Pledge of Allegiance to the flag The USA's Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).

The swastika was used by the military and by socialists in the USA and in the USSR, before it was used by the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP).
The swastika, although an ancient symbol, was also used to represent "S" letters joined for "socialism" under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis), similar to the alphabetical symbolism for the SS Division, the SA, the NSV, and the VW logo (the letters "V" and "W" joined for "Volkswagen").
Francis Bellamy & Edward Bellamy touted National Socialism and the police state in the USA decades before their dogma was exported to Germany. They influenced the NSDAP, its dogma, symbols and rituals. and

The USA's undefeated "Media-Debate" champion is the libertarian journalist Dr. Rex Curry, head of the Pointer Institute for Media Studies. Professor Curry has a long-standing challenge to debate anyone in the media on any "news issue" involving free-market economics and individual liberty.  The challenge is publicly repeated to TV, radio and print journalists, columnists etc., whenever they repeat cliches that show ignorance of free-market economics and individual liberty.  The debates prove that freedom of the press (the First Amendment) is incompatible with government schools and why the latter are unconstitutional and must end.  

"It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion." -- Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister for the National Socialist German Workers Party.

People in the old media (print, TV, radio) are ranked as low or lower than politicians because they say the same things: The media repeat the absurdities of politicians.  That was and is true in Germany and that was and is true in the United States.

As the libertarian joke says: the purpose of government is to provide service, and the media's purpose is to provide vaseline.  

Contact Dr. Curry for help with any media debate.

A DEBATE DARE - News columnist DAN RUTH is defeated in one of the 1st media-debate victories re: "price gouging."
MORE ON RUTH - is Ruth a socialistic sports nerd who supports taxes for a government-owned stadium?
Elaine Silvestrini, Tampa Tribune concedes that Dr. Rex Curry's work is correct !
ST. PETE TIMES - Rex defeats & exposes the St. Petersburg Times, and tries to help columnist Robyn E. Blumner.
ANOTHER LIBERTARIAN VICTORY - over socialistic sports nerd and newspaper columnist TOM McEWEN.
BUSINESS COLUMNISTS - most are "anti-business columnists" and this one loses in several exchanges about liberty.
ORLANDO SENTINEL NEWSPAPER- is easily beat for ecological socialism & hatred of free market environmentalism.
RADIO'S CAPTAIN MEL BERMAN - like all fishing commentators he's blind to socialism ruining waterways & fishing.
THE POYNTER INSTITUTE - An open letter with a standing debate challenge from the POINTER INSTITUTE.  
EDUCATING DILBERT - an open letter to Scott Adams. Will Dilbert become libertarian/objectivist?
DISNEY CHARACTERS ARE CHALLENGED TO DEBATE - they share the media's cartoonish views of nature. 
ELECTION DEBATES - media always lose the libertarian challenge for debates that have non-socialist candidates.
KIND WORDS FOR TAMPA TRIBUNE - they print Sowell, Williams, Cato, Reason, etc.  

TOP SUPPRESSED STORIES - synopsizing the list below & more about what the media won't tell you.
The media and government schools are the same Libertarian Speakers Bureau
The media cover up to preserve the trio of myths about the Roman salute, swastikas, and Nazis.
COVER-UP - the media never say that "Nazi" = National Socialist German Worker's Party.
Even on D-day the media will not identify the actual name of the German National Socialist movement.
SOCIALISTS STARTED WWII - the National Socialists & the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as allies.
THE SOCIALIST WHOLECAUST - the media are deniers of it. both deliberately and ignorantly.
THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - media won't show historic photos of the original socialist salute, and the media recite the myths
     that they were taught in government schools, just as they recite the Pledge itself.
THE SOCIALIST SWASTIKA - the media won't discuss it's use as a symbol for sick socialism.

WRITING CONTEST: expose media cover-ups for the horrid National Socialist German Workers' Party.
COMPARE U.S.S.R. & NAZIS - and compare the media bias favoring the bigger killer over 3rd place.

