Martin Winkler loses in a debate challenge Re: Francis Bellamy, Edward Bellamy, the Pledge of Allegiance, Socialist salutes, and
The Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology, exposed by Dr. Rex Curry along with Gladiator: Film and History.

Pledge of Allegiance videos & images The Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).

Francis Bellamy & Edward Bellamy touted National Socialism and the police state in the USA decades before their dogma was exported to Germany. They influenced the NSDAP, its dogma, symbols and rituals.
The swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent crossed "S" letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen").


Roman salute debunked
Martin Winkler criticized
Oath of the Horatii
Pledge of Allegiance in frightening images and articles at
Hear audio on worldwide radio at
Pledge Nazis exposed in pics of the true Pledge of Allegiance gesture
Volkswagen emblems + tattoos: Are they the new swastika symbol?
Socialism is Fascism, Fascism = Socialism
Swastikas Swastika Nazi Hakenkreuz Swastikas that symbolize overlapping S-letters for Socialism
Fan Mail

Pledge of Allegiance Image
Martin Winkler thumbnail Roman saute il saluto romano

[The following was written and published before the publication of Martin Winkler's book]

Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology is a book that hasn't even been published and it has already been debunked. In regard to the stiff-arm salute in the early Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag, the book is an incomplete rehash of discoveries published years ago by Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). Dr. Curry showed that the Pledge was the origin of the "ancient Roman salute" myth, and that the Pledge was the origin of the Nazi salute (and ritualized robotic chanting to flags by Nazis). Winkler's book leaves its readers with the impression that such thoughts have never even entered Winkler's head, and that Winkler has never even heard of Dr. Curry's discoveries (Winkler HAS heard about them and long before he wrote his book).
See the video documentary on Youtube

The author of "Roman Salute" is Martin Winkler of George Mason University, and his work has been exposed in the past in a professorial debate challenge (2006) by Dr. Curry.

The publisher of Winkler's book is Ohio State University Press (publication expected in 2009). OSU Press would do better to publish the work of Dr. Curry.

"Pledge of Allegiance Secrets" by Dr. Curry exposed the the modern origin of the so-called "il saluto romano" from the USA's Pledge of Allegiance and from the military salute that was used as the first gesture of two gestures in the pledge. Francis Bellamy (author of the pledge) was not attempting to do a "Roman salute" nor a "stiff-arm salute" and he never said such a thing. Bellamy (with James B. Upham) did say that he was attempting to do a military salute that was then stretched out toward the flag.  In practice, that became the stiff-arm salute because bored children simply extended Bellamy's initial military salute outward to point at the flag.

The raised-arm salute was used in America well before the creation of the National Socialist German Workers Party, and before Mussolini began his political career as a socialist journalist.

That the pledge's author (Francis Bellamy) was raised in Rome N.Y., contributed to the use of the term "Roman salute" in the myth. In that sense, it WAS a "Roman" salute -from Rome, N.Y.- but not an ancient Roman salute from Italy. see  and

One reason that Winkler failed to make the discoveries that were made long ago by Dr. Curry is because Winkler writes in a manner that is unscholarly, unprofessional, misleading and propagandistic. Winkler writes as if he is covering-up the actual full name of the group that called itself the "National Socialist German Workers Party." Winkler writes as if he is unaware that the group did not use the hackneyed shorthand terms that Winkler prefers to substitute for the actual name of the horrid group. How often has Winkler ever written the actual name of the group about which he writes?

Evading the term "National Socialist German Workers Party" helps Winkler evade the national socialist dogma touted by Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy (Francis' cousin and cohort).  Winkler evades any discussion of the influence of the Bellamys upon the National Socialist German Workers Party and its dogma, symbols and rituals. Winkler never mentions Edward Bellamy in the book "Roman Salute." Has Winkler ever written the actual names of the groups that Francis Bellamy supported (national socialism, military socialism, Christian socialism)? 

Winkler's misleading method with hackneyed shorthand terms was evident years ago in his abstract for the American Philological Association (APA).  That piece also indicated that Winkler was unaware that the early Pledge of Allegiace used a stiff-arm salute.

