<== Face the flag pole and salute.
original Pledge began with a military
salute. The military salute then stretched
out toward the flag. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BssWWZ3XEe4 The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis). http://rexcurry.net/pledge2.html The swastika was used by the military and by socialists in the USA and in the USSR, before it was used by the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP). http://rexcurry.net/45th-infantry-division-swastika-sooner-soldiers.html The swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent "S" letters joined for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen"). http://rexcurry.net/bookchapter4a1a2a1.html Francis Bellamy & Edward Bellamy touted National Socialism in the USA for decades before their dogma was imported to Germany. http://rexcurry.net/pledge-of-allegiance-scouting.html "Dr. Curry's work is eye-popping,
hair-raising, spine-tingling, heart-stirring,
bowel-moving and breathtaking!" |
Swastika S-letters stand for "Socialism" Me: Hi Flag! Or Flag pole: Hey, big boy! Or the flag just lies there as if nothing is happening. You know
the type. (Thanks to all the fans. Keep sending it in).
The USA originated
flag fetishism, robotic group-chanting
to flags, Nazism, Nazi salutes,
and the modern alteration of the swastika, as
shown in the jaw-dropping discoveries
of the noted historian Dr. Rex Curry.
For a large collection
of adults-oriented images about
the USA's flag fetishism see
That past haunts America
today, as government schools pay for persecuting
students about the pledge. It happens from Woodbury, Vermont
to Boynton Beach, Florida. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html
Florida has had
over 150 teachers accused of sex crimes in the recent past.
A disturbing web search is "school resource officer" and
"sex" or "inappropriate".
Socialism's prison-size and prison-style schools are part of the
problem and the hidden vagenda.
It conditions students for the government's sexual molestation in airports
and the government program to force adults and children to allow the government
to create pornography in airports, all via the Transportation Security Administration,
or TSA and its irradiating porno scanners, digital strip searches, near-naked
photos, genital gropes, breast feel-ups, and invasive pat-downs.
The Pledge is another type of repetitive degradation that
explains heavy drug use, alcoholism and other self-destructive
behavior in students.
It is a reminder of widespread
alcoholism in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(USSR). The Pledge began in 1892
and alchohol prohibition began in 1919. The Bellamys
supported old prohibition and they would have supported
America's current war on individual liberty: modern prohibition.
Teenage pledge activity
is a major problem confronting the nation and has
led to a rising incidence of governmentally transmitted
dis-ease, emotional and psychological injuries, enormous
government debt, economic chaos, and the USA's growing police
state. It creates a need for psychotherapy for a nation.
Abstinence education programs
for youth have been proven to be effective in reducing
early pledge activity. "Pledge Abstinence" programs also
can provide the foundation for personal responsibility and
enduring libertarian commitment. Therefore, they are vitally
important to efforts aimed at reducing dependency and
increasing adult happiness over the long term. Washington policymakers
should be aware of the consequences of hoary pledge activity,
the undesirable contents of conventional "robotic chanting"
education programs, and the findings of the professional literature
concerning the effectiveness of genuine abstinence-only programs.
All children should be encouraged to "Take the pledge not to
pledge." http://rexcurry.net/stopthepledge.html
The Pledge's political purpose is
quite naked. It annuls individuality. It thereby supplements
the purpose of government schools / socialist schools.
In a country where government's schools
turn back time, politicians continue to
impose ultratraditional ways and dorky anachronistic
rituals upon people who yearn for freedom.
is still the worst example in the world
of perverted laws that require
teachers to show children how to verbally
fellate flags. Why do officials shove patriotism down
children's throats? Each student becomes "Monica Lewinsky" daily
for federal officials. The catechism-cum-brainwash is
an orgy of public fetishism, pledgeophilia, and
emotional masturbation in government schools
(socialist schools) every day for 12 years
of each child's life. It explains why the Pledge is designed
so that one hand is always free. See a historic photograph of
the Pledge of Allegiance at http://rexcurry.net/pledge-allegiance-pledge-allegiance.jpg
Students are expected to squeeze out
a pledge at least once a day. The web site
RexCurry.net presented a prima fecal case of the pledge's
putrid past. It is how the government teaches
coprophagia to kids.
Others think of the pledge as a ritualistic
orchiectomy for American youth each morning.
Every morning teachers expose themselves as S &
M flag fetishists.
people claim that children enjoy the
pledge. Although Supreme Court cases
claim that children cannot be forced to robotically
chant the pledge, children are not informed
of that and neither are teachers or administrators,
who persist in persecuting children who refuse.
Children are also kept ignorant of the Pledge's
poisonous past (and its early salute) because, if
children were properly educated about the pledge,
then everyone would refuse to perform it. In that
sense, it is a Potemkin pledge.
Because of government schools, many Americans have
a militant attitude about the martial ritual. It
is a creepy practice that would have been endorsed
by Joseph Mengele under German National
Socialism. It is related to issues of
thought control, re-education, mind
control, cults, Manchurian candidates, sociopathology,
Stockholm Syndrome, conditioned reflex,
Ivan Pavlov and Pavlov's Dogs. It has produced
generations of Americans who are
not libertarian, but are authoritarian
libertines (the libertine trait is not necessarily
bad, the authoritarian trait IS necessarily
How did the
Pledge of Allegiance turn libertarian
people into flagety libertines?
How did the government's flag hags bamboozle
individuals into believing
that robotic group-chanting to fetishized
flags in government schools is a beautiful
expression of freedom?
flag obscenities started as early
as 1875, and continued through
the creation of the National Socialist
German Workers' Party (German
Nazis or NSGWP). Even after the NSGWP ended,
America's pledgeophiliacs continued their
sick behavior and they do so in present times.
In 1875, the
Theosophical Society was created
in New York. The TS was orgainized
by Madame H.P. Blavatsky, Colonel
Henry Steel Olcott (U.S. army, retired,
and a writer for the New York Daily
Graphic), and Charles Sotheran (an author,
socialist, and a Freemason Supreme Council
member of the Scottish Rite, a "secret
society" steeped in ritual and alleged occult
interests). The TS grew rapidly and soon after
became international.
The Theosophical Society (TS)
touted the explicit collectivist
goal of "universal brotherhood."
The political product was socialism
and self-sacrifice to government
by calling it the "greater good."
The TS dogma reveals no knowledge
of economics, markets, prices,
trade or private property rights.
Theosophy is similar to other civic,
religious or philosophical
groups where followers are easily seduced
and raped by socialists.
Mutual emotional
masturbation each morning in
America has been a nasty example
to perverts worldwide. Whether it was
done toward the USA's flag or toward
the swastika flag, the kinky chanting and
the gesticulation in the morning prayer in
worship of government represented submission
and obedience training to follow authority
and obey commands.
had clear roots in National Socialism
promoted by socialists in
the USA.
The ritualized
humiliation and degradation
has inspired bondage and discipline
and sadism masochism (BDSM and sado-masochism)
and even death. America influenced
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
the Peoples' Republic of China, and the
National Socialist German Workers'
Party, and it was the origin of their salutes,
their robotic chanting and their worship of
government and flags and symbols in their government
schools (socialist schools).
Those circle
jerks were responsible for the
socialist Wholecaust (of which
the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million
slaughtered under the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics; ~50 million slaughtered
under the Peoples' Republic of
China; ~20 million slaughtered under the
National Socialist German Workers'
Party (NSGWP). It included the modern Inquisitions.
During the Wholecaust, there was raping
and pillaging throughout Europe. It was
the worst loss of life in the history of humanity.
People were
punished for refusing to perform
the straight-arm salute to the
national flag. That was the flag
of the USA (the stars and stripes) and
the flag of Germany (the swastika flag). The
persecution happened in both countries
during the same time period.
In the USA,
there were many nasty acts, including examples
of arrests, violence and even
Even today,
when teens defy the morning circle
jerk they risk punishment and
discipline. The class dominatrix may
not understand the rules of the
a mild form of punishment was
spanking upon the buttocks. It
was delivered with the hand or with
a paddle. Sometimes it
was performed while other people watched.
The Pledge
of Allegiance experience is so odd,
that as soon as every teen ends his
sentence in government schools (socialist
schools), he/she immediately drops
the ritual of robotically group-chanting
the Pledge each morning.
The ritual is never
repeated unless a government official
or other authority figure mouths
the magic words to "stand for the pledge."
The 12 years of brain-washing kick
in and the Manchurian Candidates suddenly
spring to attention and chant robotically
in unified compliance. The shocking behavior
might be heightened moreso if the Pledge were
still performed with the original military
salute extended to its early stiff-arm gesture.
The 12 years of conditioning
(brainwashing, indoctrination,
discipline) are acted out in other
ways. People wear clothing
patterned after their flag fetish:
flag shirts, caps, bandanas, boxers, bikinis.
