Heinrich Schliemann & swastika symbolism from ancient Rome & Troy
Homer and the Iliad, the vulgus proganum, Professor Max Muller

Many fascinating books have been written about Rome.  Many authors analyze in various ways the influence of Rome upon different cultures and governments worldwide.

All of the authors failed to make the biggest news-breaking discovery about the Roman salute, the term often used to describe the straight-arm salute of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSGWP).  The noted historian Dr. Rex Curry showed that the salute of the NSGWP actually originated in the USA’s Pledge of Allegiance.  Dr. Curry helped to establish that the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html

Many books mention the work of the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann. In 1873, he excavated what he believed to be Troy. Troy is a legendary city, described in the Iliad, one of the two epic poems attributed to Homer and it influenced Rome.

Schleimann found examples of the swastika symbol during his exploration of Troy, and his discovery later influenced the use of the symbol in the NSGWP.  Over a century after Schleimann’s work, there was another discovery by Professor Curry, a  noted cryptographer and symbologist: Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, it was also used sometimes by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party to represent meshed "S" letters for their "socialism." The leader of German National Socialists turned the symbol 45 degrees to the horizontal and oriented it to always point clockwise. Although it was an ancient symbol, was used sometimes by the German National Socialists to represent overlapping S-shaped figures for their "socialism." He altered his own signature to use the same symbolism and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.  Similar to a Roman Standard, he put it on the national flag and turned it into a military rallying point. http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-swastika.html

The symbol was used in a war worse than a thousand Trojan Wars.  In 1939, the National Socialist German Workers' Party joined with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to invade Poland in a pact to divide up Europe.  The socialist philosophy had similarities to Rome in glorifying the military, authoritarianism, slavery and conquest and it led to the worst slaughter of humanity ever.  How many people died in the Trojan War?  Few compared to the number killed in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (62 million dead), the Peoples' Republic of China (49 million dead), the National Socialist German Workers' Party (21 million dead).

For civilians, the swastika symbol became the worship of government and socialism. A bias of authors about Rome is that they use the misleading term swastika when discussing the symbol found by Schleimann and used by German socialists. Most people do not know that a cross was worshiped as the notorious symbol of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. The group called their symbol the Hakenkreuz, not the swastika. Hakenkreuz means "hooked cross."  It is one of the biggest cover-ups of all time.

Another big cover-up is in overuse of the hackneyed shorthand term for the horrid National Socialist German Workers’ Party.  Some authors overuse the short word so much that it might cause one to wonder if they know what the abbreviation abbreviates.  They seem unaware that Party members did not refer to themselves by the shorthand term, but they referred to themselves as socialists.

In the book "Swastika the earliest known symbol and its migrations" by Thomas Wilson (published in 1894 at page 771) Professor Max Muller cautioned against the use of the term "swastika" and said "I do not like the use of the word svastika outside of India.  It is a word of Indian origin and has its history and definite meaning in India. * * * The occurrence of such crosses in different parts of the world may or may not point to a common origin, but if they are once called Svastika the vulgus profanum will at once jump to the conclusion that they all come from India, and it will take some time to weed out such prejudice." Muller's prediction was amazingly accurate, and it is amusing that he labeled so many people in the world today as "vulgus profanum." 

Many books attribute large Roman influence upon Germany and the United States. One parallel between the three is that they both developed large authoritarian governments. The present government in the USA is anti libertarian and is out-socializing the previous administration by more than double and growing (in social spending ALONE).

Another parallel between Germany and Rome is that they both persecuted people who did not adopt the official dogma. Jewish people were persecuted in Rome and Germany.  Germany also persecuted Jehovah’s Witnesses and others.

It helps to show how close the USA came (and is still coming) to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (65 million dead); the Peoples' Republic of China (49 million dead); the National Socialist German Workers' Party (21 million dead). Many Americans are sad examples of how authoritarian governments come into existence, grow so large, last so long, and kill so many. The dogma of socialism and human sacrifice is still growing all over the world.

