Paul Barlow, Matt Crypto, The Epopt, Robert C. Phrenic, Wikipedia WikiProject Germanic Mysticism
Roman Salute Swastika Pledge Of Allegiance ?
Paul Barlow & Bellamy salute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Paul Barlow, Matt Crypto, The Epopt, Sean Barrett, Robert C. Phrenic, Edward Bellamy, Francis Bellamy, Pledge Of Allegiance, Looking Backward, Swastika, Holocaust, Inquisition, Cryptologist, Symbologist, Cryptographer

Pledge of Allegiance info & shocking photos & images at
Symbology and fascinating discoveries      

New discoveries show that socialists in the USA originated the Nazi salute, robotic group-chanting to flags, Nazism, flag fetishism, and the modern use of the swastika as "S" symbolism for "Socialism." Recent historical research shows that the term "ancient Roman salute" is often erroneously used in reference to the stiff-armed salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP). A recent article at garnered a lot of attention on the topic. Here is a photograph of the so-called Roman salute.

Wikipedia and Paul Barlow are also announcing the findings. Barlow has extensively edited and corrected material on Wikipedia about the Roman salute so that it adopts and reflects the new discoveries by the noted symbologist Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge Of Allegiance Secrets").  Barlow has fought against many people who have attempted to edit Wikipedia to cover-up the findings. Barlow's work has been repeatedly deleted or altered on Wikipedia by apparent neo-Nazis, socialists and others who want to maintain old propaganda on the web site.

Wikipedia also suffers recurring attempts to cover up the National Socialist German Workers Party and the origin of its dogma, symbols and rituals. Neo-Nazis and others delete any reference to the use of the swastika symbol as alphabetic symbolism of overlapping "S" letters for "socialism" under German National Socialism. 

People claim that they want "rescue" the swastika from "Nazism," but those same people keep repeating wikipedia's Nazi propaganda about Aryan ideas that attempt to tie the swastika into India etc. For example, German National Socialists did not call their symbol a swastika (they called it a Hakenkreuz). Sometimes Wikipedia includes a quote from the notorious book "Mein Kampf" (the quote begins with the sentence "As National Socialists we see our program in our flag") by the German Socialist dictator showing that he altered the swastika to use it a alphabetic symbolism, because he included his fanatical dogma - his self-described socialism - a word that is often deleted from Wikipedia articles about the swastika. Wikipedia suffers deletions of the fact that the German National Socialist dictator knew (as many people know) that the swastika could point either direction and that, in German history, it usually sat flat on one side. It is clear that at some point, Hitler oriented future uses to highlight the "S" orientation and he turned it 45 degrees to the horizontal also, for alphabetic symbolism. These are recurring problems for Wikipedia because Wikipedia is, after all, an anonymous bulletin board masquerading as an encyclopedia.

The stiff-arm salute came from the "Bellamy salute," the hand gesture described by Francis Bellamy in 1892 to accompany his Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States. The early Pledge began with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag. Francis Bellamy was a socialist in the USA and he promoted military socialism and the Nationalism movement.

In a Wikipedia article, Barlow answered the following question posed by a Wiki reader: "The description of the salute states that the hand is extended 'palm upward' toward the flag, so why does the picture clearly depict students performing the salute with their palms facing down?" Barlow gave the answer that he had learned from Dr. Curry's work: "Because they are not doing it right. It's easier just to extend the arm from the heart gesture."  Dr. Curry's discovery (referenced by Barlow) was that the original salute was performed with the palm down by children perfunctorily extending the initial military salute (Barlow's "heart gesture" comment might be a result of his ignorance of the original military salute).

Bellamy's socialist rituals in the USA were the origin of the salutes of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Peoples' Republic of China, and the National Socialist German Workers' Party, and it inspired their robotic chanting and worship of government and flags and symbols in their government schools (socialist schools).

On November 17, 2006, Barlow referenced evidence supporting Dr. Curry's discovery that the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics followed the lead of the socialists in the USA in their modern use of the swastika as overlapping "S" letters for "Socialism," adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Shortly thereafter Barlow's work was deleted. Barlow wrote that he intends to keep working on the topic in order to restore the work to Wikipedia's article on that topic.

Another modern influence for the Roman salute myth is "The Oath of the Horatii" (a famous painting by Jacques-Louis David in 1784 that shows three men reaching for swords). It is a very modern myth, circa 2006. The first time that Jacques-Louis David's painting was concocted as an excuse for the Roman salute myth was about a year ago on Wikipedia. It was done by a wikiling writer who was trying to cover-up Dr. Curry's work showing that  the gesture originated in the USA's early Pledge Of Allegiance.  It is more revisionist history air brushed on wakipedia.

David's painting inaccurately depicts an event, and it is an event that might not have even happened. There is no evidence that any David painting, nor any painting at all, inspired the original straight-armed salute in the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag. Jacques-Louis David never used the term "Roman salute" to describe his painting nor to describe anything. There is no evidence that David even possessed such a concept as "Roman salute," or that the concept even existed at that time. Here are other points about the artist David: The artist did not actually see the event that inspired him; The artist was not even attempting to discover the actual scene nor to paint it as a factual record; The artist has never referred to the scene he fabricated as showing an "ancient Roman salute"; The artist has never referred to the scene he fabricated as showing "salutes" at all; David's painting "The Tennis Court Oath" does not show other people taking an oath or performing a "Roman salute" (and ditto for David's painting "The Distribution of the Eagle Standards" ) The artist never represented the painting as showing other people joining in an oath; The word oath is singular in the painting’s title, not plural; The painting shows a single person in the center taking an oath; Again, the actual event that inspired the artist (The Tennis Court Oath ) did not occur as David painted it; The actual oath occurred by signing a documentary oath. The artist was not present for the event; The artist never claimed that the event that inspired him occurred as he painted it.

No one else described Jacques-Louis David's work as a Roman salute. That is because the term "Roman salute" developed in the late 1930's. The Oxford English Dictionary supports Dr. Rex Curry in this regard.

The term "Roman salute" developed decades after Jacques-Louis David's life. When the term "Roman salute" developed, the straight-arm salute was a decades-old ritual in government schools in the USA where the gesture was compelled with robotic chanting of the Pledge Of Allegiance.

Furthermore, none of those sources of the modern term "Roman salute" said a thing about artwork by Jacques-Louis David as a source, mistaken or otherwise.  

Wikipedia often functions as an anonymous bulletin board where people make stuff up as they go along. They begin by repeating a mythical phrase (the Roman salute) which they eventually abandon as an error (after being disabused by Dr. Curry's work) and then they sieze upon a neo-classical painting to continue in their efforts to cover-up the discoveries about the Pledge's poisonous legacy. The arguments that such people make have not been repeated in history. 

They know (but they will not allow it to be stated on wikipedia) that Bellamy explained how the salute was created and that it had nothing to do with anything suggested about any neo-classical painting nor the Roman myth. They know that Francis Bellamy said that the Pledge's salute started simply as a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag. They know that Bellamy never said the phrase "Roman salute," and there is no evidence that such a concept ever existed in his head, nor in anyone's head at that time.  

They cannot tie any neo-classical painting myth to the origin of the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP). They cannot show that the NSGWP's leader based his salute on any painting nor on the Roman myth. The NSGWP's leader referred to his salute as "the German salute" and he said he first saw it in a German Beer Hall.

It all occurred after decades of travel (from 1892) by Germans, other Europeans, and Americans, visiting and immigrating to and from the USA where the gesture had been mandated in ritual chanting in government schools (socialist schools) for decades. When German National Socialists adopted it, the American salute had even appeared in films, photos and other media.

All credible modern writers now concede the discoveries. Dr. Curry showed that the early Pledge Of Allegiance did not use an ancient Roman salute, and that the 'ancient Roman salute'  myth came from the Pledge Of Allegiance. Roman Salutes from ancient Rome are a myth.  

Opinion Editorials reported on the many references to Dr. Curry's research and discoveries on Wikipedia. It might be the most referenced historical research on Wikipedia. Even Jimmy "Jimbo" Wales, Wikipedia founder, has publicly noted the historian's influence on Wikipedia. Wikipedia writers have reviewed and verified the research. Some Wikipedia writers use it without attribution in apparent attempts to bolster their own credibility.

In the past, Wikipedia's Roman salute article was even worse, and claimed that the salute was an ancient Roman salute and was the origin of the Pledge gesture  (until Dr. Curry's work disproved that claim). After that, Wikpedia's Roman salute article was improved. The article then went downhill fast as other wikilings deleted facts and concocted a new myth. Wikipedia has experienced many short bursts of accuracy (such as when new discoveries by Dr. Curry are publicized) but accurate periods are often short at Wikipedia.

Here is another example. A recent web search for "British Union of Fascists and National Socialists" (hereafter BUFNS) showed Dr. Curry's work on top, and showed no article at all on Wikipedia. Wikipedia leaves the public with the misimpression that the BUFNS never existed, or that its name-change never occurred. That glaring omission at Wikipedia has gained a lot of media attention for a long time, and yet the omission was still there in a recent web search. It is turning wakipedia into a laughingstock. 

The following is a response to an idiotic email from someone claiming to be a "Dr. Stephen E. Flowers": Are you really Stephen E. Flowers at a "Woodharrow Institute"? Because Stephen Flower's "research" is poor or non-existent on this topic, while Dr. Rex Curry's is voluminous (and Flowers does not dispute any of Dr. Curry's work with any citation at all). If you are Stephen Flowers, then you embarrassingly repeat the debunked commonplace myth that "The salute originates with the Romans..." for which you provide no research or support, of course, as you know there is none (and that is classic claptrap characterizing Wikipedia where Flowers is in the embarrassing position of being an "advocate" on Wikipedia's wikiproject of "Germanic Mysticism").  There is everything "sinister" about the salute's use to promote socialism and the worship of government. Because a symbol or sign is used at some point in its history for a purpose which is to your liking, does not make such a purpose (e.g. socialism and the socialist Wholecaust and the Holocaust which was a part of it) any less sinister. Your flawed logic lessens all your work. It is no wonder that you do not actually dispute any of Dr. Curry's work with any research that you can cite.