Other people wear clothing that evinces
a lust for government officials, authority
figures, police, military or anyone in a uniform:
black leather, boots, whips, chains, and riding
crops. Atrocities of the socialist Wholecaust
are mimicked with branding, tatoos and piercings
that harken to BDSM.
sick obsession still has relevance
to the enormous size and scope
of government and to the USA's growing
police state.
The TS dogma in the USA
included oddball theories about
superior races, superior societies,
a "Great White Brotherhood" of masters,
sub races, and seven primary root races,
including the "Aryan" race, which Blavatsky
described as superior to some
other "races" (Cf. H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret
Doctrine 1:642; G. de Purucker, Fundamentals
of the Esoteric Philosophy,. 294-5;
also "The Root-Race and Its Sub-Divisions,"
Studies in Occult Philosophy, pp.
As early
1875, Blavatsky’s famous personal
seal employed a swastika
symbol and promoted the swastika
throughout the TS (Jinarajadasa,
p. 19 with the heading ‘H.P.B.'s
Seal in 1875’ and The Theosophist, August 1931,
p. 645). The swastika is the top-most
symbol of seven symbols, and the swastika
is placed underneath a royal crown and
directly atop another central symbol,
a hexagram (six points), with the other six symbols
in a circular arrangement around the six points.
Blavatsky's seal also employs alphabetic
symbolism in the form of Blavatsky's initials
in the center of the seal.
The swastika
that Blavatsky used is unusual
because it is exactly like
the swastika adopted later by the National
Socialist German Workers'
Party (NSGWP) and otherwise known as "the
socialist swastika" : The swastika sits
on a point (it is turned 45 degrees to the horizontal)
and the arms point clockwise. The following
is an illustration of the symbolism of the swastika
The historian Dr. Rex Curry
(author of "Swastika Secrets")
showed how that style of swastika
emphasizes the "S" letters for
"Socialism," or the "Superior Socialists"
or "Socialist Society."
Although the swastika was an ancient
symbol, Professor Rex Curry
proved that it was used later by German
National Socialists to represent
"S" letters for their "socialism,"
as well as an "N" letter overlapping
an "S" letter for "National Socialism."
With a 45 degree turn of his Hakenkreuz,
the leader of the NSGWP
combined the swastika with
socialism, and merged religion and
state. That method had already been
pursued by Blavatsky and the Theosophical
Society. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html
That method had already
been pursued by the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics.
It is further proof of Dr. Curry's
work that in 1939 (when the
National Socialist German Workers'
Party joined as allies with the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
to invade Poland in a pact to divide
up Europe, spreading WWII), Arundale
converted "The Adyar News" into "The Theosophical
World" and he switched to a swastika
symbol that pointed counterclockwise. That
switch of swastika style showed Arundale's
understanding that the earlier TS swastika
had represented two separate overlapping
"S" letters for "socialism."
During Blavatsky's time in the
USA, the swastika became a widely
popular symbol. It was also known
as the crooked cross, Hakenkreuz
(hooked cross), twisted cross,
The Oxford English Dictionary
(OED) supports Dr. Curry's discovery
that the swastika was used
by German National Socialists to
symbolize entwined "S" letters
for "socialism." http://rexcurry.net/swastika-hakenkreuz-oxford-english-dictionary.html
A German occultist
revival began in 1884 with the
foundation of the German
section of the Theosophical Society
under the presidency of Dr.
Wilhelm Hübbe-Schleiden.
In 1902 Dr. Rudolph Steiner became
Secretary-General of the
German section of the Theosophical
Society. In 1912, he and a group
of his followers broke away from the TS
and founded the Anthroposophical
In 1888, Bellamy Clubs (Nationalist
Clubs) gained the backing
of the Theosophical Society
and its leader, Madam Blavatsky.
Theosophists saw in the Nationalist
Movement a practical means to
further their "ideal of universal brotherhood."
(see Arthur E. Morgan in his biography,
Edward Bellamy, 1948, pp. 260-75; see
also The Key to Theosophy by H. P. Blavatsky,
pp. 44-5. -- K.V.M.]
At the time
this was written, the Theosophical
Society of America (TSA)
continued to maintain its Springfield
Branch office at the Edward
Bellamy House, 93 Church Street, Chicopee,
MA and also its library.
Clubs were inspired by Edward
Bellamy and his famous utopian
novel set in the year 2000,
"Looking Backward from 2000 to
1887," published in 1888. It was Bellamy's
wet dream of authoritarianism. It
was the third largest bestseller of its
time and was known as the Bible of National
Socialism. It appears by title in many
of the major socialist writings of the
day. Edward's book was an international bestseller,
translated into every major language
(including Russian, German and Chinese).
The Bellamy dogma inspired the "Nationalism"
movement in the USA, Germany and worldwide.
Edward inspired the creation of the Nationalist
Party. Edward supported the Nationalist
Magazine, the Nationalist Educational Association,
and Nationalist Clubs everywhere.
The Bellamy
dogma and the pledge inspired
socialists worldwide, and in
the socialist Wholecaust (of which
the Holocaust was a part): 62 million
slaughtered under the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics; 49 million
slaughtered under the Peoples' Republic
of China; 21 million slaughtered under
the National Socialist German Workers' Party
(NSGWP). The ideas of self-sacrifice
and altruism were the same ideas that led
to the worst loss of life in human history.
Blavatsky touted the dogma by
travelling extensively to Germany,
India and worldwide (The
Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky:
Reminiscences and Impressions
by Those Who Knew Her by Daniel H. Caldwell:
Chapter 14, Germany and Return to
India 1884-1885; Chapter 15, From India
to Italy and Germany, 1885; Chapter
16, Germany 1886). After Bellamy's
book "Looking Backward," Blavatsky continued
to promote Theosophy and National Socialism
in Germany and worldwide.
Bellamy had also spent a year
in Germany, learning to speak
and write German and attending lectures
and studying German socialism.
Edward's brother Frederick
stated that Edward had talked and
read about socialism before Edward
went to Germany. Frederick wrote
that Edward's letters to him from
Germany were full of German socialism
which "he had read and studied much at home."
(see Sylvia E. Bowman's 1958 book The Year
2000). http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-edward-german-connections.html
November, 1888, Edward personally
made a contract with an interpreter
to translate his book into
German (see the biography by Arthur
Morgan, p. 65).
1891, American advertisements
listed German-language editions
of Bellamy's book and stated that
the socialist's novel "Lays the foundation
of the Nationalist Movement."
adverstisements coincide with
Edward Bellamy's "Nationalist"
magazine, published by the
"Nationalist Educational Association."
German translation not only promoted
National Socialism in Germany,
it also promoted National Socialism
in America and cultivated those Americans
who later supported the USA's
German-American Bund movement that
supported the National Socialist German
Workers' Party. The socialist movement
in the USA was dominated by German-Americans.
Edward Bellamy also influenced
his cousin Francis Bellamy,
famous for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Francis defecated his Pledge
to spread his excrement in government
schools. The Bellamy dogma was called
"military socialism" and the Bellamys
wanted to create the "industrial army"
through government takeover of all schools.
They admired the military
and they wanted all of society and the
entire economy to ape the military.
the government granted their
wish, government schools imposed
segregation by law and taught racism
as official policy. It served as
a bad example for three decades before the
NSGWP. The practice in the USA even
outlasted the NSGWP by more than 15 years.
The Bellamys were bigots, racists,
and xenophobes and they
obsessed about new immigrants coming
into the USA. Edward's book
"Equality" (1897) shows his intolerance
for individuality and his desire
for universal brotherhood by making everyone
the same through government force
in government schools (socialist schools).
Bellamy's early pledge was
the origin of the straight-arm
salute of the NSGWP, as discovered
by the historian Dr. Rex Curry,
author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets."
The Nazi salute is more accurately
called the "American salute." Shocking
photos are on the web.
the American salute was dropped
in favor of the modern practice
in which a student cups her breast
in her hand while pledging herself
to the government and its flag.
A Harvard
graduate, Ernst Hanfstaengl,
personally assisted the leader
of the NSGWP in promoting national
socialism with more ideas from America.
National Socialist German Workers'
Party clearly patterned
itself upon the National Socialism
promoted by socialists in the USA during
the three decades before the NSGWP
Similar oddball
racism-socialism theories were
repeated later by Guido
von List (and his followers such as
Lanz von Liebenfels) and Alfred Rosenberg
and other members of the Thule Society
and they influenced the National Socialist
German Workers' Party. http://rexcurry.net/fascism-third-reich-hitler-nazism-swastika456.jpg
Both Rosenberg
and Blavatsky were from Russia
and influenced the use of the swastika
as a socialist symbol in the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics.
was another of many notorious
socialists who had been active
in Russia (in 1917) and in Germany (with
German National Socialists). The
noted historian Dr. Rex Curry has suggested
that this may have been the inspiration
behind the adoption of the swastika
as alphabetic symbolism for "socialism"
by the National Socialist German Workers'
was born to Baltic German parents
in Reval (Tallinn) Estonia,
then part of the Russian Empire. He
studied architecture at the Riga Polyechnical
Institute and engineering at Moscow
University, completing his Ph.D. studies
in 1917.
the Russian Revolution of 1917,
he emigrated to Germany (in 1918)
along with his friend Max Scheubner-Richter.