During that time, Dr. Curry's work became known to Winkler and worldwide showing the origin of the stiff-arm salute from the pledge in the United States. Dr. Curry pointed out the misleading terms in Winkler's APA piece and Winkler's apparent ignorance of the Pledge's early stiff-arm salute, and the fact that the Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the mis-named "Roman salute" from the Pledge's initial military salute.

Dr. Curry's work also appeared in a Petition for Writ of Certirorai to the United States Supreme Court. and

Winkler's method with misleading slang terms continued years later in "Gladiator: Film and History." That book also had revealing omissions by Winkler: No mention of his own earlier faulty work regarding the "Roman Salute."

Winkler's method with misleading shorthand terms continued in a poster for Winkler's speech that stated "The Roman Salute: Origin and Spread of a Fascist Symbol." The poster and Winkler's use of the word "fascist" in the speech perpetuate ignorance (or a cover-up?) of the fact that the straight-arm salute adopted by the National Socialist German Workers Party originated from a National Socialist in the USA (Francis Bellamy) in 1892. Winkler seems ignorant of (or covering up) the fact that German National Socialists did not interchange "fascist" for the actual name of their party. Winkler's bad writing habit perpetuates widespread ignorance in that regard.  See the poster at and the more accurate version at

It is embarrassing that the poster for Winkler's speech shows the painting "Oath of the Horatii." It is a funny error: As proof of an "ancient Roman salute" the neo-classical painting (from 1784) was, for a time, cited on Wikipedia, the glorified anonymous bulletin board where neo-nazis deliberately post propagandistic lies and delete information that is truthful about the topics discussed here. There is where that wackiness began. Believe it or don't, Wikipedia continues to use "Oath of the Horatii" to imply proof of an "ancient Roman salute" (It depends upon when Wikipedia is viewed because Wikipedia changes by the millisecond as people literally do cyber-warfare to maintain lies there).

The Horatii myth exists because, in the past, liars on wakipedia claimed that the salute actually was an ancient roman salute (and lots of people repeated that myth and still do because they haven't been updated on the newer Horatii myth). When it became embarrassingly obvious that the wakipedia liars could not support the "true ancient Roman salute" myth any longer, and they could not dispute Dr. Curry's discoveries about Francis Bellamy's military salute extended toward the flag, they deliberately looked for another explanation, they saw the Horatii painting and saw people with their arms extended outward in the painting, and they substituted that, in an effort to pre-date Bellamy (and "substitute" is an accurate word because they did the same thing when they claimed that the stiff-armed salute actually was an
ancient Roman salute: they would pick out any artistic representatation from ancient Rome that showed any person with his arm in the air, and they would declare that to be the "Roman salute" (they have done the same now with the Horatii painting)).

After Dr. Curry pointed out the silliness at Wackipedia, someone there back-pedaled into speculation that the Pledge's early stiff-arm salute was based on the Horatii painting, not caring that Francis Bellamy himself explained the origin of his salute and it had nothing to do with "Oath of the Horatii" by the painter Jacques-Louis David. The back-pedaling went farther with misinterpretation of adlocutio, not caring that Bellamy explained the origin of his salute and it had nothing to do with misinterpretation of adlocutio. Bellamy explained that his salute started with a military salute that extended out toward the flag. Francis Bellamy never used the term "ancient Roman salute" ever for any reason (the concept "ancient Roman salute" did not exist during Bellamy's time). Indeed, Jacques-Louis David himself never referred to "Oath of the Horatii" as an "ancient Roman salute" nor did David use the term "ancient Roman salute" ever for any reason (the concept "ancient Roman salute" did not exist during David's time. See Dr. Curry's work on that issue and regarding support for Dr. Curry's work from the Oxford English Dictionary ). The "Oath of the Horatii" shows three people reaching for weapons. The two figures in the back are reaching with their left hands, not their right hands.  

Winkler never asks the question "what is the oldest example of 'Oath of the Horatii' used to explain the Roman salute?" Why does Winkler fail to ask that obvious question? That is the question Dr. Curry asked and answered. Does an old example not exist? Is the oldest source the wikipedia effort to cover-up Dr. Curry's work?

Winkler seems unaware (or he deliberately ignores) the fact that the term "Roman salute" came after Francis Bellamy from Rome N.Y., (as shown by Dr. Curry) and even later than that after the socialist Mussolini adopted America's mechanical stiff-arm salute in Rome, Italy. Winkler has written a book about the "Roman Salute" in which Winkler never examines the etymology of the phrase about which Winkler wrote. Winkler never asks the question "when was the term 'Roman salute' first used?" That is the question Dr. Curry asked and answered. The Oxford English Dictionary supports Dr. Curry's work.