Dr. Rex Curry is right & Wikipedia is wrong.

"Wikipedia is not quite correct in its chronology of the pledge, . . . at least from my experience. I began the first grade in the fall of 1941, and the pledge of allegiance was recited with our right arm extended, palm-down. This continued until sometime after the U.S. entry into World War II, when the pledge was recited as Wikipedia described it, with the palm turned upward. I don't know if our teacher told us the reason for the change, or if kids - being brighter than adults give them credit for being - figured out that the change occurred so that we would not appear to be emulating the Nazis. But prior to Pearl Harbor, the palm-down, extended-arm salute was the officially prescribed form at Prescott School in Lincoln, Nebraska."  - Butler Shaffer 'I Pledge Obeisance' at


All of the above is why schools, colleges, and news media warn writers not to cite wikipedia as a source.  A google search for "DO NOT CITE WIKIPEDIA" and "DON'T CITE WIKIPEDIA" provides many examples. Rather than a scholarly source, wakipedia is an anonymous bulletin board where anyone can delete truthful information, and people who want to re-post the truth can be blocked to prevent future corrections. adopted as its policies recommendations advocated by Dr. Curry and reported in Opinion Editorials.

Amazon's web site deletes and discourages use of the common 4-letter shorthand n-word for "National Socialist German Workers' Party" within Amazon's reviews, product information, tags and other uses.  By fighting the shorthand term, Amazon encourages customers to learn and to use the actual accurate name of the monstrous group: National Socialist German Workers' Party.

For a long time, Dr. Curry has exposed widespread ignorance in the media and in the general public about what the 4-letter abbreviation abbreviates. That etymological ignorance has grown through overuse of the hackneyed shorthand term in print and in government schools (socialist schools).  Dr. Curry advocated that the shorthand term should be avoided, unless it is used in conjunction with the full actual name of the Party. Amazon is helping Dr. Curry to reverse the ignorant habit within the media and the public.

Flags Of The World FOTW and North American Vexillological Associations NAVA members have also recognized Dr. Curry's work.

Wikipedia has previously informed its readers about Dr. Curry's work in an Opinion Editorials article showing that the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics may have preceded the National Socialist German Workers' Party in using the swastika as overlapping "S" letters for "Socialism."
and at

And similar discoveries by Dr. Curry regarding the Brazilian Integralist Action Party.

Wikipedia and Vexillological groups have also announced similar discoveries by Dr. Curry regarding the British Union of Fascists and National Socialists.

The British Union of Fascists and National Socialists is often compared with the American First Committee that was operated contemporaneously in the USA by Charles Lindbergh.  The BUFNS is sometimes called the "Britain First Committee."

Another Wikipedia article on the "Bellamy salute" references Dr. Curry's work showing that Charles Lindbergh and other Americans were photographed performing the early straight-arm salute to the U.S. flag, and that those photographs were used later to imply cooperation with German National Socialists.

A photograph of Lindbergh performing the salute is at

In his Pulitzer prize winning biography "Lindbergh," author A. Scott Berg also agrees with Dr. Curry's assertion that photographs of Americans performing the early Pledge salute were used to imply cooperation with the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP). It is interesting to note that when the "Lindbergh" biography was written, the author Berg failed to make Dr. Curry's discovery that the American salute was the origin of the German Socialist salute.


In a recent view, Wikipedia's "Roman salute" article did not, techincally speaking, claim outright that the gesture was an ancient Roman salute but it implied it in a way that suggested deliberate deception was intended. In the same manner, the article did not actually claim that a neo-classical painting was the origin of the salute of German National Socialism, but the article implied it as if deliberate deception was intended.

Some people mis-use the painting to create new angles on the modern roman salute myth in an effort to cover-up Dr. Curry’s discoveries.  Such people do it  simply because they don’t like the truth and they wish to pretend that something else happened.

Despite all of the above, they concede Dr. Curry’s work is correct in that they never even attempt to assert that their made up new explanations ever influenced Francis Bellamy.

When they actually look at the painting they see that the painting does not show what you are trying to support.

When they perfrom a tiny moment of research they discover that the motivations that they want to attribute to the artist in painting the scene are not supported anywhere else, not even by the artist David.

It is also interesting to note that the scene (the Tennis Court Oath) is a fictionalized scene created by David and not supported even in history as portrayed by David either. David was an artist, not a person trying to factually reproduce actual moments in history. 

Wikipedia readers should try to actually think about the material posted to wackipedia, which they should realize is a glorified anonymous bulletin board.
No one should ever "quote" wikipedia as a reference.

For example, the following is from Wackipedia: "The association of the gesture with Roman republican culture seems to have emerged in 18th century France with revolutionary and anti-monarchist movements of the era."

Try to focus on big warning words such as the word "seems" in the quote "The association of the gesture....SEEMS to have emerged......"  That quote is practically telling all people "you are about to be duped by wikipedia."

The USA is still the worst example in the world of bizarre laws that require robotic chanting to a national flag in government schools (socialist schools) every day for 12 years.

Dr. Curry's discoveries have also been referenced in the vexillological groups Flags Of The World (FOTW) and the North American Vexillological Association (NAVA).

Pledge of Allegiance in frightening images and articles at
For fascinating information about symbolism see      

Wikipedia has also helped to spread the news about Dr. Curry's discovery that the USA's early Pledge of Allegiance to the flag (1892) used the straight-arm salute for three decades before it was adopted by the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP).

The raised-arm salute was created (1892) by an American (Francis Bellamy) who was a self-proclaimed socialist in the Nationalism movement in the USA. The American salute pre-dated the NSGWP by 30 years.

The American socialist Francis Bellamy was cousin and cohort to Edward Bellamy, another famous socialist and the author of the novel "Looking Backward." Edward's book was an international bestseller, translated into every major language (including Russian, German and Chinese). The Bellamy dogma inspired the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, Germany and worldwide. Edward inspired the creation of the Nationalist Party. Edward and Francis supported the Nationalist Magazine, the Nationalist Educational Association, and Nationalist Clubs everywhere.

There may be other parallels with the America First Committee, in that Bellamy nationalists focused on nationalism (“my country over others”), nativism, rabid patriotism (e.g. Pledges of Allegiance in government schools with the original straight-arm salute), a government takeover of schools, and desires for government ownership and control of everything.  They wanted to nationalize everything and they wanted all of society to ape the military and they touted "military socialism" and the "industrial army."  

The Bellamys and the pledge inspired socialists worldwide, and in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): 62 million slaughtered under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 49 million slaughtered under the Peoples' Republic of China; 21 million slaughtered under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party clearly patterned itself upon the National Socialism promoted by socialists in the USA during the three decades before the NSGWP existed.

Three decades before the National Socialist German Workers' Party existed, socialists in the USA had promoted National Socialism, the straight-arm salute, collective robotic chanting, and the modern swastika as an "S" symbol for "socialism."

A Harvard graduate, Ernst Hanfstaengl, personally assisted the leader of the NSGWP in promoting national socialism with more ideas from America.

The USA is still the worst example in the world of bizarre laws that require robotic chanting to a national flag in government schools (socialist schools) every day for 12 years.

The Bellamys promoted a government takeover of schools, the placement of flags at schools, and robotic chanting of the pledge to the flag with the old notorious gesture. When the government granted their wishes, the government schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy. The schools mandated the robotic chanting of the pledge with the straight-arm salute and persecuted and expelled children who would not comply, arrested parents, and even took children from parents on allegations of "unfit parenting."  There were acts of violence and lynchings.

The USA still follows similar anti libertarian policies promoted by the Bellamys. Many socialist policies caused the USA's big, expensive, oppressive government, its aggressive military socialism, and its growing police state. It caused the Great Socialist Depression (from the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act 1930 etc) that persisted and even lasted through U.S. involvement in WWII. The Pledge still exists along with laws mandating that teachers lead the robotic chanting every day for twelve years of each child's life (though the salute was altered). The government still owns and operates schools, including the same schools that imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy.  That policy even outlasted the National Socialist German Workers' Party by over 15 years. After segregation in government's schools ended, the Bellamy legacy caused more police-state racism of forced busing that destroyed communities and neighborhoods and deepened hostilities. Those schools still exist.  Infants are given social security numbers (socialist slave numbers from 1935 during the NSGWP) that track and tax everyone for life.  Government schools (socialist schools) demand the numbers for enrollment.

The pledge and the flag have become examples of how dangerous government schools are (and how dangerous government is in general).  The brainwashing ritual has indoctrinated many students of government schools with the national socialist propaganda.

Support for Dr. Curry's discoveries also comes from the Oxford English Dictionary (OED).

Support also comes from the web site of the American Philological Association.

Dr. Curry's work has been recognized in the vexillological group Flags Of The World (FOTW).

Similar recognition occurred in the flag group North American Vexillological Association (NAVA).

Dr. Curry's news-making work is discussed on Odeo Radio.

The discoveries are on Radio Indymedia.

And also covered at Opinion Editorials at
With more at OpinionEditorials at



The left column (below) is critiqued in the column on the right (below).  Below is a recent version of the Wikipedia article about the so-called "Roman Salute" and on the right side is an explanation of the errors and omissions.  Underneath (on the left) it is an updated version of the "Roman Salute" article that appeared on Wikipedia. Although it is much better than the shorter older version, it still contains many inaccuracies, and those inaccuracies are detailed in the right column.  Farther down is a comment by the author of the updated version and its inaccuracies are detailed in the column on the right. A non-frame version of the right column appears at the bottom of this page.

An older version of the Wikipedia article for the "Roman salute" used to be complete disinformation, deliberately maintained by phonies who tried to perpetuate myths.  Here is an excerpt of what Wikipedia used to carry: "The Roman salute is a closed finger, flat-palm-down hand raised at an angle (usually 45 degrees) and was used by the Roman Republic. It was also the historical civilian salute of the United States, from 1787?-1934?, known since 1892 as the Bellamy salute. It was also the historical salute among armies of the Middle East and South America. When the Nazi party of Germany adopted the Roman salute from the Italian fascists."

