symbolism is shown in the bizarre signature of the National Socialist leader, which he altered to use the same stylized S letter for socialist; he turned the symbol 45 degrees to the horizontal and oriented it in the S direction; and similar alphabetic symbolism was used for the SS Division and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.

Dr. Jung probably was aware that German National Socialists did not use the term "swastika" and used the word "Hakenkreuz."  Jung probably used the German word in Jung's original composition, and the quote in English is probably a poor translation to the word "swastika."

Most people do not know that a cross was worshiped as the notorious symbol of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Hakenkreuz means "hooked cross." With a 45 degree turn of his Hakenkreuz, the leader of German National Socialists combined the cross with collectivism, merged church and state, meshed religion and socialism, and mandated the worship of government.

Dr. Jung's quote is more thought-provoking if rewritten to state: "...that instead of the Christian Cross an archaic hooked cross would lure onward millions of warriors ready for death..."

The term "swastika" was a bad translation for "Hakenkreuz." Even the UK and the USA also used the term "crooked cross" (and hooked cross, armed cross, twisted cross, lucky cross) before "swastika" became dominant. The eventual dominance of the term "swastika" might have occurred in part as an effort to slander a foreign symbol, in an effort to distance the cross from its association with German Christian Socialism.

A book by Charles Allen, The Search for Shangri-La: A Journey into Tibetan History, states, "To the Swiss shaman-cum-psychophilosopher Carl Jung the swastika was an archetypal symbol, a rotating mandala that signified a `projection of an unconscious collective attempt at the formation of a compensatory unified personality'. A conscious attempt by the National Socialist Party to use the swastika to form the 'compensatory unified personality' of Germany in the 1920s has made this a hateful symbol in many eyes."  

The straight-arm salute originated in the USA's Pledge of Allegiance, which was written by Francis Bellamy to promote Christian Socialism. Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") and Frederick Bellamy (who introduced Edward to socialistic "Fourierism") were socialists.  Edward, Charles and Frederick were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed Christian Socialists and National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, and the "Nationalist Educational Association." They wanted all of society to ape the military and they touted "military socialism" and the "industrial army."  Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists worldwide (including Germany) via “Nationalist Clubs.”  

The Bellamys descended from a long line of ancestors who touted similar dogma for generations.

Edward Bellamy was the author of "Looking Backward 2000-1887" an international bestseller that was called the “Bible of  National Socialism.”   Edward also authored "The Religion of Solidarity" and other articles and books with similar ideas.

"Looking Backward" was so popular that it was translated into every major language, including German, Russian, and Chinese.  It immediately inspired a supportive political movement with “Nationalism Clubs” worldwide.

The Bellamy dogma inspired socialists everywhere, including in the countries of the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million slaughtered under the Peoples’ Republic of China; ~20 million slaughtered under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

The dogma and the pledge also inspired violence in the USA against people who would not join in the worshipful chanting.  Some perceptive people back then were not ignoramuses and had not been taught propaganda in government schools all of their lives.  Religious children saw through the socialist’s pledge and they refused robotic chanting because it was the worship of government, socialism, and a graven image.  The government schools persecuted and expelled children who would not comply, arrested parents, and even took children from parents on allegations of "unfit parenting."  There were acts of grotesque violence inspired by the pledge against people who would not join in the robotic chanting.  

The original Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. Historic photographs are at and at   In actual use, the second part of the gesture was performed with a straight arm and palm down by children extending the military salute while perfunctorily performing the forced ritual chanting.  Professor Curry showed that, due to the way that both gestures were used sequentially in the pledge, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute via the pledge.

See the photograph at

It is a myth that the straight-arm salute is an old Roman salute adopted by Mussolini.  According to Martin Winkler in "The Roman Salute on Film" of the American Philological Association, the salute is not in any Roman art or text.  The salute occurs in these films: the American "Ben-Hur" (1907), the Italian "Nerone" (1908), "Spartaco" (1914), and "Cabiria" (1914).

In imitation of such films, self-styled Italian "Consul" Gabriele D 'Annunzio borrowed the salute as a propaganda tool for his political ambitions upon his occupation of Fiume in 1919.  Earlier, D'Annunzio had worked with Giovanni Pastrone in his colossal epic Cabiria (1914). Mussolini worked with D'Annunzio.