It is odd that Winkler asks Dr. Curry's question for the term "passo romano" (Roman step), although Winkler does not ask Dr. Curry's question for the term "Roman salute." Here are the two questions: (1) when was the term "passo romano" first used?; (2) when was the term "Roman salute" first used? Winkler only answers the "passo romano" question and Winkler's answer is similar to the answer that Dr. Curry has already given: they are of recent development, and decades later than the Pledge of Allegiance. Winkler writes "Mussolini introduced [the Roman step] in 1938, after being 'greatly impressed by the [national socialist] parades he had witnessed" on his state visit to Berlin the year before. [citation omitted]. At that time Italian-German relations were so close as to make the origin of the new step obvious to all Italians. Nevertheless it, too, was officially propogated as a Roman custom and accordingly called the passo romano ("Roman step").

Winkler's misleading method continues in his book "Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology," including Winkler's misleading hackneyed slang, on display in the  Table of Contents. One example is the title for chapter 3 ("Raised-arm salutes in the United States before fascism: from the Pledge of allegiance to Ben-Hur on screen") that seems designed to deceive. Winkler and Wikpedia play word games with the hackneyed term "fascism" in order to cover-up the National Socialist German Workers Party and its connection to older American National Socialism and the pledge from the Bellamys. If the raised arm salutes in the United States existed before "fascism," as Winkler claims, then they existed during the enormous growth and popularity of National Socialism touted by the Bellamys, and they influenced the dogma, symbols and rituals of the National Socialist German Workers Party later (Winkler's "fascism"). Winkler wants to pretend that America's National Socialism was not "fascism" so that Winkler can evade the connections.

Martin Winkler continues and expands the long tradition in the United States of covering-up the Pledge's putrid past.

People who refused to perform the stiff-arm salute and robotic chanting to the nation's flag were persecuted, prosecutied, expelled, beaten and even lynched. Eventually, that was happening at the same time in the United States and in Germany.  But it started in the United States in 1892 with the Bellamys. They wanted government to take over education under their National Socialism, and eliminate all of the better alternatives, and when the government granted their wish the government's schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policy. See the photograph of a segregated class forced to perform the mechanical chanting and America's straight-arm salute at

Winkler's table of contents for another chapter builds upon the widespread ignorance by using the term "Nazi" instead of the actual name of the German party.

Winkler writes as if he is unaware that Mussolini was a notorious socialist journalist when he acquired the nick-name "Il Duce" (the Leader), and that is also the time when Mussolini learned of America's stiff-arm national socialist salute. and

The above is also why Winkler failed to make another discovery that was made years ago by Dr. Curry: the symbol used by the German national socialists, although an ancient symbol, was altered for use by socialists as overlapping S-letters for their "socialism" (It was turned 45 degrees to the horizontal and always oriented in the S-letter direction).

Winkler writes as if he is unaware that Francis Bellamy and Edward Bellamy were cohorts in preaching about "Christian socialism," "military socialism," and "national socialism." The Pledge and the early stiff-arm salute were part of their efforts toward those goals.

The above is also why Winkler failed to make another discovery that was made years ago by Dr. Curry: Francis Bellamy (who grew up in Rome, N.Y., authored the "Pledge of Allegiance," and was the origin of the stiff-arm salute used in the early Pledge) and Edward Bellamy (Francis' cousin and the author of "Looking Backward") were notorious national socialsts in America who advocated "military socialism" and an "industrial army" and they influenced the National Socialist German Workers Party and its dogma, symbols and rituals. The Bellamys advocated a government takeover of education, and when the government granted their wish, government schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official policy. People who refused to perform the stiff-arm salute and robotic chanting to the nations flag were persecuted. That happened in the U.S. before it happened in Germany (and elsewhere) and it even outlasted German National Socialism.

The above is also why Winkler failed to make another discovery that was made years ago by Dr. Curry: the stiff-arm salute developed from the Pledge because the Bellamy dogma of "military socialism" caused Francis Bellamy (with James B. Upham) to begin the Pledge with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag, as a gesture to the flag. In practice, annoyed students, forced into robotic ritualism, simply extended the military salute outward with the palm remaining down. Thus, the straight-arm salute developed as an extended military salute from the Pledge of Allegiance.