The USA still follows similar anti libertarian policies promoted by the Bellamys. Many socialist Bellamy policies caused the USA’s big, expensive and oppressive government and its growing police-state. It caused the Great Socialist Depression (from the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act 1930 etc) that persisted and even lasted through U.S. involvement in WWII. The Pledge still exists along with laws mandating that teachers lead the robotic pledge chanting every day for twelve years of each child’s life (though the salute was altered). The government still owns and operates schools, including the same schools that imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy.  The U.S. practice of imposing segregation by law in government schools and teaching racism as official policy even outlasted the National Socialist German Workers' Party by over 15 years. After segregation in government's schools ended, the Bellamy legacy caused more police-state racism of forced busing that destroyed communities and neighborhoods and deepened hostilities. Those schools still exist.  Infants are given social security numbers (socialist slave numbers) that track and tax them for life.  Government schools demand the numbers for enrollment.


In the 1930's, religious children considered the salute to the national flag to be the worship of government and they were persecuted for refusing to give the straight-arm salute to the national flag.  That was the national flag of the USA and of Germany. Today, most people in the USA were educated in socialist schools (government schools) so they are ignorant of the fact that it was happening in the USA (to the stars and stripes) and in Germany (to the swastika flag) at the same time. There were many reasons to consider the pledge the worship of socialism, including the fact that for German National Socialists the symbol was a type of cross. http://rexcurry.net/jehovahs-witnesses-fight-socialism-in-USA.html

Jewish Folks and Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Blacks and people of all kinds were required by law to perform the straight-arm salute in government schools in robotic chanting every morning at the ring of a government bell (just as it is done today but with a different gesture).  The USA was doing the straight arm salute to the national flag for three decades before German National Socialists started doing the same thing.

It is sad to note that during the same time period in the USA, Jewish folks who were fleeing the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSGWP) were turned away from the USA, and knowingly sent to suffering and death.  That happened because of socialists who support restrictions on immigration and on every American’s right to hire, to do business, and to freely associate. It was similar to today.  Socialists in the USA still support restrictions on immigration and they reject the right of every American in living with, marrying, renting to, selling to, buying from, hiring (as housekeeper, lawn man, doctor, nanny, teacher etc) any person with whom that American wishes to associate. Little has changed.

It is frightening how far the USA joined in the depravity. The major Supreme Court cases in the USA (1940 & 1943) about the Pledge involved Jehovah’s Witnesses who were being forced to robotically chant the pledge to the national flag with the straight-arm salute.  At first they were unsuccessful in the USA and they were persecuted by socialists, expelled from the socialist schools, and had to use the many better alternatives, including home-schooling and their own church schools, but they (and their schools) were often persecuted by socialists there also.

There is support for Dr. Curry's work from other authors who believe the Holocaust under the National Socialist German Workers Party was an Inquisition (including religious persecution) undertaken by the leader of German National Socialism under his religious beliefs.

There are many shocking links to the Freemasons, the United States of America, and the robotic chanting of the Pledge of Allegiance in the USA (origin of the straight-arm salute of the NSGWP).

The straight-arm salute originated in America from the socialist Francis Bellamy.  Francis Bellamy (author of the Pledge of Allegiance) and Edward Bellamy (author of the book Looking Backward) called their dogma: Military Socialism and Christian Socialism.  They idolized Roman history, the military and they wanted all of society to ape the military in what they called: the Industrial Army.

Oddly enough, Francis Bellamy was from Rome (the city in New York, not in Italy).

Francis Bellamy began the original Pledge of Allegiance with a military salute. In the early pledge, the military salute was then extended out toward the flag.  In actual use, the second part of the gesture was performed with a straight arm and palm down by children extending the military salute while perfunctorily performing the forced ritual chanting.  Professor Curry showed that, due to the way that both gestures were used sequentially in the pledge, the military salute led to the salute of the National Socialist German Workers Party.  The NSGWP salute is an extended military salute via the pledge.

The Bellamys wanted the government to take over all schools and to use the schools to turn students into the industrial army of military socialism.  They wanted the government flag in all schools. They wanted all students to collectively assemble in military formation and chant his pledge to the flag in order to glorify and worship socialism.

The Bellamys were bigots and racists and they obsessed about immigrants coming into the USA.  They wanted to impose a heavy-handed method of brain-washing immigrants and all Americans into accepting their socialist dogma.  Because of the Bellamys, the USA has a long history of turning immigrants away from being good Americans and independent capitalists, and in turning immigrants into socialists who are dependent on government.

The Bellamys promoted a government takeover of schools.  When the government granted their wish, the government schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy.  The schools mandated the robotic chanting of the pledge with the straight-arm salute and the government persecuted and expelled children who would not comply, arrested parents, and even took children from parents on allegations of "unfit parenting."