Note that the older wikipedia article allowed the dates "1787?-1934?" with the question marks as shown, and wiki writers deleted anyone who tried to correct the absurd dates and the doubly absurd question marks.  The information on the left is all incorrect and of course without any attribution nor support on the Wikipedia page because there is no support. Similar criticisms still apply to the Wikipedia pages on Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the National Socialist German Workers' Party and related articles. 

The newer Wikipedia article (the column on the left below) is better than the older version, but still suffers from many innaccuracies and omissions.

Many errors have been corrected in Wikipedia's "Roman salute" article.  The article had many visits from Dr. Rex Curry in the past - see its talk page- as Dr. Curry attempted to correct the many errors.  

1. Dr. Rex Curry showed that the USA's first Pledge used a straight-arm salute and it was the origin of the salute of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis).  It was not an ancient Roman salute. Professor Curry helped to establish that it was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth.  

2. The Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. Historic photographs are at and at   Due to the way that both gestures were used, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute.

3. Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") were socialists.  Edward and Charles were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, the "Nationalist Educational Association," and their dogma of "military socialism," and Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists in Germany, and the Pledge was the origin of the Nazi salute.  "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party." A mnemonic device is the swastika. Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, Professor Curry discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism."  Hitler altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.

Dr. Curry showed that many modern myths about swastikas rely on a false belief that Nazis called their symbol a "swastika."  German National Socialists did not use the word "swastika," but called their symbol a "Hakenkreuz."   Professor Curry showed that many modern myths rely on a false belief that Nazis called themselves "Nazis" or used some other term (Party members referred to themselves as "National Socialists" and did not use the term "Nazis").

The Roman salute is a gesture in which the arm is held out forward straight, with palms down. Sometimes the arm is raised upward at an angle, sometimes it is held out parallel to the ground. Despite the gesture's name, it is unclear whether the Romans used it in the same context as understood in modern culture; the current interpretation of a "salute" would seem to have evolved over time, more substantially in recent periods.
The wikipedia article on the "Roman Salute" becomes more dishonest by the week. An earlier version referenced the work of Professor Rex Curry and started thusly: "The Roman salute is a gesture in which the arm is held out forward straight, with palms down. Sometimes the arm is raised upward at an angle, sometimes it is held out parallel to the ground. The salute was supposed to have been used in the Roman republic, but there is no clear evidence of this. Indeed it is not known whether salutes in the military sense existed at all in Roman culture" (by Paul Barlow).  A more recent version of the same article is written as if a wikiling writer is a neo-Nazi who is covering-up.

A big initial problem is that no wiki writer will even attempt to discover the first use of the phrase "Roman salute" and thus the writers remain stuck in intellectually dishonest confusion about dates and origins.

Since the strength of the Roman legions lay in their discipline, all Roman legionaries right and left-handed were taught to hold their weapons in their right hand. Since Roman society was highly militarized, some historians presume that the Roman salute originated from a greeting and a symbol meaning "I come in peace holding no weapons."
The reference to the "I come in peace holding no weapons" myth is at least labeled a presumption.  Wikiling writers have to support their myths with other myths and speculations.

The salute was supposed to have been used in the Roman republic, but there is no clear evidence of this. Indeed it is not known whether salutes in the military sense existed at all in Roman culture. However, a number of images showing similar gestures exist from the Imperial era. These depict Roman leaders addressing their troops ("adlocutio" scenes). Usually the leader has his arm raised in a rhetorical gesture. In some images a few troops are also depicted with raised arms, possibly suggesting acclamation of the leader. Several such scenes appear on Trajan's column.
Eventually, the wiki article reverts back to its earlier opening concessions to the work of Dr. Curry, and the article concedes that there is no clear evidence of the salute in the Roman Republic and it concedes that there is no evidence of salutes in the military sense at all in Roman culture.

The wikiling writer then engages in speculation that people today misunderstood some images from ancient Rome.  There is no support for the idea that the "Roman Salute" concept arose long ago from misinterpretations of Roman images.  There is as much evidence that, after Dr. Curry's shocking discoveries about the salute's origin with the Pledge of Allegiance, modern writers (including wiki writers) deliberately looked for other explanations and then those writers misinterpreted Roman images in order to cover-up Professor Curry's discoveries.  

The association of the gesture with Roman republican culture seems to have emerged in 18th century France with revolutionary and anti-monarchist movements of the era. Several paintings in the Neoclassical style depict Roman heroes adopting variants of the gesture. The most famous and influential of these is Jacques-Louis David's painting The Oath of the Horatii (1784), which illustrates a pledge of loyalty to the Roman republic. After the French Revolution of 1789, David was commissioned to depict the formation of the revolutionary government in a similar style. In the Tennis Court Oath (1792) the National Assembly are all depicted with their arms outstretched as they swear to create a new constitution. After the republican government was replaced by Napoleon's imperial regime, David further deployed the gesture in images of Napoleon receiving the acclamation and loyalty of his soldiers. These consciously imitated ancient Roman adlocutio scenes. The most important of these paintings is The Distribution of the Eagle Standards (1810).

As the founder of the French academic school of art, David was imitated by many painters during the nineteenth century, who regularly depicted the straight-arm gesture in scenes of Roman imperial history.
The wiki writer then engages in speculation that neoclassical artists misunderstood some images from ancient Rome.  There is no support for the idea that the "Roman Salute" concept arose among neoclassical artists from misinterpretations of Roman images.  There is as much evidence that, after Dr. Curry's shocking discoveries about the salute's origin with the Pledge of Allegiance, modern writers (including wiki writers) deliberately looked for other explanations and then those writers seized upon neoclassical artists in order to cover-up and suppress Professor Curry's discoveries.  

For example, there is no evidence that Jacques-Louis David actually thought that his painting "The Oath of the Horatii" represented an actual historical Roman salute.  All of the evidence indicates that David created the scene out of whole cloth for drama. All of the speculating otherwise is actually the machinations of wiki writers and people of their ilk. The intellectual dishonesty is all the more evident in that the wiki writers deliberately fail to address those very points already made by Dr. Curry  Further, the Horatii painting depicts three people reaching for weapons.

The Tennis Court Oath was painted by David later, and repeats David's use of the dramatic gesture that David concocted, but in a more modern setting.  There is no evidence that it accurately depicts the event protrayed. David was not there. Further, the oath was written on paper (the paper being read by the central figure?) and the "oath was taken" by signing the document. David never stated that his scene was a roomful of people gesturing an oath and that is not shown in the painting. There is no evidence that anyone is taking an oath in the painting (the central figure might be swearing, or he might be reading his document) while those people about him waive hats, talk, holler, point, etc.  Three figures on the left seem to be an inside reference to the Horatii painting.  

The Distribution of the Eagle Standards was painted by David even later, and repeats David's use of the dramatic gesture that David concocted, but in another modern setting.  There is no evidence that it accurately depicts the event protrayed and there is no evidence that anyone is taking an oath in the painting at all.  The wiki writer claims that this is the most important of these paintings.  That painting shows no use of the salute in pledging or oath-taking at all and simply shows various people, with various gestures, grabbing for, and shouting for, the "Eagle Standards." Some gestures are toward the front, some gestures are toward the crowd.

The wikiling writer misrepresents the paintings and reads into them. The wiki writer shows that he does not understand the historical events that actually occurred before the paintings.

The wiki writer then claims that other painters during the nineteenth century regularly depicted the straight-arm gesture in scenes of Roman imperial history.  The writer cites no support because there is no support.

There is no support for the idea that the "Roman Salute" concept arose among neoclassical artists from misinterpretations of Roman images.  There is as much evidence that, after Dr. Curry's shocking discoveries about the salute's origin with the Pledge of Allegiance, modern writers (including wiki writers) deliberately looked for other explanations and then those writers misrepresented neoclassical art to cover-up Professor Curry's discoveries.

The cover-up is also supported by the fact that wiki writers know (or should know) that Francis Bellamy explained the origin of his salute and that it had nothing to do with imitating any painting, nor imitating any "Roman" salute myth.

These early images of the gesture are not strictly speaking salutes, since most actually depict the swearing of oaths. It was with this function that the so-called Bellamy salute was adopted in the United States in 1892 as part of the Pledge of Allegiance. This required that participants should initially bend their right arm with the hand held against the forehead, as in a conventional military salute. The arm should then be "extended gracefully, palm upward, toward the flag." Similar gestures were adopted elsewhere in the late nineteenth century among both nationalist and socialist movements.
At this paragraph the intellectual dishonesty doubles.  The writer is attempting to imply that there is a relationship between the original Pledge salute and the myth of the "Roman salute."  No support is cited because there is no support. The writer is not honest enough to clearly state that the supposed Roman myth was not an influence upon Francis Bellamy or Bellamy's cohorts. The writer will not reference Dr. Curry's clear explanation of how the Pledge salute was selected by Bellamy and Bellamy's cohorts, which is known because Bellamy explained its creation.  The writer knows that it does not support the myth that the writer is trying to perpetuate.
The writer will not mention Professor Curry's voluminous dissection of Bellamy's love of the military, national socialism, and the Bellamy term "military socialism."  The writer is still covering-up for socialism. The writer is also completely evading the fact that the use of the military salute in the Pledge evolved into the classic hard stylized salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis).  The writer is evading the point that the Nazi salute is an extended military salute, via the Pledge of Allegiance. All of those are discoveries by Professor Curry.

It is unclear precisely when the oath gesture became transformed into a quasi-military salute, but by the end of the 19th century it was adopted in various forms as a sign of allegiance in several mass movements.
It is unclear because the writer has knowingly refused to acknowledge Dr. Curry's discovery that the use of the military salute by Bellamy, caused the extended arm salute to change in use.  Wikipedia articles are so intellectually dishonest that they are comical.  It had nothing to do with the "Roman salute" myth, but the writer cannot bear to give up his distortions.  

A version was adopted as the Olympic salute, with arms raised to the side of the body, as in The Oath of the Horatii.
The Wikipedia writer implies that the Olympic salute came from a classical painting, but the wiki writer knows that he has no support to cite.  The wiki writer is aware of Dr. Curry's voluminous and ground-breaking work exposing the Olympic salute, but the writer is too intellectually dishonest to even mention it.   The writer evades Professor Curry's explanation that the Olympic salute also derived ultimately from the Pledge of Allegiance.