See the video on Youtube

Imagine something that did not happen: Beginning in 1892, teachers in government schools in the United States began each day by holding up a picture of someone with a raised arm and the teacher would raise his arm and instruct all students to do the same. What would Winkler have said about the influence of that behavior in the United States and worldwide? Winkler would have a lot to say about it. Now consider something that actually did happen: Beginning in 1892, teachers in government schools in the United States began each day by chanting robotically with one arm raised toward the flag and they instructed all students to do the same. What does Winkler have to say about the influence of that behavior in the United States and worldwide? Winkler does not have much to say about it.
Winkler's book "Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology" overlooks and misleads regarding the "history and ideology" part in the title. Winkler missed the one actual analogy between "ancient Rome" and the origin of the stiff-arm salute in the Pedge of Allegiance: authoritarianism (then and now), militarism, oppressive taxation and the decline of a once-great society.

Winkler overlooked the "big picture" that Dr. Curry uncovered years ago: How the pledge, the salute and the socialist dogma behind it caused the current massive spending and debt in America, domestic military socialism, nazi-style numbering of babies with lifetime tracking (the "social security" ponzi scam) and the police state in the United States that continues to grow today, along with government schools that have mechanical chanting every day for twelve years of each child's life (only the misnamed "Roman salute" has changed).

Winkler overlooked another big picture that Dr. Curry uncovered years ago: How the pledge, the salute and the socialist dogma behind it influenced totalitarianism worldwide, including the National Socialist German Workers Party and its dogma, symbols and rituals.

See more at Flickr
and Picasa

A book review in the "Bryn Mawr Classical Review" supports Dr. Rex Curry's comments about Martin M. Winkler's book "The Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology." The review was written by Michelle Borg, University of Sydney, and  in criticizing Winkler she states:

"The author [Winkler] first turns to the early form of the Pledge of Allegiance, which originally included an entirely similar gesture to the one that came to be used by Fascists and Nazis. This uncomfortable association is not explored in depth; Winkler simply asserts that the gesture had no political or historical connotations in the United States."

Winkler's work was debunked before it was published (see the work of the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry, author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). Comments have noted some of that with this criticism: "The author [Winkler] first turns to the early form of the Pledge of Allegiance, which originally included an entirely similar gesture to the one that came to be used by Fascists and Nazis. This uncomfortable association is not explored in depth; Winkler simply asserts that the gesture had no political or historical connotations in the United States." Winkler simply will not address the work that preceded him by Dr. Curry.  The Pledge was the origin of the so-called "Roman salute" and it was the origin of the salute adopted later by socialists in Germany and Italy.  The Pledge was written (1892) by Francis Bellamy, cousin and cohort of Edward Bellamy, both self-proclaimed national socialists in the USA. Bellamy explained the origin of his gesture: It began with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag. It was also the origin of the Olympic salute. Winkler cannot bear to discuss that because Dr. Curry has long ago explained it all. That is why Winkler evades the national socialist dogma of Germany and Italy, and insteads uses the unscholarly and misleading slang "Nazi" instead of the actual name of the group "National Socialist German Workers Party." He also evades the fact that Mussolini was a self-proclaimed national socialist when Mussolini learned of the stiff-armed salute, which originated in the USA's Pledge.  There has been an outstanding debate challenge against Winkler (in which Dr. Curry has prevailed by Winkler's default spanning years in which Winkler has lost/conceded) and Winkler is just not going to face the issues. He will perpetuate ignorance about the topic and not inform people. 

The raised-arm salute was the most popular symbol of the National Socialist German Workers Party and related political ideologies in the twentieth century.

The salute is said to have derived from an ancient Roman custom, but Dr. Curry showed that it is a myth. Although modern historians and others employ it as a matter of course, the term “Roman salute” is a misnomer.

The myth grew from the pledge and the resulting popular culture of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that was misunderstood to deal with ancient Rome: historical plays and films. Three decades of the Pledge of Allegiance (from 1892) was chiefly responsible for the wide familiarity of Europeans and Americans with forms of the raised-arm salute and made it readily available for political purposes. From America's pledge, the gesture entered the visual culture of stage and screen from after 1892 to the 1920s and beyond.