Many fascinating books have been written about Rome.  Many authors analyze in various ways the influence of Rome upon different cultures and governments worldwide.

All of the authors failed to make the biggest news-breaking discovery about the Roman salute, the term often used to describe the straight-arm salute of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSGWP).  The noted historian Dr. Rex Curry showed that the salute of the NSGWP actually originated in the USA’s Pledge of Allegiance.  Dr. Curry helped to establish that the "ancient Roman salute" is a myth.  The myth is still repeated in modern efforts to cover-up Dr. Curry's discoveries about the pledge’s poisonous pedigree.

Many books mention the work of the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann. In 1873, he excavated what he believed to be Troy. Troy is a legendary city, described in the Iliad, one of the two epic poems attributed to Homer and it influenced Rome.

Schleimann found examples of the swastika symbol during his exploration of Troy, and his discovery later influenced the use of the symbol in the NSGWP.  Over a century after Schleimann’s work, there was another discovery by Professor Curry, a  noted cryptographer / symbologist: Although the swastika was an ancient symbol, it was also used sometimes by the National Socialist German Workers’ Party to represent meshed "S" letters for their "socialism."  Dr. Curry changed the way that people view the symbol.

The symbol was used in a war worse than a thousand Trojan Wars.  In 1939, the National Socialist German Workers' Party joined with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to invade Poland in a pact to divide up Europe.  Within a decade, the socialist philosophy led to the worst slaughter of humanity ever.  How many people died in the Trojan War?  A handful compared to the number killed in the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (62 million dead), the Peoples' Republic of China (35 million dead), the National Socialist German Workers' Party (35 million dead).

There are many reasons that other authors failed to make Professor Curry’s discoveries.  Their research needs more objective information. When analyzing Rome’s influence upon modern politics and government, every author is stuck in silly left-right political analysis, as taught in government schools. They are unaware of the libertarian Nolan chart or Diamond chart of political classification.

That lack of objectiveness causes authors (and the media) to overuse the hackneyed shorthand term for the horrid National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSWGP).  Some authors overuse the short word so much that it might cause one to wonder if they know what the abbreviation abbreviates.  They seem unaware that Party members did not refer to themselves by the shorthand, they referred to themselves as socialists. It is one of the biggest cover-ups of all time.

A good mnemonic device is the NSGWP's symbol. The symbol was used sometimes by the German National Socialists to represent overlapping S-shaped figures for its "socialism."

Another bias of most authors is that they use the misleading term swastika when discussing the symbol found by Schleimann and used by German socialists. The National Socialist German Workers' Party called their symbol the Hakenkreuz, not the swastika.

When authors overuse the swastika term it prevents them from making discoveries. It perpetuates the swastika myth that the NSGWP chose its symbol from India only to mean good luck as it is commonly translated from Sanskrit.

With a 45 degree turn of his Hakenkreuz, the leader of German National Socialists gave the symbol a new meaning. He altered his own signature to use the same symbolism and similar alphabetic symbolism still shows on Volkswagens.  He put it on his national flag and turned it into the worship of government and socialism.

Many books attribute large Roman influence upon Germany and the United States. One parallel between the three is that they both developed large authoritarian governments.

One parallel between Germany and Rome is that they both persecuted people who did not adopt the official religion or point of view. Jewish people were persecuted in Rome and Germany.  Germany also persecuted Jehovah’s Witnesses and others.

In the 1930's, Jehovah’s witnesses considered the salute to the national flag to be the worship of government and they were persecuted for refusing to give the straight-arm salute to the national flag.  That was the national flag of the USA and of Germany.  It is odd how authors of books on the swastika and on the NSGWP overlook that startling fact. Today, most people in the USA were educated in socialist schools (government schools) so they are ignorant of the fact that it was happening in the USA (to the stars and stripes) and in Germany (to the swastika flag) at the same time.

The authors also failed to make the discovery made by the historian Dr. Rex Curry: the straight-arm salute to the national flag originated in the USA's Pledge of Allegiance.  Jewish Folks and Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Blacks and people of all kinds were required by law to perform the straight-arm salute in government schools in robotic chanting every morning at the ring of a government bell (just as it is done today but with a different gesture).  The USA was doing the straight arm salute to the national flag for three decades before German National Socialists started doing the same thing.