MEDIA WON'T EXPOSE THE GREENS -as totalitarian socialists, nor the Earth Charter Community Summit.
MEDIA BIAS IN WATER - an example of soggy socialism in media comments re: water.
MEDIA BIAS IN SUNKEN SOCIALISM - your choice: stone crabs or blue crabs.  It's the same disaster either way.
MORE MEDIA BIAS - re: watering restrictions, fishing restrictions, and price gouging during disasters.
"PRICE GOUGING" - more media lies favoring war and against "price gouging" and for government control.
MEDIA SCHIZOPHRENIA - about ticket scalping.  Note the media's similar illogic to "price gouging."
NPR MEDIA BIAS AGAINST SELF-DEFENSE - national public radio -the statist name explains all.
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
HISTORICAL REVISIONISM - Government schools & the media cover-up socialist horrors in the U.S.
MEDIA WON'T IDENTIFY THE NAZIS - as the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  Here's why.
Even on D-day the media will not identify the actual name of the German National Socialist movement.
MIKE WALLACE FORGOT - is he an ignoramus, or did he deliberately decide not to inform the public?
HISTORY CHANNEL DOES IT - crude, common cover ups for socialist atrocities.
GERMAN-AMERICAN BUND - the History Channel documentary does it again and leaves a lot out.
ARDY SOCIALISTS FILL THE MEDIA - & they support other ardy socialists to expand government.
ELECTION LIES - every election is a boring repeat: the same media lies in support of R-D socialists (ardy socialists).
SOCIAL SECURITY - the only problem the media reports is "government needs to do something!"
AYN RAND'S ANTHEM - the media use collectivist terms "we, us, society" over "me, myself & I."
GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS DESTROY A FREE PRESS - but the media don't seem to notice or mind.
LIES & THE LYING LIARS WHO REPEAT THEM - Al Franken's book actually condemns most media?
JOURNALISM IS A JOKE - & so is this collection of humor about media laziness.

ANNUAL LETTERS - use this collection of letters to spam your media each month to help educate them about liberty.

When first provided the entire "Pledge of Allegiance Program" on the web at a web search at that time showed that it was the only source on the internet for Bellamy’s scary speech/program. That fact exposes the intellectual dishonesty of the media at that time, in that the media reported the issue of the phrase "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance as a hot topic due to court litigation, yet the media never reported about the original Pledge program, never researched it, and never provided the program to the public to allow them to view it themselves. That fact exposes the intellectual dishonesty of the media to this day, in that the media continue to report the issue of the phrase "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, yet the media will not report the original Pledge program, will not research it, and never provide the program to the public in articles about "under God" in the pledge.

The public has not learned about the pledge from newspapers, nor TV. The public has learned from People will continue to learn about the pledge from and not from newspapers, nor TV.

The only thing the public will learn about the pledge from newspapers and TV is the shallowest propaganda.

This was originally written regarding the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the National Socialist German Workers Party: "The reason for these facts is the socialist rulers' terror of the people. To protect themselves, they must order the propaganda ministry and the secret police to work 'round the clock. The one, to constantly divert the people's attention from the responsibility of socialism, and of the rulers of socialism, for the people's misery. The other, to spirit away and silence anyone who might even remotely suggest the responsibility of socialism or its rulers — to spirit away anyone who begins to show signs of thinking for himself. It is because of the rulers' terror, and their desperate need to find scapegoats for the failures of socialism, that the press of a socialist country is always full of stories about foreign plots and sabotage, and about corruption and mismanagement on the part of subordinate officials, and why, periodically, it is necessary to unmask large-scale domestic plots and to sacrifice major officials and entire factions in giant purges."

Freedom of the press (the First Amendment) is incompatible with government schools and that is one of the many reasons why the latter are unconstitutional and must end.

The so-called liberals of today have the very popular idea that freedom of speech, of thought, of the press, freedom of religion, freedom from imprisonment without trial — that all these freedoms can be preserved in the absence of what is called economic freedom. They do not realize that, in a system where there is no market, where the government directs everything, all those other freedoms are illusory, even if they are made into laws and written in constitutions.
           ~ Ludwig von Mises, Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow [1979]

When reporting Holodomor observances, many modern "news" outlets (even in the U.S. and from the Associated Press) cover-up for the deadly socialist dogma, and fail to ever name the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and instead substitute terms such as "Soviet authorities" and the "dictator Stalin" (The New York Times is notorious for that practice.  In articles about the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the New York Times will never use the actual name "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" nor the word "socialism," and will instead substitute the word "communism." It is a grim reminder of the horrific work of the New York Times liar Walter Duranty).

The Ukrainian famine is referred to as "the Holodomor" (Ukrainian: Голодомор). It is part of the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million dead under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 milliion under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  It gives another meaning to the blood-red flags of socialism. The Holodomor is considered genocide and one of the greatest national catastrophes to affect the Ukrainian nation in history, and is sometimes called an unprecedented "peacetime catastrophe."


If your newpaper, TV and radio media do not editorialize constantly about the need to cut government, taxes, programs and laws, then they don't "get it."  They do not understand the issue.  The issue is the enormous size of the government.

That is why modern new reporters are now known as "news repeaters." The term "repeaters" and "reporters" is synonymous, although "repeaters" explains the function of radio, TV and print news people: they are stenographers for claptrap that is spouted by government and government officials. They repeat it as if it is serious, rational and important. Some people spend their entire lives as news repeaters. That is what happens to "news" media in a police state.
The media behave the same as they did during the time of the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): ~60 million dead under the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; ~50 milliion under the Peoples' Republic of China; ~20 million under the National Socialist German Workers' Party.  They behave as lapdogs of the state.