The gesture was also portrayed as a salute in a number of early films about ancient Rome, such as Ben Hur (1907), Nerone (1908), Spartaco (1914) and Cabiria (1914). The Italian nationalist writer and adventurer Gabriele D’Annunzio, who had scripted Cabiria, appropriated the salute with a neo-Imperial meaning when he occupied Fiume in 1919. [3] It was later taken up by the Italian fascist party to symbolise their claim to have revivified Italy on the model of ancient Rome. Other fascist groups also used versions of the salute, including the German Nazi party, in which the arm was raised smartly to the front, at right angles to the chest with the palm turned downwards.

Because of the similarity between the Bellamy salute and the Nazi salute, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt instituted the hand-over-the-heart gesture as the salute to be rendered by civilians during the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem in the United States, instead of the Bellamy salute. This was done when Congress officially adopted the Flag Code on June 22, 1942.

The association with the Nazism has been so strong that it is rarely used by non-Nazi organizations since the end of World War II. There are several exceptions; one is the Republic of China (Taiwan), where the salute is still used during the swearing of oaths in inaugurations. The salute is also still used by some Palestinian militant groups, the Basij militia in Iran, and some Maronite movements in Lebanon. Some Charismatic Christian churches will use a hand motion similar to this salute in moments of passionate worship, reaching up to the Cross at the front of the Church, or towards the Heavens.
The wiki writer references how Dr. Curry exposed the work of Martin Winkler regarding the use of the Roman salute in films. Professor Curry pointed out that Martin Winkler did not realize at the time of Winkler's article that the films were all pre-dated by the use of the salute in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance.  Martin Winkler, while discussing the old films, was unaware that the salute had been the original salute of the Pledge of Allegiance. Dr. Curry long ago challenged Martin Winkler to debate these issues in public and Dr. Curry has maintained that standing debate challenge, which has been met with complete silence.

The wiki writer adopts Martin Winkler's intellectually dishonest use of the term "fascist" to further aid the wiki writer in covering-up for the National Socialist German Workers' Party and for the National Socialism of the Bellamys.

The wiki writer also mentions a chest variation of the salute but the writer is too intellectually dishonest to mention Dr. Curry's photographs and explanation that the same variation was used earlier in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt did not institute the hand-over-the-heart, and the writer acknowledges the error in the next sentence when referencing the act by Congress.
The writer fails to mention that through most of Roosevelt's time in office the straight arm salute was used and Professor Curry possesses photographic examples of Roosevelt himself being saluted with the notorious salute. It is interesting to note that Congress did not inject itself into the mess until after the U.S. entered World War II, December 7, 1941.

The article uses four (or more) forms of the word "Nazi" and never gives the actual correct name of the horrid party: the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  It is a classic example of the usual cover-up for socialism, and the cover-up of the philosophical relationship between the German National Socialists and U.S. National Socialists (e.g. the Bellamys).  The wiki writer's behavior is comparable to that of neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers (and Wholecaust deniers). It reinforces the hackneyed use of the shorthand "Nazi" and the myth that members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party referred to themselves as "Nazis" (they did not refer to themselves as "Nazis").  There are many people who use the word "Nazi" to avoid ever stating the actual name of the party.  Technically speaking, there was no "Nazi Party" as that is simply shorthand slang that has been spread by people like the wiki writer.  The writer makes constant use of the shorthand "Nazi" even when discussing the very topic at hand.

Wiki writers evade the topic that Professor Curry has raised, which is that Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy were  self-proclaimed National Socialists in the USA three decades before the National Socialist German Workers' Party, and Edward's book was an international bestseller, translated into every major language (including German, which Edward spoke and wrote, and where Edward had studied as a young man) and that Edward's dogma inspired "Nationalism" clubs worldwide including in Germany.

The Bellamy salute was not originally the same as the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as noted by Professor Curry. However, as anyone who looks at Dr. Curry's historic photographs of the salute can see, it developed into the same salute as that of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Even the writer above concedes Dr. Curry's point that the flag was saluted with a normal military-style salute and then the arm was straightened out toward the flag during the oath. The writer above tellingly evades the point that the use of the military salute led to the change in the salute to the U.S. flag.  It is as if the writer above is conceding the point made by Professor Curry.

The writers are thanked for conceding that the "Roman salute" page has contained inaccuracies, and for correcting some of those errors.  The writers have "become wiser," by incorporating some of Professor Curry's discoveries. 

    The history of the salute is detailed in the Roman salute article (which had a visit from Mr Curry in the past - see its talk page). The Nazi-Soviet pact is well known, and is covered widely on Wikipedia, so it is hardly "covered up" by anyone. Everybody uses the term "Nazi". It wasn't invented by Wikipedia editors to conceal the word "socialism"! The Bellamy salute was not the same as the Nazi salute, as anyone who looks at Bellamy's description can see. The idea was that you saluted the flag with a normal military-style salute and then straightened out your arm gracefully with palm upward as you made the oath. It was supposed to represent the act of lifting up the flag. Anyway, even if the gesture had been the same, so what? It's just a gesture. The Soviets used conventional salutes, does that mean that the US military are Communists because they use the same gesture as the Soviet military!

    Yes, the "Roman salute" page did once contain innaccuracies, but that's not evidence of a conspiracy. It's just what you get when you have an open encyclopedia! The point is to correct error when you see it.

    addendum: Since I am the Wikipedia editor who "became wiser", by incorporating "Professor" Curry's discoveries, I guess I should note that the valuable information he provides is not his own discovery, though he is to be credited with making it more widely available. The material about the use of the Roman salute in films derives from an academic article by Martin Winkler. His "discovery" that the swastika/hakenkreuz includes S shapes standing for "Socialism" is, however, his own work. And he is right, we have excluded it from the Swastika article, because he just made it up. The real reasons why the Nazis chose the swastika are well documented.
Paul Barlow

Paul Barlow is a nutter with an obsession (to repeat Barlow's crude insult). The history of the salute is now improved in the Roman salute article (which had many previous visits from Dr. Curry in the past - see its talk page- as Dr. Curry attempted to correct the many errors).
The pact between the National Socialist German Workers' Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is not well known, and is also not covered widely on Wikipedia, so it is "covered up" by people, and those people also often refer to it as the "Nazi-Soviet" pact (as the writer above does) which avoids ever using the actual name of the horrid Party (the National Socialist German Workers' Party) and reinforces the hackneyed use of the shorthand "Nazi" and the myth that members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party referred to themselves as "Nazis" (they did not refer to themselves as "Nazis").  Some people (note the writer above) try to evade the point with odd comments such as "It wasn't invented by Wikipedia editors to conceal the word 'socialism'!"  That comment does not dispute the fact that there are people who use the word "Nazi" to avoid ever stating the actual name of the party: The National Socialist German Workers' Party. Not only is that done in the title of the page cited (the “Nazi-Soviet pact” page) it is done on that entire article where the actual name of the Party never appears nor even the phrase "National Socialist." The writer above also makes constant use of the shorthand "Nazi" even when discussing the very topic at hand.  The Bellamy salute was not originally the same as the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as noted by Professor Curry. However, as anyone who looks at Dr. Curry's historic photographs of the salute can see, it developed into the same salute as that of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Even the writer above concedes Dr. Curry's point that the flag was saluted with a normal military-style salute and then the arm was straightened out toward the flag during the oath. The writer above tellingly evades the point that the use of the military salute led to the change in the salute to the U.S. flag.  It is as if the writer above is conceding the point made by Professor Curry. Indeed, the writer seems to concede it with the comment "Anyway, even if the gesture had been the same, so what? It's just a gesture. The Soviets used conventional salutes, does that mean that the US military are Communists because they use the same gesture as the Soviet military!"   It is fascinating how the writer again avoids the actual name "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" and also uses the term "Communist" instead of using the term "Socialist."  The writer then attempts to avoid the issue, which is the origin of the straight-arm salute, and tries to turn the issue into an odd argument about whether salutes dictate particular dogmas.  Nevertheless, the writer evades the topic that Professor Curry has raised, which is that Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy were  self-proclaimed National Socialists in the USA three decades before the National Socialist German Workers' Party, and Edward's book was an international bestseller, translated into every major language (including German, which Edward spoke and wrote, and where Edward had studied as a young man) and that Edward's dogma inspired "Nationalism" clubs worldwide including in Germany.

    Yes, the "Roman salute" page did once contain inaccuracies, and the writer above is to be thanked for conceding that point. But that is no reason for the writer to blabber with his use of the term "conspiracy." It's just what you get when you have an open encyclopedia! The point is to correct error when you see it, and to not delete those corrections when they are made by people like Dr. Curry.   The John Seigenthaler story from Brian Chase is another notorious example of Wikipedia’s untrustworthiness.  On Wikipedia, the intellectually dishonest administrators block people who tell the truth, so it is specious to say that truth-tellers simply need to correct the articles. 

    The writer above also concedes that he is the Wikipedia editor who "became wiser," by incorporating Professor Curry's discoveries.  The writer is to be thanked for crediting Dr. Curry with making it more widely available. It should be noted that the valuable information that Professor Curry provides is his own discovery.  Dr. Curry has also mentioned that the material about the use of the Roman salute in films derives from an academic article by Martin Winkler. Professor Curry pointed out that Martin Winkler did not realize at the time of Winkler's article that the films were all pre-dated by the use of the salute in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance.  Dr. Curry has also publicly challenged Martin Winkler to debate these issues.  Professor Curry's discovery that the swastika/hakenkreuz, although an ancient symbol, was sometimes used by the National Socialist German Workers' Party as "S" shapes standing for its "Socialism" is also his own original work. And he is right that other writers have deliberately covered up the discovery (as the writer above admits) and have excluded it from the Swastika article.  The writer above simply made up his denial and he knows that Dr. Curry is correct and he shows it because he does not dispute a word of it and can give no opposing citations or reference.  Even when the writer above claimes "The real reasons why the Nazis chose the swastika are well documented" he cannot provide an citation, because he knows that it would either concede (or at least not dispute) Dr. Curry's discoveries.