Rosenberg was one of the earliest
(January 1919) members of the German
Workers Party and it became the National
Socialist German Workers Party and adopted
the swastika as its symbol and used the
symbol to represent "S" letters for "socialist."
In 1921, Rosenberg became editor of the
Völkischer Beobachter ("Folkish Observer"),
the newspaper of the National Socialists.
also became a member of the Thule
Society, founded August 17,
1918. Rosenberg and the Thule Society
touted oddball ideas about socialism,
universal brotherhood, and the
Aryan race that were all borrowed from the
notorious socialist and occultist Madame
Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society,
formed in New York in 1875. The Thule
Society used a swastika as its symbol, however
the Thule swastika was not the same swastika
used by German National Socialists. The
swastika used by German National Socialists
was the same swastika that had been used for forty
years by Madame Blavatsky as a symbol for her
utopian "socialist society." http://rexcurry.net/theosophy-madame-blavatsky-theosophical-society.html
Thule Society
members maintained close contacts
with followers of Theosophy
and the followers of Helena Blavatsky.
It is also interesting to note that
the Thule Society adopted as its name
two words that have the same "TS" initials
that the Theosophical Society had used
in its symbolism for decades.
decades before the National
Socialist German Workers' Party
existed, socialists in the USA had
promoted National Socialism, the straight-arm
salute, collective robotic chanting,
and the modern swastika as an
"S" symbol for "socialism."
The USA is
still the worst example in the
world of bizarre laws that require
robotic chanting to a national flag in
government schools (socialist schools)
every day for 12 years.
It created
generations of Americans who hate
liberty but bend over and drop
their pants for government. As libertarians
say: non-libertarians believe
the purpose of government is to provide
service, and the media's purpose
is to provide vaseline.
USA still follows similar anti
libertarian policies promoted
by the Bellamys and by socialists
in the Theosophical Society.
Many socialist policies caused the
USA's big, expensive, oppressive
government, its aggressive military socialism,
and its growing police state.
It caused the Great Socialist Depression
(from the Federal Reserve Act of 1913,
the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act 1930 etc)
that persisted and even lasted through
U.S. involvement in WWII. The Pledge still
exists along with laws mandating that teachers
lead the robotic chanting every day for
twelve years of each child's life (though the salute
was altered). The government still owns
and operates schools, including the same
schools that imposed segregation by law and
taught racism as official government policy.
That policy even outlasted the National Socialist
German Workers' Party by over 15 years. After
segregation in government's schools
ended, the Bellamy legacy caused more police-state
racism of forced busing that destroyed communities
and neighborhoods and deepened hostilities.
Those schools still exist. Infants
are given social security numbers (socialist slave
numbers from 1935 during the NSGWP) that track
and tax everyone for life. Government schools
(socialist schools) demand the numbers for enrollment.
Today, children
in government schools enter
through high chain-link fences, past
assembly-line searches of students,
through the metal detectors,
hand-wanding and x-rays of purses
and backpacks, past video surveillance
cameras in the hallways,
past the police dogs sniffing lockers
and youngsters, and finally past
all the locked doors and into the classroom.
Once inside, they watch robotic chanting
of the Pledge of Allegiance to the USA's
growing police state. Later, they are asked
for urine samples for mandatory drug testing.
shows how close the USA moved
toward (and is still moving
toward) socialism. Many Americans
serve as sad examples of how
authoritarian governments come
into existence, grow so large,
last so long, and kill so many. The
dogma of socialism is still growing
all over the world.
The largest
collection of photographs of swastika
fetishism is at
The USA originated
flag fetishism, robotic group-chanting
to flags, Nazism, Nazi salutes,
and the modern swastika symbol,
as shown in the jaw-dropping discoveries
of the noted historian Dr. Rex
For a large collection
of adults-only images about
flag fetishism see
The USA is
still the worst example in the
world of perverted laws that require
teachers to show children how
to verbally fellate flags every morning.
It is a group orgy of fetishism
in government schools (socialist
schools) every day for 12 years of their lives.
It has produced generations of Americans
who are not libertarian, but are authoritarian
libertines (the libertine trait
is not necessarily bad, the authoritarian
trait IS necessarily bad).
is the belief that an object has
special powers, or the particular
belief that a man-made object
has power over others. In history,
fetishes involved many objects, including
bones, blood, fur, feathers, and flags.
Freud appropriated the "fetish"
concept to describe paraphilia
and sexual fetishes.
Many Americans
suffer from flag fetishism.
Flag fetishism can be a sexual fetish,
non-sexual, or alternating between the
Americans have the
most oddball flag fetishism in the
world. Flag fetishism is so perverted
in America that young children are
taught to verbally fellate flags every
morning in school classrooms. It
is a form of brainwashing or Pavlovian
conditioning that can influence
youngsters years later in sexually active
adulthood. America's flag fetishism has
grown so much that adults impose it upon
children via government and laws that require
daily chanting of the quasi-religious "Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag" ritual in government
Flag fetishism
in America is sometimes combined
with another common form
of sexual fetishism: bodywear (including
lingerie, undergarments,
panties, bathing suits, bikinis, jeans,
hosiery, evening wear, etc). Flags
are used to decorate all of the clothing
described above, in a combination of the
Flag fetishism and clothing
fetishism are related to another
common fetish that attracts
some individuals to men (or women)
"in uniform." The uniforms are often
military uniforms or police uniforms.
Uniforms and flag bodywear feed
fantasies of masculinity, power, conquest,
submission, bondage, discipline, sadism
and masochism.
Flag fetishism
is an important component
of socialism. Under socialism,
the government itself is a fetish and
the flag is also a fetish (as a symbol
of government), and both are imbued with
magical powers of omniscience and omnipotence
deserving of worshipful behavior. Flag
fetishism is part of the worship of
government, of government officials, and
"cults of personality."
One basis
for the flag-clothing fetish
is that the material forms a "second
skin" that acts as a fetishistic
surrogate for the wearer's own skin.
The wearer imagines that the flag
imbues him with the magical powers of government
and socialism.
The wearing
of flag clothing has been compared
to transvestic fetishism or
transvesticism, and the arousal that
transvestites achieve by wearing the
clothing of the opposite sex. It
has been compared with the thrill
that some individuals derive by wearing
police uniforms or the impersonation
of government officials by wearing their uniforms.
basis of the clothing fetish is
that women wearing them receive
autoerotic pleasure from the tightness,
the silkiness, or the rubbing
that occurs (e.g. with flag as butt floss
in thongs or swim suit attire).
The flag
is a phallic symbol (and the flag
pole). Flag clothing allows the
fetishist to run himself/herself up
the flag pole to see who will salute.
Some fetishists associate the flag
and flag clothing with masculinity,
power, conquest, submission, bondage,
discipline, sadism and masochism.
In psychology,
fetishism is paraphilia,
a sexual psychic disorder. According
to the International Statistical
Classification of Diseases and
Related Health Problems (ICD), fetishism
is the fixation on an inanimate object,
while according to the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), fetishism
is the fixation on an inanimate object or
a body part. The diagnosis of fetishism is
justified only if the additional criteria of parahilia
are fulfilled, above all only if the affected
person suffers or harms other people.
flag fetishism has a history
of violence in America. The
affected persons have engaged in grotesque
violence against people who would
not robotically chant the pledge and
against people who would not join in other
forms of flag fetishism. Flag fetishists
violently attack anyone who engages in flag
burning, flag desecration or any form of
disrespect to the object of the fetishist's
arousal and affection (flags). Arrests,
prosecutions, and other persecutions have
occurred. In the past, the government used
government schools to take children away from
parents on the grounds of "unfit parenting"
(because the children would not chant the pledge
or engage in mandatory flag fetishism).
flag fetish was created by a
self-proclaimed Christian socialist,
Francis Bellamy, the author of the
Pledge of Allegiance. Francis Bellamy
was the cousin and cohort to Edward Bellamy,
the notorious author of the novel "Looking
Backward," the so-called "Bible of National
Socialism." The Bellamys wanted
the government to take over all schools
in order to impose their dogma through all
The Bellamy
dogma inspired socialists worldwide,
and America's flag fetishism
spread. The early salute to the flag
was a straight-arm salute and it was the
origin of the salute of the National Socialist
German Workers' Party (NSGWP),
as shown by the historian Dr. Rex Curry (author
of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").