Winkler didn't know about the original U.S. flag salute (1892) that inspired the films. Dr. Curry advised him of that fact.

The myth's use is expanding in efforts to cover up Dr. Curry's discovery that the straight-arm salute originated with the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag.

Carl Gustav Jung, 1875–1961, Swiss psychiatrist, founder of analytical psychology. He studied at Basel (1895–1900) and Zürich (M.D., 1902). After a stint at the University Psychiatric Clinic in Zürich, Jung worked (1902) under Eugen Bleuler at the Burgholzli Clinic. He wrote valuable papers, but more important was his book on the psychology of dementia praecox (1906), which led to a meeting (1907) with Sigmund Freud.

 In Psychological Types (1921) Jung elucidated the concepts of extroversion and introversion for the study of personality types. He also developed the theory of synchronicity, the coincidence of causally unrelated events having identical or similar meaning. Additionally, he was the first person to introduce into the language such terms and concepts as "anima" and "New Age."

Prior to World War II, Jung became president of the Nazi-dominated International General Medical Society for Psychotherapy. As the Nazis forced their Aryan ideology on the association, Jung became increasingly uncomfortable and resigned. In addition, in 1943 he aided the Office of Strategic Services by analyzing Nazi leaders for the United States.

 Jung was editor of the Zentralblatt fur Psychotherapie, a publication that eventually endorsed Mein Kampf as required reading for all psychoanalysts. Jung claimed that he did this to save psychoanalysis and preserve it during the war, believing that pyschoanalysis would not otherwise survive because the Nazis considered it to be a "Jewish science" . He also claimed he did it with the help and support of his Jewish friends and colleagues. [1]

Jung also served as president of the Nazi-dominated International General Medical Society for Psychotherapy. Later in the war though, Jung resigned and joined the allied cause in the United States. In addition, in 1943 he aided the Office of Strategic Services by analyzing Nazi leaders for the United States.[2]

Some scholars feel that Jung's reversal was not enough to compensate for his complicity in the "nazification" of pscyhoanalysis. Jung published several articles while working at the Göring Institute that claimed superiority for the "Aryan race", in particular that the Aryan race had a more "creative unconscious" than the Jewish race.

Also see R. Noll, The Jung Cult (1994) and The Aryan Christ (1997).

Here is a quote from Lucille Boone in her review of The Jung Cult: Without disparaging Jung's contribution to psychology, Noll demonstrates how Jung's experiences with occultism, neopaganism, and German utopianism led him to formulate such concepts as the collective unconscious, archetypes, and individuation. Contending that Jung, after his break with Freud, modeled his school of psychoanalysis on ancient mystery religions, Noll shows how followers continued to perpetuate this personality cult, ignoring Jung's early life and work.

Here is another quote from Brian McCombie in his review of The Jung Cult: Noll argues that Jungian analysis has evolved to a cult of personality around its founder, to the point of becoming a religion--with Jung as its prophet, and today's analysts its priesthood. If it's a religious movement, Noll argues, there's too much focus on economic and personal promotion. As a way to explain the workings of the human mind, Noll asserts, Jungian theory contains little that is truly new, borrowing as it does from nineteenth-century occultism, social Darwinism, and neopaganism. Noll further takes to task many cornerstones of Jungian thought, such as the collective unconscious. An interesting deconstruction.

Following World War I, Jung became a worldwide traveller, facilitated by the funds he realized through book sales, honoraria, and moneys received for sabbaticals from achieving seniority in the medical institutions at which he was employed. He visited Northern Africa shortly after, and New Mexico and Kenya in the mid-1920s. In 1938, he delivered the Terry Lectures, Psychology and Religion, at Yale University. It was at about this stage in his life that Jung visited India, and while there, had dreams related to King Arthur. This convinced him that his agenda should be to pay more attention to Western spirituality, and his later writings do show deep interests in Western mystery tradition and esoteric Christianity, and especially alchemy.

"Fascist Spectacle" by Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi contains similar problems and errors. As the title implies, the book uses the terms "fascist" and "nazi" in the stereotypically misleading way (e.g. evading the actual name of the group "National Socialist German Workers Party").  The author studied in California, and merely did research in Italy, yet the author was completely unaware that the stiff-armed salute was used in the early Pledge of Allegiance before it was used in Italy (and thus the author overlooked the discovery made by the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry: that the Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the salute adopted later by Benito Mussolini -when he was a self-procalimed socialist- and by Adolf Hitler -under the National Socialist German Workers Party).