Many errors have been corrected in Wikipedia's Roman salute article.  The article had many visits from Dr. Rex Curry in the past - see its talk page- as Dr. Curry attempted to correct the many errors.

1. Dr. Rex Curry showed that the USA's first Pledge used a straight-arm salute and it was the origin of the salute of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis).  It was not an ancient Roman salute. Professor Curry helped to establish that it was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth.  

2. The Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. Historic photographs are at and at   Due to the way that both gestures were used, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute.

3. Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") were socialists.  Edward and Charles were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, the "Nationalist Educational Association," and their dogma of "military socialism," and Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists in Germany, and the Pledge was the origin of the Nazi salute.  "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party." A mnemonic device is the swastika. Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, Professor Curry discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism."  Hitler altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.

Dr. Curry showed that many modern myths about swastikas rely on a false belief that Nazis called their symbol a "swastika."  German National Socialists did not use the word "swastika," but called their symbol a "Hakenkreuz."   Professor Curry showed that many modern myths rely on a false belief that Nazis called themselves "Nazis" or used some other term (Party members referred to themselves as "National Socialists" and did not use the term "Nazis").

The wikipedia article on the "Roman Salute" becomes more dishonest each week. An earlier version referenced the work of Professor Rex Curry and started thusly: "The Roman salute is a gesture in which the arm is held out forward straight, with palms down. Sometimes the arm is raised upward at an angle, sometimes it is held out parallel to the ground. The salute was supposed to have been used in the Roman republic, but there is no clear evidence of this. Indeed it is not known whether salutes in the military sense existed at all in Roman culture" (by Paul Barlow).  A more recent version of the same article is written as if a wikiling writer is a neo-Nazi covering-up again.

A big initial problem is that no wiki writer will even attempt to discover the first use of the phrase "Roman salute" and thus the writers remain stuck in intellectually dishonest confusion about dates and origins.

Eventually, the wiki article reverts back to its earlier opening concessions to the work of Dr. Curry, and the article concedes that there is no clear evidence of the salute in the Roman Republic and it concedes that there is no evidence of salutes in the military sense at all in Roman culture.

The wikiling writer then engages in speculation that people today misunderstood some images from ancient Rome.  There is no support for the idea that the "Roman Salute" concept arose long ago from misinterpretations of Roman images.  There is as much evidence that, after Dr. Curry's shocking discoveries about the salute's origin with the Pledge of Allegiance, modern writers (including wiki writers) deliberately looked for other explanations and then those writers misinterpreted Roman images in order to cover-up Professor Curry's discoveries. 

The wikiling writer then engages in speculation that neoclassical artists misunderstood some images from ancient Rome.  There is no support for the idea that the "Roman Salute" concept arose among neoclassical artists from misinterpretations of Roman images.  There is as much evidence that, after Dr. Curry's shocking discoveries about the salute's origin with the Pledge of Allegiance, modern writers (including wiki writers) deliberately looked for other explanations and then those writers seized upon neoclassical artists in order to cover-up Professor Curry's discoveries. 

For example, there is no evidence that Jacques-Louis David actually thought that his painting "The Oath of the Horatii" represented an actual historical Roman salute.  All of the evidence indicates that David created the scene out of whole cloth for drama. All of the speculating otherwise is actually the machinations of wiki writers and people of their ilk. The intellectual dishonesty is all the more evident in that the wiki writers deliberately fail to address those very points already made by Dr. Curry  Further, the Horatii painting depicts three people reaching for weapons.

The Tennis Court Oath was painted by David later, and repeats David's use of the dramatic gesture that David concocted, but in a more modern setting.  There is no evidence that it accurately depicts the event protrayed. David was not there. Further, the oath was written on paper (the paper being read by the central figure?) and the "oath was taken" by signing the document. There is no evidence that anyone is taking an oath in the painting (the central figure might be swearing, or he might be reading his document) while those people about him waive hats, talk, holler, point, etc.  Three figures on the left seem to be an inside reference to the Horatii painting.  
The Distribution of the Eagle Standards was painted by David even later, and repeats David's use of the dramatic gesture that David concocted, but in another modern setting.  There is no evidence that it accurately depicts the event protrayed and there is no evidence that anyone is taking an oath in the painting at all.  The wiki writer claims that this is the most important of these paintings.  That painting shows no use of the salute in pledging or oath-taking at all and simply shows various people, with various gestures, grabbing for, and shouting for, the "Eagle Standards." Some gestures are toward the front, some gestures are toward the crowd.

The wiki writer misrepresents the paintings and reads into them. The wiki writer shows that he does not understand the historical events that actually occurred before the paintings.

The wiki writer then claims that other painters during the nineteenth century regularly depicted the straight-arm gesture in scenes of Roman imperial history.  The writer cites no support because there is no support.

There is no support for the idea that the "Roman Salute" concept arose among neoclassical artists from misinterpretations of Roman images.  There is as much evidence that, after Dr. Curry's shocking discoveries about the salute's origin with the Pledge of Allegiance, modern writers (including wikilings) deliberately looked for other explanations and then those writers misrepresented neoclassical art to cover-up Professor Curry's discoveries.

The cover-up is also supported by the fact that wiki writers know (or should know) that Francis Bellamy explained the origin of his salute and that it had nothing to do with imitating any painting, nor imitating any "Roman" salute myth.

At this paragraph the intellectual dishonesty doubles.  The writer is attempting to imply that there is a relationship between the original Pledge salute and the myth of the "Roman salute."  No support is cited because there is no support. The writer is not honest enough to clearly state that the supposed Roman myth was not an influence upon Francis Bellamy or Bellamy's cohorts. The writer will not reference Dr. Curry's clear explanation of how the Pledge salute was selected by Bellamy and Bellamy's cohorts, which is known because Bellamy explained its creation.  The writer knows that it does not support the myth that the writer is trying to perpetuate.

The writer will not mention Professor Curry's voluminous dissection of Bellamy's love of the military, national socialism, and the Bellamy term "military socialism."  The writer is still covering-up for socialism. The writer is also completely evading the fact that the use of the military salute in the Pledge evolved into the classic hard stylized salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis).  The writer is evading the point that the Nazi salute is an extended military salute, via the Pledge of Allegiance. All of those are discoveries by Professor Curry.

The writer is unclear because the writer has knowingly refused to acknowledge Dr. Curry's discovery that the use of the military salute by Bellamy, caused the extended arm salute to change in use.  Wikipedia articles are so intellectually dishonest that they are comical.  It had nothing to do with the "Roman salute" myth, but the writer cannot bear to give up his distortions. 

The Wikipedia writer implies that the Olympic salute came from a classical painting, but the wiki writer knows that he has no support to cite.  The wiki writer is aware of Dr. Curry's voluminous and ground-breaking work exposing the Olympic salute, but the writer is too intellectually dishonest to even mention it.   The writer evades Professor Curry's explanation that the Olympic salute also derived ultimately from the Pledge of Allegiance.

The wiki writer references how Dr. Curry exposed the work of Martin Winkler regarding the use of the Roman salute in films. Professor Curry pointed out that Martin Winkler did not realize at the time of Winkler's article that the films were all pre-dated by the use of the salute in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance.  Martin Winkler, while discussing the old films, was unaware that the salute had been the original salute of the Pledge of Allegiance. Dr. Curry long ago challenged Martin Winkler to debate these issues in public and Dr. Curry has maintained that standing debate challenge, which has been met with complete silence.

The wiki writer adopts Martin Winkler's intellectually dishonest use of the term "fascist" to further aid the wiki writer in covering-up for the National Socialist German Workers' Party and for the National Socialism of the Bellamys.

The wiki writer also mentions a chest variation of the salute but the writer is too intellectually dishonest to mention Dr. Curry's photographs and explanation that the same variation was used earlier in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt did not institute the hand-over-the-heart, and the writer acknowledges the error in the next sentence when referencing the act by Congress. The writer fails to mention that through most of Roosevelt's time in office the straight arm salute was used and Professor Curry possesses photographic examples of Roosevelt himself being saluted with the notorious salute. It is interesting to note that Congress did not inject itself into the mess until after the U.S. entered World War II, December 7, 1941.

The article uses four (or more) forms of the word "Nazi" and never gives the actual correct name of the horrid party: the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  It is a classic example of the usual cover-up for socialism, and the cover-up of the philosophical relationship between the German National Socialists and U.S. National Socialists (e.g. the Bellamys).  The wiki writer's behavior is comparable to that of neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers (and Wholecaust deniers). It reinforces the hackneyed use of the shorthand "Nazi" and the myth that members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party referred to themselves as "Nazis" (they did not refer to themselves as "Nazis").  There are many people who use the word "Nazi" to avoid ever stating the actual name of the party.  Technically speaking, there was no "Nazi Party" as that is simply shorthand slang that has been spread by people like the wiki writer.  The writer makes constant use of the shorthand "Nazi" even when discussing the very topic at hand.

Wiki writers evade the topic that Professor Curry has raised, which is that Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy were  self-proclaimed National Socialists in the USA three decades before the National Socialist German Workers' Party, and Edward's book was an international bestseller, translated into every major language (including German, which Edward spoke and wrote, and where Edward had studied as a young man) and that Edward's dogma inspired "Nationalism" clubs worldwide, including in Germany.

The Bellamy salute was not originally the same as the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as noted by Professor Curry. However, as anyone who looks at Dr. Curry's historic photographs of the salute can see, it developed into the same salute as that of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Even the writer above concedes Dr. Curry's point that the flag was saluted with a normal military-style salute and then the arm was straightened out toward the flag during the oath. The writer above tellingly evades the point that the use of the military salute led to the change in the salute to the U.S. flag.  It is as if the writer above is conceding the point made by Professor Curry.