National Socialists and Christian
Socialists in the USA (Francis Bellamy,
Edward Bellamy et cetera) were bigots and
hated immigrants and wanted the government to
take over all schools to "correct" everyone. When the
government granted their wish, the government's schools
imposed segregation by law and taught racism
as official policy. The government schools also dictated
mechanical chanting to the flag with the early
American stiff-arm salute and persecuted anyone
who refused. Today, reporters in the mainstream media
show old film footage of the Klan performing the
stiff-arm salute to the American flag, implying that
the Klan is mimicking Nazis, because the reporters
are ignorant of the fact that the stiff-arm was the salute of
the Pledge at that time. The government's behavior set
a bad example and it pre-dated and outlasted the same practice
adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party.
Some of those policies still haunt Americans and government
schools. http://rexcurry.net/kkk-ku-klux-klan-christian-socialism.html
Many people do not
realize that Germany's dictator
before WWII referred to himself as
a socialist. Although the swastika was
an ancient symbol, Professor Curry
(author of "Swastika Secrets") discovered
that it was also used sometimes by
German National Socialists to represent
"S" letters for their "socialism." With
a 45 degree turn of his Hakenkreuz, the leader
of the NSGWP merged church and state, meshed
religion and socialism, and mandated the worship
of government. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html
country that fell under the spell
of America's flag fetishism
was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Then, in 1939, the National Socialist
German Workers' Party joined as allies
with the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics to invade Poland, in a pact
to divide up Europe.
The bellamy
dogma is the same dogma that
was behind the socialist Wholecaust
(of which the Holocaust was a part):
~60 million slaughtered under the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics;
~50 million under the Peoples' Republic
of China; ~20 million under
the National Socialist German Workers'
The "fetish"
concept was coined in 1757 by
Charles de Brosses in a religious
context. He proposed that fetishism is
the earliest (most primitive) stage
of religious worship, followed by other
stages including totemism.
flag worship is related to the
early religious meaning of "fetish."
America's flag fetishism is so
strong that it is imposed by laws that
require daily chanting of the quasi-religious
"Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag"
ritual in government schools.
of government schools (socialist
schools) and laws imposing that
require the robotic chanting of the ritual,
the flag became a popular fetish,
so that today it is often displayed
in churches, even though that was
not the practice in the past, before
Francis Bellamy.
The flag
fetish is imbued with so much power
that it is considered sacred.
Laws have been imposed upon the entire
population to prevent flag "desecration."
The flag fetish is so extreme that
a Constitutional amendment has been
promoted to indulge the fantasies of
flag fetishists.
Flag fetishists
enjoy a peculiar ambiguousness
in their fantasy. For example,
rubbing or wiping one's backside
with the flag can be (depending on
the attitude of the person doing it) sexual
fetishism, or desecration of the flag,
or perhaps even both. Flag toilet paper is
used in that form of flag fetishism. Soiling
an actual flag with human waste is another
In history,
fetishes involved many objects.
Bones, blood, human waste, fur, feathers,
flags and totems are common fetishes
in the traditions of cultures
Blood is
often considered a particularly
powerful fetish or ingredient
in fetishes. The Blutfahne under
the National Socialist German Workers'
Party was a more specific example.
Other socialist flags use the color of
blood as part of their fetish.
The term
"fetish" is probably from the Latin
term facticius, "artificial"
or facere, "to make."
flag-wearers and flag-worshippers
display their unflagging
fetish for authority. They hate
America and its freedom, but they
love government, taxes, debt, bureaucracy,
socialism and the USA's growing
police state.
They fantasize
about a police state, and they
love men in uniforms, and they
want every individual brought to
his knees before his rulers.
The flag is another excuse for the fanatics
to genuflect.
Fight the
flag hags and their flag fetish
and self-flagellation. Government's
schools should not teach kids to
verbally fellate flags each morning.
It is like a brainwashed cult of the
omnipotent state. For adults it is childish.
Remove the pledge from the flag,
remove flags from schools, remove schools
from government.
Was the swastika
viewed as two "S" letters performing
sexual intercourse and symbolizing
"socialist sex" or, in hindsight,
"sick socialist sex." Was the
swastika a pictogram / cryptogram of socialists
having sex? Was there a swastika
sex cult?
perverts. Absolute socialism
perverts absolutely.
In the book "SECRET
HISTORY: SEX AND THE SWASTIKA," Meredith Chambers looks at how
black propaganda about the private lives
of top National Socialists in Germany was
utilized by the British and American Secret
Services to upset the balance of the 3rd Reich.
refers to a "liege" and
that is a noun referencing "a feudal
lord entitled to allegiance and service."
As an adjective it means
"owing primary allegiance and service
to a feudal lord." It originally
referred to barbarians allowed to settle
on Roman land. The liege can also be the the feudal
vassal or subject.
Read about Manchurian Candidates,
thought control, cults, re-education,
mind control, sociopathology.
Dogs, Ivan Pavlov, brainwashing, and
conditioned reflex. http://rexcurry.net/pavlov's-dogs-brainwashing-ivan-pavlov-socialism.html
Edward Bellamy's influence
Edward Bellamy's influence of military socialism
More about how the USA's flag
fetishism and Pledge paraphilia
is related to swastika fetishism
and Nazi paraphilia
Some people are
against flag burning
Burning is the proper
method for flag disposal.
There are many examples of flag
burning pictures.
Are there flag
burning statistics?
How many have viewed
a flag burning ceremony?
There is a famous
flag burning court case.
Texas v. Johnson
It discusses First
Amendment rights.
Criminal penalties
for desecration of the flag were contained
in Title 18 of the United States Code prior
to 1989. The Supreme Court decision in Texas
v. Johnson (June 21, 1989), held the statute unconstitutional.
This statute was amended when the Flag Protection
Act of 1989 (Oct. 28, 1989) imposed a fine and/or
up to I year in prison for knowingly mutilating, defacing,
physically defiling, maintaining on the floor or
trampling upon any flag of the United States. The Flag
Protection Act of 1989 was struck down by the Supreme
Court decision, United States vs. Eichman (June 11, 1990).
Flag tattoo of Social
Security Slave # http://rexcurry.net/upcflag.jpg
Flag Tattoos
Hardly Working: Pledge
of Allegiance
"With liberty and justice for none."
Flag fetishism is
related to swastika tattoos, swastika fetishism,
and the "Socialist Slavery" symbolized by
the overlapping S-letters of the swastika
under the National Socialist German Workers Party.
See adults-only images at http://rexcurry.net/swastika-sex-girls-nudity-porn-xxx.html
Are VW Volkswagen emblems
used as substitutes for the Nazi flag symbol
(the swastika)? Secrets exposed about the
alphabetical symbolism of the S-letters in the swastika
flag under the National Socialist German Workers'
Party. http://rexcurry.net/bookchapter4a1a2a.html
More about how
the USA's flag fetishism and
Pledge paraphilia is related
to swastika fetishism and Nazi paraphilia
A fan who has thought
long and hard about this topic, writes:
"Warning: For every time
the socialist's Pledge is robotically
chanted pursuant to law in a government
school, an American male's dick looses
the ability to get hard at the rate
of one lost opportunity of functionality for
each recitation, and ANY Issue out of
the loins will suffer intolerably, and without
apparent reason, for the number of years
equal to the number of chants times 3 down
through the Generations until Judgement IS Satisfied.
Or longer. So sayeth Bellamy
2:23. Don't blame me, I am only
a humble servant messenger, I did not
make the Rules."
Flag Fetish http://rexcurry.net/fetishism-fetish-flag-sex-pornography.html
Swastika Fetish http://rexcurry.net/swastika-sex-girls-nudity-porn-xxx.html
Tattoo Fetish http://rexcurry.net/tattoos.html
The Pledge is the
type of robotic daily degradation that explains heavy
drug use, alcoholism and other self-destructive behavior
in students, and ex-students (adults). It turns Americans
into the Rude Mechanicals.
The Pledge began
in 1892 and alchohol prohibition began in 1919. The
Bellamys supported old prohibition and they would have
supported America's current war on individual liberty: modern
prohibition. http://rexcurry.net/drugs-prohibition-party-today.html
It is no wonder
that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was infamous
for alcoholism (usually via vodka). Drugs are a way to
endure the misery and persecution of government and socialism.
Vices are a way to escape. http://rexcurry.net/vicesdutch.html
In the same way
that socialism inspires a depression, hopelessness,
despair, it also inspires misanthropy. Socialism
(hatred of individuality and individual liberty) is misanthropy,
and it inspires more misanthropy in response.
Apple polishers,
bootlickers, brownies, brownnosers,
doormats, fans, flunkies, footlickers,
grovelers, lackies, lap-dogs of
the state, lickspittles, minions, parasites,
politicians, puppets, slaves, snivelers, stooges,
toadies, water boys, yes-men, yes-women, ass-kissers,
abject, bowing, compliant, cowering,
humble, ingratiating, kowtowing, obsequious,
parasitic, prostrate and pro-state, servile,
slavish, sniveling, spineless, submissive, subservient,
sycophant, sycophants and psychophants,
USSA United Socialist
States of America
USSR Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics
Support the turkey as the National Symbol. Not
the Eagle.