The author thus fails to draw any ominous parallels between the earlier practice in the United States and this quote from the book: "On January 31, 1923, the Ministry of Education instituted a ritual honoring the flag in schools. During the ceremony students paid homage to the flag with fascist songs and a Roman salute" (Page 110). The author does not realize that the same thing was happening at the same time in the USA, and had been happening since 1892, where the mis-named "Roman salute" originated.

The ignorance is stunning (as it is for so many similar books about the same topics). Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The publisher should share some blame: University of California Press.

Movies as Our Cultural Dreams
Monday, April 11, 2005 - 06:31 PM

It almost goes without saying that movies are like dreams. All of us dream, and all of us have been to the movies, so we at least sense the deep connection between the two. A movie is a succession of vivid images that unspools on a screen; a dream is a succession of vivid images that unspools in our heads while we sleep. Both dreams and movies play with time, telling their stories in flashbacks, flash–forwards, dissolves, quick cuts, fade–ins and fade–outs. Both emerge out of the dark and entrance us, engrossing us completely in other times and other worlds. As in dreams, movies allow us to live vicarious experiences. Jung himself said, "The cinema…makes it possible to experience without danger all the excitement, passion and desirousness which must be repressed in a humanitarian ordering of life."

Movies and the clinical interest in dreams appeared on the human stage at the same moment. Freud's Interpretation of Dreams was published in 1900, four years after the first public exhibition of movies in Paris in 1896; Jung's On the Psychology of the Unconscious was published in 1917, two years after D.W. Griffith directed the first American blockbuster, The Birth of a Nation. Close siblings, they borrow terminology from each other. Jung recommended his dreamers engage in 'active imagination,' which is like making a mental movie; he spoke about amplification, the shadow, projection, and the persona. Hollywood was nicknamed 'the dream factory.'

The Psychology of the Unconscious, by C. G. Jung 1912
Jung published Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido (known in English as The Psychology of the Unconscious)

From The Psychology of the Unconscious, by C. G. Jung:
The Psychological Meaning of the Collective Unconscious

The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious
The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 9, Part 1
Jung, C. G., (1934–1954). The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious. (1981 2nd ed. Collected Works Vol.9 Part 1), Princeton, N.J.: Bollingen. ISBN 0691018332

Following the introduction of three essays to establish the basis of the concepts ("Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious"; "The Concept of the Collective Unconscious"; "Concerning the Archetypes"; originally published 1934-36),

This ninth volume of C.G. Jung's collected writings is devoted to his chief works on the concept of the collective unconscious and its correlate, that of the archetypes.

The archetype corresponding to the situation is activated, and as a result those explosive and dangerous forces hidden in the archetype come
> into action, frequently with unpredictable consequences. There is no lunacy people, under the domination of an archetype, will not fall a
> prey to.  If thirty years ago anyone had dared to predict that our psychological development was tending towards a revival of the medieval persecutions of the Jews, that Europe would again tremble before the Roman fasces and the tramp of legions, that people would once more give the Roman salute, as two thousand years ago, and that instead of the Christian Cross an archaic swastika would lure onward millions of warriors ready for death -- why, that man would have been hooted at as a mystical fool. And today? Surprising as it may seem, all this absurdity is a horrible reality. Private life, private aetiologies, and private neuroses have become almost a fiction in the world of today.
> The man of the past who lived in a world of archaic "representations collectives" has risen again into very visible and painfully real life,
> and this not only in a few unbalanced individuals but in many millions
> of people.

Socialism is Fascism, Fascism = Socialism
The word fascicle derives from the Latin fascis ("bundle").

    * Fascicles are the sections of a book, usually a reference work, that because of its length, is issued in parts so that the information may be made available to the public as soon as possible rather than waiting years or decades to complete the entire work. The Oxford English Dictionary was published in fascicles over many years, as was the Dictionary of American English.
    * A fascicle is a bundle of skeletal muscle fibers surrounded by connective tissue.

America's Roman salute Roman salute: Made in the USA
Roman Salute myth, Carl Jung
Roman salute Roman salute: Made in the USA