The continuing growth of socialism (and of the Pledge) makes an examination of all its facets desirable, especially when the true origins of a symbol as potent as the salute and the history of its dissemination are barely known to classicists and historians of ancient Rome on the one hand, and to scholars of modern  European history, on the other. Thus Dr. Curry's work appeals to classicists and historians, including film historians, and will be of interest to readers beyond the academy.

The military salute to the chest (as well as the stiff-arm gesture) that is used in Mexico originated in the United States and is more consistent with Bellamy's original Pledge of Allegiance than is the current hand-over-the-heart in the United States.
and see

Mexico adopted socialist flag salutes that originated in the United States (from 1892). The National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) also adopted the U.S. flag gesture after it had been used in the USA for decades.


In the past, challenged Professor Martin Winkler of  George Mason University to debate the origin of the "Roman Salute" myth, and the spread of the socialist gesture / symbol.

Winkler lost by default, having never accepted the debate challenge, and having never disputed Dr. Curry's work.  

As the nation's leading authority on the pledge of allegiance and on the "Roman Salute," Dr. Rex Curry made the historic discovery that the salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis) originated from the military salute in the USA, and from the original flag pledge (as written by a socialist), and not from ancient Rome.

The debate was prompted by many factors, including a poster for Professor Winkler's speech that stated "The Roman Salute: Origin and Spread of a Fascist Symbol." The poster and the speech's use of the word "fascist" perpetuate ignorance of the fact that the straight-arm salute was popularized by a socialist in the USA, Francis Bellamy. See and the more accurate version at

The poster announces a speech that might also have perpetuated widespread ignorance of the fact that the word "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party."

The debate was also prompted by Professor Winkler's book "Gladiator" which also perpetuates similar ignorance and myths.  Winkler's book index lists only the hackneyed terms "Nazi, Nazism....see also Fascism" again perpetuating ignorance about the socialist origins of the salute, and about the National Socialist German Workers' Party. The book appears to never use the actual name of the horrid party but seems to deliberately repeat the hackneyed shorthand.

The book's tired stereotypes perpetuate the myth that the National Socialist German Workers' Party slaughtered the most people.  Here is one sample quote "The Fascist and Nazi movements exploited this fear of the uncontrolled masses to impose their own leaders." The book does not explain the relationship of the National Socialist German Workers Party to other socialist movements. The book never indicts the other socialist movements and their leaders in the socialist inquisitions of the Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million killed by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million by the Peoples' Republic of China; and ~20 million by the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Another glaring puzzle in "Gladiator" is that Winkler never mentions his own "Roman Salute" work. That might be because, before the book was published, had already begun commenting on Professor Winkler's failure to address the straight-arm salute's origin from a socialist in the USA who wrote the pledge of allegiance to the flag.  Those facts don't fit in with the book's hackneyed perpetuation of ignorance about the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

In Professor Winklers' early work on the "Roman" salute myth, the professor traced the myth to early  fictional representations in movies, but Winkler appeared to be unaware that the original pledge of allegiance predated all of the movies and used a straight-armed salute (from 1892).

Martin Winkler

Martin Winkler, Roman Salute: Origin, History, Ideology expsed by Dr. Rex Curry. Two left hands salute, socialism, socialists, nazism fascism third reich Adolf hitler
Martin Winkler, Professor See the poster at and the earlier poster at

Even when Mussolini adopted the gesture, he was a well-known socialist journalist in Italy.

The true origins of this salute can be traced back to the Pledge of Allegiance in the United States. The Pledge was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy (a self-proclaimed National Socialist who promoted "military socialism" and an "industrial army"). Francis was cousin to Edward Bellamy, another American national socialist and the author of the book "Looking Backward."

Dr. Curry showed how the Pledge originally began with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag. In practice the second part of the early American pledge gesture was performed palm down. Thus, the mis-named "Roman salute" developed from an extended military salute in the USA's Pledge of Allegiance.