. http://rexcurry.net/thanksgiving.html
The salute "Sieg Heil" http://ftp.ij.net/rex/nazi%20salute%204.jpg
Swastikas http://ftp.ij.net/rex/swastika3swastika.jpg
Pledge of Allegiance to flag http://ftp.ij.net/rex/pledge-allegiance-pledge-allegiance2.jpg
H.L. Mencken - perhaps the wisest and most insightful
American ever to put pen to paper said: "The fact that I have no
remedy for all the sorrows of the world is no reason for my accepting yours.
It simply supports the strong probability that yours is a fake." (page
63 of his indispensable collection entitled "Minority Report").
The government screws me
Girl Scouts and Scouting spread
the stiff-arm salute and flag fetishism
In the USA, the government molests children every
morning. Children who resist are persecuted and molested even
more. It has been happening since 1892.
News outlets often report the investigation of horny teachers
who continue to vigorously coax from male students the early American
salute (ye old nazi salute).
Yeah, I got the early American salute for ya right here.
"They claim that it's harmless patriotism ... until someone gets
a boner."
(That's how grandmother always criticized the pledge)
The one thing the government doesn't want to hear:
"I faked all those pledges."
"Witch Hunt" is a documentary about John Stoll and
others in Bakersfield, California (see Youtube). It explains
how the government taught sexual activity to children and then used
the children to frame the children's parents, sentencing the parents
to prison for decades.
An intriguing
A promise of surprise.
A whispered secret.
A revealing discovery.
A question answered.
Bellamy and Edward Bellamy are how America became
so red, white and screwed.
Every morning, the Pledge of Allegiance forces Americans
to show that they are pussy-whipped.
Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts influenced
"Young Pioneers" under Soviet Socialism
and today in Russia and the USA's flag fetishism
influenced them.
A Foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of
little minds.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
A certification of political correctness.
It is not safe, usually ineffective, and dulls everyone's
The USA's Pledge of Allegiance
was the origin of the Nazi salute
and flag fetishism. The accidental
occidental salute.
The pledge is emotional masturbation for the nation.
Socialists argue that Bellamy's Pledge of Allegiance
"was a stroke of genius!"
F. Bellamy wrote
the pledge so that one hand is always free.
One part of the anatomy is notorious
for continuing to perform the early American
There is an annual contest to see
who is the most patriotic
and for the last three years one
male contestant
always comes in first place AND
third place.
Many Americans say:
"F- Bellamy and the flagpole he
rode in on."
To a socialist/statist there is no bigger
phallic symbol than a flagpole.
Francis Bellamy thought long
and hard about a government takeover of schools.
He wanted to erect an enormous pole at every school.
Once, Bellamy was asked "Why do flags play such
a large role in perverted pornography?" Bellamy answered
"I can't tell you why, but I can show you."
It is government priapism.
In the Pledge, the hand is placed upon the
breast at nipple level
and then there occurs verbal fellation of
the phallic symbol.
More than half can't find heart on body diagram
Comment by the humor columnist Dave Barry
"An easy way to remember this is think about
where you place your hand when you say the 'Pledge of Allegiance'.
Your heart will be under your right hand. Or you can remember
that it is between your breasts at nipple level and slightly to
the left. This has been your medical lesson for the day. You're
German flag fetishism
and swastika paraphilia symbolized by
the overlapping S-letters of the swastika under
the National Socialist German Workers Party.
See adults-only graphic
images at
Are VW Volkswagen emblems
used as substitutes for the Nazi flag symbol
(the swastika)? Secrets exposed about the
alphabetical symbolism of the S-letters in the swastika
flag under the National Socialist German Workers'
Party. http://rexcurry.net/bookchapter4a1a2a.html
Flag: Not tonight.
Me: But …
Flag: I have a headache.
Me: But if you really care
for me …
Flag: (Frigid silence)
Me: (Grabs Flag)
Flag: Rape! Rape!
Me: You aren’t fooling me.
Flag pole: C’mon, have some
Me: (Relaxes, reaches for
flag pole)
Flag pole: April Fool!
Fetish - Flag Fanatics (Fans)
love flag fannies.
Teacher said
"All right, class, everyone stand,
face the flag,
come to attention, salute,
and robotically
chant 'I pledge allegiance.....'
The Pledge zeitgeist was
part of a hidden vagenda
to socialize
education and drill all GI Janes
so that every government
school would become the
Bellamy Boot Camp for Military Socialism.
Some students
(and adults) use the Pledge of Allegiance
as a "moment of silence" to look at
all the boobs and asses.
Socialism is the opiate of the asses.
BANDERA: Imagínate que eres
un marine americano en Irak,
que tienes a la novia en
Alabama y los huevos llenos de amor. Que
tienes que descargar y buscas porno para inspirarte
mientras te la cascas. ¿Y qué
buscarías? Pues seguramente fotos de
mozas con banderas americanas.
¡Viva el fetichismo
The Pledge of Allegiance
is: Kissing the government's ass.
By the
dawn's early light, defend her right to
Please don't squeeze
the charming flag.
Put your hand over your breast
and pledge allegiance!
The Pledge of Allegiance
is a mutual masturbation society
of circle jerks.
Believe it or not, the
political thespians known as "Congress"
injected themselves into
the Pledge mess
after World War II had
already begun. That is when Congressional
jerks declared that America's
Nazi salute should be dropped,
and that Americans should
worship government
by placing their hands
over their breasts. The
photo above
shows comely lasses from
government schools (socialist schools)
who are both overzealously
brainwashed and confused by
the Pledge legalese during their Pledge
of Allegiance to the flag(s)
as prescribed by their
state's Pledge laws
that dictate daily robotic
They can't
seem to wrap their tongues around it.
Read about Manchurian Candidates,
thought control, cults, re-education,
mind control, sociopathology,
Stockholm Syndrome.
Flag Desecration?
Place your
hand over your breast(s) and hypnotically
"I pledge allegiance to the .....?!?!?!!!!!"
Another improvement
on the modern
hand-over-the-chest(s) gesture.
re Old Glory Condom Corp., 26 USPQ2d 1216 (TTAB 1993)
CONDOM CORP, with stars and stripes design on condoms
the American flag, was held not scandalous and thus able
to be a registered trademark);
A new C-SPAN Channel – Nicknamed
“The Hypocrisy Channel,” this premium C-SPAN channel
– features under-the-covers reporting on the affairs, liaisons,
illicit hook-ups, corruption, graft, and assorted personal
failings of our not-so-pristine public officials. Enjoy the irony
as those preaching to us about how to live our lives "get busy"
breaking their own rules day after day!
The flag at half-staff indicates that
a politician has croaked.
It was originally intended as a sign
of mourning, not celebration (as here).
Some students (and adults) use the Pledge
of Allegiance
as a "moment of silence" to look at
all the boobs and asses.
Read my nips:
No nude taxes (and no old taxes) and no pledges to
of the Flag by Flagaphiles?
Young girls in the
USA, if they attend government schools
(socialist schools),
are often led in verbally fellating
every day for 12
years of their lives. Pervert politicians
and other
pledgeophiliacs want government's
schools to teach girls
to show love to their Fatherland
(and for their leaders).
Statists want to fill openings in government
Uncle Sam has boundary issues.
Government schools want patriotic girls
to yank the doodle dandy.
The government psychologically gangbangs students daily.
The Pledge is a collectivist
class clusterfuck.
Pavlov's Dogs, Ivan Pavlov,
Stockholm Syndrome and conditioned reflex.
Cure Pledge Pathology.
vixens and vexins. Try
not to stain the flag.
Nothing stains the flag like
the government does.
The government uses the flag as a maxi pad.
For many Americans it is an emotional tampon.
Politicians gratify themselves with the flag during
their national erections. Of all the people they have come upon
in campaigns, the silliest people are the flag fetishists. Politicians
expose themselves and other Americans as BDSM flag fetishists.
The Pledge of Allegiance
is obedience training:
stand, speak,
sit, roll over, attack, play dead......
As Lenny Bruce once said:
"Take away the right
to say 'fuck'
and you take away
the right to say 'Fuck the Government.'"
And you take away
the right to say "Fuck the flag."
Sodomize Socialism
These photos give
a different meaning to "Fuck the flag."
Flag Tattoo http://rexcurry.net/flag-tattoo-fetishist.jpg
Flag Tattoos
Many states have laws compelling robotic chanting to
the flag daily.
The following proposal to tweak those laws would emphasize
the meaning of the sacred ritual: During the pledge students will
drop to their knees while each teacher pours wesson oil on his/her
own head while chanting the Pledge of Allegiance and sobbing uncontrollably.
Each teacher will then anoint himself/herself as the High Priest of
The Pledge of Alllegiance for the day. Duly anointed, the teacher's
job will be to cleanse the hearts and minds of America.
STUDENT: Teacher,
I have sinned.