The writers are thanked for conceding that the "Roman salute" page has contained inaccuracies, and for correcting some of those errors.  The writers have "become wiser," by incorporating some of Professor Curry's discoveries.
On the Epopt & his Nazi vandalism of posts

Epopt's Nazi vandalism of posts shows that he is a nadir. Epopt's  Nazi vandalism blocks posts that expose Epopt's propaganda about the "Roman Salute" or "Edward Bellamy."  Epopt repeats propaganda as taught in government schools.  As Epopt said "Fight your edit wars on another battlefield."

Known as "The Epopt" (aka User:The Epopt; and even "the Epopt of the Cabal") his sad self-labeling shows how low he sinks and how he thinks.  It also shows that the Epopt has strange conspiracy ideas and is a bizarre religious wacko, similar to Edward Bellamy, the person for whom Epopt covers up.  On Epopt's own pathetic wikipedia user page, Epopt boasts about being in a wikipedia user's group that exists for HIS religious group, believe it or don't. That Wikipedia user's group of which Epopt is part has been proposed for deletion on Wikipedia, as shown on Epopt's page. Epopt's self-boasted religious affiliation is related to Epopt's motive for vandalizing "Roman" salute posts.  In Epopt's sad mind, it is probably also related to Epopt's actions in covering up for Nazism, and for Epopt's Nazi vandalism of posts. Epopt also has an odd obsession with militarism, and that explains Epopt's Nazi vandalism, his obsession with Nazism, the "Roman" salute, and with Edward Bellamy (promoter of "military socialism" and the "industrial army") and Epopt's desire to protect myths about Nazi symbolism and salutes.  The Epopt works anonymously in order to hide his intellectual lowness and all of the above.

Epopt not only vandalizes posts, he blocks posts (and posters) that correct Epopt's cover-ups. Thus, Epopt does not dispute the discoveries of Dr. Rex Curry. Epopt's actions show that Epopt concedes and confirms that Dr. Curry is correct, and that Epopt can't respond and must delete posts.

1. Dr. Rex Curry showed that the USA's early Pledge of Allegiance (to the flag) used a straight-arm salute and it was the origin of the salute of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis). Dr. Curry helped to establish that it was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth.  The myth is still repeated in modern efforts to cover-up Dr. Curry's discoveries about the Pledge's poisonous pedigree.

2. The original Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. Historic photographs are at and at   In actual use, the second part of the gesture was performed with a straight arm and palm down by children casually performing the forced ritual chanting.  Professor Curry showed that, due to the way that both gestures were used sequentially in the pledge, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute.

3. Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") were socialists.  Edward and Charles were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, the "Nationalist Educational Association," and their dogma of "military socialism," and Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists worldwide (including Germany) via “Nationalist Clubs.”  The Pledge was the origin of the Nazi salute. "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party." A mnemonic device is the swastika. Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, Professor Curry discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism."  Curry changed the way that people view the symbol of the horrid National Socialist German Workers' Party. Hitler altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.

Dr. Curry showed that many modern myths about swastikas use the false belief that Nazis called their symbol a "swastika."  German National Socialists did not call their symbol a "swastika."

Professor Curry showed that many modern myths use a false belief that Nazis called themselves "Nazis."  The myths cause widespread ignorance of the eytmology of the word "Nazi." Party members called themselves "National Socialists," not "Nazis."

The work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry might be the most referenced historical research on Wikipedia.

Even so, truthful historical research is often deleted and vandalized on Wikipedia by neo-nazis and others who are duped by Germanic Mysticism and Occult Socialism. 

Some of the worst examples go by the cover-up names of the Epopt, Matt Crypto, and Robert C. Phrenic. Phrenic in a recent post referred to himself as
"The Most Honourably Great Sir Dr. Robert C Prenic the 3rd, all Adademic Degrees," raising the question of whether Phrenic is delusional, or how much so.

Before the Epopt and Matt Crypto influenced Phrenic, Phrenic had stated "Dr. Rex Curry appears to have found a lot of information that it not being utilised." Phrenic correctly indicted neo-nazis and other vandals on Wikipedia.

The Epopt and Matt Crypto are not reliable sources.  The Epopt does not hesitate to invent any "fact" he needs to support the Epopt's fantasies. The Epopt knows nothing about vexillology or the Bellamys and if the Epopt said "the United States has a flag," you would want to look for another source to verify it before you believed it.

Another reason that Matt Crypto can't be linked to from reliable sources is because Matt Crypto is a freaky stalker weirdo and also engages in tedious spamming.

Even so, Matt Crypto has never disputed a word of Dr. Curry's work. Crypto simply deletes truthful information so that Crypto can maintain the propaganda that he cherishes and about which Crypto obsesses.

Robert C. Phrenic was so ignorant (before he was educated by Dr. Curry's work), that he did not know of any association between Nazis and socialism. Apparently, Phrenic did not know that the Nazis were socialists and that the actual name of the horrid group was National Socialist German Workers' Party. Phrenic's comments in that regard are crazy.

On Phrenic's own page (the page where he refers to himself as "The Most Honourably Great Sir Dr. Robert C Prenic the 3rd, all Adademic Degrees") the buddy of the Epopt and Matt Crypto references the German Mystic nut Guido von List three times FAVORABLY.

Phrenic has a photograph of List on his page and apparently Phrenic supports or is a member of what is there stated as the "Wikiproject Germanic Mysticism WikiProject" described thusly "The aim of this project is to educate readers & editors about the concept of Germanic Revivalism, Germanic mysticism." As part of that description, Phrenic's page provides various links about occult socialism including the following: Lanz von Liebenfels, Aleister Crowley, Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Odinic Rite, Armanen-Orden, Thule society, Vril Society, Ahnenerbe, Artgemeinschaft, Nazi mysticism, Theozoology, Ariosophy, Armanism, Runic Astrology, Völkisch movement, Runic divination, Neopaganism; Sacred Places: Stonehenge, Externsteine, Teutoburg Forest; Symbols: Black Sun · Fylfot · Swastika · Runes, Sig Rune · Sigel, Armanen Runes; Categories: Occult · Germanic neopaganism, Germanic paganism · Neopaganism, Norse mythology; Books: The Occult Roots of Nazism · Unholy Alliance, Black Sun · Occult Reich · Zodiac and Swastika, Gods of the Blood · Invisible Eagle · Pagan Resurrection.

Phrenic's page includes this quote: "Nationalism is a complex phenomenon that is not always immediately easy to grasp. It is a whole ideological viewpoint that affects all aspects of one’s every day political, cultural, economic and social life. - Arthur E. LeBouthillier, What is Nationalism?"

Phrenic's page includes this quote: "Now, because men of our contemporary age are caught up in the ascetic view of a life-denying religious system, but in spite of this cannot deny the primal laws of nature, a distorted morality had to be developed, which spreads hypocritical appearances over hidden actions. This has brought to a head all those outward forms of modern life, whose vacuousness and corruption are now beginning to disgust us. - Guido von list, 'Das Geheimnis der Runen' "

Ominously, Phrenic follows the preceding quote with "A star is extinguished, another will begin to shine - thus it is written in the Book of Nature - Guido von list, 'Der Ubesiegbare' "

Phrenic quotes with references three different books by Guido von List, including "Deutsch-Mythologische Landschaftsbilder."

Phrenic also references Karl Spiesberger, 'Der erfolgreiche Pendel-Praktiker.'

Long ago, Matt Crypto joined the growing chorus that has confirmed Dr. Rex Curry's historical discoveries concerning the Pledge of Allegiance's controversial past and that of the authors Edward Bellamy and Francis Bellamy.

Matt Crypto's recent concession of Dr. Curry's work came about after a protracted period of ignorance and vandalism on Matt Crypto's part.

On his own page, Crypto concedes that he once doubted Dr. Curry's work. "But he sure put me in my place," Crypto says about the Doctor. Wikipedia writers have supported Dr. Curry's work for a long time, and Matt Crypto also conceded that Crypto had been rebuked, and he confirmed Dr. Curry's work publicly on Wikipedia.

Here is information that Matt Crypto actually posted about himself on his own page: "Matt Crypto is a freaky stalker weirdo who rants on Wikipedia and he is so bad that he helped to inspire the term 'wikiling writers' as a reference to him and others of his ilk. He knowingly engages in personal attacks and deletions of and vandalism of any information (even links) that explain the connection between Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy and National Socialism. He spams screeds about his propaganda all over Wikipedia."


Paul Barlow is a nut with an obsession

Paul Barlow's vandalism of posts shows that he is a terrible Wikipedia addict and mental wikiling. Wikipedia is the bogus bulletin board that masquerades as an encyclopedia. Barlow's vandalism deletes posts that expose Barlow's propaganda about the "Roman Salute" or "Edward Bellamy."  Barlow repeats propaganda as taught in government schools.

Barlow has an eccentric list of interests. Barlow, by his own description, contributes to articles about the history of racial theories. Worse still, Barlow openly states that he especially enjoys contributing to articles that combine the history of racial theories with religious ideologies.  That explains why Barlow protects old propaganda about Edward Bellamy and Francis Bellamy, both religious wackos from the 1800's.  Believe it or don't, Barlow labels himself a "Victorianist."

To explain his deletions of posts, and to support Barlow's "swastika" myth, Barlow quoted Adolf Hitler from his book "Mein Kampf."  Barlow touted a solitary Hitler quote and showed that Barlow is evidently unaware that the book was written in 1923 (and published in 1925-26) and that the National Socialist German Workers' Party was elected in 1930, imposed dictatorship in 1933, and lasted into 1945.  Barlow quoted Hitler about the "swastika" and Barlow gave the quote in English, and Barlow showed that Barlow is evidently unaware that the original book did not use the word "swastika" because the language was German, and the German National Socialists did not use the word "swastika."  Barlow is blind to the fact that the Hakenkreuz was used sometimes to represent meshed "S" letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers' Party. The reason that Barlow deletes posts is because Barlow has no response to point blank dares that Barlow explain various evidence including: the Hakenkreuz symbol was altered to tilt it 45 degress to the horizontal; Hitler altered his own signature to reflect the "S" symbolism; Similar alphabetic symbolism was used by the National Socialists, including similar symbolism that still shows on Volkswagens; and of course the similar "SS" division symbolism.