It is sad to note that during the same time period in the USA, Jewish folks who were fleeing the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSGWP) were turned away from the USA, and knowingly sent to suffering and death.  That happened because of socialists who support restrictions on immigration and on every American’s right to hire, to do business, and to freely associate. It was similar to today.  Socialists in the USA still support restrictions on immigration and they reject the right of every American in living with, having sex with, marrying, renting to, selling to, buying from, hiring (as housekeeper, lawn man, doctor, nanny, teacher etc) any person with whom that American wishes to associate. Such people support wholesale violence and they enjoy seeing people suffer and die.  Nothing has changed.

Some of the court cases began in the USA in the early 1930's (and it took all the way to 1940 to obtain the first major decision from the US Supreme Court).

It is frightening how far the USA joined in the depravity. The major Supreme Court cases in the USA (1940 & 1943) about the Pledge involved Jehovah’s Witnesses who were being forced to robotically chant the pledge to the national flag with the straight-arm salute.  At first they were unsuccessful in the USA and they were persecuted by socialists, expelled from the socialist schools, and had to use the many better alternatives, including home-schooling and their own church schools, but they (and their schools) were often persecuted by socialists there also.

Jehovah's witnesses had good reason to consider the activity the worship of socialism. Most people do not know that a cross was worshiped as the notorious symbol of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. The group called their symbol the Hakenkreuz, not the swastika. Hakenkreuz means "hooked cross."  It is one of the biggest cover-ups of all time.

With a 45 degree turn of his Hakenkreuz, the leader of German National Socialists combined the cross with collectivism, merged church and state, meshed religion and socialism, and mandated the worship of government. It is only one of many forms of occult socialism.

There is support for Dr. Curry's work in books by authors like Jack Chick and Alberto Rivera who believe the Holocaust under the National Socialist German Workers Party was an Inquisition (including religious persecution) undertaken by the leader of German National Socialism under his religious beliefs.

There are many shocking links to the Freemasons, the United States of America, and the robotic chanting of the Pledge of Allegiance in the USA (origin of the straight-arm salute of the NSGWP).

The straight-arm salute originated in America from the socialist Francis Bellamy.  Francis Bellamy (author of the Pledge of Allegiance) and Edward Bellamy (author of the book Looking Backward) called their dogma: Military Socialism and Christian Socialism.  They idolized Roman history, the military and they wanted all of society to ape the military in what they called: the Industrial Army.

Oddly enough, Francis Bellamy was from Rome (the city in New York, not in Italy).

Francis Bellamy began the original Pledge of Allegiance with a military salute. In the early pledge, the military salute was then extended out toward the flag.  In actual use, the second part of the gesture was performed with a straight arm and palm down by children extending the military salute while perfunctorily performing the forced ritual chanting.  Professor Curry showed that, due to the way that both gestures were used sequentially in the pledge, the military salute led to the salute of the National Socialist German Workers Party.  The NSGWP salute is an extended military salute via the pledge.

The Bellamys wanted the government to take over all schools and to use the schools to turn students into the industrial army of military socialism.  They wanted the government flag in all schools. They wanted all students to collectively assemble in military formation and chant his pledge to the flag in order to glorify and worship socialism.

The Bellamys were bigots and racists and they obsessed about immigrants coming into the USA.  They wanted to impose a heavy-handed method of brain-washing immigrants and all Americans into accepting their socialist dogma.  Because of the Bellamys, the USA has a long history of turning immigrants away from being good Americans and independent capitalists, and in turning immigrants into socialists who are dependent on government.

The Bellamys promoted a government takeover of schools.  When the government granted their wish, the government schools imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy.  The schools mandated the robotic chanting of the pledge with the straight-arm salute and the government persecuted and expelled children who would not comply, arrested parents, and even took children from parents on allegations of "unfit parenting."

It helps to show how close the USA came (and is still coming) to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (65 million dead); the Peoples' Republic of China (49 million dead); the National Socialist German Workers' Party (21 million dead).

Many Americans are sad examples of how authoritarian governments come into existence, grow so large, last so long, and kill so many.

Authors of books about Rome and other current bestsellers make their stories relevant to current events. Such stories are relevant to the fact that the present government in the USA is anti libertarian and is out-socializing the previous administration by more than double and growing (in social spending ALONE). The demonic dogma of socialism and human sacrifice is still growing all over the world.