TEACHER: What did you do my son?
STUDENT: I had impure thoughts about government schools
indoctrinating children for national socialism.
TEACHER: Do you repent your sin?
STUDENT: I do teacher.
TEACHER: Instead of your mandatory 5 Pledges of Allegiance
in your government school this week, you should do 10 Pledges of
Allegiance and attend a flag raising ceremony every day this week.
Now go forth and sin no more.
HOW TO IMPROVE THE PLEDGE: During the pledge, each student will flagellate
himself/herself and other students with a cat o' nine tails.
flag desecration
"Ask not what your cunt can
do for you, ask what you can do
for your cunt."
-from Rex's # 1
fan (he is a cunning linquist).
Let's run it up the flag
pole and see who salutes!
In 1962, when
so many Americans were oohhing
and aahhing over the rhetorical
genius of John F. Kennedy's Inaugural
Address, Milton Friedman wrote
the following in his great book Capitalism
and Freedom: "President Kennedy
said, 'Ask not what your country can
do for you - ask what you can do for your
country.'.... Neither half of that
statement expresses a relation between the
citizen and his government that is worthy of
the ideals of free men in a free society."
Landsburg can spot the essence
of issues. An example appears in Landburg's
1997 book, "Fair Play," where he paraphrases
the most celebrated line from JFK's inaugural
address, stripping away the romantic veneer
and revealing its ignoble core: "Ask not what
I can do for you. Ask what you can do for
Steven Landsburg's
latest book is, "More
Sex is Safer Sex."
Like scoreless soccer, the PoA drips with irony.
(Farting during the Pledge is a federal felony
of desecration)
Many kindergartners think that chanting the Pledge
is your duty.
They think of it as an enormous
They say that an enormous duty
is often stinky.
Do your duty!
The flag is
a fart lingering in the classroom.
is a sick creature which
dreams sadomasochistic fantasies
of paranoid power trips, inflicts them
upon us,
and demands that we like it or die."
- Carl Bussjaeger
with stores in New York, Los Angeles and Seattle,
is offering a
pair of self-gratifying
incentives for voters who present their registration
cards, ballot
stubs or "word of honor" that they voted.
The rewards
are no-so-subtle reminders of campaign rhetoric. For
men, it's the
"Maverick," a "sleeve" for self-pleasuring. According
to a
press release,
"He's always there to lend a hand, he works for every
and he bucks
the status quo." Women can choose the "Silver Bullet"
which is "a magical solution to difficult problems"
and "a
great stress-reliever
during these troubled economic times!"
The products
probably help peole forget that they are about to get
Politicians say: "Urinating in your open mouth in public has
been too much fun,
let's do it again tomorrow!"
Our moment permits interest in
one question only: Will
we, of Deadwood, be more than
just targets for
ass-fucking? -- Al Swearengen
Flag Burning
Many Americans
are anal about the Pledge (and mechanical
They have been conditioned
/ brainwashed to be that way.
Francis Bellamy wanted the pledge
to be something that everyone could get behind.
Instead, some states continue
to maintain laws that dictate flagety self-flagellation
in government schools each morning
for every shitizen.
The government is
into BDSM.
The government enjoys
rubbing everyone's nose in shit, and often.
This is political
art symbolizing what the government
does to individuals
and their rights.
And that is not only in the figurative
sense (see below).
As the socialists
say: "The purpose of government
is to provide service,
and the purpose
of the media is to provide vaseline."
The Pledge of Allegiance is vaseline and
emotional masturbation.
Allegiance: Kiss the government's ass.
Stop the Pledge proctologists.
New Yorker reporter Seymour Hersh was asked
by Wolf Blitzer about a quote given
by Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba in a May 6, 2004 meeting
with Donald Rumsfeld (Secretary of Defense),
Paul Wolfowitz (then-Deputy Undersecretary
of Defense) and top brass
at the Pentagon. "I described
the naked detainee lying on the wet floor,
handcuffed, with an interrogator shoving things up
his rectum and said, 'That's not abuse, that's torture,'"
Taguba said. "There was quiet."
There was forced sex acts between
a father and his young son, according to
Joseph L. Galloway, a military columnist for
McClatchy Newspapers and a former senior military
correspondent for Knight Ridder Newspapers.
There was sexual abuse of female
prisoners by their American guards/soldiers.
There were questions that concerned
another news report about "a video of a male
American soldier in uniform sodomizing a
female detainee" that was never made public or
mentioned in any court.
And there is the rape and murder
of Abeer Qassim al-Janabi, a 14 year old
girl in Mahmoudiya, a village 20 miles south
of Baghdad. During their courts-martial, Spc. James
P. Barker and Sgt. Paul E. Cortez testified they
took turns raping the girl while then-Pfc. Steven
D. Green shot and killed her mother, father and younger
sister. They said Green, who is accused of being the
ringleader, shot Abeer in the head after raping her.
The girl's body was then set on fire with kerosene to destroy
the evidence, according to testimony and military
Were those the worst crimes in Iraq,
or was there a crime that exceeded them?
U.S. policitians initiated
aggression that resulted in a death toll exceeding
4000 Americans. In addition to Americans
killed, there were 70,000 more deaths (in Iraq, not
in Saudi Arabia). Their actions were consistent with the
dogma of military socialism touted by the American national
socialist Edward Bellamy as far back as 1888.
In fairness, it should be pointed out that on
9-11-2001 almost 3000 Americans died when 19 criminals
(15 from Saudi Arabia and none from Iraq) commandeered
four planes and crashed them into the World Trade Towers and elsewhere.
As a consequence, U.S. politicians removed the military
from Saudi Arabia and invaded Iraq.
New York City police officers anally
raped Abner Louima with the handle of a toilet
plunger. Some Officers were charged federally
with violating Louima's civil rights for allegedly
beating the Haitian immigrant following an August
1997 disturbance outside a Brooklyn nightclub.
Another officer was charged with lying to cover up
the incident.
Prosecutors charged that, along
with being beaten in a patrol car, Louima
was assaulted in a precinct bathroom,
where he was held down by Schwarz while Volpe shoved
a wooden stick into his rectum.
news? It may be a misconception that rape is a “crime
against women.” America’s criminal justice system has probably
resulted in more rapes being committed against men
- men in prison. http://rexcurry.net/fijamanrape.html
One of
the first significant American events of the new millennium
took place on February 15, 2000. According to The Justice
Policy Institute, the prison and jail population in this country
reached 2,000,000 for the first time in our history. More
than half of those imprisoned are nonviolent offenders. The
largest category of prisoners, by a wide margin, are drug law
violators. http://rexcurry.net/lawwrit.htm
No other
nation on earth, nor any nation in history has ever
incarcerated so large a percentage of its citizens. Not only
is the raw number growing, but the rate of increase is growing
as well. http://rexcurry.net/fijalawyer.html
The so-called
“war on drugs” is reviving interest among jurors in the
libertarian idea of jury nullification -every juror’s power
to ignore criminal laws (such as drug laws and their draconian
sentences) and to declare “not guilty” any defendant.
Many jurors are fed up with the war on drugs and with the number
of people in prison.
The real
crime is being committed by those who put into violent
prisons all the non-violent adults who engage in non-violent
behavior with other adults. It is not a war on drugs.
It is a war on the bill of rights and upon all citizens.
2 MILLION IS TOO MANY! For more information about
jury veto, jury nullification, jury pardon and the "Fully
informed Jury Amendment" see
Don't tell anyone where to
stick the flag !!!
November 9, 1918, the Kansas Supreme Court
heard the appeal of Frederick Shumaker,
Jr. for his conviction for having made
to someone a "vulgar and indecent" comment
about the flag. According to the court,
"Such language will not, cannot, be used by
any man in any place concerning our flag, if he
has any proper respect for it. The man who uses such
language concerning it, either in jest or in argument,
does not have the respect for it that should be found
in the breast of every citizen of the United States."
The justices voted unanimously
to uphold Shumaker's conviction.
Down through the anals of history, the
government's schools imposed backward
behavior, including the Pledge of Allegiance.
"Dr. Strangelove - or How I Learned
to Stop Worrying and Love the Pledge of Allegiance”
(1942) cast Dick Sellers as an eccentric,
wheelchair-bound American teacher whose
mechanical hand involuntarily jerked straight
out in an American salute.
A fan suggested other
gestures that the government might add to
the gesture that is already written
into law. One suggestion was a gesture
that clearly conveys the correct attitude that
the government wants from its underlings: bending
over. "If we each bend over next week like
the good little subjects we are supposed
to be, will we not only be supporting terrorism,
but also committing treason?"
'got something right here that
you can pledge allegiance to.
The government’s
politicians and office-holders
make no daily robotic pledge to each
individual and his rights.
Children are coerced to pledge allegiance, but
government officials do not agree to do anything
for them.
Children cannot even vote.
It is similar to the U.S. Constitution.
It is often described as a "contract."