You should enjoy the following esoteric points that are known to almost no one.  They are virtually unknown due to misrepresentations spread by wikipedia/wakipedia, the anonymous bulletin board masquerading as an encyclopedia (It is odd that people cite wikipedia, in that for it to be
cited "intelligently"(?) one would have to include the date and exact time cited in that wakipedia changes by the milisecond, and is often changed
deliberately to contradict the very reason someone cited it. By citing the date and exact time it might be possible for a reader to view the history of
changes and find the actual article cited as it existed at that point in time).

The top esoteric point to be made here is a rebuttal of the bonehead who posted on wakipedia that the Jacques-Louis David painting "Oath of the Horatii" is
the origin of the stiff-armed salute.  Lots of people repeat that mindlessly because they see it on wakipedia.

The bonehead who originally posted the horatii lie did it in an effort to cover-up discoveries by the noted art-historian Dr. Rex Curry concerning the pledge of allegiance as the origin of the stiff-armed salute. It is interesting to note that the wakipedia comment about the horatii claim never explains that the pledge's use of the gesture did not come from the horatii painting, rather the pledge’s use came from the military salute extended out toward the flag. That and other points are examples of the deliberateness of misrepresentation in the wakipedia posts, intended to mislead people into believing that Francis Bellamy (author of the Pledge of Allegiance) was inspired by the David painting, when there is no evidence at all of that, just the opposite.

Wikipedia liars also never mention that government schools required the salute and Bellamy's chanting by law daily for three decades (and
persecuted anyone who refused) before German National Socialists did the same, because they want everyone to believe it was simply the Horatii
painting that inspired German socialsists, and there was no impact from the USA's government schools that required the salute and Bellamy's chanting by law
daily for three decades (and persecuted anyone who refused). To the liars, the Bellamy/pledge activity was of no import and is meaningless, whereas the
horatii painting explains everything, even though no one (e.g. Hitler, Bellamy, David) mentions it at all in regard to any "roman salute gesture."

Even Jaques-Louis David never used the term "Roman salute" as the concept of a "Roman salute" did not even exist during David's life (check the etymology of the
term "Roman salute" -a check that is glaringly never referenced by wakipedia nor by anyone who repeats the Horatii myth -the myth that the "Roman salute" concept came from the painting "Oath of the Horatii." There is more in a link below). The Roman myth came from the Pledge of Allegiance.

Francis Bellamy never used the term "Roman salute" as the term did not exist at the time he wrote the pledge, and he did not reference David, and he specifically explained how the salute developed: the pledge began with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag. Bellamy did not even intend for the palm do be down, but in practice it became palm down due to the disinterest of children forced to perform the robotic daily chanting (they merely extended the military salute out toward the flag, without turning the palm up). It had nothing to do with any "Roman salute" myth, because the myth did not exist at the time that Bellamy wrote the pledge and for some time thereafter.  The "Roman salute" myth came from the Pledge of Allegiance, not vice versa. There is more on that topic in one or more of the links below (for example, Francis Bellamy grew up in Rome, N.Y., where, believe it or don't, people referred to themselves as "Romans," and sometimes they do today).

The Horatii myth (that the "Roman salute" came from the painting "Oath of the Horatii") exists because liars on wakipedia used to claim that the salute actually was an ancient Roman salute (and lots of people repeated that myth and still do repeat that myth because of wakipedia and because they haven't been updated on the newer Horatii lie on wakipedia). Dr. Curry pointed out the cupidity of the wakipedians and the falsity of the Roman salute myth to the point that it became so embarrassingly obvious that they could not persist in re-posting the ancient Roman salute myth any longer, and they could not dispute Dr. Curry’s discoveries that the stiff-arm salute came from Francis Bellamy's use of the military salute extended toward the flag. The wikipedia liars deliberately looked for another explanation, in an effort to pre-date Bellamy as the source. The liars on wakipedia saw the Horatii painting, saw people with their arms extended outward in the painting, and they fabricated and substituted the "Horatii myth" for their "ancient Roman salute myth ("substitute" is an accurate word because they did the same thing when they claimed that the stiff-armed salute actually was an ancient Roman salute: they would pick out any artistic representation from ancient Rome that showed any person with his arm in the air, and they would declare that to be the "Roman salute" (they have done the same now with the Horatii painting)).

Anyway, now you know some things that are essentially not known to almost anyone else on the planet.

Here is an article recently sent to another boob who repeated the Horatii myth because of wakipedia (it repeats some of the points above).