Most media editorialize constantly in favor of new government, taxes, programs and laws.   It is fortunate that the internet exists or no proper media would be available.

The big story in every election, and the story that the media ignore, is that the old parties all support new government, taxes, programs and laws; that no old party candidate campaigns constantly to cut government, taxes, programs and laws.  The candidates and the media don't "get it."  They do not understand the issues.  The big story in every election, and the story the media ignore, is the enormous size of the government.  

The media lie in pretending that there are only two politicians running (the old party candidates). The media pretend that stale claptrap from the old party candidates (the same claptrap from all preceding campaigns) is the only relevant comment available and that it is important "news." 

After the election, the 'Commander-in-Chief' makes funny jokes to all the stenographers known as 'The Washington Press Corps' who dutifully transcribe.

Another big story in every election, and the story that the media ignore, is that the vast majority of people didn't participate.  The persons "elected" weren't elected -not by a majority of registered voters, nor by those who were could have registered and did not.  The big story in every election, and the story the media ignore, is whether the government is legitimate.  That is why the story is ignored by the media.

Every time a politician dies the news media declare him a "statesman" and rhapsodize about his "accomplishments" which were more laws, more spending and the constant growth of government while in office.  All intelligent people roll their eyes and laugh out loud at the "news," and experience a sense of relief at the obituary, tempered only by the thought "His replacement will be even worse."  

While the media rhapsodize the political careers of lifelong socialists, they ignore and ridicule people who stand for liberty, and for reversing everything done by the media's career politicians.

Every time a newly appointed Drug Enforcement Chief announces that he will "target drug organizations, dry up their money supply, and dismantle them entirely," the media repeat the "news" with complete seriousness, while all intelligent people roll their eyes and laugh out loud at the "news."

In January 2002, a shooting left three dead at the Appalachian Law School in Virginia. The event made international headlines and the media recited more calls for gun control.  A critical fact was missing from almost all the coverage: The attack was stopped by two students who had guns in their cars.

News media report on government schools and funding problems and other issues and never compare private schools. For example, the news media write articles about school lunches and funding problems or other "lunch" issues, and never once compare private schools.  Many private schools do not provide lunch, and parents and children must bring their own lunch. Private schools promote responsibility and thought.  Government schools discourage personal responsibility.  Even lunch is provided by the government, enticing parents to evade responsibility in the most basic ways. That is why the media won't make obvious comparisons.  It helps news repeaters hide the truth about socialist schools.

A running "blog" about "All the junk that's fit to debunk."

The new gonzo journalist picks up the torch and runs! The media are decadent and depraved.  Fear and loathing in the USA creates a savage journey to the heart of the American dream.’s mythbusting has become a cult classic at It archives the work of print and web personality Dr. Rex Curry (author of "Pledge of Allegiance Secrets"). It's been called outlaw journalism, new journalism and other words that can't be repeated here. sees the web as the ultimate communications instrument, as one can send information anywhere in seconds.

Libertarian Journalist Dr. Rex Curry, Pointer Institute for Media Studies

Dog Bites Man.                  

TO: Editor, Washington Times 23 January 2009

Dear Editor:

Re your headline "Top bailout recipients also major lobbyists" (Jan. 23): While I appreciate the appropriateness of this headline, it's discouraging to realize that such a fact is newsworthy.

If people [and newspapers] were as credulous about non-politicians as they are about politicians, we'd routinely read headlines such as "Thief Steals Money to Benefit Himself!" or "Teenage Boys Buy 'Playboy' for the Pictures, Not the Articles" or "Italian Supermodel Marries 98-year-old Billionaire Only for His Money!"

Donald J. Boudreaux, Chairman, Department of Economics
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030

ANOTHER LIBERTARIAN VICTORY - over socialistic sports nerd and newspaper columnist TOM McEWEN.

Pointer Institute for Media Studies fights Nazism, Fascism, Socialism, Communism & Tom McEwen. It supports Libertarianism.

St. Pete Times, media bias, News of the World, Tom McEwen, Industrial Army, Military Socialism
NEWS MEDIA COVER-UP NEWS BIAS against libertarian journalism & libertarian journalists.

Lies are a government's most essential resource. Government relies on the media to repeat its lies to everyone.

Pointer Institute for Media Studies of News Media Bias & coverup Edward Bellamy Swastika, Industrial Army

Rex Curry blog spot

Pledge of Allegiance blog spot

Pledge Allegiance blog spot

Libertarian Journalist, Pointer Institute for Media Studies & Libertarian Dr. Rex Curry, Libertarian Party Leader & Libertarian Lawyer on FREE MARKET ENVIRONMENTALISM, ECO CAPITALISM, LIBERTARIAN ENVIRONMENTALISM, ECOLOGISM
Pledge of Allegiance in frightening images & articles at
For fascinating information about symbolism see 
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