Yet, the Constitution was not signed
by anyone today. It was not signed by any of
the people who are coerced to chant the unilateral
Pledge of Allegiance.
I am the
flag (and you can too)!
A pledgeophiliac
This lovely
flag is using her right hand to demonstrate
the early American stiff-arm salute.
Is it stiff enough?
Is that a flag pole
in your pocket or are you just
happy to see me?
Run it up
the flagpole and down the flagpole
until saluting is no longer possible
Screw the
pledge and the flagpole it rode in on.
This lass
is "Gina" from a city named Regina, in
In the past, her father fled
the USA to avoid the USA's
draft / selective service
/ conscription / involuntary servitude /
for one of the USA's iditioic
military aggressions ("wars").
Another fringe benefit is that
the government schools (socialist schools)
don't make children chant in
military formation to flags every morning
as a fetish.
The Pledge of Allegiance
is synchronized national masturbation
for children.
Some adults say that trauma will
result to children
if children
are told the truth about the Pledge
of Allegiance.
The Pledge is described as one
of those government secrets so horrible
that it must
be hidden from children. They say that
when you learn
the truth about
the Pledge it is as traumatic as
walking in
on your parents having sex.................
............with your teacher.
Oh what a tangled web the government weaves
when it practices to deceive.
Politicians and school-children make strange
political purpose of the pledge is quite
only a child can point out that the
emperor has no clothes.
only a child can point out that the
teacher has no clothes.
Fetish: The flag
as butt floss: Using the flag to
floss your butt?
Pledge Allegiance
= kiss the government's ass.
is the last refuge of the tits and
ass of a scoundrel.
Politicians and flag fans use the
banner to cover their asses.
Liberate German Shepherds and
other drug dogs
from the Police State
of National Socialism
more about the USA's growing police state
Nice flotation apparatus http://rexcurry.net/national-anthem-flag-flotation.jpg
Francis Bellamy
Francis Bellamy
Francis Bellamy http://rexcurry.net/francis-bellamy-flag-desecration-inflatables.jpg
Francis Bellamy
Why do fire girls wear flag suspenders? In this case it is NOT to hold
up their pants!!! http://rexcurry.net/national-anthem-flag-suspenders.jpg
You can be SUPERFLAG the super hero caped crusader! (and inspire blowback
worldwide) http://rexcurry.net/national-anthem-flag-drape1.jpg
Make a pledge to heighten
good hygiene
for the Homeland. http://rexcurry.net/edward-bellamy-pledge-of-allegiance.jpg
Flaggie the Flagety flag sez: "I don't know
what's going on..... But always remember to be
a flag towel!"
Be conscientious and thorough for your Fatherland http://rexcurry.net/edward-bellamy-pledge-of-allegiance-2.jpg
Make a Pledge to fight breast cancer and "Save the Tatas!" http://rexcurry.net/pledge-allegiance-breast-cancer.jpg
Place your hand over your heart and squeeze.
Save the Tatas! Make a Pledge to fight breast cancer http://rexcurry.net/pledge-allegiance-breast-cancer.jpg
Place your hand over your heart and squeeze.
is a useful replacement for the pointless Pledge
of Allegiance. http://rexcurry.net/fetishism-fetish-flag-sex-pornography.html
Here is a youtube video that explains more in "I Pledge
Allegiance to my Ta-Tas" and the Yoplait Pledge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYv_1W0o7c4
see the eye-popping
youtube video
see the amazing
youtube video
WikiAnswers - Can your hand be at a right
angle over your heart to salute the American flag?
- question from Fourth of July. Answer: I'm not sure what
you mean by "at a right angle," but here is the proper way to
salute and it does not state otherwise, so your hand CAN be at a
right angle over your heart (in a military salute placed over the
chest) to salute the American flag:
"To salute, all persons
come to attention. Those in uniform give the appropriate
formal salute. Citizens not in uniform salute by placing
their right hand over the heart and men with head cover should
remove it and hold it to left shoulder, hand over the heart."
This information came
from http://rexcurry.net/pledge-of-allegiance-images.html#THE_TRUE_SALUTE
that web site you will also find pics of the
true Pledge
of Allegiance gesture as
shown in the work of the noted historian and symbologist
Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").
See the Youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsZxRPdDQHo
Social Security toilet paper http://rexcurry.net/ssntp3.jpg
Flag Toilet Paper
Flag Toilet Paper
Using the flag to wipe your ass? Government assholes often use the flag to clean their own excrement.
Flag towels, flag handkerchiefs,
flag napkins, and
flag bandanas are also available
for your wiping pleasure.
Make a pledge to heighten
good hygiene for the Homeland.
What does every real American want to do to the government? http://rexcurry.net/francis-bellamy-pledge-of-allegiance.jpg
Flag on the sandy beaches http://rexcurry.net/fetish-flag-sex-voyeurism.jpg
Photograph of Pledge of Allegiance fetish? http://rexcurry.net/pledge-allegiance-megan-summers-sexy-military-babe3.jpg
for Pledge of Allegiance?
Fetish photograph of Pledge of Allegiance? http://rexcurry.net/pledge-allegiance-megan-summers-sexy-military-babe3.jpg
for Pledge of Allegiances?
This web page has been Capitalist Kissed
In 1918, E.V. Starr was sentenced to 10 years in prison in Montana for refusing to kiss the flag. What would you have done? He probably would have done what you would have done in hindsight. But it was too late. Do you suppose that before or after sentencing he offered to provide a make-up kiss for the flag if the judge would forgive and forget? It would have only made matters worse if he offered to anally gratify the flag, insead of kissing it.
A fan claims that a U.S. Congresswoman wants to toughen flag laws and alter the gesture/salute with more of a hands-on approach (see above). Instead of placing the hand over the breast, the hand would be placed upon the flag. She also wants to codify the old Montana kissing case nationwide. Her proposal would toughen the flag-kissing mandate so that underlings can comply vicariously: She kisses the flag, voters kiss her ass, therefore, vicariously, voters kiss the flag. It is urged as another improvement on the current hand-over-the-heart gesture. She displays enormous respect for the flag that should be found in the breasts of all Americans. Penalties would be improved to the same level of 10 years in prison for any refusal to kiss the flag (or a politician's ass).
In August of 1918, E.V. Starr was convicted in Montana of sedition. Starr
been accosted by a mob that demanded he
kiss the flag. Starr refused, and reportedly
said "What is this thing anyway? Nothing
but a piece of cotton with a little paint on
it and some other marks in the corner there.
I will not kiss that thing. It might be covered
with microbes." Starr was sentenced to 10-20
years of hard labor in a state penitentiary as well
as fined $500 plus court costs.
The case of Rex v. Curry is an old case holding that people don't need
to be forced to kiss the bible. It is funny because a person in
the USA once went to prison for ten years for refusing to kiss the
flag of the USA. This excerpt is from the publications cited: NEED NOT
KISS THE BIBLE - An amendment making it perfectly clear that in any
Province on taking an oath the Bible need not be kissed, but merely
held in the hand, or the
oath may be taken by the uplifted hand, without the Bible.
It is incontrovertible that on sanitary grounds the kissing of the
Book should not be required. Rex v. Curry, 48 S. C. R. 532, is authority
for taking the oath with the uplifted hand instead of kissing the Bible.
Deferred. p. 137 Journal of the American Judicature Society, Volume 5;
Volume 8 By American Judicature Society, University of Michigan. Law
School, Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). School of Law (1921)
and p. 408 of the Proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the Canadian
Bar Association (1924).
1972 Justin (Chuck) Ravitz (now deceased) was elected as a judge to what
was then Detroit Recorder's
Court, he refused to stand for the Pledge
of Allegiance in 1972 at his judicial swearing-in
to protest the Vietnam War. He declined to place
a U.S. flag in his courtroom. In the 1960s and '70s,
Ravitz teamed with attorney Ken Cockrel Sr. to shred
some of the most insidious forms of abuse by local police,
courts and jails.
In the Fall of 1984, Susan Shapiro, a high
school student, caused a controversy when she
refused to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Later, she received a public apology from her school's
teacher association. Miss Shapiro's family agreed
to drop a lawsuit they had filed against the town and
Randolph High School in exchange for the apology. The
Massachusetts Teachers Association, representing
Miss Shapiro's homeroom teacher, Jean Noblin, issued
a statement apologizing for the way ''Susan and the Shapiro
family had been treated.'' The dispute began when Mrs. Noblin
questioned Miss Shapiro's refusal to stand for the salute.
Miss Shapiro missed more than a month of school because of
threats to her safety. Her family received numerous harassing
phone calls and mail.
2005 (December 23) News reports state that Cameron Frazier
refused to stand and
recite the Pledge of Allegiance at
Boynton Beach High School and it sparked a Constitutional
battle against his teacher and the Palm
Beach County School Board. The 17-year-old
junior claims in a federal lawsuit that he was
ridiculed and punished Dec. 8 when he twice refused
to stand for the pledge during his fourth-period
algebra class.