Paul Barlow has conceded Dr. Rex Curry's historical discoveries and Barlow has shown that he deliberately engages in a cover-up (In the page history for the "Roman Salute" article, Barlow declared that he is "covering up" Professor Curry's discoveries and "Stormie" adopted and repeated Barlow's action. See February 6, 2006). Even links to Dr. Curry's discoveries are deleted by the wikiling pair. Barlow is so intellectually low, that he gives no explanation for Francis Bellamy's own comment explaining the origin of Bellamy's gesture (in the early Pledge of Allegiance) that began with a military salute and then extended outward, and historic photographs showing that the salute developed into the hard stylized straight-arm salute.

Barlow not only vandalizes posts, he is aware that posts (and posters) are blocked that correct Barlow's cover-ups. Thus, Barlow does not dispute the discoveries of Dr. Rex Curry. Barlow's actions show that Barlow concedes and confirms that Dr. Curry is correct and that Barlow has no response and must delete posts.

1. Dr. Rex Curry showed that the USA's early Pledge of Allegiance (to the flag) used a straight-arm salute and it was the origin of the salute of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis). Dr. Curry helped to establish that it was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth.  The myth is still repeated in modern efforts to cover-up Dr. Curry's discoveries about the Pledge's poisonous pedigree.

2. The original Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. Historic photographs are at and at   In actual use, the second part of the gesture was performed with a straight arm and palm down by children casually performing the forced ritual chanting.  Professor Curry showed that, due to the way that both gestures were used sequentially in the pledge, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute.

3. Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") were socialists.  Edward and Charles were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, the "Nationalist Educational Association," and their dogma of "military socialism," and Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists worldwide (including Germany) via “Nationalist Clubs.”  The Pledge was the origin of the Nazi salute. "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party." A mnemonic device is the swastika. Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, Professor Curry discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism."  Curry changed the way that people view the symbol of the horrid National Socialist German Workers' Party. Hitler altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.

Dr. Curry showed that many modern myths about swastikas use the false belief that Nazis called their symbol a "swastika."  German National Socialists did not call their symbol a "swastika."

Professor Curry showed that many modern myths use a false belief that Nazis called themselves "Nazis."  The myths cause widespread ignorance of the eytmology of the word "Nazi." Party members called themselves "National Socialists," not "Nazis."

Here is Barlow's description of himself, believe it or don't: "I'm a terrible Wikipedia addict with a rather eccentric list of interests. By education and expertise I am a Victorianist and a specialist in art, but my main interests here are in the history of scholarly theories in religion, literature and ethnology. Hence I tend to contribute to articles about the history of racial theories, religious ideologies and – especially – any stuff that combines the two."


German salute and American salute news exposed by the noted art historian Dr. Rex Curry and Wikipedia

A recent article at reports on the many references to Dr. Curry's research and discoveries on Wikipedia. Even Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder, has publicly noted Dr. Curry's influence on Wikipedia. Wikipedia writers have verified Dr. Curry's work and use it without attribution in apparent attempts to bolster their own credibility.

The Siegenthaler mess  -- He was grossly slandered by a wikiling.

The name "Siegenthaler" has the root words of "sieg" (victory) and "tal" (valley).  

Compare the phrase "Sieg Heil" used by the NSGWP for the victory of socialism under the National Socialist German Workers' Party. German National Socialists used sieg runes and other runes for their symbolism. Yet, the word sieg and rune do not appear in Wikipedia's "swastika" article. Those words have been repeatedly deleted. It is done in a specific and deliberate effort to keep wiki readers ignorant of Dr. Rex Curry's work showing that.

Wikpedia probably makes it possible to trace the very first use of the Horatii myth to the very person who originally posted it without support or reference. It is important to note that discovering the origin of any post on wakipedia can lead to an anonymous source with a bizarre pseudonym, such as "neo-nutzy666."

Even the artist Jacque Louis David never called the gesture in his own painting an ancient Roman salute.  There is no example of David ever using that phrase in his life.

The wikilings took a long time to embrace Dr. Curry's proof that the stiff-arm salute was not an ancient Roman salute. Thereafter, one wikiling decided to blame the French, and claimed that neo-classical by Jacques Louis David started the myth. Only wikilings started the myth by citing the French painter.

Yet the same myth is repeated elsewhere on wiki due to lack of consistency between related topics that cover the same ground. Remember, wiki can change by the millisecond, and truthful items (even passing references) are often deleted in a heartbeat repeatedly.

In the past, wikilings thought that it was an ancient Roman salute. Thanks to Dr. Curry's work, wikilings embraced the fact that it was not an ancient Roman salute. There are still some wikilings who speculate that the French thought it was an ancient Roman salute. The wikiling writers still have no support.

They wish that "other people probably thought it was an ancient Roman salute." But there is no evidence that other people thought so.  The first person for whom there is evidence of such thought was the first person to post the thought on wackipedia.

The Horatii myth was created by someone did not like the truth discovered by Dr. Curry about the American salute. The Horatii myth was posted on Wikipedia specifically to cover-up Dr. Curry's discoveries and to hide the pledge's putrid pedigree.

Oxford English Dictionary supports Dr. Curry's work and shows that the phrase "Roman salute" is a modern phrase , first use shown as , after the lives of Bellamys. There was no prior use of oath of horatii as  Wikipedia was the first place to create the myth that the Oath of Horatii had something to do with the "Roman salute" myth.

Francis Bellamy, the person responsible for the straight-arm salute and its modern popularity, never used the phrase "ancient Roman salute."  Francis Bellamy actually explained where his salute came from and he described it as starting with a military salute that was extended out toward the flag. Nothing about Rome was mentioned by Bellamy.

Hitler did not call it an ancient Roman salute. The leader of German National Socialism called it the German salute. German socialists did not originally render the salute with a stiff arm. The early salute under German National Socialism was similar to the Bellamy salute, and it evolved in Germany, as it had evolved in America. It became an extended military salute.

Wikipedia and Paul Barlow are announcing more amazing discoveries by the noted historian and symbologist Dr. Rex Curry concerning the Roman salute. Dr. Curry has established that the "ancient Roman salute" was a myth. Paul Barlow, a self-described wikipedia addict, has extensively edited and corrected material on Wikipedia about the Roman salute in order to adopt and reflect Dr. Curry's new discoveries.  Barlow has fought against many Wikipedia lies that cover-up Dr. Curry's discoveries.

Barlow's work has been repeatedly deleted or altered on Wikipedia by apparent neo-Nazis, socialists and others who want to maintain old propaganda on the site.

Dr. Curry's discoveries have also been referenced in the vexillological groups Flags Of The World (FOTW) and the North American Vexillological Association (NAVA).

The term "ancient Roman salute" is often erroneously used in reference to the stiff-armed salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP).

The straight-arm salute that was used by the NSGWP originated in the USA's Pledge of Allegiance, as proven in Dr. Curry's research.

The Bellamy salute is the hand gesture described by Francis Bellamy to accompany his Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States. It was the origin of the salute of the Nazis (the National Socialist German Workers' Party), as shown by the noted historian Dr. Rex Curry.

Barlow answered the following question posed by a Wiki reader: "The description of the salute states that the hand is extended 'palm upward' toward the flag, so why does the picture clearly depict students performing the salute with their palms facing down? Barlow gave the answer that he had learned from Dr. Curry's work: "Because they are not doing it right. It's easier just to extend the arm......"  Dr. Curry's research led to the discovery (that Barlow references) that the original salute was performed with the palm down by children perfunctorily extending the initial military salute, and that was the origin of the salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Francis Bellamy was a socialist in the USA involved in the Nationalism movement.

The American Pledge and salute from American socialists was the origin of the salutes of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Peoples' Republic of China, and the National Socialist German Workers' Party, and it inspired their robotic chanting and worship of government and flags and symbols in their government schools (socialist schools).

On November 17, 2006, Barlow added references to Dr. Curry's new discovery that the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics followed the lead of the USA in the modern use of the swastika as overlapping "S" letters for "Socialism," adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Shortly thereafter Barlow's work was deleted. Barlow intends to keep working on the topic in order to restore Dr. Curry's work to Wikipedia's article on that topic.

The USA is still the worst example in the world of bizarre laws that require robotic chanting to a national flag in government schools (socialist schools) every day for 12 years.


The first person who offered the ancient Roman salute myth as fact based on neo-classical paintings was a specific person who posted it on wackipedia in order to cover-up Dr. Rex Curry's discoveries.

They refer to fictional neo-classical paintings as if the paintings are equivalent to photographs of actual events.  They pretend to be unaware that the painting are fictional scenes imagined by the artist. It is pure comedy at wackipedia.

Another modern influence for the "Roman salute" myth is "The Oath of the Horatii" a famous painting by Jacques-Louis David in 1784, that inaccurately depicts an event, and it is an event that might not have even happened.

There is no evidence that the painting "The Oath of the Horatii" (Jacques-Louis David) inspired the original straight-armed salute in the pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag.  Jacques-Louis David never used the term Roman salute to describe his painting nor to describe anything.

No one else described Jacques-Louis David's work as a "Roman salute." That is because the term "Roman salute" developed in the late 1930's. The Oxford English Dictionary supports Dr. Rex Curry in this regard.

The term "Roman salute" developed decades after Jacques-Louis David's life. When the term "Roman salute" developed, the straight-arm salute was a decades-old ritual in government schools in the USA where the gesture was compelled with robotic chanting of the Pledge Of Allegiance. The gesture originated in the USA from the military salute extended outward in the early Pledge.

Even so, none of those sources of the modern term "Roman salute" said a thing about artwork by Jacques-Louis David.  

The first time that Jacques-Louis David was used as an excuse for the "Roman salute" was circa 2006 on Wikipedia. It was done by a writer who was trying to cover-up work by the historian Dr. Rex Curry showing that  the gesture originated in the USA's early Pledge Of Allegiance.

In the past, people would repeat the myth that the gesture was an "ancient Roman salute."  Most modern writers now concede the discoveries of the noted historian Dr. Rex Curry, establishing that the gesture was not an ancient Roman salute. Roman Salutes from ancient Rome are a myth.  