This is posted to correct errors in the January 18, 2008 article "Questions Answered: Roman salutes..."

The USA's Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the salute adopted later by the National Socialist German Workers Party.

Wikipedia (Wakipedia) has spread the lie that the gesture came from the Jacques Louis-David painting Oath of the Horatii. That myth
originated on wakipedia in an effort to cover-up the discoveries of the noted symbologist Dr. Rex Curry. Even David never used the term
"Roman salute" as the concept of a "Roman salute" did not even exist during David's life (check the etymology of the term "Roman salute" -a
check that is glaringly never referenced by wakipedia nor by anyone who repeats the Horatii myth). The Roman myth came from
the Pledge of Allegiance.

Francis Bellamy never used the term "Roman salute" as the term did not exist at the time he wrote the pledge, and he did not reference David,
and he specifically explained how the salute developed: the pledge began with a military salute that was then extended out toward the
flag. Bellamy did not even intend for the palm do be down, but in practice it became palm down due to the disinterest of children forced to
perform the robotic daily chanting (they merely extended the military salute out toward the flag, without turning the palm up).

The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the Nazi salute (and the swastika -although an ancient symbol- was used to represent crossed S-shapes for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party).

Francis Bellamy (cousin of author Edward Bellamy) was a socialist in the Nationalism movement and authored the Pledge of Allegiance (1892), the origin of the stiff-armed salute adopted much later by the National Socialist German Workers Party. See the work of the symbologist Dr. Rex Curry.

The early pledge began with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag. In practice, the second gesture was performed
palm-down with a stiff-arm when the military salute was merely pointed out at the flag. Thus, the military salute led to the Nazi salute in
the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States.

It was not an ancient Roman salute. That is a myth debunked by Dr. Curry, who showed that the myth came from the Pledge.

Another explanation for the "Roman salute" myth is here

American national socialists (including Edward Bellamy), in cooperation with Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society,
popularized the use of the Swastika (an ancient symbol) as a modern symbol for socialism long before the symbol was adopted by the National
Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) and used on its flag.

See also

The Bellamys influenced the National Socialist German Workers Party and its dogma, rituals and symbols (e.g. robotic collective chanting
to flags; and the modern use of the swastika as crossed S-letters for "Socialism" under German National Socialism). Similar alphabetical
symbolism was used under the NSDAP for the "SS" division, the "SA," the "NSV," et cetera and similar symbolism is visible today as the
VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen").

The Bellamys wanted the government to take over all food, clothing, shelter, goods and services and create an "industrial army" to impose
their "military socialism." See the video documentary at

It is the same dogma that led to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million killed under the former Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 million under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers'

Today, the flag symbolizes authoritarianism in the USA. The historical facts above explain the enormous size and scope of government today,
and the USA's police state, and why it is growing so rapidly.  They are reasons for minarchy: massive reductions in government, taxation,
spending and socialism.

paintings, biographie, quotes, vita, gallery, socrates, obras, tableau

The early American stiff-armed salute was not an ancient Roman salute. That is a myth debunked by the noted historian Dr. Rex Curry, who showed that the myth came from the Pledge and from various facts including that Francis Bellamy grew up in Rome, N.Y., not Rome, Italy, and thereafter the Pledge salute was repeated in early films (some showing fictional scenes of ancient Rome). The reasons above and more led to the American stiff-armed salute being picked up later by German socialists and the National Socialist German Workers Party (under the influence of Adolf Hitler and the U.S. citizen and Harvard grad Ernst Hanfstaengl, a confidant of Hitler) and by Italian socialists under Benito Mussolini (who discovered the Pledge of Allegiance salute while he developed followers as a socialist journalist writing for socialist newspapers, and later became an ally of the National Socialist German Workers Party).

Francis Bellamy never used the term "Roman salute" when describing his pledge's salute and he was not influenced by Jacques-Louis David's painting "Oath of the Horatii." One reason why Francis Bellamy never used the term "Roman salute" in any way is because the concept of the "Roman salute" did not exist when Bellamy wrote his pledge and for decades thereafter. Francis Bellamy clearly explained that his pledge began with a military salute that was then extended out toward the flag. In practice, the second gesture was performed palm-down with a stiff-arm when the military salute was merely pointed out at the flag by disinterested children forced to do Bellamy's robotic chanting daily in government schools. That is how the straight-arm salute developed from Francis Bellamy's Pledge of Allegiance and its use of the military salute (and how the USA's Pledge salute led to the Nazi salute).