The USA still follows similar anti libertarian policies promoted by the Bellamys. Many socialist Bellamy policies caused the USA’s big, expensive and oppressive government and its growing police-state. The Pledge still exists along with laws mandating that teachers lead the robotic pledge chanting every day for twelve years of each child’s life (though the salute was altered). The government still owns and operates schools, including the same schools that imposed segregation by law and taught racism as official government policy.  The U.S. practice of imposing segregation by law in government schools and teaching racism as official policy even outlasted the National Socialist German Workers' Party by over 15 years. After segregation in government's schools ended, the Bellamy legacy caused more police-state racism of forced busing that destroyed communities and neighborhoods and deepened hostilities. Those schools still exist.  Infants are given social security numbers that track and tax them for life.  Government schools demand the numbers for enrollment.


Roman salute debunked http://rexcurry.net/roman-salute-martin-winkler.html
Martin Winkler criticized http://rexcurry.net/pledge-professor-martin-winkler.html
Oath of the Horatii http://rexcurry.net/pledgehoratii.html
Pledge of Allegiance in frightening images and articles at http://rexcurry.net/book1a1contents-pledge.html
Hear audio on worldwide radio at http://rexcurry.net/audio-rex-curry-podcast-radio.html
Pledge Nazis exposed in pics of the true Pledge of Allegiance gesture
Volkswagen emblems + tattoos: Are they the new swastika symbol?
Socialism is Fascism, Fascism = Socialism http://rexcurry.net/fascism=socialism.html
Swastikas Swastika Nazi Hakenkreuz Swastikas that symbolize overlapping S-letters for Socialism
Fan Mail http://rexcurry.net/pledge_heart.html

Shocking PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PHOTOGRAPHS page 1 http://rexcurry.net/pledge2.html
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 2 http://rexcurry.net/pledge-of-allegiance-images.html
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 3 http://rexcurry.net/pledging-allegiance-photographs.html
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 4 http://rexcurry.net/saying-the-pledge-of-allegiance-pictures.html
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 5 http://rexcurry.net/pledge_military.html
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 6 http://rexcurry.net/ussr-socialist-swastika-cccp-sssr.html
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 7 http://rexcurry.net/bellamy-edward-emiliano-zapata-mexico-socialism.html
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 8 http://rexcurry.net/swastika-brazilian-integralist-action-aib-greek-sigma.html
Pledge of Allegiance pics page 9 http://rexcurry.net/pledgesalute.html


ROMAN SALUTE MYTH http://rexcurry.net/pledge-allegiance-pledge-allegiance.jpg ROMAN SALUTE MYTH IN FILM AND HISTORY
ROMAN SALUTE MYTH http://rexcurry.net/pledge-allegiance-pledge-allegiance.jpg ROMAN SALUTE MYTH IN FILM AND HISTORY

Read about swastika symbolism from Troy, Homer and the Iliad, the vulgus proganum, Professor Max Muller, & Dr. Heinrich Schliemann
Max Muller & the "vulgus profanum" http://rexcurry.net/swastika-hakenkreuz.html
The Anthropologist Heinrich Schliemann helped to popularize the swastika. http://rexcurry.net/swastika-braiding.html
Dr. Schliemann found many specimens of Swastika in his excavations at the site of ancient Troy on the hill of Hissarlik. They were mostly on spindle whorls.
Pledge Allegiance to the Truth in Greco-Roman Archaeology and Roman salute myths, Heinrich Schliemann & Troy.
Before the time of German National Socialism, there had been a resurgence in recognition of the symbol from the archaeological work of Heinrich Schliemann.
ANCIENT ROMAN EMPIRE FORUMS Many books about philology mention the work of the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann. In 1873, he excavated what he believed to be Troy. http://rexcurry.net/roman-salute-ancient-roman-empire-forums-saluto-romano.html

Swastika http://rexcurry.net/swastika3swastika.jpg Swastikas from Troy, Homer & the Iliad, the vulgus profanum, Max Muller, & Heinrich Schliemann
Heinrich Schliemann, Max Muller, Troy, Homer and the Iliad, vulgus profanum, swastika & Sawastika
Sawastika & Swastika http://rexcurry.net/swastika3swastika.jpg Swastikas from Troy, Homer & the Iliad, the vulgus profanum, Max Muller, & Heinrich Schliemann