Wikipedia has helped to spread the news about Dr. Curry's news-making work. Recent articles at report on the many references to Dr. Curry's research and discoveries on Wikipedia. Dr. Curry's work might be the most referenced historical research on Wikipedia. Even Wikipedia founder Jimmy "Jimbo" Wales  has publicly noted Dr. Curry's influence on Wikipedia. Wikipedia writers have reviewed and verified the work. Some Wikipedia writers use Dr. Curry's work without attribution in apparent attempts to bolster their own credibility.

In similar stormtrooper imitation, Matt Crypto bans people who post accurate information exposing neo-nazi activity. Crypto actually searches for information to delete.  They delete anything, including even links, to accurate information. They delete accurate information that is posted on “discussion” pages, which are supposedly for discussion, but are not. Discussion pages are where wikilings insult people and then delete anyone's response to the insults. Wikipedia is a completely untrustworthy source of information because it enables wikiling administrators to delete accurate information, but also to ban people who post accurate information, in order to prevent accurate information from being re-posted.

These are the traits of the stereotypical wikiling: He was so ignorant that he did not even know that "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party" until he learned it in the course of reading Dr. Curry's historical work.

He did not even know (until he learned of Professor Curry's work) that German National Socialists did not call themselves "Nazis."  Similar to most people, He suffered from ignorance of the etymology of the word "Nazi" and he did not know that Party members called themselves "National Socialists," not "Nazis."


With so much information online, there is a big need for encyclopedias. Wikipedia is not the answer. Wikipedia has writers and administrators who squash the truth. They are anti libertarian and they glorify totalitarianism with their Nazi-style behavior. Wikipedia's lies are so infamous (cite the siegenthaler example) that it has inspired a nationwide boycott, especially for the apparent Neo-Nazism of some of its more rabid writers.

Wikipedia writers prevent any mention of the new historical discovery that the USA was the source of the Nazi salute. The USA's first Pledge used a straight-arm salute and it was the origin of the salute of the monstrous National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis), as shown by Dr. Rex Curry. It was not an ancient Roman salute. Professor Curry helped to establish that it was not an ancient Roman salute, and that the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth. A image search on the web for the "original pledge of allegiance" provides additional information.

The Pledge began with a military salute that then stretched out toward the flag. Due to the way that both gestures were used, the military salute led to the Nazi salute. The Nazi salute is an extended military salute. Additional information is available in web searches for the text "military salute became the Nazi salute."

Francis Bellamy (author of the "Pledge of Allegiance") and Edward Bellamy (author of the novel "Looking Backward") and Charles Bellamy (author of "A Moment of Madness") were socialists. Edward and Charles were brothers, and Francis was their cousin. Francis and Edward were both self-proclaimed National Socialists and they supported the "Nationalism" movement in the USA, the "Nationalist" magazine, the "Nationalist Educational Association," and their dogma of "military socialism," and Edward inspired the "Nationalist Party" (in the USA) and their dogma influenced socialists in Germany, and the Pledge was the origin of the Nazi salute. "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party." A mnemonic device is the swastika. Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, Professor Curry discovered that it was also used sometimes by German National Socialists to represent "S" letters for their "socialism." Hitler altered his own signature to use the same stylized "S" letter for "socialist" and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens. Additional information is available in image or text searches for "swastika secrets."

Dr. Curry showed that many modern myths about swastikas are based on the false belief that Nazis called their symbol a "swastika." German National Socialists did not use the word "swastika," but called their symbol a "Hakenkreuz."

Recently, one Wikipedia writer became wiser and improved the "Roman salute" article somewhat so that it recognizes and repeats some of Rex Curry's discoveries. Other pledge and salute articles on Wikipedia are as bad as ever.

The Wikipedia article for the "Roman salute" used to be complete disinformation, deliberately maintained by phonies who tried to perpetuate myths. Here is an excerpt of what Wikipedia used to carry: "The Roman salute is a closed finger, flat-palm-down hand raised at an angle (usually 45 degrees) and was used by the Roman Republic. It was also the historical civilian salute of the United States, from 1787?-1934?, known since 1892 as the Bellamy salute. It was also the historical salute among armies of the Middle East and South America." Wikipedia liars also used the painting "The Oath of the Horatii" as absurd support for a Roman connection. The foregoing is all incorrect and of course without any attribution nor support on the Wikipedia page because there is no support. It is not a Roman salute. Yet, Wikipedia regulars allowed the disinformation, including the dates "1787?-1934?" with the question marks included, to remain posted on Wikipedia, while deleting anyone who tried to correct the propaganda.

Similar criticisms apply to the Wikipedia pages on Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Wikipedia falsifiers use the misnomer "public schools" when they mean "government schools" and they both cover-up the Bellamys' desire to promote a government takeover of education, a desire to end all of the better alternatives, and to impose socialism (and what the Bellamys called "military socialism") within government schools. The Bellamys loved the military and wanted all of society to ape the military. Those points also help explain why Francis Bellamy enjoyed starting the pledge with a military salute.

Some regular writers on Wikipedia knowingly engage in personal attacks and deletions (even of links) of anyone who explains the connection between Edward Bellamy and his cousin Francis Bellamy (author of the pledge of allegiance) and National Socialism. Some of the worst offenders on Wikipedia are Stormie, Lupo, Matt Crypto and Craigy144. They were challenged to respond to the facts that they suppressed or to concede those fact, and they each conceded that the facts that they suppress are correct and that they delete those facts because they do not want Wikipedia readers to know the truth. They constantly spam their own point of view in their diatribes in which they try to cover up for Nazism. It is behavior that breaks Wikipedia's rules. What kind of people cover-up for Nazis and that horrid ideology?

Wikipedia's cons use the term "Nazi" and the misnomer "Nazi Party" to cover-up the horrors of socialism. Wikipedia's falsifiers behave similar to Holocaust deniers in that they cover up the the socialist trio of atrocities and their socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): 62 million people were slaughtered under the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; 35 million were slaughtered under the Peoples' Republic of China; 21 million were slaughtered under the National Socialist German Workers' Party. They cover up the fact that socialists helped start WWII with the National Socialist German Workers' Party and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics together as allies in 1939, and invading Poland in a secret pact to divide up Europe.

Wikipedia writers cover-up the Bellamys' desire to promote a government takeover of education, a desire to end all of the better alternatives, and to impose socialism (and what the Bellamys called "military socialism") within government schools. The Bellamys loved the military and wanted all of society to ape the military. Those points also help explain why Francis Bellamy enjoyed starting the pledge with a military salute.

Wikipedia should not be cited in the media nor anywhere for support because it is no different than quoting various anonymous sources who have no knowledge of the topic or who have fibs to spread about the topic.


Schools, colleges, and news media warn writers not to cite wikipedia as a source.  A google search for "DO NOT CITE WIKIPEDIA" and "DON'T CITE WIKIPEDIA" provides many examples. Rather than a scholarly source, wakipedia is an anonymous bulletin board where anyone can delete truthful information, and people who want to re-post the truth can be blocked to prevent future corrections.

Quotes from the internet -

DON'T cite Wikipedia and similar wiki­created sites.

Most professors FAIL students who cite Wikipedia, because it is not a primary source and subject to community editing, and therefore under too much flux to be valid as a primary citation. Wikipedia adding cite info is a desperate attempt for legitimacy. So you college students: DO NOT CITE WIKIPEDIA. It will hurt your grade.

Do not cite Wikipedia in your Works Cited. You can consult the source for preliminary information but you should not use it for your paper. If you do, you’ll automatically lose five points.

Scientifically-trained people do not cite Wikipedia, time magazine or any daily newspapers. Only the professional literature.

"Folks, I am on a crusade here. A recent post cited Wikipedia as a source. Wikipedia is not a research tool....
Wikiepedia is not an acceptable source. Please do not cite Wikipedia as a source.
As long as any ignorant or malicious person can alter its content, it is less reliable than gossip."

As one of my friends says, it's okay to start with wikipedia, so long as you do not end with wikipedia, and for the love of all the gods, do not cite wikipedia.

PROTIP: Do not cite wikipedia. Ever. It's just a bad idea.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: do not cite Wikipedia as a source in your paper, unless you want your tutor to laugh you out of the class. Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information.

This is conceded to be correct by Matt Crypto
Matt Crypto Cuckoo Freaky Stalker Weirdo Matt Crypto
This is conceded to be correct by Matt Crypto
The following is not disputed by Matt Crypto
Matt Crypto Cuckoo Freaky Stalker Weirdo Matt Crypto
This is not disputed by Matt Crypto

Matt Crypto Matt Crypto
Matt Crypto is a Freaky Stalker Weirdo

Matt Crypto cuckoo freaky stalker weirdo Matt Crypto

Matt Crypto Matt Crypto
Matt Crypto is a Freaky Stalker Weirdo

Matt Crypto  Matt Crypto
Matt Crypto is a Freaky Stalker Weirdo

Pledge of Allegiance info & shocking photos & images at
Symbology and fascinating discoveries      

And now to expose an oddball known as Mr. Pikes. Mr. Pikes is one in a long string of aliases and noms de plume for that person. Others include Lars Manfrenjensen and the name Anthony itself (At one point he claimes that he was born Paul David Danielsen). As with so many people who are similar to "Mr. Pikes" he confesses tha he isn't using his actual name (whatever that is). It helps him hide from what he does, and from his ignoranxe. Pikes knows very little about the Pledge of Allegiance and its history. His idea of seeking knowledge is to consult an anonymous bulletin board where the lies are deliberately posted and where the truth is deliberately deleted. It is not known who put a nickel in that guy, Pikes. But the pile of half-truths, irrelevant facts and outright made up crazy crap contained in his comments is not unusual for people of his ilk. He has a stereotypical style of polemic - spew out a bunch of uncorroborated, unrelated assertions, and rely on their sheer volume bamboozle. It's like throwing enough shit against the wall in the hopes that some of it will stick.

Wikipedia Swastika Wikipedia Hakenkreuz
Swastika wikipedia Hakenkreuz, Holocaust, Inquisition
Wikipedia Swastika Wikipedia Hakenkreuz