(March 1st) News reports state that an
incident occurred in Brick Township,
New Jersey. A video of the shocking behavior
is at http://rexcurry.net/pledge-of-allegiance-flag-nazis.html
2006 February 23 By LAURA A. MOORE Crimson Staff Writer - A member of
the Cambridge Public Schools Committee compared a Mass. law mandating that
children in public schools recite the pledge of allegiance every day to a
“post-9/11 ultra patriotism push”—and refuses to recite it himself before
bi-weekly committee meetings. Luc Schuster, a first-term Committee member,
said yesterday that the pledge complicates the mission of public schools.
According to Schuster, the purpose of public school education is “to cultivate
critical thinkers and independent minds who are empowered to make decisions
for themselves and not just be told to do something.” Schuster said that
he is not alone in his decision to refrain from standing up and saluting
the flag. “From my experience in the schools, many of them don’t do it,”
he said. “Kids in Cambridge schools refuse to do the pledge on a daily basis.”
2007 ~ October. Seabrook Middle School teacher Dianne Dunfey filed a lawsuit
alleging she faced
retaliatory interference in her teaching
duties. It references and incident in 2004 in
New Hampshire where she taught eighth-graders
and refused to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. She
filed a lawsuit against SAU 21. She claims Principal
Stan Shupe and the district wrongly singled her out
because of her 2004 stance. Dunfey claims disparaging
comments about her at school board meetings and the board's
desire to take disciplinary action created a negative
public controversy that made her fearful for her and her family's
safety. Dunfey alleges this past March Shupe told her she was
being involuntarily transferred from teaching eighth-grade
20th-century American history to seventh-grade geography.
NEA-NH is supporting Dunfey's case financially, said Steven
Sacks, a staff attorney with NEA-NH in Concord. Pledge
results in allegatory legalese again.
Oct. 10, 2007 Excerpts
from Eli Beckerman’s interview with Luc
Schuster, The youngest school committee member
in Cambridge from "The Bridge" in Somerville,
Massachusetts. About the pledge of allegiance?
My decision to sit silently
during the pledge of allegiance was difficult.
There were letters to the
paper and hate calls left on my home phone.
My first reaction was a real feeling of unease.
But rather than avoid the conflict and avoid discussing
it, I felt that a dialogue about the pledge would
really benefit our schools and our community. I wanted
to be a model for that.
I don’t regret it at all,
and I talked with some folks about the pledge
of allegiance who I never otherwise would have
talked to, and that is really valuable.
Every once in a while someone
contacts me completely out of the blue.
Somehow they heard that I don’t do the pledge,
and they contact me just to commend for not doing it.
A parent at the Morse School just emailed me two
days ago, saying that her first grade daughter is very
uncomfortable with doing it and was asking for any
ideas I had.
I am in no way the first
one in Cambridge not to do the pledge.
There are countless students and teachers in our
schools who have refused since it was mandated
after September 11th. It’s interesting that I got
publicity for it and these folks never did.
Another issue that I’m interested
in addressing along these lines, is
the flying of the POW-MIA flag above our elementary
schools. That flag is part of a myth that there are
still Prisoners Of War in Vietnam. The Department
of Defense says that there is no evidence that there
is a single American POW there. So we have this symbol
of a false history that’s hanging over our educational
institutions in the city.
November 1, 2007 Frank Wills may be the only candidate for public office on Long Island who will not pledge allegiance to the flag. Ask him why and the candidate freely explains: Wills, 82, said in an interview. "To pledge allegiance to a flag, to me, that came from the medieval days." Wills' view is no secret in Southold, since for the last five years he has faithfully attended town board meetings, where all pause for the pledge at the start of each session. Wills also refuses to pledge allegiance there. Wills is an Army veteran. He was drafted out of New York University in 1946, and was assigned to a technical unit designing land mines. Less than a year later, he said, he was seriously injured and honorably discharged. Wills says he is turned off by nationalism and the war in Iraq. "My country right or wrong. If my country is wrong, I don't go along," Wills said, coining a variation of the famous slogan. Excerpted from newsday.com story Southold candidate won't pledge allegiance to flag BY LUIS PEREZ
Nov 16, 2007 excerpted from the Ithaca Journal http://www.theithacajournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071116/OPINION01/711160335
Pledge flap: Judge Sumner by her actions.
When it is time for the pledge of allegiance
at Dryden Town Board meetings, board member Mary
Ann Sumner stands and raises her hand but does not recite
the pledge aloud.
During the recent election,
where Sumner was elected town supervisor,
critics raised the issue of Sumner's actions. Some
went as far as to question her patriotism.
Thankfully, Sumner's
actions are protected under the First Amendment.
And though we disagree with her critics, their
criticism is also considered protected speech. And
we are thankful for that, too.
Freedom of speech issues
are often murky. In Sumner's case, some
could consider it bad form not to say the pledge or
fully participate in the time-honored ritual. But
the First Amendment protects Sumner and people who
share her belief that reciting the pledge is not a
requirement. In effect, they are voicing their opinions
through their actions — and the Supreme Court has weighed
in on this issue in a number of cases.
The beauty of the First
Amendment is that it allows the public to debate
issues, since most speech is protected. Sumner's
critics have every right to call her actions into question,
but that doesn't mean that they are right. Calling into
question her patriotism is a bit harsh, especially when
you consider she'll take an oath of office soon to uphold
the law and do the best she can for Dryden. Dryden would
be better off judging her by her actions as a government
official rather than what she does during the brief period
at meetings when the pledge is recited.
Said Luke O'Neil at WeeklyDig.com: "It could have
been worse. I could have ended up like Bradford Campeau-Laurion,
the 29-year-old Queens resident forcibly ejected
from Yankee Stadium last week [9-9-08] for committing
the grave sin of walking to the bathroom while "God Bless
America" played during the seventh-inning stretch.
Post-9.11, the stadium created a rule restricting fans' movement
during the song. Really. A true patriot, you see, knows his
place. He understands that any American who "loves freedom"
must sing and salute when commanded to do so.
Shocking, right? While it's a practice glaringly
antithetical to the freedoms we hold so dear, it seems
incidents like this become increasingly common every
day. It's hard to remember that freedom business we were all
so proud of in the first place.
If being
a sports fan means chronically renewing a loyalty
oath, I'll pass."
headline isn't it? and moreso considering how the Pledge
has caused so much divisiveness throughout its history)
November 9, 2008 By David Delcore
Staff Writer
– The Pledge of Allegiance is controversial in this small town:
Reciting the traditional school day opener is not a universal
rite of passage for students at Woodbury Elementary School.
School officials have repeatedly sought, without success, to satisfy
parents and others who want the pledge to be part of the daily
routine. Although the school board's latest attempt to address
the issue enables students to recite the pledge daily, children are
only allowed to do so as part of a voluntary group in the school's
gymnasium. Ted Tedesco, the parent responsible for forcing the issue
in September, said the solution unanimously approved by the board
wasn't what the 300-plus taxpayers who signed his petition had in mind.
Retta Dunlap, chairwoman of the Woodbury School Board, said school directors
can't be blamed for that. "We felt we met the language of the petition,"
Dunlap said. According to Dunlap, a sixth-grader has been assigned
to round up willing students each day and escort them to the third-floor
gymnasium where, under the supervision of a staff member, they can
recite the pledge before returning to their respective classrooms.
The board allocated five minutes of "free time" – starting at 7:55
a.m. – to accommodate the daily exercise. "This leaves it up to the
parents, or the children whether they do it (recite the pledge) or not,"
she said. "It's been really difficult to get it to this place." Dunlap said
the board quickly determined that a previous administrative proposal to
recite the pledge on a weekly basis – as had been the case before the tradition
was completely scrapped last year – was politically untenable.
Retire the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms BATF http://rexcurry.net/batf-bureau-of-alcohol-tobacco-and-firearms.jpg
The bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms should be a convenience store,
not a government
Not flag desecration http://rexcurry.net/flag-coffins-not-desecration.jpg
When the government excuses its lies and mass slaughter by draping coffins
with flags, that
is not considered desecration of the flag.
The smell of death surrounds you.
If you have ever wondered about the origin of American National Socialists
just look below.
It is Gustave Courbet's painting "Origin
of the World."
But you can turn the tables on the government. Turn the government around
and take charge.
A fan sent this in: My tattoo of Me and your
Me and the people you vote for and elect! http://rexcurry.net/me-and-your-politician.gif
Flag lap dancers and
pole dancers http://rexcurry.net/fetish-lap-dance-seattle-red-white-blue1.jpg
Flag Pole Dance, May Pole
Stars and Stripes!! hehe well
here i am being a naughty girl and letting
you think dirty thoughts about me : ) i wonder what
u could be thinking about? if only i had a military
outfit on! oh yeah that would have been great but
it would have came off! lol kisses
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see more Raven Riley!