That the concept of the "Roman salute" did not exist when Bellamy wrote his pledge (and for decades thereafter) also means that the concept of the "Roman salute" did not even exist when Jacques-Louis David lived and painted "Oath of the Horatii" and thus David was NOT thinking of a real or imagined "Roman salute" when he painted the Horatii, nor did David ever use the term "Roman salute." The Horatii lie (that the painting was the origin of the "Roman salute" myth) first appeared on Wikipedia, deliberately fabricated by a liar to cover-up Dr. Curry's discovery that the Pledge was the origin of the Nazi salute. In the painting, 3 brothers are reaching for weapons (and the two figures in back are reaching with their left hands). The same liar who created the Horatii lie had, until he was debunked, previously claimed that the stiff-armed salute was an actual ancient Roman salute, and he posted the lie that Roman statues displaying "adlocutio" (a gesture made by a person speaking) showed the "ancient Roman salute" that he claimed was adopted by Bellamy.  The newly substituted Horatii lie has been mindlessly repeated by many people (as the adlocutio lie was repeated and still is) because wakipedia glorifies itself as an encyclopedia, even though it is merely an anonymous bulletin board where anyone can post anything.

Martin Winkler Bryn Mawr Classical Review

The military salute to the chest (as well as the stiff-arm gesture) that is used in Mexico originated in the United States and is more consistent with Bellamy's original Pledge of Allegiance than is the current hand-over-the-heart in the United States.
and see

Mexico adopted socialist flag salutes that originated in the United States (from 1892). The National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) also adopted the U.S. flag gesture after it had been used in the USA for decades.

It was not an ancient Roman salute. The "ancient Roman salute" is a myth, as shown by Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets").

The Pledge of Allegiance in the USA originally began with a classic military salute (to the forehead) that was then extended out toward the flag. The initial military salute was sometimes performed from the chest. In practice, the 2nd gesture was performed palm down because children simply extended the military gesture outward.  

The Pledge was written by a National Socialist who wanted military socialism in the USA, Mexico, Germany and worldwide.

Raised arm salute, Roman Salute: Cinema, History, Ideology & Martin Winkler debunked re Pledge of Allegiance & Nazi Germany

Roman Salute: Cinema, History Ideology & Martin Winkler debunked by Dr. Rex Curry re Hitler salute in USA's Pledge of Allegiance

Table of contents

Saluting gestures in Roman art and literature


Jacques-Louis David's Oath of the Horatii


Raised-arm salutes in the United States before fascism : from the Pledge of allegiance to Ben-Hur on screen


Early cinema : American and European epics


Cabiria : the intersection of cinema and politics


Gabriele d'Annunzio and Cabiria


Fiume : the Roman salute becomes a political symbol


From d'Annunzio to Mussolini


Nazi cinema and its impact on Hollywood's Roman epics : from Leni Riefenstahl to Quo vadis


Visual legacies : antiquity on the screen after Quo vadis


Cinema : from Salome to Alexander


Television : from Star trek to Rome



Olympic salute Olympic salute
olympic salute 1924 socialist

Olympic salute Olympic salute
Olympic Salute Image Olympic salute
Pledge of Allegiance Movies, Photos socialist olympic salute 1936
Olympic Salute Image Olympic salute

Pledge of Allegiance pics page 2
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 3
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 4
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 5
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 6
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 7
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 8
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 9

Martin Winkler news origin of Roman salute myth il saluto romano
Drinking government Kool-Aid

There are many misrepresentations spread by wikipedia/wakipedia, the anonymous bulletin board masquerading as an encyclopedia.  It is odd that people cite wikipedia, in that for it to be cited "intelligently"(?) one would have to include the date and exact time cited in that wakipedia changes by the milisecond, and is often changed deliberately to contradict the very reason someone cited it. By citing the date and exact time it might be possible for a reader to view the history of changes and find the actual article cited as it existed at that point in time.

National Socialism Nazi flags, symbols & rituals
Nazism, Fascism, Roman salute myth, Martin Winkler
National Socialist German Workers Party German flag symbol history ideology

